End Of Heavens

Chapter 992

End Of Heavens Chapter 992


Chapter 989 is more powerful than the previous chapter

bang! bang! bang!

Three gunshots were heard from the abandoned building of Twelfth Layer. The assassins realized that someone was in contact with the target, listened carefully to determine the floor, and quickly approached Tenth Layer.

Luo Su turned on telepathy, and at the same time, electromagnetic waves were positioned in all directions without dead ends. The spiritual world established a building model and marked the specific locations of the assassins.

Watching the little red dots move cautiously, and thinking that he was not exposed, he covered his eyes in shame, raised his hand and pulled the trigger towards the stairs.


A gunshot rang out, and assassin, who quickly showed his head and glanced, collapsed, with a large hole in his forehead.

No battle tension at all!

But it's impossible to replace a gun with a knife. It's disrespectful.

Luo Su turned off telepathy and electromagnetic induction, and decided that he would never cheat, relying only on his five senses and neural responses to fight the assassins fairly and peacefully.

He took a deep breath, walked from the corner of the corridor to the stairway, and looked down slightly with a probe. Coincidentally, an assassin just held his gun and looked up.

Assassin's eyes instantly turned sharp.


Assassin appeared a hole in his forehead, kept his gun in both hands, and fell straight down on the stairs.

Da! clatter! clatter! Da------

The submachine gun in the building hissed, Luo Su stared at the fire snake from the bottom up, took out a grenade from the back of his butt, pulled off the pull ring and calculated the angle, yes. Fiercely smashed against the wall and bounced to the feet of the assassin downstairs.

“F beep [email protected]#¥%…&”

bang! !

Except for the words at the beginning, Luo Su didn't understand a series of curses that followed. After the roar, the ground under his feet was slightly trembled, and the dirty assassin was dead.

He continued walking downstairs, and in the corridor of the Ninth Layer building, shot three assassins with ferocious self-sustaining firepower, and then touched the wall around him.

With his fingers open, Luo Su stretched out his hand to measure against the wall, guessed Assassin's height blindly, and pulled the trigger against the wooden wall.

bang! !

“Ahhh ————”

Without a single shot to kill the enemy, assassin’s brilliant body is over 1.9 meters tall, Luo Su twitched his lips, making up for the second shot to make the miserable The screaming stopped abruptly.

There is no cheat, just sharp ears and keen eyes, and the five senses are slightly stronger than normal people.

The continuous gunshots and screams made the assassins downstairs nervous. The constant gunshots meant that the battle was not over, and all the colleagues who went upstairs first were killed.

A group of people form a free team, or in groups of three or four, or cooperate in pairs, the bold continue to touch the stairs, the timid will find a hidden position, and wait for an opportunity sneak attack .

bang! bang! bang! bang!

After four shots were fired, there was a neat fall from the stairs, followed by a brisk whistle on the Eighth Layer corridor.

Luo Su made no secret of his whereabouts, and the arrogant whistle was especially harsh in the silent building. To the assassins, the funny whistle was like a Death God sickle dragging the ground, letting them hold the palm of the gun Sweaty.


The whistle approached, and the two assassins, who were ambushed in the aisle, made gestures, rushed out from the left and right at the same time, and aimed their guns at the back. to their Luo Su.

bang! bang!

Luo Su retracted the M9 from his armpit, stuffed it into the holster, listened for a moment, and raised the gun to the wooden door beside him.


The wooden door was violently pushed open, and the assassin that broke through the door was the muzzle of the M4A1's black hole, and the next second, he didn't know anything.

bang! bang! bang! Bang————

On the seventh floor, the sound of gunfire continued. Strangely, no one screamed under the continuous gunfire. After a short ten seconds, the whistle sounded on the sixth floor and the 7th floor. Layer's stairs sounded.

The scalps of the assassins lying in ambush on the sixth floor were numb, and they vaguely felt that something was wrong. Yes, they clearly established an encirclement, but what was the absurd illusion of falling into a trap and slaughtering their necks? ?

Who surrounded whom?

"Hey, the eight people on this floor, your breathing is too fast, come out and lead to death, I want to go straight downstairs, there are ten people waiting for me on the fifth floor!"


The clamor provoked the tense nerves of the assassins. At the same time, the five assassins stretched their hands out of the wall and pulled the trigger at the location of Luo Su.

The magazine was emptied, they reloaded against the wall, and then quickly probed towards the stairs.

bang! bang! bang!

When the three corpses took their positions back, there was a big hole in their foreheads, and motionless collapsed to the ground, probably dead.

"Hello, there are five more. I have good news for you. I am out of bullets in my gun, and I don't dare to change the magazine."

bang! bang! bang! bang!

Four gunshots, four naive guys are dead, at the end of the corridor, the last assassin cat is in the corner, his whole body is soaked in sweat, the hand holding the gun is trembling with high frequency, like it is full of electricity Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! .

ding ding dong dong.

A crunch sounded from far to near. Assassin caught a glimpse of something at his feet. He lowered his head slightly and found that it was a grenade.

“Sbeep t!”

assassin not even think, jumped out of the concealed spot, and the next second his forehead was resisted by the muzzle of the black hole.


