End Of Heavens

Chapter 978

End Of Heavens Chapter 978


Chapter 975 Please pull aside the speeding vehicle ahead

"What, David was attacked last night, his gun and police car were robbed , turned into a vegetable?"

In the police station, Luo Su heard the bad news, and his whole person was not well.

It's no wonder that David's phone was full of promises, but he didn't arrive, and he didn't answer the phone. His feelings were knocked out.

"Yes, according to his communication records, you were the last person to contact him before he was attacked. The director asked me to ask, what did you talk about during the last call?"

The police officer named Pierre, looked towards Luo Su with a slightly fearful look, secretly only had the wrong name, not the wrong nickname, 'Partner The Terminator' sure enough name is not in vain.

It's a pity that David lost his gun and car together. Even if he wakes up from a coma and continues to work, he can only be a civilian in the future.

The most unfortunate thing is that without David, who is keen to earn overtime pay, who will he hire for night shifts in the future?

Pierre prayed in his heart that he still lacked a partner, and hoped that the director would show mercy and not arrange for him to team up with Luo Su.

He is not yet forty years old, and he is in his prime.

"I met a robber in a Williamsburg restaurant last night, uniformed it and called David, and then..."

Luo Su asked Said: "Which hospital is David in? I want to visit him."

He knows how terrifying his charm is. When David, who is in a vegetative state, sees him, he will definitely immediately grow up when he is excited. Sleepless becomes a lively dragon and animated tiger.

By the way, if there are any clues about the attackers, they dare to open the sky...the policemen who are patrolling in the dark and blindly attacked, such unscrupulous madmen, if they are caught by him...

hum hmph!

"The XXX hospital that cooperates with our police station, we can be together after get off work... oh, I have something else to do, you can go after get off work by yourself!"

Pierre chose to stay away from Luo Su from his heart. David's tragic situation was vivid in his mind, and he did not want to be the second sacrifice of Luo Su's arrival in the precinct.

"Okay, I'll go by myself."

Luo Su rolled his eyes, knowing that Feng Ping was murdered again, and he couldn't wash it.

That's fine, no one will take the initiative to partner with him, and it's much easier to act alone.


The door of the director's office was slammed open: "Damn, you slackers are all moving for me, there was a shooting in the jurisdiction, there were two lunatics in the shopping mall's playground, and there was a shootout. Get out of the highway to fight."

The director said, scratching his head with both hands, a major accident occurred in the jurisdiction, and his bonus this year was completely lost.

To make matters worse, tomorrow his picture will be posted in the corner of the front page headlines, devalued by reporters.


【Host triggers World Mission: Justice is never late! A chaotic city, a chaotic crisis, as the nemesis of sin, you should be on the front line]

[World Mission: 1. Major Cases 0/5]

[World Mission: 1. Major Cases 0/5] Mission: 2. Ordinary case 0/50]

[mission fails, stay in this world forever, inherit the bad luck of the bankrupt sisters, watch them get rich and go to glory]

“ "..."

Luo Su: What a punishment, as if I had good luck!

"System, repeat the World Mission again."

"Uncle, can't you hear me clearly?"

"That 'being a sin nemesis' You, you should be on the front line.' Say it a few more times, I like to hear this kind of truth without the slightest falsification."


System was extremely speechless. , someone really doesn't have a B-number at all, but still starts the loop from the heart.

For a while, dīng dīng dīng dīng sounded continuously in Luo Su's mind, subconsciously straightened his back, and carried the heavy burden on his shoulders.

That's right, sin nemesis, no one else!

Luo Su likes the identity of this System arrangement, and also likes this World Mission, especially the mission commentary, as if returning to the passionate youth.

"Hey, how can I feel this way, I'm only nineteen now!"


The director thunder was furious, and the bureau immediately The pot exploded, and the police officers rectified their equipment one by one, and even the civilian staff were dispatched to the scene to maintain order.

Luo Su drove a police car alone and arrived at the shopping center as quickly as possible. Other police officers were crowded, but no one wanted to share a car with him.

Partnering in the name of The Terminator is so terrifying!

At the scene, Luo Su flashed his police officer card and entered the blocked area of the isolation zone to explore.

In a clothing store on a shopping street, the tempered glass was smashed. According to the clerk, a brawny man with sunglasses and a policeman were fighting here, not only tearing down the glass, but also the walls of the corridor .

Luo Su walked through the violently smashed wall, the width of a palm, even if it is a wooden board for secondary decoration, it is impossible to smash it by the violent collision of an ordinary person.

Not an ordinary case!

In the corridor, several police officers were rescuing evidence at the scene in front of a dead body, and a pistol was left next to it.

Glock 19!

In standard police configuration, the victim was killed by this pistol, shot three times in a row, and died on the spot.

If it is really the weapon of the police station, and the policeman is not a disguised identity, according to the inscription code on the gun, the case will soon be As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

"Is there no surveillance video in the store?"

