Constellation Haiding Chunqiu!

There is no doubt that this is a person in the world of martial arts, especially a person who hates him deeply!

The horror of his "Great Transformation Technique" was shocking to the world at the time. Once the "Great Transformation Technique" came out, it used up all the internal energy of other people's life!

Years of practice turned into nothingness!

This is the cruelest punishment in the world for those who practice martial arts!

Among the Wulin people who came to the appointment here, there is one, count one, not all of them may have heard of Ding Chunqiu's name,

However, everyone who has heard of this person's deeds and reputation will feel terrified and horrified!

Therefore, hearing Ding Chunqiu's name, everyone was shocked!

Aphasia for a while!

It wasn't until the wine bowl fell and Master Xuannan spoke, that he slowly woke up.

But still couldn't believe it, they all stared at Xue Muhua, wanting to hear his confirmation.

Xue Muhua let out a long sigh: "That's right! I invite heroes to post widely, and the villain I want to get rid of is this one!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone seemed to have exploded!

With a dignified expression, Master Xuannan recited the Buddha's name in a low voice.

As the Taishan Beidou in the Jianghu, the Shaolin School naturally knows the most things, and Master Xuannan is a figure of the Xuan family


It can be said to be a terrifying evil skill, shocking the world!

There are very few people in the world who can subdue him, and it is even hard to find them!

This genius doctor Xue actually wants to deal with this person......

Master Xuannan himself is also a generation of high-strength martial arts, but at this time it is inevitable that layers of pressure will rise in his heart, especially dignified.

Wudang faction Yin Liting's eyebrows twitched, and Mo Shenggu looked at each other, both secretly awe-inspiring.

Mo Shenggu has a strong temperament, even if he feels inferior, he is not afraid of it, he just told the Wudang disciples behind the "June 13th" to be careful, and swept Song Qingshu's face, seeing him staring at one side in disbelief.

He couldn't help looking over, seeing that it was the Emei School, he frowned even more.

On the Huashan sect's side, although Linghu Chong was still pouring wine into his mouth, his eyes were extremely serious, and he said to Yue Lingshan in a low voice: "Junior Sister, this trip is probably extremely dangerous, you have to be careful."

Although Yue Lingshan didn't know Ding Chunqiu's name, she could imagine the scene where everyone was stunned and speechless, and she nodded hurriedly.

Master Jingxuan of the Emei School took a deep breath, his expression tensed, and he frowned and remained silent.

A few words of earnest advice to Ding Meijun and Zhou Zhiruo.

But I felt a headache in my heart. Originally, this trip was to bring the more outstanding disciples out to see the world, but who knew that this trip to Leigu Mountain was actually to deal with that old monster!?


Is it too much?

It's not that she enhances others' prestige and destroys her own ambition!

It is true that old monster Ding is a famous figure who has been famous for a long time!

Although she is the eldest disciple of Master Emei Miejue, her martial arts are good, but she is not good enough to compete with such a powerful enemy!

What's more, if it's just martial arts, it's fine. There are at least a few hundred martial arts people who came to the appointment this time. There is no need to worry about how much you can bully the widows. It is also difficult to resist the siege of so many people.

But the key is...

Ding Chunqiu is a master of poison use!

As long as he plays some insidious tricks, many people will have to kneel down, especially Master Jingxuan who is too careless to be extremely vigilant.

Everyone present had different expressions, most of those who knew Ding Chunqiu better had thought of this matter, and couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.


There are a lot of people who roam the rivers and lakes, have a bad temper and refuse to accept anyone, and there are naturally people who are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. Seeing that everyone is silent, they don't take it seriously, and they directly jumped up at the table and shouted: "Whatever Ding Chunqiu ! Ding Xiadong! Our heroes are gathered together! Are you afraid that he will fail!?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people with the same mentality echoed loudly, laughing loudly, as if they had completely ignored Ding Chunqiu.

Only those famous sects who know Ding Chunqiu's background the most have serious expressions and frowns from beginning to end.

Seeing this scene, Xue Muhua couldn't help nodding secretly.

My heart says this morale is useful!

Even if it was Ding Chunqiu who came here, facing so many capable people and strangers, he might only return in vain, and he might not even be here.

Just about to speak, listen:

"XingXiu old fairy, the law drives the Central Plains!"

"Magic powers are vast, and mana is boundless!"

Xue Muhua's expression changed instantly as Yaoyao's shouts ranged from far to near.

Not because of the arrival of Ding Chunqiu, but...

For a while, the sky was spinning, Zizi couldn't control it and fell down warmly.

His medical skills are superb, how can he not understand what happened!


When did this happen!?

Even Xue Muhua didn't find out about the poisoning, so it's even more impossible for others to notice.

