End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 219 Ah Zi: It's So Terrifying, I Need To Please...

Outside Linshui City.

A beautiful shadow stands tall.

It seems that she is not young, but she is born beautiful, slim and exquisite.

A red dress

Seeing the location of Linshui City from a distance, Wu Xingyun looked happy, but also vaguely helpless.

Glancing at Ah Zi who was eagerly following behind her, she shook her head silently.

She thought...

This mysterious and unimaginable situation is only her own...

I didn't know it was not.

If it wasn't for her sending the elite of the Nine Heavens and Nine Departments of the Vulture Palace to investigate the news, it just so happened that the news from Xingxiu Sea came, saying that it was heard that there was internal chaos in the Xingxiu Sect, and Ding Chunqiu sent him to the top and bottom disciples Killed a little half.

From this incident, Wu Xingyun sensed that something was not quite right.

Send people to investigate carefully, and more detailed news will come.

It turned out that the Xingxiu sect's treasure of the town religion [Shenmu Wangding] was stolen, so this accident happened.

Hearing this situation, Wu Xingyun was stunned.

To her, this is actually a trivial matter, not even a matter, but the crux of the problem lies in the fact that the [Shenmu Wangding] was stolen in 007, although it also happened in the previous life.

But logically speaking, it should have happened a few years later, and it was the [Shenmu Wangding] and the "Huagong Dafa" that Ah Zi stole. ,


So much ahead of time!?

Wu Xingyun instantly felt something was wrong.

Until the people from Jiutian Jiubu brought Ah Zi to

Seeing Ah Zi, I will be a perfect match

Back to the present, not just her.

While being extremely pleasantly surprised, I also realized that my busy work was in vain...

Fortunately, she still plans to practice to make up for the damage to the foundation, restore her body to a normal state, and go to him again.

Now it is not needed at all.

Wu Xingyun abandoned his original plan and went directly south.

Now that they know that Fang Han and the others probably have memories, the original scruples and comprehensiveness no longer exist.

Naturally, she couldn't wait any longer.

Even if she is far from fully recovering, it will be about a month or two.

But it is no longer necessary.

On the contrary, she doesn't need to recover so quickly, maybe there will be a miraculous effect

When Wu Xing went down to Yunnan, he also brought Ah Zi, the oil bottle, along the way.

For Ah Zi, Wu Xingyun knew very well.

It's not only his Su faction, but to a certain extent, he also has some relationship with the faction, and she is also A'Zhu's biological sister.

In the previous life, relying on Ah Zhu's relationship and knowing Fang Han, he stayed in the Vulture Palace for a long time and learned a lot of superior martial arts.

In the early stage, this little girl tried every means to worship her husband, but later on, she gradually changed her goal... She was "ambitious"

In the later period, when he wandered outside, he made a lot of disturbances, which had a great influence. It is said that he even founded a school and became the founder of the mountain. He is quite proud.

Wu Xingyun didn't know about the later things, because at that time, she was gradually dying, and there was not much time left, so she didn't bother to care about the outside world at all, and only cherished every moment spent with Fang Han, Cheng Lingsu and the others. .

On Wu Xingyun's delicate face, which looks like a girl, even a little immature, there are faint eyes, which seem to have the color of nostalgia.

Seeing Wu Xingyun, Ah Zi's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly showed a flattering smile.

She was cute and young, showing such a flattering smile was not disgusting, but rather charming.

Naturally, she couldn't be some kind of delicate girl with her disposition.

Even under the influence of Fang Han, she didn't do any evil or bad things, but she can still be called a deviant, pure little witch.

The current her, let alone anyone, even Ding Chunqiu standing in front of her, is not afraid.

But when facing Wu Xingyun, it is unavoidable that he is timid and trembling in his heart.

(ceaa) There is a saying: Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle.

Ah Zi is a little "careful" towards Fang Han, so naturally she has a deep understanding of the people around him in order to win him over.

Sister Azhu, Abi, and Xiao Zhao are the personal servants of the seniors.

But there's no problem, A'Zhu is her own sister, and she can't help her sister if she has something to do? Abi and A'Zhu's sister are inseparable, they have a deep relationship, and they have a good relationship with each other, so they can win over. Taking the senior as the center, thinking about the senior in everything, should not stop, but basically will not help.

Sister Cheng is dignified and gentle.

The status of the main wife will never be shaken. To realize her careful thoughts, she has to pass her test, but with her nature, she will probably not embarrass this little girl.

Sister Long is simple and unpretentious, easy to get along with.

And if you don't fight or grab, it's not a big problem.

Sister A Luo is a bit difficult to deal with, but she is a character who respects her a little bit and she also pays back a little bit, and can reason.


Linger is good, we get along very well, we can play together, basically there is no problem.



Blocker, cheapskate, jealous, annoying!

Thinking of Mu Wanqing, Ah Zi cursed in her heart.

She still remembers what happened when she was in Leigu Mountain.

Obviously at that time, she felt that she had the opportunity to follow her senior, but she was blocked by her "no".

Well, in fact, the result would be the same with or without Mu Wanqing, but Ah Zi just attributed everything to her.

Hmph! Later, I often ruined her good deeds, which is really disgusting.

As for Sister Yun in front of her, she is so terrifying!

Not only is martial arts the most powerful existence under the predecessors, but it is also unfathomable, so it needs to be respected and flattered.

Azisi thought to this point, secretly feeling extremely sorry.


As long as she's alone, that's fine!

She just needs to please sister Cheng.

Wu Xingyun's eyes were deep and dark, and he said with a half smile but not a smile: "Ah Zi, I see that you also ran to the Central Plains at the beginning, um, where are you planning to go? Could it be that you plan to get into my husband's bed first?"

AhZi broke out in a cold sweat when she heard it, feeling as if her mind had been pierced.

She is naturally not afraid of ordinary people, or she can fool them casually, but this one in front of her, she is really afraid, she can only smile with an innocent face, but dare not speak.

Because, she really thinks so...

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