End Of Heavens

Chapter 967

End Of Heavens Chapter 967


Chapter 964 A qualified Sorcerer Supreme, start with a small eye

Cafeteria, soft music plays, the Avengers gather We dine together, and there was light laughter from time to time.

The script is finished, and the director is very satisfied with everyone's performance. In addition to the lunch box and the three-day tour of fire star, each person has an extra bonus.

If you don't have much money, just a check, fill as much as you want.

The director said that Nine Headed Snake is still in the development stage, and the conditions are a little more difficult. I hope everyone will understand, unite to overcome difficulties, and work hard for a better tomorrow.

It may be that the director's final words were too touching, and everyone was moved, holding the cheque tightly and tears streaming down their faces, indicating that although the conditions were difficult, their love for the organization came from the bottom of their hearts, and there was no second thought.

As it should be by rights, a big drama ends, some are happy to cry, and naturally some are depressed to autistic.

For example, Agent Coulson, who has yet to come out of the shadow of the idol's degeneration, sits alone at the bar and tastes the taste of maturity with a glass of tequila.

Maturity is a glass of wine. The first taste is bitter or sweet, strong or light, and the taste is Myriad Transformations. With the precipitation of the years, this glass of wine will become more and more dull, but there is definitely a foundation.

Coulson felt like he was coming to a realization. After experiencing the ups and downs of life, the wine in his glass became very rich.

Beside Coulson, there is Strange, who is unique, with a glass of brandy and a dejected look. Those who don't know it think his wife has run away with someone.

The leader of Nine Headed Snake is Sorcerer Supreme, the master of the dark dimension, the secret mastermind who led people to abolish his little left and right, and the leader who brought him into the magic palace.

Strange was entangled, what should he do, should he thank Sorcerer Supreme, or should he thank the whole Sorcerer Supreme family?

Otherwise, the first seven cups of the second Sorcerer Supreme, and Kamar-Taj changing the wireless network password, just pretend not to know.

"Strange, why are you sitting here all alone and pretending to be deep, waiting for a beautiful girl to chat with you?"

Luo Su sat on Strange with a glass of ice water Beside him, he raised his hand and hooked his shoulder: "Don't wait, I see you frowning and wanting to be quiet, so I shooed away all the girls who approached you."

Strange rolled his eyes , took a sip of the brandy in the glass, and said bitterly: "Sorcerer Supreme, why..."

Luo Su interrupted: "Don't call Sorcerer Supreme, that is the past tense, now you are the Sorcerer Supreme, just add a mage after my name, I always call the Ancient One mage like this."

"Well, mage Luo Su..."

Sorcerer Supreme When Lan Qi thought of his own question, he was extremely depressed: "Since you were both the Sorcerer Supreme and the Lord of the Dark Dimension before, why did you act in that scene and pass the title to me?"

"Why? , can't stand the pressure?"

"Well, I don't think I'm that kind of stuff, why don't you go back to Kamar-Taj..."

"I think you want to Shit!"

Luo Su decisively refused: "If you don't come back, I finally threw the Sorcerer Supreme's pot on you, and I'll pick it up again when I'm crazy."

"However, Master Luo Su, when you gave me the 'Sorcerer Supreme' title inheritance, you didn't say like this."

This is the most difficult part for Strange to accept. Su killed himself and chose honor over life. He has always used this to inspire himself and vowed to become a great Sorcerer Supreme like Luo Su, but the result...

The psychological gap is too big, it hurts to think about him. Get Christine's shoulder to lean on.

"That's it?"

Luo Su widened his eyes and said incredulously: "I thought you were struggling with something, but it turned out to be a trivial matter of this kind of sesame and mung bean."

"Is this a trivial matter?"

Strange also widened his eyes and said incredulously: "This is the glory of the Sorcerer Supreme of all dynasties, the spirit and belief of inheritance, how can it be considered a trivial matter? "

"Ai, I'll tell you the truth now!"

Luo Su took a sip of ice water and said, "I know why the Ancient One Mage put his position Pass it on to me?"


Strange didn't speak, and he kept avoiding the mess between the previous two Sorcerer Supremes.

“When Dormammu slept at home, the Ancient One wizard took me to smash the door of his house. After he finished pretending, he ran away and left me alone in the dark dimension.”

Luo Su sighed: "Dormammu is so strong, and the dark dimension is his home, it scared me at that time."

"Master Luo Su, skip the inner drama and say the result directly. ."

"As a result, Dormammu was killed by me, the dark dimension automatically recognized the Master, and I became the new master of the dark dimension."

Strange: "… ..."

If you just look at the results, the person who pretended to be forced was not the Ancient One Mage.

"Dormammu is so good, no one was hired, no one was offended, and sleeping at home caused a killing disaster... You say anger is not anger, you say sin is not sin?"


Strange: Annoying! commit a sin!

