In the room, Mrs. Shi served tea and stood silently by the side.

Both Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan seemed a little uneasy and extremely cautious.

Qu Feiyan was fine, but Qu Yang secretly felt very surprised~ uncertain.

As an elder of the Sun Moon God Sect, he has a wealth of experience, even if he faces the leader Ren and the leader of the East, he will never be like this.

What's more, because of [Three Corpse Brain Pills], the weight of life and death being controlled by others.

But when facing the two people in front of him, especially the Lord of the Vulture Palace, he felt inexplicable awe in his heart!

And I don't know if it's an illusion, but he even felt that the operation of his internal force seemed to be a little stagnant.

Qu Yang shook his head secretly, thinking that maybe it was caused by poisoning in his body.


Looking at Fang Han, like Qu Feiyan, Qu Yang inevitably felt a subtle sense of familiarity.

It seems that I have seen it somewhere, but I can't say it for a while.

Miss Cheng didn't mention the matter of Master Wu'an first, but instead looked at Qu Yang's face, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Qu, the poison in your body is a strange poison called [Broken Heart Grass], this is actually easy to understand.

As he spoke, he took out two jade bottles and poured a pill each, and handed it to Qu Feiyan: "These are two kinds of detoxification pills, after taking them together for your grandfather, you will be fine, just rest for a few days and you will be fine. "

[Broken Heart Grass] has nothing to say, it is derived from a strange poison developed by Yaowangzhuang in the early years, and the solution to this poison is impressively listed in the chapter of [Yaowangshen Chapter] detoxification by Master Wu'an.

Ordinarily, it would take a lot of time, energy, and steps to get rid of this poison, but for Miss Cheng, who is now superb and proficient in medical skills, naturally there will be no difficult problems.

Just use some general-purpose detoxification pills that she has prepared recently, and use one or two together, and you can completely remove the specific gravity.

Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan were overjoyed when they heard the words.

The former felt that the detoxification pill of Vulture Palace, which could concoct [Jiuzhuan Xiongsnake Pill], must be very extraordinary. Even if it could not completely detoxify, at least it could relieve a lot. He had taken a few pills of Yuanyuan in the previous month. The elixir prepared by the people from Zhu Tianbu has a very significant relief effect.

For the two pills in front of me, the expectations are quite high.

The latter, on the other hand, directly believed Miss Cheng's words, and thankfully took the pill for Qu Yang to take.

After taking these two pills, the fragrance of the medicine is slightly intoxicating, refreshing and cool.

But after a while, Qu Yang could clearly feel that his body began to relax, and his muddled mental state was also shocked, and he had a very obvious improvement.

Qu Yang didn't know the miraculous effect of these two detoxification pills at this time, he was very moved and delighted, he quickly thanked him, and Qu Feiyan also followed with red eyes.

During this period of time, the mood of the grandfather and grandson was tense.

One was afraid that he would go away suddenly, leaving the little granddaughter alone alone, and the other was afraid that something would happen to grandpa, and panicked in his heart. It was only at this time that they finally calmed down a little.

Cheng Lingsu saw that Qu Yang's complexion had improved a lot, and asked in a clear voice: "I heard that Mr. Qu has a lot of connections with his family teacher? I'm still looking for his old man recently, what's the matter?"

Qu Yang was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately reacted, with a surprised expression on his face, he said: "Madam's master, could it be Master Wu'an!?"

Cheng Lingsu nodded lightly: "Exactly.

Qu Yang immediately felt that the circumstances of life are really amazing!

He traveled thousands of miles to the land of Jingchu in search of famous doctors, and was even accidentally poisoned, so that his life was in danger, but he failed. Now he returned to Linshui, and got his wish to meet the real medicine king!



No wonder she was able to see the poison she was poisoned at a glance, and removed it easily.

With such ability, isn't it similar to the [King of Poisonous Hand Medicine] back then, what's more, the green out of the blue is better than the blue!

Qu Yang's expression was complicated, but he calmed down quickly.

Thinking about it, he roughly described the situation of his encounter with Master Wu'an in the early years, and the need to seek a famous doctor to go to Hangzhou together, but still did not mention the holy lady

Both sides are his benefactors, and they have received great kindness, so they can only take care of them.

It's just that even if he didn't say anything, after Fang Han heard about it, he could vaguely guess the reason and thought about it.

Sun Moon God Religion, Hangzhou......

West Lake Meizhuang, let me do it?

Xin said that in the early and mid-term of the second round of simulation, I did hear that there was a fight within the Sun Moon God Sect for the position of leader, but is this time period ahead of time?

...asking for flowers......

And in the original track, did Qu Yang participate in this matter?

Fang Han pondered, but he wasn't quite sure.

Because at that time, he didn't pay attention to these external matters at all, and from the beginning to the end, he didn't have much contact with the Sun Moon God Sect.

The world is very big, even in his more than two hundred years, he didn't get involved in everything.

Miss Cheng was silent for a moment, obviously thinking about Master Wu'an.

She hadn't heard Master Wu'an mention this matter.

But this matter is indeed very in line with his old man's disposition.

Miss Cheng said softly: "In this way, Mr. Qu is still a friend of my family teacher, so he can be called my elder."

"Don't dare!"

Qu Yang did not deny that he and Master Wu'an were friends, but he did not dare to call himself the elder of the lady in front of him.

What's more, people in the Jianghu talk about things, and he really can't be called an elder of others, so naturally he can't admit it indiscriminately.

Qu Feiyan was silent on the sidelines, but looked at Cheng Lingsu's very delicate and beautiful face, and was filled with gratitude and a little secret admiration, thinking that this sister is really beautiful, and her medical skills should be extremely good, She is really capable...

And I always feel that the more I look at it, the more familiar I am, and the more I look at it, the more friendly I am, it really seems like I have seen it somewhere.



The little girl sniffed the scent of the two detoxification pills just now, her eyes suddenly brightened, as if she had thought of something, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise.

Immediately, she looked at Fang Han at the side. When she first met, she didn't dare to look at him too much, but now she was sitting and talking, sitting opposite each other, looking at Fang Han's extremely handsome appearance [and gradually recalled it in her heart.

She didn't think about that for a while before, and the two of them had changed too much, so she couldn't recognize them for a while.

But looking at it carefully now, I immediately recalled it.

The two great benefactors in front of me are not the ones we met in Mochiyue Tower...

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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