The corpse was taken away by inertia, hit the wall and collapsed to the ground, Luo Su picked up the grenade that had not ripped off the pull ring and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

Fifth floor!

Hearing Luo Su accurately reporting the number of people upstairs, the ten assassins looked at each other in blank dismay, and the two assassins who were closest to the stairs were very attentive and walked towards the fourth floor with their feet lowered. .

There are many people on the fourth floor, and a squeeze can bring a touch of warmth to their cold hearts.

bang! bang!

After two shots were fired, Luo Su walked into the fifth floor, two assassins who were eager for warmth, and eventually became cold.

It's normal, as everyone knows, there used to be an assassin, the hands were cold, the heart was cold, the gun was cold, and finally it was frozen.

The situation is exactly the same with these two assassins.

The sound of gunshots on the fifth floor was loud. After a roar of nervous breakdown, the gunfire stopped, and the whistle representing the arrival of Death God was transmitted to the fourth floor.


Luo Su replaced the M4A1 rifle magazine. He heard the sound of objects passing through the air. He lowered his head and looked towards the shocking bullet at his feet, making a panicked sound.



Footsteps sounded, twelve assassins rushed out, gunshots rang out, and neat and tidy lay in a row.

The number of dead assassins has exceeded the number of red dots marked at first, Luo Su didn't care, because there were more and more vehicles in the square, and continuously assassins were coming.

He walked to the end of the corridor, with the M4A1 butt on his shoulder, standing at the window and shooting continuously, staged a headshot massacre in the parking lot, leaving helpless bodies one after another.

The magazine bottomed out in two seconds, and these newcomers don't know what's going on, they're gone.

Luo Su changed the magazines, stepped on the golden shells and walked towards the stairs. After entering the third floor, he did the same and killed all fifteen assassins.

The number of people is too large, he is too lazy to count, he only knows that after cleaning up the first floor, the New York Continental Hotel will lose more than 100 assassins.

He was a little curious about the welfare system of the continent hotel. He wondered if the six million bounty was enough for funeral expenses.


[Name: Luo Su]

[Amount: Updating]

In Luo Su slaughter all sides, bloodbath When the building was abandoned, the continental hotel exploded in situ, and the unprecedented loss kept everyone busy, and the operator dialed Stanfield's number.

"Dear primary level member, the account you established is currently paying 6 million USD. After verification, the account amount is seriously insufficient and needs to be increased to 20 million USD. Please confirm immediately."


Stanfield held the phone, dumbfounded: "What nonsense are you talking about, I don't understand."

The operator was silent for a moment, then said bluntly. : "Sir, we've lost 82 professionals... oh, it's 96 now, and the number continues to surge. During the time I'm talking to you, the account amount has increased to 24 million USD, please confirm immediately."

"What a joke, is my money coming from the wind?"

Stanfield was furious and roared into the phone: "How many people and people have you lost? What does it have to do with me, how can anyone ask for a price increase after placing an order, I am Party A, not Kaizi."

Stanfield expressed his disbelief, he knew Luo Su was a monster, but in a short period of time After a while, there were hundreds of people, and it was obviously a false report of the number to force a price increase.

For the first time, Steinfeld realized that it was not safe to go through formal procedures, and they were even darker.

"Sir, we have automatically transferred 30 million USD, and please correct your attitude, otherwise I will place an order to buy your life. Trust me, your head is only worth 30,000 USD."


The operator was very rude and threatened, and then put on the official sweet voice: "Congratulations, you are now a high level member, goodbye!"

Dudu! !

Stanfield was lying cold on the bedside when a text message suddenly came and his mistress contacted him, why did the private account suddenly lose 30 million USD.

“wu wu wu ————”

Stanfield did not speak, but left tears of grievance. Except for the filial piety and maintenance of personal connections during the New Year and festivals, this deal The money is already half of his fortune.

bang! bang! bang! Bang————

In the lobby of the first floor, Luo Su calmly turned to the side, dodged the incoming bullet, pulled out the M9 from his waist, and shot two bullets to take away two lives.

He stood in the pile of corpses to reload the rifle, and also changed the magazine for the M9. The surrounding blood-reeking qi made him very uncomfortable. Assassins who dare not act rashly.

More than 50 assassins crowded in the parking lot, but no one dared to take a step forward. An assassin cat was behind the car, raised a sniper rifle and aimed at Luo Su, and the back of his forehead bloomed and fell to the ground. rise.

Assassins all lay down, some people trembled their teeth and wanted to walk, but they were afraid that they would die, just because more than 130 people died in the abandoned building, but they did not hurt a single hair of the monster. .

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding————

The continuous text message sounded in the parking lot, and several assassins shivered and picked up their mobile phones. The latest news from the continental hotel Mass message.

[Name: Luo Su]

[Status: Global Open Contract]

[Amount: 100 million USD]

Explosive increase The amount of money is definitely not enough to rely on Steinfeld, this guy has worked hard for several decades, returned to bankruptcy overnight, and is currently in doubt in his life.

Stanfield only paid 50 million USD, and the rest was supplemented by the New York branch of the continental hotel. The loss of assassin resources was serious, which was the most serious since the opening of the continental hotel in the world. Credibility, they will not give up.

The hunt continues...

(end of chapter)

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