Luo Su bowed his head and scolded the Ancient One Master, and continued: "I think, Dormammu died like this, the culprit must give an explanation to the family, and return to Kamar-Taj to find the Ancient One Master to ask for it. At least he paid for Dormammu's funeral expenses."

"As a result, he died in the coffin, and he didn't forget to throw the blame, making me the temporary Sorcerer Supreme. , I will pass on the position to you in the future."


Strange was puzzled, saying that he liked this a lot, what did he want to express?

Dormammu is strong, Ancient One mage is shameless, or is Luo Su the real victim?

Luo Su widened his eyes and scolded: "That's why the Ancient One mage is very shameless!"


Strange: I knew it!

"He saw that Earth could resist the invasion of the dimensional Demon God without him, so he took advantage of my sense of responsibility and justice to throw the blame of Sorcerer Supreme on me, and went away happily, you said this. Shameless?"

Strange looked at Luo Su's face, and after three seconds he was heavily nodded: "shameless!"

"You know what happened later. Now, Master Ancient One is in the first year of the first year, and I will be in the fifth year of the first year. I took you out of the crowd five years earlier and ended your boring life."

Luo Su waved his hand: "Don't Speak, I know you want to thank me, it's not necessary, it's all right."

Strange rolled his eyes and made a decision in his heart, about the tournament of the second Sorcerer Supreme's first seven-cup singer Not to mention.

Also, Kamar-Taj's current wireless network password is very good, no need to change it!

He can see it, Sorcerer Supreme is good at dumping the pot from generation to generation, belief and spirit are bullshit, carefulness and thick skin are the essence of Sorcerer Supreme lineage.

Strange raised his head and drank the wine from the glass, and he was no longer confused. He also wanted to be a qualified Sorcerer Supreme. Start with a careful eye, and when he returned to Kamar-Taj, he would...

Uh, let's start with the king!

Strange looked through his memories. He was beaten, scolded, framed, and ridiculed by Wang more than once. He had to get revenge, otherwise he would not be Sorcerer Supreme at all.


Luo Su was comforting Strange, when a pleasing voice came from his ear, and he turned around to see Howard, who was rubbing his hands like a fly. His face is flattering, like an ancient professional at the beginning of the junior generation in the palace.

"Is something wrong?"

"Boss, you see that everything has passed, so what... the grounding thing should also pass."

"Yeah, there's more to this!"

Luo Su slapped Strange on Strange's thigh: "I forgot, you didn't tell me earlier, I would lift the ban for you earlier. It's over."

"You've been busy all the time!"

Howard smiled, lifted the ban early or something, Luo Su is nothing serious, he won't take seriously.

"Go, you will be free in the future."

"many thanks BOSS, you are busy, I have an appointment that I am 17 years late, and I must rush over immediately..."

After Howard finished speaking, he walked out of the cafeteria with a cheerful pace.

"father, where are you going?"

One black one white blocked the way at the door, Howard looked closely and found that it was Tony and Nick Fury.

Tony is here, and Howard is not surprised. The Stark family has excellent genes and comes with battlefield sensors. Tony intercepted him in advance as it should be by rights.

What about Nick Fury?

Howard consciously sees people very accurately. Nick Fury, a social expert, should hand over business cards in the restaurant to receive business cards. There is no reason to fool around with Tony.

"Old leader, I'm new here and I don't understand many rules. Please take care of me in the future."

Nick Fury said, taking out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, Hand it to Howard and help him light it.


Howard exhaled a puff of smoke, raised his hand to point at Nick Fury, and spoke through his nostrils: "Yes, you Brat learns fast enough, and he will definitely be the backbone of Nine Headed Snake in the future."

"I hope the old leader will have a few good words."

"Well, let's leave this to you. I'm here, if there's a chance, I'll give you two good words from the boss."

"father, don't get off the topic, where are you going?"

Tony squeezed away The troubled Nick Fury looked at Howard with gleaming eyes, and before he could speak, he said first, "Don't say you're going to the lab, you've said this too much before."

"Tony, this child of you is really..."

Howard looked around and whispered: "I went to Asgard to fight black boxing, I haven't practiced for a long time, and I can't stretch my arms and legs. "

"Let's go together!"

Tony said that he was going to fight the father and son soldiers. .

"Tony, it's not that I won't take you with the father, it's that you can't!"


Tony was furious when he heard this, no A fight with real swords and real guns, why do you say he can't.

No matter what Howard says today, even if it is to save face, he has to go, and it is not easy for anyone to come.

"Tony, the physical quality of Asgard women, even if it is a regular attribute, its body density is three times that of Earth humans."

Howard glanced at Tony with contempt: "I beat him. After many boxing fights, I know how terrifying their battle strength is, they have super speed and strength, and can fight for long hours without getting tired. Just like you...hehe, don't embarrass Earth people!"

After hearing this, Tony wanted to go even more, his face turned blue and white, and he resorted to assassin: "You may not take me there, but what you just said will be used as evidence in court, by Maria Judge Stark decides."

He took a voice recorder from his pocket.

(end of this chapter)

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