"Yes, but at the time of the incident, the surveillance video was strangely black. Only during that time, other They were all intact at all times."

The surveyors at the scene frowned, puzzled and answered Luo Su's questions truthfully.

Luo Su nominated and drove away from the scene before the main force arrived. There were professionals present, and he was not qualified to point fingers.

If you really have any doubts, ask the director to call up the investigation report, and you will notice at a glance.

Five minutes later, he arrived at another crime scene, where there were no obvious marks of gunshots. The scrapped heavy truck was extinguished by firefighters, leaving only a black shell.

Luo Su looked at the bridge tunnel separated from the road by a wall, browses tightly knit looked thoughtful, took out his mobile phone and searched for the keyword - Skynet!

Nothing, nothing found.

Skynet is a human-powered artificial intelligence created by human beings based on computers. It was initially used to study auxiliary systems in the military field. After great success, it became an intelligent missile defense system of the USA.

Later, Skynet updated itself in the continuous reading of data, awakened its own will, regarded all human beings as a threat, started by inducing a nuclear bomb attack, and launched the Judgment Day that put the entire human race on the brink of extinction. .

On Judgment Day, more than 3 billion humans were flying ash annihilation.

As for the reason Luo Su didn't find anything, it's very simple, Skynet has not been invented yet, and it is not called this name.

At present, the company that develops Skynet has a big name - Cybertron Corporation!

Luo Su can't remember the name of the company, but it doesn't prevent him from continuing to search for clues, logging into the internal System to find the key figure John Connor.

Soon, searching for System entered the database of teenagers, and a string of information appeared in front of Luo Su's eyes.

'savior' John Connor is a mischievous teenager with a juvenile criminal record.

Plus, he's 10 years old!

"It really is the plot of [The Terminator 2]..."

Luo Su rubbed the temple, often fighting with artificial intelligence, he felt a little sorry for the robot.

He recalled the plot, and the crash scene was over, which meant that the young John was taken away by the governor of T-800, and T-1000 was chasing him all the way to the mental hospital.

"What's the name of savior's mother, Sharon S... er, Sharon Connor, yes, that's the name."

John's personal information In the column, only the mother's last name is displayed, and there is no specific name. Luo Su vaguely remembers this name, and enters a keyword to search in the internal System.

Several people with the same name were found, but none of them matched.

In desperation, he searched again for information on the 10-year-old savior. The unlucky child is currently in adoption. The adoptive parents are named Todd and Jenny, and there is a dog named Max at home.

"Well, this must be the bad taste of fate!"

Luo Su snickered, and soon found the name of John's biological mother in the data - Sarah Kang Na!

Anyone who is not sage can do anything, and the problem is not very serious, just misspelled a few words.

Luo Su modified the keywords in time and found the information of Sarah Connor and the specific location of the mental hospital she is currently in.

The chaotic world has no morals, and the plot of [The Terminator] is forcibly arranged in New York, including the mental hospital where Sarah Connor is.

Luo Su was about to drive to the hospital, and suddenly remembered one thing. If he acted alone, it would be very easy to solve the T-1000, but the plot will still follow the original history.

The Skynet program is created and Doomsday cannot be changed.

But if it is widely publicized about the arrival of robots in the future, with the greedy urine of human beings, T-800 and T-1000 will eventually be captured and thrown into the laboratory, and the Skynet System may become more powerful. .

This is an endless loop. No matter how you change the process, Skynet will be born as a result. The only difference is that Skynet is changed to another name, such as Mechanical Great Emperor or something.

He hesitated for a moment, his good habits went online, but he didn't think about it.

This logic is somewhat irresponsible, but in Luo Su's view, the probability of Doomsday's birth is not big.

Because this chaotic world has Satan and God, and the little elder sister of the devil is still a positive character, the possibility of robots destroying human civilization is minimal.

As for where the T-800 and T-1000 come from...

Don't ask, just ask is parallel universe!

Called the director, Luo Su drove to the mental hospital, saying that there would be a big move tonight, so that the director would be mentally prepared.


In the mental hospital, a riot is going on, Superwoman Sarah Connor escapes successfully, and then witnesses the battle between T-800 and T-1000.

It is said to be a battle. Basically, the T-1000 is chasing the mother and son of Connor, while the T-800 covers the two to escape. The performance of the two robots is too different. -800 is no match at all.

Luo Su drove to a remote mental hospital. As soon as he reached the road, he witnessed a car chase.

T-800 fled in a police car, the mother and son were sitting in the car, while T-1000 was lying on the roof, trying to attack the car to stop it.

wu wu wu ————

Luo Su turned on the alarm bell, moved towards the front and chased after him. At the same time, he picked up the horn and broadcasted in a very deserving a beating voice: "Ahead. Please pull over to the side of the speeding vehicle for inspection, or I will shoot..."


There is an Alliance Leader 'or come and see the original' The reward, uh...

Nothing to think about, so be it!

(end of this chapter)

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