The noise in Zhuangzhong, which was still lively just now, suddenly fell silent.

Master Xuannan's expression changed, he used his internal energy to resist, and sat upright, but his hands and feet felt numb for a while.

The Shaolin disciples behind were already lying down.

Other Wudang, Emei, Beggars...

No matter if it is a famous sect, a small sect, or an individual from the rivers and lakes, they all fall immediately.

Although they never passed out, they were all horrified to find that they were completely powerless and unable to move!

In such a situation, no matter how dull you are, you will know that you are poisoned!

Just at this time, a gloomy voice resounded in the village: "Hehe, I thought someone was talking about this old man, but it turned out to be a group of people who don't know the so-called people, discussing how to use their arms as a car, and they are overconfident! Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

Because everyone was poisoned and fell down, they couldn't walk or speak, and this person's inner strength seemed to be extremely strong, and his words seemed to echo in everyone's ears.

Listen carefully, Gu Du is terrified!

The one who doesn't know who is coming is Ding Chunqiu from Xingxiu Sea!

Those who were dignified and prudent complained secretly; as for those who didn't take it seriously just now, they were also frightened and panicked at this moment!

Anyone who can't move will have a sense of fear of man-made knives and fish!


A figure slowly paced in the village.

As if he didn't see the fallen martial arts practitioners around him, he went straight to Xue Jiahua and the other seven Hangu Eight Friends.

Ding Chunqiu grabbed that Xue Muhua's neck, his beard and hair were all white, and his face like a crown jade smiled and said: "You are the one who is playing tricks? Are you the apprentice of that old man Su Xinghe? I heard that you are the genius doctor Xue, Enemy of Hades? He also invites heroes from all over the world to come and get rid of this old man? Hehe, hahaha!"

Coming all the way these days is enough for him to find out the situation.

At the foot of Leigu Mountain, don't go directly to the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect, attack and kill all the way, come alone!

He hid early and listened to the speeches of the people in the village.

By the way


If they are decent people from famous families, they are naturally not ashamed of such things as poisoning!

Even some villains in martial arts, due to their status, may not be able to do such a thing as poisoning, but whoever is Ding Chunqiu, he dares to kill his teacher, and he can do this kind of thing with ease!

Secretly poisoned the surroundings, and directly wiped out all the people in this village!

Ding Chunqiu looked up to the sky and smiled, then suddenly lowered his head, and stared at the immobile Xue Muhua with a cold expression: "Your master is not my opponent, you are worthy! What a joke


Throwing Xue Muhua aside like rubbish, he said in a cold tone: "Don't you call yourself a genius doctor? Come! Try the old man's "rotten corpse poison" and let these "heroes" invited by you , listen carefully to the screams of your genius doctor!"

Here he was talking to himself, although the words were soft, they could spread throughout the village, and all the people who fell to the ground could hear what he said, and couldn't help but be shocked and frightened in their hearts!

Xuannan, Yin Mo and the others wanted to save them, but they couldn't move at this moment, they couldn't protect themselves, so naturally they couldn't help each other.

Xue Muhua felt the corrosive burning sensation gradually appearing on his body, and his heart felt cold!


He is proficient in medical skills, naturally he can roughly feel the toxicity of the poison in his body, I am afraid it will be difficult to withstand it!

And it can be predicted that it will be extremely painful!

Xue Muhua felt bitter in his heart, it was in vain for him to claim to be proficient in medical skills, and he would forget about it after being boasted about a genius doctor, but now he was poisoned by this old monster silently, only then did he realize the gap!

Just as he was thinking about it, the corrosive burning sensation on his body suddenly increased, Xue Muhua's eyes widened instantly, he screamed in pain, and struggled suddenly!

Ding Chunqiu closed his eyes intoxicated, and nodded slightly: "Not bad! Not bad!"

Immediately, he looked at the other seven Hangu Eight Friends: "This old man can't treat one more favorably than another..."

"Old thief Ding!"

Shout out!

Ding Chunqiu was interrupted.

Ding Chunqiu turned around and looked coldly at Su Xinghe who was rushing towards him in the distance, his eyes were cold and he said: "Since you speak, you must be ready to die?"

At that time, he forced him to keep silent, but now that Su Xinghe speaks, it is undoubtedly breaking his own oath.

Ding Chunqiu's murderous intent was revealed, he stared at Su Xinghe who was about to speak, suddenly his heart jumped, an extremely strong sense of crisis struck, his face changed suddenly, without even thinking about it, his body retreated instantly!

His lightness kung fu is extremely good, and after a few lifts, he has reached more than ten feet away!

In shock, he looked at the place where he had just stood.

A tallest young man in a black shirt was already standing there unknowingly, looking at him indifferently.

