End Of Heavens

Chapter 962

End Of Heavens Chapter 962


Chapter 959 Tony: father, it's me

In the spacious underground square, Tony is frantically outputting at Howard, who runs out of ammo , the lack of effective means of counterattack, can only passively bear.

like this is a bit dirty to describe, but it's the truth.

Tony's full power output is about a minute, preventing Howard from getting close, and he can't continue to use energy weapons because of too much consumption.

Mark50nm Battle Armor is forced into melee mode!

The good news is that after Tony's indiscriminate bombing, the battle clothes on Howard's body was also depleted due to energy consumption, and the defensive cover was withdrawn from the battle sequence, and the only means of defense was the turtle shell.

"Sir, Mr. Howard has stopped invading me, and I can continue to assist you in the fight." Jarvis spoke up, telling Tony the second good news.


"Maybe Mr. Howard can't bear to do it to you!"

"Don't be silly, Jarvis, I'd rather believe it's his System Something went wrong."

Tony rolled his eyes: "That's really good news, but stop calling each other 'Mr. Howard' and change the note name to 'Bastard'."

"Sir, the bastard is indeed yours..."

"Jarvis, do you know the difference between machines and humans?"

Tony said to himself: "The machine believes in data, so you're being fooled by him, and humans have more logical ways of thinking, so he can't fool me."

"But sir, what if the bastard was really your father?"


"That's bad news, he just didn't have any face..."

Tony looked towards the opposite, the nano parts of Howard's arm armor combined into a sharp blade, behind the cold steel, There was a burning anger.

"Jarvis, analyze his combat pattern and activate the response System."


Tony took a deep breath, his hands Transformed into a blade, moved towards Howard strode, he doesn't like dealing with System because it means getting beat up.

If you want to beat people, you must first learn to be beaten, whether it is a human or a machine, this principle is universal.

"Tony, let me guess, you must have activated the Response System and wanted to analyze my attack pattern."

Howard said solemnly: "Unfortunately, I also activated In order to deal with your system, it's up to you to see who's skill is higher."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

Tony accelerated and sprinted, When approaching Howard, he crossed his arms and slammed his chest, and two sharp-edged scissors generally wanted to cut him in half.

Howard took a step back, holding the sharp blade in his hand against the center of the scissors, calmly blocking the assault.

"Tony, you're still too young."

Howard snorted, his spare hand transformed into a giant hammer, and he slapped Tony's face hard, knocking him into the air. , fell heavily to the ground.

That's it, it's supposed to be this script, I must have been dreaming just now!

Howard was stunned, and quickly rushed to Tony, before he got up, the hammer fell again.


Tony's eyes were spinning, and the ploughing field slid more than ten meters before it stopped. He shook his dizzy head: "Jarvis, is the scan over?"

" Sir, it's just the beginning."

"It's better to hurry up..."

The whistling sound hit, Tony's back thruster opened, avoiding the heavy hammer, Then the thrusters under the feet accelerated, the person flipped in mid-air, and the sharp knives of both hands fiercely slashed on Howard's shoulders.


In the crisp sound, Tony's sharp blades shattered in both hands, and the battle clothes on Howard didn't even leave a mark.


Tony was a little dumbfounded. He actually liked this dish without cheating. It's okay to be backward in technology. Even the material science was crushed. , was slapped by the giant hammer and flew out again.

"Tony, your techniques are all old stuff from more than ten years ago, and they are all written by me. You can't beat me with them."

Howard raised his hand and pressed it. Hold Tony's head, violently destroy his visor with a bang, and then slam the ark reactor on his chest with a fist.

Tony crossed his hands and was hit by a heavy punch.


"Sir, the attack is very common and cannot create a valid database."

"Okay, I'll take two more..."

Tony got up angrily, fired a cannon from the palm of his hand, and accelerated his body to reach Howard. At the moment when the giant hammer fell, he used his right thruster to dodge, and went around behind Howard. It fell to the ground.

Tony turned over and rode on Howard, punching in a row, hitting Howard in the face again and again.


Howard is fine, but his battle clothes are worn out due to violent collisions, and the nano parts are constantly being consumed and repaired.

"Tony, push harder so that it won't hurt me."

Howard put his head in his hands, banged Erlang's legs and lay on the ground, enjoying Tony's 'massage', arrogant. It looks like it reserves a beating.

"Of course!"

Tony coldly snorted, his fist changed sharply, and stabbed the ark reactor in Howard's chest.

The sharp blade easily penetrates the nanomaterials on the surface, destroying the Ark Reactor and scrapping it with one blow.

