
"Miss Cheng, your gift this time is really as important as Mount Tai. I am ashamed of receiving it, but I am also greedy and reluctant. It really makes me feel so rare."

Cheng Lingsu has been observing Fang Han's expression. Seeing his surprised face at first, he knew that his things were delivered correctly. The reason for taking it back, you...do you really like it?"

It's strange to say that this girl was unaware of her beauty when she first met her, but when she smiled sweetly at this moment, there was a kind of coquettish beauty, coupled with those bright eyes that were as clear as water, Fang Han couldn't help being slightly dazed, but listening to what she said Then, he smiled happily and said, "How can there be a lie! Miss Cheng, how do you want me to thank you?"

Although Fang Han has an obsession with martial arts, he is not without interest in medicine. Otherwise, he would not be able to persist for a long time in the life simulation.

Aside from talking about these few classics, at least he should be able to improve his medical skills, how can he not like it?

After hearing this, Cheng Lingsu pursed his lips and said softly, "I didn't want you to thank me, I just hoped that you..."

The words paused, somewhat ashamed.

Fang Han looked at Cheng Lingsu's gradually rosy little face, pondered for a while, and then said softly, "Just say what you want."

Cheng Lingsu lowered his head and said in a low voice: "You said not to be so polite...but you always call me Miss Cheng..."

Fang Han froze for a moment, then smiled, touched Cheng Lingsu's little head, and said with a light smile, "Then how should I call you? How about calling your sister?"

Cheng Lingsu shook his little head slightly, raised his head, his bright and clear eyes sparkled, and said seriously: "Brother Fang, my younger sister's name is "Cheng Lingsu". "

After finishing speaking, he took the two copies of "Lingshu" and "Suwen" from Fang Han, and pointed with his slender little finger: "Ling is the spirit of "Lingshu"; Su is the essence of "Suwen". "

"Brother Fang, you...do you remember?"

There's no reason why a name can't be remembered, she didn't want to ask this way, what she asked in her heart was:

'What are you going to call me? '

But when the words came to his lips, he also realized that even though his girl's family is a village girl, it's not good to ask like this...

I could only change my mouth and say, ‘Do you remember? '

When Fang Han heard the word "Cheng Lingsu", his heart was already shaken.

Surprised by it.

Cheng...Lingsu! ?

Isn't that...

There was surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the thin, weak, delicate and delicate girl in front of her is actually the clever and intelligent descendant of the medicine king.

If this is broken, many things can be corrected.

For example, she was young, but was praised by Mr. Zhen for her extraordinary medical skills, which far surpassed her own; for example, she described her appearance in a thorn hairpin sarong, like a country girl, with a small and exquisite figure, thin and haggard.

Why didn't he notice it beforehand?

First, in the life simulation, he has been wandering on the edge of the rivers and lakes, and has never really met any original characters.

After that, I went back and forth to Linshui County for decades, but I didn't see any "famous" person at all.

Naturally, it was subconsciously ignored.

Second, this girl's "fame" is not that great after all, and she is inferior to the most classic heroines.

If it's that girl dressed as a beggar with weird elves, whenever he meets and notices it, there's no reason why he can't recognize it... right?

All in all, he didn't think about it at all, so he didn't realize it for a while.

"Brother Fang?"

Cheng Lingsu lowered his head, and couldn't help calling softly when he didn't get a response for a while.

Fang Han returned to his senses slightly, and restrained his emotions.

Decades of life simulation experience have also affected his temperament to some extent. If he met this kind of girl in the book when he just traveled, he would definitely feel strange.

But at this time, his mentality is no longer so young.

When he came back to his senses, although he was still a little surprised by the little girl Cheng Lingsu, it was difficult to affect his mentality.

Seeing that the little girl hadn't received a response and she looked a bit disappointed, she couldn't help but smiled and helped her smooth her hair, and said: "Lingsu, Lingsu, Lingshusu asked, this name is elegant and appropriate, I remember down."

"From now on, if outsiders are around, I'll call you Miss Cheng, and if there's no outsiders around, I'll call you... Lingsu, okay?"

Girls these days generally cannot tell outsiders by name.

Of course, those who belong to a certain family background will only pay attention to them.

If you are a scholar in the world, you don't stick to these things.

It's just that he has a lot of affection for this little girl, so he won't pay attention to it.

Cheng Lingsu's face was ashamed and happy, and he thought to himself that he was talking about outsiders like this, did he treat himself as...

Don't turn your head away, let out a hum, and said:

"Whatever you want to call it is up to you."

Fang Han said with a smile: "It should be what suits you."

Cheng Lingsu pulled the hair beside her ear and whispered softly: "Naturally it is desirable..."

Fang Han could not help but lighten his eyes when he saw that her every move revealed a different kind of beauty.

Seeing that her hair was soft and slightly yellow, she couldn't help but pay attention.

According to his medical skills, the little girl didn't seem to have any strange symptoms.

Besides, if there is any illness, as a person with excellent medical skills, she naturally doesn't need others to remind her.

It looks like a simple nutritional deficiency.

Think about her matter again, if you realize something.

In the original book, when she first appeared on the stage, she seemed to be so thin and haggard, with a gloomy face, but as time passed and the story developed, the description of her seemed to have begun to change in the later stages.

His face changed from dull to white, with occasional paleness.

The appearance seems to have never been 'unsurprising', but gradually charming and pleasant, and the heart is slightly shocked.

Let's get in touch with the description of her background in the original book. It comes from a rural village, and it wasn't a big family in the first place.

Later, even though Master Wu'an, the "King of Poisonous Hands and Medicine", accepted her as a closed disciple, her master seemed to have passed away very early. In the original book, she was about fifteen or sixteen years old when she first appeared, but her master was already It was a few years after his death.

A girl in her teens suddenly lost her asylum. It is estimated that her normal life will not be easy.

When Mr. Zhen introduced her earlier, she also said that she was a girl from a distant relative's family. Because of some difficulties at home, she came to join her.

The "difficulties" mentioned here are self-explanatory.

From this point of view, it seems that there is really a lack of nutrition.

Take a closer look at Cheng Lingsu's complexion, it's a little better than when we first met a few days ago.

It's not obvious, but it's definitely getting better.

Presumably it is because I have a stable place and eat better, so I have raised a little bit.

Fang Han blinked, feeling more pity in his heart.

Ask her: "Do you have time today?"

Cheng Lingsu was stared at by Fang Han all the time, and she was quite ashamed and happy. Hearing this, she couldn't help but think of yesterday, when she thought she was going to drive her away, but it turned out not to be.

So what is he going to do?

"Yes, yes. Brother Fang, what's the matter?"

Fang Han got up and said with a smile: "It's nothing, just seeing that your complexion is not so good, I want to take you to make up, let's go, let's go now."

Cheng Lingsu's heart trembled when he heard the words, a little heartwarming, but flustered again.

Subconsciously touched her face with her hands, her hands were delicate, but she knew that she was not good-looking, so her complexion couldn't help but darken: "I, I think it is, I think it is..."

What it is, I can't tell.

She pursed her lips and said, "Brother Fang is kind, and my younger sister appreciates it, but it's not good to miss the business."

Fang Han laughed, and said: "The business now is to take you to make up, don't refuse."

I can't help but gently hold the little girl's wrist, through the clothes, but I can feel the slenderness and fragility.

Cheng Lingsu's face flushed, and he wanted to break free subconsciously, but it was difficult to generate any strength.

Step by step, follow Fang Han.

(ps: The new book sets sail! I hope you will support me a lot, and ask for flowers, recommendations, monthly tickets, and comments~)


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