End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 2 End Of Life! Good Doctor!


Fang Han has set a goal, the first problem to be solved is the problem of coiling.

At that time, when he first came to this world, eating was a problem, so he could only find a job in a small town. Relying on his literacy and arithmetic skills, he barely found a job as a bookkeeper in a restaurant, which was a little more stable.

But this can only guarantee daily needs, and it will be difficult to save money.

It took three years to save enough money.

It's not that Fang Han is stupid and can't think of a way to get money, but because, in this world, it's really too difficult for him to do something as a criminal.

This heart acid is not enough.

After finally saving enough money, it took more than half a year to follow a group of traveling merchants before reaching Wuliang Mountain in Dali.

The experience of searching for the blessed land of Langhuan was full of twists and turns.

First, he was regarded as a spy of the Shennong Gang by the Wuliang Sword Sect, so he saved himself from suffering, but he was also forced to work in the Wuliang Sword Sect.

He had no choice but to stay honestly for a year and a half, and finally took advantage of a conflict between the Wuliang Sword Sect and the Shennong Gang to sneak away.

After some groping and twists and turns, he finally found the blessed land of Lang Huan, but before Fang Han could be overjoyed, he suddenly discovered that the secret book of magic skills was long gone.

After planning for several years, it turned out to be nothing but joy.

Well, in fact, it's not that I didn't expect to be prepared.

After all, he wasted a lot of time, and the opportunity will not wait for him. If you don't have the ability to get it, then it is natural that someone else has taken the lead.

But after a few years of time and energy, nothing happened, and it's no wonder that I feel good during it.

Fang Han was numb at the time, and searched the blessed land many times unwillingly, but still didn't get anything, so he had no choice but to accept the reality.

A bump into a wall did not make Fang Han disheartened, and he soon cheered up.

It's just luck, it's really terribly mysterious.

Follow-up plans for the Nine Yang Scriptures and the Nine Yin Scriptures, trekking through mountains and rivers, traveling all over Chongshan and Zhongnanshan, but none of them succeeded.

It was really what he expected. When he went to Shaolin, he had no money and no reputation. In the eyes of others, he was just an ordinary citizen who could do nothing but burn incense. When he went to the ancient tomb, he spared most of the circle. Avoiding the Quanzhen Taoist's inspection, Fang Han took a deep breath when he saw the bottomless pool, and could only give up from the bottom of his heart.

After repeated setbacks, coupled with the many things he encountered on the road, Fang Han was disheartened and his blood subsided.

At this time, he was thirty years old.

Martial arts cannot be said to be ordinary, but it can also be called rubbish.

Since it was not possible to seek magical skills, Fang Han thought to himself that it would be better to go honestly to learn from a teacher.

Take your time and learn the basics first, so you won't accomplish nothing.

The result was still not what he wanted.

The disciples of general sects are selected from an early age, one is to choose the root bone, and the other is to cultivate.

People like Fang Han are in their thirties, their bones are formed, their meridians are well defined, and they have already passed the best period of learning martial arts. In addition, their background is unknown, and their composition is hard to say. Naturally, they would not agree to apprenticeship.

There is a way to accept him as a named disciple, but he needs to pay a lot of money.

Moreover, this kind of registered disciples can only learn some ordinary martial arts in the sect at most, and most of them can't learn martial arts that are a little more profound, so they don't have the qualifications.

Generally, this form of apprenticeship is not for those who specialize in apprenticeships, but for those who have caused grievances in the world, or who want to seek protection from the mountains.

Neither does this, nor does that.

Straight into an endless loop.

Fang Han was speechless, and finally gave up the idea of ​​practicing martial arts, and returned to Linshui County silently.

In fact, at this time, he has been traveling for more than ten years, and the initial enthusiasm has long been exhausted, but it is supported by unwillingness. After accepting the reality, Fang Han is also free and easy.

If you can't get it, stay away from it.

It's not about escaping, but over the years, he has seen and heard a lot, and he is really used to seeing disputes in the rivers and lakes, grievances and hatred killings, and martial arts people will draw their swords when they disagree with each other, and the swords will face each other.

Leaving aside the glamorous outer shell, there is no doubt that there are many dangers inside!

Originally, he had the magical secrets in his heart, and hoped to learn Unrivaled Martial Arts. If he could achieve his wish, it would be fine, and he would be able to protect himself in such a world, like a fish in water; but now that he can't get what he wants, and he can't even take care of it, he naturally hopes to keep it at a respectful distance. .

So I went back to the remote small county where I started, and prepared to spend it peacefully.

Since he was ready to live a good life, he must have a job. After thinking about it, he found a job in a medical clinic. He was diligent and hard-working. He worshiped the old doctor in the medical clinic as his teacher to learn medical skills.

The so-called medicine and martial arts are not separated, in the final analysis, Fang Han still had a little unwillingness and longing in his heart at that time.

While thinking about studying medicine, I can also have a general understanding of martial arts.

And this stay has lasted for decades, even today.

The old man had passed away long ago, and because he had no children, he left the clinic to Fang Han, the only disciple, to inherit it.

Time flies, and now, Fang Han himself is very old, stepping into the countdown of life.



Gathering from his memories, Fang Han sighed slightly.

He got up and put the medical books back on the shelf, then went back to lie down on the bed.

Recently, he has always felt that he is getting more and more tired and has no appetite.

I have studied medicine for many years in this life, so I probably understand it vaguely.

I'm afraid time is running out.

"A lot of regrets..."

With an inaudible sigh, Fang Han gradually closed his eyes, rarely sitting still and breathing.

The next day, the clinic was closed.

Another day later, the surrounding neighbors realized that something was wrong, they knocked open the door, and found that the old man was lying on the bed, lifeless, and they were shocked.

For a time, the news spread throughout the small county.

Many people around were weeping and mourning.

Why do you think the people are like this?

It's all because this old man is a well-known good doctor and good doctor in the county!

In the past, ordinary people would never go to the hospital for medical treatment unless it was necessary, because they looked down on them, and the fees for consultation and medicine were enough to make the people in Qianshou look embarrassed.

But this old doctor Fang has a benevolent heart, and he has free clinics from time to time, and he treats the common people free of charge.

In the past few decades, which one of the people in Qianshou in the county and the villages around the county has not received its favor?

Now that he is dying, the people who have been favored by him naturally cry and mourn for him.

Knowing that he had no children and no relatives alive, the people spontaneously buried him in a coffin.

If you have money, give money, and if you have strength, you can contribute!

This matter made a big difference, even the newly appointed county magistrate of Linshui County was alarmed. Hearing about this, he sighed greatly: "Hanging the pot to help the world and keep the people in one place healthy. You are really a good doctor!"

(ps: The new book sets sail! I hope everyone will support it~)


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