End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 208 Li Mochou: Absurd! Are You Lying To Children!

If it wasn't "The Jade Heart Sutra", what else could it be!?

Thinking of Xiao Longnu's extremely brilliant lightness kung fu that came silently just now, and the exquisite acupressure technique just now, how could Li Mochou not care about it, she already classified it as the peerless kung fu in the "Jade Heart Sutra" in her heart!

Otherwise, how could her little junior sister have such powerful abilities at such a young age!?

Li Mochou was jealous in her heart, and said with a sneer: "Young junior sister has to pass on this magic skill, but I am very envious of senior sister. Master, she always likes you much more than me! She never told me about the unique skill of slave bee formation. , the dark room for practicing kung fu in the ancient tomb has been concealed from me all the time, and now even the "Jade Heart Sutra" handed down by the patriarch and mother-in-law

She only taught it to you alone! Master...you are so eccentric!" 1

Speaking of the back, the eye sockets were slightly red, and his face was full of unwillingness.

Grandma Sun hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.

She is only serving everyone in the ancient tomb, but it is difficult to say anything about matters in this sect.

Xiao Longnv stared at Li Mochou, her eyes narrowed slightly, she did not speak.

Li Mochou took a deep breath, while being jealous in her heart, she also coveted the "Jade Heart Sutra", she flicked the whisk in her hand and said: "Junior sister, since the master has passed away, I don't want to care about many things, there are many martial arts in this sect The stunt, you have inherited it, that's fine, I don't need to care about it, but I must have that "Jade Heart Sutra"!

Seeing Little Dragon Goddess groaning emotionally, Li Mochou was overjoyed and secretly thought that she was not the hall!?

That would be the best!

Xiao Longnu said slowly: "Before the master died, he told me that if the senior sister is willing to abide by the sect rules and make the ancient tomb oath, it is not impossible to rejoin the ancient tomb sect. The secret of the "Jade Heart Sutra" can naturally be passed on for you."

Li Mochou's expression suddenly became ugly upon hearing this.

The oath of the ancient tomb sect is that they will never leave the tomb of the living dead, and live in this dark place for the rest of their lives!

In the beginning, Li Mochou sneaked out to roam the rivers and lakes because she couldn't bear the indifference in the ancient tomb. Now that she has been walking for many years and has seen the outside world, she might not want to stay here again.

Xiao Longnv seemed to have seen through Li Mochou's thoughts, and said softly: "If Senior Sister can't stay, there is no other way, as long as you break the oath, you will naturally be free.

Back then, Lin Chaoying, the founder of the Ancient Tomb School, resented Wang Chongyang for setting up the sect rules.

In the final analysis, Lin Chaoying herself hoped that Wang Chongyang would change his mind, so it was naturally impossible for her to seal off the way out.

It's a pity that I didn't wait for that feeling until I died.

Li Mochou obviously also knew the conditions, her face was instantly gloomy, and Guanghe said: "What do you mean by sister!? Are you trying to build me, senior sister!?"

At the beginning, she did not hesitate to disobey her teacher's order and leave the ancient tomb because of a man.

At that time, she had just sneaked out and wandered the rivers and lakes, and happened to rescue Lu Zhanyuan, the owner of the Lu Family Village. Unexpectedly, he was a heartbroken man, and his sincerity was wrongly paid after all.

Now hearing that Xiao Longnv mentioned breaking the oath, it is no less than adding salt to a wound, making up the knife with precision, and she is extremely angry.

Xiao Longnv looked at her with clear eyes, shook her head lightly and said, "That's not too difficult, why is Senior Sister doing this?"

Li Mochou almost laughed angrily, she seemed to be mocking her, and she also seemed to be mocking herself, saying: "Young junior sister, you have never been outside, nor have you seen what the outside world is like.


Hmph! All the men in the world are cheaters! It is impossible to break such an oath!"

