End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 244 Ren Yingying: I Always Feel That Something Is Wrong......

Inside the veil, a young woman of about sixteen or seventeen stands in it.

She was born beautiful and beautiful, as white as jade, and she is so charming and beautiful.

She was wearing a soft purple and blue dress, which had the style of a quack. Although she was young, she was already exquisite and graceful, with a slight curve.

The person is none other than Ren Yingying, Miss Ren Tian, ​​the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect!

Ren Yingying looked at the scenery outside with a suspicious expression.

"Land of Jingchu, Mount Heng?"

The Hengshan faction is a famous decent sect in the Hengshan area. Qu Yang had stayed in Hengshan city for a year before. She was confirmed by the spies and knew about it. She also knew about the matter between Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng, but she was not prepared. Don't bother.

As long as Qu Yang could find a famous doctor for her, that would be enough.

Just hearing that he went to Jingchu to seek medical treatment, Ren Yingying felt a little strange in her heart.

"Seek far away..."

When this thought came up, she herself felt very strange.

But I can't tell what's wrong.

Ren Yingying thought for a long time but couldn't find a solution, so she shook her head slightly, calmed down her thoughts, and sighed secretly.

Looking in the direction of the West Lake, there was a hint of worry in his eyes: "Father, please bear with me for a while... 217..."

After all, she was fledgling and underprepared at this time.

Let's talk about force first, although it is not weak, but compared with the top generation, it is far from being comparable.

Let's talk about power......

Although many people in the church are willing to listen to her orders and provide her with encouragement, the premise is that they are holy ladies.

Once he starts going to the village to save his father, it means that he will completely tear himself apart from Dongfang Bubai!

Her identity as a holy nun no longer exists.

At this time, how many people are willing to listen to her?

It is estimated that there are only those who are still loyal to their father, headed by Xiang Wentian Uncle, and some of the congregants who have been helped by her to relieve the pain of [Third Brain God Pill] in recent years.

But how many of these two groups of people are there? Who is truly loyal? Who is false and deceitful?

In fact, it is difficult for her to judge clearly.

People are treacherous, really unpredictable!


A gust of wind blows, and there are noises and voices outside the door.


Ren Yingying heard the words, with a look of joy on her face, she walked out from the veil, opened the door and called out: "To Uncle, (cedb) you are here!"

In the courtyard outside, stood a middle-aged man dressed in white, with a thin face and a solemn expression.

Seeing Ren Yingying, her face was slightly serious, and she even saluted: "Miss, I haven't seen you for many years!"

Ren Yingying was excited, she led Xiang Wentian to the flower hall, and called for tea.

Uncle, Daddy was trapped at the bottom of the lake, right?"

Although her words were questionable, she used a rather determined tone.

Xiang Wentian was slightly taken aback, although his expression remained unchanged, his heart was full of astonishment and doubts.

I don't know how this kind of secret was learned by the eldest lady.

Even if it was him, it was after years of continuous searching and investigation that he gradually got some clues, and finally it was confirmed that it was related to the four friends of Meizhuang in Hangzhou. The four of them were sent out suddenly many years ago. It's so easy and happy in Hangzhou Meizhuang, it was originally a disguised form of guarding the leader Ren.

Originally, it was absolutely impossible for him to mention this matter to the outside world. Even Ren Yingying, the daughter of the former leader, did not contact or inform her. thing.

He thought to himself that he would plan for a while, and when the time was right, he would rescue Master Ren!

Unexpectedly, just as he started to act, he received a letter from Ren Yingying, which stated that she would go to a place in Hangzhou, hoping to meet each other.

At that time, when he saw the letter, Xiang Wentian broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that Dongfang Bubai knew about his plan, and deliberately deceived him with the letter from the eldest lady, and set up a trap to frame him.

I wanted to ignore it and avoid the limelight first.

But in the end, he couldn't resist coming to investigate and confirm one or two.

The moment I saw Ren Yingying again, the heaviness and worries in my heart were relieved a little, but the doubts in my heart increased instead of diminishing.

It stands to reason that she shouldn't know.

Couldn't it be Dongfang Bubai who took the initiative to explain this matter to her?

Xiang Wentian's thoughts changed sharply, his expression turned away, and he showed a look of astonishment: "Why did the young lady say such a thing? The leader, the old man, has already..."

Ren Yingying looked at Xiang Wentian and said, "Does Uncle Xiang also believe that his father has passed away?"

Xiang Wentian sighed and asked, "Why did Missy make such a guess? Or did someone mention this to you?"

Unexpectedly, when Ren Yingying heard this, she had already confirmed the situation, her expression was immediately joyful, and she said crisply: "Father, he is really not dead!"

The joy is beyond words.

Xiang Wentian knew that this young lady was intelligent and quick-witted, and if his tone of voice was a little off, she confirmed it, and he simply stopped hiding it, and explained with a long sigh:

"Miss Bingxue is smart, I can't hide it from you. That's right! The old master is indeed imprisoned under the West Lake and guarded by the four friends of Meizhuang. It's just... please don't be rash, don't be rash Act, lest you miss the opportunity."

As he said that, Xiang Wentian looked at Ren Yingying, thought for a while, and still couldn't help but said: "Miss suddenly arrived in Hangzhou, I'm afraid that Dongfang Bubai..."

Ren Yingying smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry to Uncle, I have handled this matter well and will never make him suspicious. I know where my father is, but it's not enough to save him. Now that Uncle is here, the chances of winning are indeed much greater. "

Xiang Wentian was relieved, but after hearing this, he said: "The matter of rescuing the leader is left to Xiang X! The eldest lady has a special status, if there is too much movement, "I'm afraid it will inevitably make Dongfang Invincible" .”

I thought to myself that this matter needs to be done secretly, not because there are many people and strength, and a large number of people also means that the risk of things being exposed increases, and secondly, if he fails, it will not implicate Ren Yingying, and it will not make the teacher The blood of the Lord is cut off.

That Dongfang Bubai needs the eldest lady to comfort the hearts of the congregation, he will never treat her lightly, instead he has to take good care of her.

Ren Yingying heard the words, but shook her head slightly and said: "Father is in trouble, how can a daughter turn a blind eye and remain indifferent?"

Seeing what Xiang Wentian wanted to say, Ren Yingying smiled slightly and said: "Please rest assured, Uncle Xiang, I will not act rashly until I am sure of rescuing my father.

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