End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 224 Lord Of Vulture Palace! Life And Death Talisman!

Three days later.

In Linshui City, in the flower hall of the small courtyard.

Po Yu, Fu Minyi, Sao Shi and the other chiefs bowed down in front of Fang Han and Wu Xingyun with reverence on their faces.

"Subordinates are late! See the lord!"

Wu Xingyun's expression was indifferent, he hummed softly, and then slowly said: "Get up. I've called you here today. Apart from the previous trivial matters, I also want you to meet the new owner of the Vulture Palace."

Hearing this, all the women in Vulture Palace were shocked!

The new owner of Vulture Palace!?


They all subconsciously set their eyes on the mysterious man with a difficult dignified appearance beside Wu Xingyun.

Could it be him!?

But why did the Lord give up the position of the Lord of the Vulture Palace to him?

Everyone was full of doubts, but only Nai had a little understanding of it.

Some time ago, when she was in Vulture Palace, she had heard about it from Wu Xingyun.

I wonder if this is the "husband" that the Lord spoke of!?


Extremely majestic, unfathomable!

It's awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring to watch!

I'm afraid that only people like this can be worthy of the Lord! 197

Granny Yu didn't dare to think too much, she quickly knelt respectfully and said, "See the new lord!"

When Fu Minyi, Mrs. Shi and others saw Granny Yu like this, they all woke up like a dream, and said in a panic: "See the new students!"

Although they don't know why, they dare not disobey the order of the Lord!

But for some reason, facing this new lord, they felt a faint sense of heartbreak, as if they were worshiping him!

Fang Han's eyes fell on the crowd, he nodded slightly and said, "Get up."

Everyone in front of them can be regarded as old acquaintances.

During the second round of simulation, in the Vulture Palace, they also had a lot of dealings.

Their loyalty is unquestionable.

It can only be said that Wu Xingyun's way of governing is very clever, and all the daughters of the Nine Heavens and Nine Divisions of her Vulture Palace respect her like a god, are extremely loyal, and there is no possibility of rebellion at all.

But Fang Han can also vaguely feel their awe and admiration for him.


Is it the miraculous effect of [Possibility Master] talent?

Increase your power and prestige!

Increase the loyalty of your forces!

Fang Han thought in his heart that this talent bonus (cefc) would be of great use to the people in the Vulture Palace, and it was an added bonus.

Because even without this talent, the women of Vulture Palace will definitely support Wu Xingyun's decision to the death, and will respectfully pay homage to his new lord.

And if it is thirty-six holes, seventy-two

Maybe it will work wonders!

But thinking about this, Fang Han's expression moved slightly, he looked at Wu Xingyun and asked, "Do you have anything to do with the thirty-six caves and the seventy-two islands?"

During the second round of simulation, these forces had a big meeting of ten thousand immortals to gather crowds to rebel against the Vulture Palace. Wu Xingyun also suffered a lot for this. The forces and characters at the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference will not end well.

Wu Xingyun's eyes were slightly cold, and he said softly: "Of course we can't make them feel better."

A group of heretics and clowns, she actually doesn't pay attention to them at all, but with the experience of her previous life, she can't tolerate this group of rebels.

Of course, this time, she will not let them die too easily.

In the previous life, the main force of the rebels in Thirty-six Caves and Seventy-two Islands were basically killed by Fang Han, and they would die if they died, but it was too cheap for them!

Fang Han understood immediately when he heard the words, he didn't want them to die too easily, and planned to serve them with life and death talismans.

If the Nine Heavens and Nine Departments of the Vulture Palace belong to the core and elite of Wu Xingyun, then the Thirty-six Caves and the Seventy-two Islands belong to the fringe forces. They are the forces that Wu Xingyun suppresses and subdue when he goes out, and uses the [Life and Death Talisman] to forcibly control them. !

Therefore, the cave masters of the thirty-six caves and the island masters of the seventy-two islands were all marked with the [Life and Death Talisman] by Wu Xingyun, and they needed the analgesic and antipruritic medicine from Vulture Palace every year to calm down the [Life and Death Talisman]. Once the medicine is not taken on time within a year, the life and death talisman in the body will explode in an instant.

And the onset of [Life and Death Talisman] is not as simple as sudden death. At the beginning of the attack, there will be pain and itching in the body. The location began to gradually spread to the whole body, and eventually there will be unbearable severe pain and itching in the internal organs and bones, which will intensify until ninety-nine and eighty-one days!

Then from the most terrifying time, it gradually began to decline, and after another ninety-nine and eighty-one days, it returned to the situation when it just broke out, and immediately started again, going round and round, without end!

This kind of torture, in fact, many people can't even stand it in the first few days. Even people with great perseverance can't bear the endless cycle of repeated pulling. During the process, he scratched his whole body until he suffered numerous injuries, and finally died gradually in extreme pain!

It is precisely this kind of horror that life is worse than death, so this method is named after [Life and Death Talisman]!

Wu Xingyun said, looked at Fang Han again, and said softly:

"However, those who did not participate and did not respond will be fine, and we will leave them a way out.

In the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference back then, he actually participated in the thirty-six holes and seventy-two islands.

Intimidated by the great reputation of [Tianshan Child Elder], many forces realized that something was wrong and did not dare to participate at all. In fact, a considerable number of forces did not dare to participate in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference from the beginning to the end.

Under the influence of Fang Han, Wu Xingyun's temper was much better. If it were at this time in the past, it is estimated that all the forces and people involved in the Thirty-six Cave and Seventy-two Islands would have no chance of survival.

But at this time, Wu Xingyun didn't have a serious intention to kill, he only chased the culprit and the participants, and the rest didn't matter.

Fang Han naturally wouldn't say anything about it, because he also agreed with it.

While the two were talking, all the women of the Vulture Palace present held their breaths and did not dare to speak, but they were secretly shocked!

It's not because of the thirty-six caves and the seventy-two islands, although they don't know why these fringe forces under the Vulture Palace angered the lord, but they don't need to investigate, they just need to kill and exterminate them.

The thing that surprised us was the attitude of the Lord, it seemed... seemed to be very gentle, even tender, like a wife

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