Hearing what she said, Xiao Longnv's usually indifferent face suddenly felt a little unhappy, and she blamed: "Fang Lang is not like this, what you say, senior sister, is unbelievable."

Li Mochou:

Grandma Sun: "

Both of them were stunned for a moment.

Fang Lang!?

Which Fang Lang!?

Li Mochou reacted belatedly, surprised, angry and happy: "Okay! It turns out that little junior sister, you don't keep the door rules!"

Unexpectedly, looking at Bingqingyujie, this little junior sister has secretly made a private decision for life.

Master, you were so partial to the little junior sister back then, but now you are not mistaken!

Among the three present, Grandma Sun was the most confused.

Li Mochou doesn't live in the ancient tomb, so of course she doesn't know about it, but she gets along with Xiaolongnv day and night, and it's hard to say that she knows her every move in detail, but at least when she has a lover, she definitely won't be ignorant of it!

Who is the person in the girl's mouth!?

Where did it come from!?

This is absolutely no sign!



Grandma Sun seemed to have thought of something, her expression changed slightly.

Not without warning signs.

The girl suddenly behaved a little strangely a month ago, she didn't realize it at the time, but now thinking about it [could it have started at that time!?

Apart from those bull-nosed Taoist priests from the Quanzhen Sect, there is basically no one else on Zhongnan Mountain. The girl can't be...

Grandma Sun frowned slightly, thinking that probably not.

But exactly how, you have to ask carefully.

At this moment, Li Mochou seemed to have caught Xiao Longnu's vitals, proudly lifted off her apricot yellow sleeves, revealing her snow-white skin, a little vermilion was evident: "Junior Sister, do you dare to show me your arms?"

Women of the ancient tomb sect will put Shougong sand on their arms.

Although her relationship was not going well, she always maintained courtesy at that time and never surpassed it. After all, she was instilled with the concept that many men are not good things since she was a child, so although she was emotional, she still completely restrained her emotions. From the beginning to the end All are pure.

If her junior sister loses Shou Gongsha, let's see if she still has the face to call herself the heir of the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Grandma Sun also came back to her senses, and said anxiously: "Girl, who are you talking about? You are young and ignorant, so don't be fooled by the man's rhetoric!"

Xiao Longnv shook her head slightly, a blush appeared on her face: "Fang Lang never lied to me..."

Li Mochou ignored her, took a few steps forward, grabbed her arm and lifted off the white sleeve, revealing a more crystal clear and white slender jade arm, with ten spots of vermilion impressively on it.

Li Mochou's expression was slightly stagnant: "How could it be?"

Xiao Longnv blinked her eyes, moved her plain hand slightly, and directly got rid of Li Mochou's palm, without saying a word, she just looked at her.

Li Mochou's complexion changed, and finally snorted: "You can say anything about someone, whether it's true or not, it's unknown, just let him come out!"

It is proved to be on the one hand, but the heart is also curious.

A pure and desolate girl like her little junior sister, what kind of character business has won her heart?

The little dragon girl blushed slightly, subconsciously glanced at the direction deep in the ancient tomb, and said softly: "He's not here now, I haven't seen him in my life, I have to wait a few more years before I (good ones) can see him." meet him."

Li Mochou and Grandma Sun both looked blank.

That's right.....

What words?

What do you mean you haven't seen each other in this life?

Could it be that you still met each other in your previous life!?

Li Mochou gradually came back to her senses, her face flushed red with anger, she said angrily: "Absurd! Ridiculous! Junior Sister, do you find it interesting to play tricks on me like this?"

I no longer believed in what Xiaolongnv said.

Indeed, these words are extremely weird.

You haven't even met each other, how can you fall in love!?


You put this to lie to the child!

Li Mochou has fully realized now that her little junior sister is playing tricks on her!

If you refuse to give the "Jade Heart Sutra", there is no need to amuse her like this!

The anger in my heart endured again and again, and finally it was uncontrollable, and the whisk swayed the doctor!

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