"Haha, you're done!"

Tony's face lit up with joy, then his eyes darkened, and Howard picked him up by his neck.

Under his astonished gaze, Howard took out the damaged Ark reactor and threw it aside.

"How could it be?"

"Tony, let father teach you a good lesson, there are countless energy sources in the universe, and the Ark reactor is by no means the only one, remember what I gave you A diary?"

Not waiting for Tony to reply, Howard continued: "I mentioned magic in my diary, which is a use of energy, which can be used as energy."

"There are also Infinity Gems, each of which has endless energy, such as the battle clothes on me, the Ark Reactor is a decoration and a backup energy source, and the main energy is extracted from the Space Stone."

"You Nine Headed Snakes actually know about the diary that father left me?"

Tony is incredulous: "Since you know, why don't you destroy it, isn't it... that courier is also You sent it to me."

"Of course, you were about to die at the time, and I didn't tell you how the new elements were synthesized, wouldn't I want to see one's child die before oneself?"

With that said, Howard crushed Tony's visor again.


Tony remained silent, the nano-parts reassembled into a visor, and he seemed to know that he still didn't believe a single letter of Howard's words.

Howard didn't explain much. If Tony believed, where would his kind fatherly love be put on hold?


It was another sound of violent damage. Howard played the game of crushing the visor with Tony tirelessly.


“Sir, this simply can’t be considered an attack.”


Tony was helpless. , he also knows that this is not an attack, because of technology, the Mark50's entire attribute is a lot behind the opponent.

The battle is one-sided, he struggles with all his strength, and enjoys all kinds of enjoyment on the other side, just like a father beating his son, he can fight whatever he wants.

The remaining number of nano-parts is not enough to protect life, so Tony simply gave it up, took a deep breath, put on an impassioned tone, and said with great emotion: "father, I'm Tony!"

Howard: "..."

According to his EXP of picking up girls for many years, this sentence seems to be no problem, but in fact it is all problems.


"Wait a minute!"

Howard raised his hand to stop: "Although I would love to continue listening, you said Don't you feel disgusted when you say this?"

"It's a bit!"


"It's a bit unfamiliar, after all, for many years I haven't shouted."

Tony changed his words decisively and said emotionally: "father, I have figured it out. You are not dead at all, the video is fake, and the good intentions are to make me independent and self-improvement. Although you have not been by my side all these years, you have been watching me silently and protecting me, and that express is the proof!"

Howard: "..."

The truth is It's the truth, but the speaker thinks it's a lie, so that he doesn't know whether to listen to it or not.

Tony said solemnly: "father, I have decided, I want to join the Nine Headed Snake, like you, become a glorious and great Nine Headed Snake warrior."

"Uh, are you sure?"

"Of course, Hail Hydra!"


Howard was silent, his son shameless behavior, let He was deeply ashamed, and felt all kinds of unbearable to look at even knowing that this was a slowdown.

Tony was also silent, in order to survive... no, in order to break into the enemy's interior, he sacrificed too much.

At this time, Howard slowed down, opened his visor, and glanced up and down on Tony, seeing the latter smirk again and again, then opened the mouth and said: "Let me guess, you want to procrastinate. Time, wait for the Captain to come and save you?"

"No, I am a firm Nine Headed Snake warrior, and I am at odds with the Captain."


Howard: Tony, you're still too young, and they'll come to your rescue if you're a true Nine Headed Snake warrior.

"father, can you put me down?"


Howard let go of Tony and raised his hand to straighten his clothes The leader said, "If I'm not mistaken, Captain and the others never show up, you'll find a way to get me to take off my battle clothes, and then take the opportunity to sneak attack me, right?"

"How is it possible, we are our own father and son!"




"Good son, you are right, we are our own father and son."

Howard patted Tony on the shoulder: "I want to take off this battle clothes, it's not that troublesome. , just say it."

"Father, you think too much, I really don't mean that!"

"But I insist on taking it off, what do you say?"

"I will never stop me!"


In Tony's surprised gaze, to be precise, in the eyes of a silly beep, Howard Take off the battle clothes, tuck it into a suitcase, put it on the ground and kick it away.

"Father, what are you doing?"

"Give you a chance to sneak attack me!"

Howard unbuttoned the cuffs and stroked Reaching his elbow, he shook his head and started warm-up activities: "Tony, don't let an opportunity slip by, you have to cherish it."

"Father, how could I attack you? I can't do it. !"

Tony took off his shirt, revealing his white vest, warming up and stretching the muscles in his legs and back.

(end of this chapter)

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