
Seeing that Fang Han had something to do, Mr. Zhen could only take Cheng Lingsu to leave first.

Although the old Langzhong's original idea didn't come true, he doesn't care much now.

As for Cheng Lingsu, he wouldn't say much.

She wasn't the kind of flamboyant person.

For several days after that, Fang Han didn't see them much.

On the other hand, when I went shopping twice, I happened to meet this little girl from the Cheng family.

But it was just a few polite greetings, and they didn't talk in depth.

Today, there are fewer patients coming to seek medical treatment. Even during the day, Fang Han still has a lot of leisure time.

After reading the medical book in his hand again, he closed the book and sighed slightly.

His medical skills have reached his current level, but in fact, it will not be able to improve in a short time.

Besides, he had read these medical books in the past, read them repeatedly for decades, and basically chewed them through.

And stop...

Compared with this, he still values ​​martial arts more now.

But neither medicine nor martial arts can be accomplished in a short while.

"It's almost eight months before the second chance to simulate, alas..."

Although Fang Han wanted to put his mentality in order, but this kind of thing, how could he be happy.

It is normal to have Long and look forward to Shu.


Hearing light footsteps, Fang Han raised his eyes and saw a small and slender figure walking in.

Although the Jingchai sarong is simple to wear, it also has a special aura.

Fang Han stood up and smiled, "Miss Cheng."

Seeing Fang Han, Cheng Lingsu smiled, called Mr. Fang, and explained his intention: "There are not enough medicinal materials in the medical center. Uncle Zhen asked me to come over and ask Mr. Fang to borrow some."

Fang Han naturally had no reason to refuse such a small favor.

Lead Cheng Lingsu in, and roughly wrap up the herbs she mentioned.

Cheng Lingsu took the medicinal materials and thanked her.

Sweeping his eyes, he looked at the medical book placed on the table, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Mr. Fang, I heard from Uncle Zhen that your medical skills are already very good, why do you still focus on these basics?"

He clearly saw that it was not some esoteric medical classic.

Hearing this, Fang Han sighed and said, "Review the past to learn the new. There is nothing to do at all, so I just read it to pass the time. I want to find some classic medical books, but unfortunately it is really hard to find, there is no way."

As he said that, he couldn't help thinking of what Elder Zhen said that day, the little girl in front of him is very skilled in medicine, far surpassing him...

Although I don't quite believe it, I still can't help but keep it in mind: "Miss Cheng, I heard from Mr. Zhen last time that your medical skills are very good?"

Cheng Lingsu tied the wrapped medicinal materials with a small string, and replied: "It's just that I learned some medical skills and pharmacology from Master in the past. Speaking of it, there is nothing worthy of praise. Uncle Zhen is just joking with you."

Fang Han: "Mr. Zhen doesn't bother to tell lies. Since he said that, it must be reasonable. The girl is modest."

Cheng Lingsu didn't answer for a moment, and after a while, tied up all the medicinal materials in his hand, then raised his head, looked at Fang Han, and asked, "Mr. Fang, what are you studying medicine for?"

Fang Han was a little taken aback by her sudden change of subject, thinking that the little girl didn't seem to want to say more.

Also, when it comes to inheritance and the like, it is good to be more cautious.

Hearing her question, he pondered for a while, and then said: "Why do you study medicine? I'm not afraid of girls' jokes. When I first studied medicine, I just wanted to find a way to make a living."

This is indeed the truth. In the life simulation, in the early and mid-term, he kept running into obstacles everywhere. He had no choice but to return to Linshui City and had to find a long-term means of making a living.

It's not that there are no other choices, but after all, medicine can rely on martial arts, and he is somewhat unwilling, so he chose to study medicine.

Cheng Lingsu's answer to him was obviously a little surprised. She had heard Master Zhen's words about Fang Han before, and she had already had an impression. When they first met, she also saw the respect and love of the people who came and went, so she asked this question before , I'm ready to listen to some high-minded talk, I never thought...

Fang Han seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a slight smile, "Does Miss Cheng feel a little disappointed?"

"No... I just feel a little surprised." Cheng Lingsu shook his head quickly.

"Mr. Fang never charges much for treating diseases and saving people, and he often gives free consultations...I just think that Mr. is the kind of benevolent and good doctor who can help the world, which is admirable."

Fang Han saw that her words were more mature, so he no longer treated her like a child.

Previously, in Fang Han's eyes, this little girl looked like a teenager, but she was no different from a child.

But I met him once or twice by chance last time, and I can also feel that this little girl's mind is extremely alert and mature after talking carefully now.

There is no need to coax her with any good words, and said with a smile: "I am a person who has good aspects, but I am not as selfless as you think. When I first studied medicine, I really wanted to find a way to settle down. Now these, It's just a matter of convenience, so it doesn't matter what I do, that's why I did it like this, I can't be praised by Miss Cheng."

Cheng Lingsu's eyes were bright, and she looked at Fang Han and said softly, "Sir, you are too humble. There are many people in the world who are capable of doing it easily, but they are not willing to do it."

Fang Han didn't want to delve into this, so he asked her, "Miss Cheng, why are you studying medicine?"

Cheng Lingsu was stunned when he heard the words, bowed his head in silence, and said for a while, "There is no reason, because Master taught me medical skills and pharmacology, so I followed suit."

Fang Han nodded, this kind of thing is quite normal, not to mention the present, even if the students from the previous life apply for the major, there are not many who can really have their own opinions. Mostly what the parents say is what they say.

"Miss Cheng must also like to study medicine, otherwise she would not have such good medical skills."

Cheng Lingsu blinked, hesitated and said: "I don't know, I just think it's quite interesting. Compared with this, I prefer to play with flowers and plants~"

Fang Han laughed: "That's not bad!"

Seeing the little girl's sallow and emaciated appearance, she felt pity again, thought for a while, and said, "Are these herbs urgently needed?"

When Cheng Lingsu heard this, his heart darkened, thinking that he disliked her for staying for a long time, and wanted to drive her away, but he didn't show it on his face, and said: "Well, I have to go back quickly."

"Really...you wait."

Fang Han felt a little pity, turned around and took out a small bag of snacks from the cabinet, and handed it to Cheng Lingsu.

"Here are some gadgets I made, you can eat them."

Cheng Lingsu took the pouch in a daze.

Fang Han said with a smile: "There are mostly dried fruits and the like in it. I usually make it to satisfy my hunger. I hope you like it."

Cheng Lingsu heard the words, looked at the small bag in his hand, and understood a little.

He wasn't trying to drive her away.

A little pearly light overflowed from his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Thank you, Mr. Fang."

Fang Han saw that her head was lowered, her voice was not as clear as before, but rather waxy, with a slender body, which made people feel pity.

He couldn't help rubbing her little head lightly, straightened the soft, thin, slightly yellowed hair, and said with a smile: "Don't call me so polite, if you don't mind, you can call me Big Brother Fang .”

Feeling the warmth of that big hand, Cheng Lingsu's face flushed a little, flushed, and he hummed inaudibly with his head bowed.

"Fang... Brother Fang..."

(ps: The new book sets sail! I hope you will support me a lot, flowers, recommendations, monthly tickets, comments~)


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