Qu Yang only felt that the matter was tricky, so he silently dragged Qu Feiyan and walked for another distance.

Those green-robed women seem to be vaguely ready to attack. Qu Yang can roughly feel the subtle but murderous danger. His forehead is slightly sweating, and his expression is gradually dignified. Ready to go, always ready to violently resist, and then escape out of Linshui!

Qu Feiyan also gradually changed from lively and cheerful to silent, with her small face tensed.

But suddenly...

The delicate atmosphere suddenly dissipated.

Qu Yang looked around, but those green-robed women were also missing.

I couldn't help being dazed, feeling confused.


He felt that there was going to be a fierce battle.

It's not a wild guess, it's the keen intuition of an old Jianghu.

But why all of a sudden...

Qu Yang felt that the matter was paradoxical.

Seeing that Qu Feiyan's small face was tense and silent, she couldn't help but soften her expression and said, "Feifei, don't be afraid, it's okay.

Qu Feiyan blinked her eyes, somewhat puzzled: "Really?" 490

Qu Yang nodded, hummed, and continued to look around. He really didn't find those green-robed women embroidered with vulture patterns, and felt more and more strange in his heart.

Qu Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief after being confirmed by her grandfather, and then looked around, her eyes suddenly froze.

After staring at the plaque of [Fang's Medical Center] for a few moments, his eyes rolled around.

But in the current situation, the little girl didn't have the heart to think about that, so she held her expression and looked at Qu Yang: "Grandpa, what should we do now? Should we leave quickly?"

The current situation always feels bad.

Although grandpa said it's fine, but the dignified appearance just now is undoubtedly very dangerous. If you don't leave now, when will you wait?

Qu Yang nodded, pulled Qu Feiyan and left in a hurry.

far away.

Sister-in-law Shi watched the grandpa and grandson leave, and didn't say much, but breathed a sigh of relief.

In the situation just now, she was really about to give an order.

In fact, if Qu Yang and his grandson don't go in this direction, then it's okay to say that the elites of the Zhu Tian Department are only monitoring one or two at most to keep an eye on them. near.

Such an action naturally caused everyone in Zhu Tianbu to be very nervous.

Sister-in-law Shi, as the leader of Zhu Tianbu, was under a lot of pressure, for fear that these two people would disturb the purity of the Lord.

At that time, her crime will be great!

Who knew that when the order was about to be issued, it...

Sister-in-law Shi hurriedly came to the medical hall, and bowed to Fang Han who was sitting there in fear: "This subordinate has not asked for orders, but made arbitrarily asserted opinions, and please forgive me, the lord!"

"Get up."

A gentle and clear voice came, accompanied by an extremely strange and subtle feeling. Sister-in-law Shi only felt a soft but irresistible force slowly lifting her up, secretly terrified in her heart, watching Fang Han's expression is very shocking and inexplicable!

It must be known that there is a distance of two feet between her and the lord.

It is extremely difficult to simply hit the strength to this range, and it is difficult for a master who is not a master of martial arts to achieve it!

Ordinary martial arts such as strength through the air, palm splitting the air, and the like, can split the air within a range of two feet, and it is already an extremely superior skill when placed on the rivers and lakes. It is indeed a rare ability in the world!

Like [Dragon Capture Kungfu] and [Crane Control Kungfu], if you practice it to the deepest point, you can only ingest objects within five or six feet of space at most!

This chopping and shooting, from two feet to five or six feet, represents the change of difficulty in the subtle use of strength.

(cedg) The simple splitting from a distance is relatively the easiest. If you want to ingest it from a distance, it is a bit more difficult. If you want to form a vigor through the space like the Lord, you can lift it freely, do whatever you want, stone Sister-in-law is also quite knowledgeable, and her martial arts are not shallow, but she really doesn't know what kind of mysterious realm is such ability!

Isn’t it the power of a god!?


Even the god-like Palace Master may not be able to do it!

Fang Han saw Mrs. Shi, and said in a clear voice, "It's been a tiring journey, it's been hard work.

When Aunt Shi heard the words, she was flattered and said: "For the honor of the master, I just do my best! The responsibility is, and I dare not say hard work!"

If it is said that before, her respect for Fang Han was more due to her status as the "Master of Vulture Palace" and her relationship with the palace owner, so now

Seeing the power of Fang Han that is almost as powerful as a god, she is already worshiping from the bottom of her heart!

Fang Han looked at Mrs. Shi's almost fairy-like expression, and felt in his heart that he had underestimated his own power and how shocking it was to others.

But think about it...

In the original book, the sweeping monk's three-foot air wall and his subterranean power all shocked the eminent monks in Shaolin, thinking that he was the incarnation of a Bodhisattva, with vast supernatural powers and boundless Dharma!

Everyone who saw it at that time was in awe and inexplicable, and they were called gods and monks.

At this time, Fang Han was able to use his strength latently, and he could do whatever he wanted, and easily set foot beyond ten feet away. If you simply look at the strength of splitting the air, the range is unimaginable!

Even if it only reveals a range of two feet, it still arouses Mrs. Shi's horror and inexplicable shock!

It's normal for her to treat her like a god.


Xu Shi has the bonus of [Momentum Master] talent, Fang Han can vaguely feel the loyal loyalty of Mrs. Shi in front of him, and it seems that he has made a breakthrough again, reaching a limit value of never betraying!

The talent of [Shizhu] is actually the same as the two talents of [Wu Zong] and [Longevity], they are all blessings based on their own foundation!

In the past, Mrs. Shi and even the other daughters of the Vulture Palace had awe and reverence for him more because of his status as the new owner of the Vulture Palace, but now, this respect and worship gradually evolved to come from him. itself.

At least this is the case.

Fang Han looked thoughtful, and had a deeper understanding of the master's talent.

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