End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 221 Wu Xingyun: I Am Not A Fairy......

To be fair, when Fang Han first learned about the core role of [Life Simulator], he exclaimed in his heart that it was awesome!

A lifetime of Sims!

Simple! Direct!

But terrifying!

Even at the beginning, based on his lifespan of about 70 or 80, he would have a total simulation time of two to three thousand years.

To be able to survive for such a long time, the pigs are really fine!

So after realizing [Life Simulator], the idea of ​​immortality and immortality in Fang Han's heart has always lingered in his heart.

Now the fruitful results after the second round of simulation have also strengthened his confidence.

In the first round of simulation, Shouyuan extended to nearly two hundred years "490" by leaps and bounds!

There is also the bonus of [Longevity] talent, which increases the lifespan by 20%, that is, about 240 years!


After adding points to the Eight Paths [Lingyun], it will be combined with the created [Northern Ming Hanhai Jing], and the seven characteristics will be added to the body!

It is difficult for him to figure out what is the limit of his lifespan now!

The total duration of his simulation is even more difficult to calculate, at least tens of thousands of years!

Wouldn't the days after this be very long?

Wu Xingyun didn't know the deep meaning of Fang Han's words, and at this moment, she had no time to think about other things...

After an hour.

Wu Xingyun let out a long sigh of relief, his whole body was comfortable and transparent.

Originated from Fang Han's [Bei Ming Zhen Qi], under the majestic vitality of [Shen Zhao Gui Yuan], her body's fundamental damage has been repaired.


It will take a couple of months or so to complete.

But under the cultivation of Fang Han's 【Northern Darkness True Qi】, it took an hour to completely recover!

And not only that, she found that her [Eight Desolation and Liuhe Internal Force] seemed to be much more refined.

Gently threw himself into Fang Han's arms, and asked curiously, "What's the matter with your inner strength? It's not like 【Northern Darkness True Qi】, it's far more miraculous than that."

Using the previous explanation, Fang Han roughly explained the situation to Wu Xingyun, and then showed her a dense amount of true energy, which shocked Wu Xingyun. speechless.

Wu Xingyun's martial arts attainments are extraordinary.

In the later stage, he can be called a great master of martial arts!

But she has never seen such a mysterious power.

Is this still internal?

Wu Xingyun was also difficult to define for a while, and his heart was complicated and difficult to understand.

I am very happy about Fang Han's situation,

Having reached such a level, his martial arts achievements are unprecedented and unprecedented!

I am far inferior to him.

But at the same time, Wu Xingyun felt vaguely sad.


She died too early.

"I don't know many things about you..."

Hearing this, Fang Han hugged Wu Xingyun in his arms with a gentle expression: "If you want to know, I will - tell you in detail." 1

In fact, in the second round of simulation, Wu Xingyun is definitely the longest-lived person other than Fang Han.

She practiced martial arts at the age of six, and when she met Fang Han, it was the third time she experienced the San Gong moment of rejuvenation. [Eight Desolation and Liuhe Only I Respect Gong] San Gong rejuvenates every 30 years. At that time, she was 16 years old. age.

In the end, it was during the sixth Sangong period that her time was approaching, that is, ninety years after she met Fang Han.

Ninety-six plus ninety, a total of one hundred and eighty-six years old before the end of life.

Among the other girls, Miss Cheng lived the longest, at least several decades.

Fang Han himself was only one hundred and ninety-nine years old, and he died when he was nearly two hundred years old.

It can be seen that Wu Xingyun's lifespan is definitely not short.

But the helpless thing is that she was born too early, and when she met Fang Han, it was already the third San Gong period.

After her sixth Sangong passed away, Fang Han was only 118 years old, and for the following 80 years or so, she was in a blank period.

This is where Wu Xingyun's heart hurts.

With his small face pressed against Fang Han's chest, listening to the heavy and slow heartbeat, Wu Xingyun responded softly.

But she thought in her heart, she should live longer in this life, and spend as much time with him as possible......

Fang Han looked at the silent Wu Xingyun in his arms, and sighed secretly, with warmth and pity in his heart...

In fact, since he created the [Bei Ming Han Hai Jing], his perception has become much sharper since his skill has been extended to the profound.

He could vaguely guess the thoughts and emotions in Wu Xingyun's heart.

After pondering for a while, he said in a gentle voice: "Wait a minute, I will teach you the essence of the method. With your martial arts attainments, you will definitely be able to comprehend the subtleties. Last time, your life was exhausted during the sixth Sangong period. Let's work hard. , extend this deadline to the seventh, eighth, or even ten or twenty times, what do you think?"

Wu Xingyun was stunned by what he said, and then he snorted and giggled: "The seventh time is fine, there are still so many possibilities, but ten or twenty times, it's been hundreds of years, I'm not a god !【Eight Desolation and Liuhe Solely Self-Respecting Art】is not a method of immortality! How can it be done?"


Being said by Fang Han, Wu Xingyun was really happy, and laughed in Fang Han's arms. She was born extremely beautiful, but now her smile is like a flower, which is even more beautiful.

Fang Han felt helpless, am I joking?

I'm serious okay.

Using the mysteries of his [Bei Ming Han Hai Jing] to deduce [Eight Desolation and Liu He], maybe it will have a miraculous effect!

Perhaps the limit of the number of times of rejuvenation by 1.9 is pulled up.

At worst, it can also make Wu Xingyun out of the extreme.

He stretched out his hand to hold Wu Xingyun's smooth and jade-like face, and there was still a layer of blush on his face when he laughed just now.

Fang Han said seriously: "Yun'er, what I said is true."

Wu Xingyun blinked his eyes and looked at Fang Han fixedly. Seeing his gentle eyes, there was no doubt that a warmth came into his heart, and he blushed and said, "Anyway, I listen to you."

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