End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 210 Thoughts! Seek Straightness In The Song!

Xiao Longnv didn't have to hide anything from the grandma who took care of her all the time, so she said to her: "His name is Fang Han, as for when did we meet...

Speaking of this, Xiao Longnv smiled slightly: "Mother-in-law, have you forgotten, I have already said it before, it will take a few more years before I can meet Fang Lang."

Grandma Sun had a strange look on her face, pondered for a while, and said, "Grandma is really confused by what you said. Since you have never met him, how did you know him? If you have never met him, how did you know his name?" ?~”

Xiao Longnv heard the words, recalling all kinds of past lives, her face was slightly flushed, but she thought about the utter disbelief of her senior sister just now, and realized that it was difficult to explain the situation, so she just said:

"Anyway, I know."

When Grandma Sun saw Xiao Longnv talking about the man she was talking about, there was always a smile on her face, which was extremely rare.

In her memory, she probably only saw such a smile when she was young.

If you really have to meet a lover, with the mentality of Grandma Sun raising Xiaolongnv as a daughter, you will only be gratified and happy, but the problem is...

According to what the girl said, it is not certain whether there is such a person in the world!

Grandma Sun looked at Xiao Longnv worriedly, and she couldn't help thinking to herself: The girl has such a nature, what she said, [sincerely.

It's just that, although she spoke from the bottom of her heart, what she said was...


Could it be that when he was practicing the "Jade Heart Sutra", he made a mistake, lost his mind, and talked nonsense?

Or, is it a case of being possessed by evil spirits or possessed by demons?

Thinking of this, Grandma Sun couldn't help but stepped forward, stretched out her hand to touch Xiao Longnu's forehead, her hands were smooth and delicate, and the touch felt slightly cool, she took Xiao Longnu's little hand again, and asked with concern: "Girl, do you feel it?" Where does it hurt?"

Xiao Longnv shook her head: "Grandmother, I'm fine now, why would I feel uncomfortable?"

"Is that so..."

Grandma Sun was even more puzzled when she heard the words, but when she thought about it carefully, she felt that the girl's current situation really didn't seem to be a problem at all, but her temperament was more gentle than before.

She naturally didn't know that in the past, Xiaolongnv practiced the ancient tomb mental method, so the inner strength mental method is based on "less thinking, less thinking, less desire" and pays attention to restraining one's emotions. It seems cold, and treats the outside world indifferently.

But the current Xiao Longnu is in a state of mind that has been experienced for more than a hundred years. She has thoroughly understood the mystery of the ancient tomb mentality. The shackles in it are no longer a problem for her, and naturally they will not be affected anymore.

But she has such a temperament, although she doesn't need to be influenced by the ancient tomb mentality, but she is a little more gentle than before, but there is not necessarily any major change.

Grandma Sun was thinking back and forth in her heart, but it was really hard to judge the situation, she couldn't figure it out, she could only hold Xiao Longnv's hand, and said earnestly: "If there is anything wrong, girl, just tell the mother-in-law, okay?"

Xiao Longnu responded with a hum.

After talking for a while, he got up and left.

After walking for a certain distance, return to the practice dark room, sit cross-legged and transfer internal strength.

Although she had stabilized Li Mochou just now, her skill at this time was not that strong after all, and she spent a lot of internal energy after all.

It took less than half an hour to recover, Xiao Longnv opened her beautiful eyes, and said in her heart: 'It will be a long time before I see Fang Lang, I will practice my martial arts well first, then maybe I will scare him

Thinking of this, Xiao Longnu's eyes slightly curved.

She didn't have any thoughts of getting out of the ancient tomb at all, so she planned to wait until five years later.

On the other side, at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

Li Mochou walked with a gloomy expression, Hong Lingbo saw that the master was in a bad mood, and he dared not speak at all, so he followed carefully, the two of them walked all the way to a small town at the foot of the mountain, and were about to enter.

Li Mochou suddenly stopped and frowned, muttering:

"If you can't get it straight, why not ask for it?"

At this time, different from the original trajectory, Li Mochou was almost completely suppressed in the ancient tomb just now. Such a huge gap made it impossible for her to see the possibility of taking it by force.

...asking for flowers...

Therefore, what I thought of instead was seeking straightness in the song.

Why don't you re-enter the Ancient Tomb Sect first, and wait until you get the "Jade Heart Sutra" before talking about other things!

As for door rules and oaths...

When the time comes to learn the "Jade Heart Sutra", she has her own reasons!

Thinking of this point, Li Mochou no longer hesitated, and said to Hong Lingbo: "Let's go back!"


Hong Lingbo was stunned, not understanding what Master meant.

Li Mochou frowned slightly, thinking that he had accepted such a stupid apprentice, after saying something to keep up, he turned around and walked towards the ancient tomb of Zhongnan Mountain.

Hong Lingbo followed eagerly, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Master, we just went down the mountain, why are we going up again now?"

The corners of Li Mochou's lips curled up slightly: "Master will bring you to the Ancient Tomb Sect!"

Hong Lingbo was surprised, and thought to himself, didn't Master just get kicked out?

Why now...

Aren't you afraid of being kicked out again?

Li Mochou had been with Hong Lingbo for a long time, and she really knew this heartless apprentice, just looking at her expression, she could understand what she was thinking, she got angry, and reached out to slap her on the head.


Hong Lingbo covered his head and looked at Li Mochou with teary eyes: "It hurts, Master.

Li Mochou ignored her, looked at the sky and said: "Go faster, it's still early."

Hong Lingbo let out a grievance, covered his head with one hand, and trotted behind Li Mochou with the long sword in his other hand.

After walking for a while, Li Mochou suddenly said: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that after joining the Ancient Tomb Sect, you will only be able to live in the ancient tomb from now on, and you will never be able to leave.

When Hong Lingbo heard this, his face turned pale and his eyes lost their brightness.

Li Mochou glanced at her, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and her steps became lighter.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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