Looking at those abyss-like eyes, Ding Chunqiu suddenly felt his heart beating and his scalp tingling!


Who the hell is this!?

Fang Han glanced at Ding Chunqiu, stretched out his hand and used "Yiyang Finger" to point away at Xue Muhua...


Xue Muhua only felt a hot, warm feeling sweeping his whole body, his face turned from pale to rosy, the original severe pain was instantly stopped, his spirit was shaken, and he could move his hands and feet.

I just felt that the other party pointed at him from a distance, and he was able to cross the air to contain the poison for him. The depth of this skill is really unimaginable and shocking!

Who is this hero!?

Fang Han's gaze was locked on Ding Chunqiu from the beginning to the end. After using the "Yiyang Finger" for a while, he took out a bottle of antidote prepared by Miss Cheng from his bosom, threw it to Xue Muhua who was a little dazed, and said in a clear voice : "Pull open the bottle, sway the medicinal gas, detoxify everyone."

Xue Muhua caught the vial in a hurry, and subconsciously said that he didn't care about other things and directly opened the bottle. A strong smell of bitter medicine came out from the bottle, which seemed to have a strong volatility, and soon dissipated Come.

After Xue Muhua smelled it, he felt a shock and his breathing became much easier.

I know that most of the poison has been cured!

Can't help being shocked, what a powerful antidote!

The other seven [Hangu Eight Friends] closest to Xue Muhua also recovered from their immobility and struggled to get up.

The corners of Ding Chunqiu's eyes twitched, his face was very ugly.

Just now when this person casually pointed his finger, Xue Muhua immediately recovered from it. It seemed to be Dali's "Yiyang Finger"


But it doesn't seem like, can "Yi Yang Zhi" achieve such a level?

No matter what, this kind of ability really made him feel very awe-inspiring.



It was unraveled so easily!?

how is this possible!?

What is the origin of this person!

Ding Chunqiu's expression changed, and he said gloomyly:

"I don't know your honor and name? Why do you want to meddle in my Ding Chunqiu's business? You must know, I have an affair with them, outsiders please don't interfere!"

Ding Chunqiu, who is arrogant and arrogant, was able to say such kind words, but he was already overwhelmed by the sudden shock just now, and was extremely afraid in his heart.

Don't meddle in his own business.

Otherwise, if it was someone else, he would have been urged by "rotten corpse poison" or "transformation power Dafa".

Where is it possible to reason with you peacefully.

"Old thief Ding! You are a traitor who kills your master! When you meet my new head of the Xiaoyao Sect, you still don't kneel down to lead you to death!"

With a shout, Su Xinghe has come to Fang Han's side from the position just now, staring at Ding Chunqiu full of anger, his skinny body, as if he was picking someone to devour him.

Beast, can't wait to eat its flesh alive!

Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu's pupils narrowed slightly, he subconsciously looked at Fang Han's hands, and saw that on his left hand, there was a treasure ring with an ancient rhyme on his eyebrows.

"Seven Treasures Ring"!

That is the token of the head of the Xiaoyao faction!

Ding Chunqiu's expression moved.

Then Su Xinghe didn't lie to him, could this person really be the new head of the Xiaoyao Sect!?

When did this happen?

Who is he in the 3.7 income category!



Ding Chunqiu suddenly thought of something and was startled!

Back then, the "Seven Treasures Ring" disappeared with that old fellow Wu Yazi falling off the cliff. "Where did he get the "Seven Treasures Ring"!?

How treacherous and cunning Ding Chunqiu is, he immediately realized it.

I'm afraid that Wu Yazi didn't die back then!

Instead, hide it!

Thinking of this, Ding Chunqiu was shocked.

Looking around, I feel that it is convenient to hide nearby, and I am setting up a trap to ambush him at this time.

Back then, the reason why he was able to bring Wu Yazi down into the ravine was because he used other treacherous means. If he really wanted to deal with it head-on, he couldn't possibly be an opponent.

Now, a new head of the Xiaoyao Sect with unknown origins, he is very afraid, if there is a Wu Yazi...

My mind turned sharply, I didn't dare to stay, I raised my breath and flew away!


A Qingyue sword resounded!

Ding Chunqiu's hairs stand on his head!

The experience gained over the years saved his life again, and he turned around again and again, avoiding the fatal danger.

But the next moment.


The internal strength of the whole body can no longer be maintained, and the figure directly falls from the mid-air!

Somewhat dazedly, he wanted to support himself, but a sharp pain in his chest made him lose his strength. Slowly looking down, a blood hole the size of a finger appeared on the left chest of his upper body

On it, it pierced through the heart veins, and the blood was flowing like a injection.

"Let you go?"

Before Ding Chunqiu collapsed with a dazed expression, this indifferent words came from his ears.

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