Although Qu Yang is a member of the Devil's Cult, his nature and behavior are rather upright. Repaying a favor is the most basic thing.

After pondering for a while, he looked at his granddaughter's appearance of "life is not easy, she must sigh", Qu Yang broke into a smile, and nodded secretly: "Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang just now, I saw that they were both very good. Good characters, if you can follow them, it's not a bad thing.

In fact, he had long been thinking of finding a good place to house his little granddaughter. At the Liu Mansion in Hengshan City, Feifei disagreed very much at the beginning, but now it is not impossible to change it here.

As for being a young lady in Liu's residence, it may not be necessary here, and she may even do some rough work as a maidservant, Qu Yang doesn't mind.

It's not that he doesn't value this little granddaughter, but it's different from Liu Zhengfeng's time at this time. That time, she was entrusted to a friend to raise her. Given the friendship between them, naturally there is no need to say anything.

But now it is to repay the kindness, so naturally it is impossible to ask for too much, and it is up to others to decide how to do things.

But based on Qu Yang's observation with Zhu Tianbu's elite during the past month, and the conversation with Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu just now, the old Jianghu's eyesight has made some judgments about this. Worry.

"The Vulture Palace is a powerful force with a deep foundation. If it is not possible to join it, it will also receive some protection in the future."

Whether it is a series of martial arts masters I have seen before, or the elite of Zhu Tianbu, you can see that it is good!

And I heard that the core of their Vulture Palace is located on the side of the Tianshan Mountains, the Nine Heavens and Nine Divisions here in front of them are just a very small part of the elite, you can see it from a glimpse!

Qu Yang was naturally happy to see Feifei join it, it would be best if he joined it, and that might not be an excellent thing.

As for the Sun Moon God Sect...

Qu Yang never thought of taking his granddaughter to the Sun Moon God Sect. He ran away in no time. Growing up in that environment, the most important thing is...

【Three Corpse Brain Pills】!

That kind of thing, unless you are a leader, anyone can be forced to obey it.

In the current God religion, whoever has a name and surname can not take (Three Corpse Brain God Pill]?

There are only a few such as [Tianwang Laozi] Xiang Wentian, [Holy Aunt] Ren Yingying, etc.!

They didn't take it, Qu Yang can understand it, the former Xiang Wentian and Dongfang Bubai were his envoys during the reign of the leader, they are very capable, Dongfang Bubai also has to give three points of favor, and That Xiang Wentian was extremely foresighted. Before Dongfang Bubai came to power, he used excuses to stay away from Heimuya, the center of the divine religion, and has never joined the religious religion. Even if he wanted to force him to take the [Three Corpse Brain Pill], he would have no chance of.

As for the latter, Ren Yingying, she is the widowed daughter of the leader Ren. Dongfang Bubai's superior position is full of doubts, so even if she is pretending, she must show a polite attitude, otherwise everyone in the church will look at her. , If you really want to force Ren Yingying to take [Three Corpse Brain Pill], it will undoubtedly be an act of extermination, which will easily cause strong dissatisfaction and fierce resistance.

Therefore, not only did Dongfang Bubai not allow him to take the [Three Corpse Brain Pill], but he even named him a [Sacred Aunt], which greatly eased the emotions of the people in the sect.

But what Qu Yang doesn't quite understand is that it's nothing more than Dongfang Bubai being given the position of [Holy Aunt] by Ren Yingying, but the antidote [Three Corpse Brain God Pill] is willing to be obtained by him, but he really doesn't know this gourd What kind of medicine is sold here.

[Three Corpse Brain Pills] The importance of the antidote is beyond doubt.

It is a great weapon for the leader to control the top and bottom!

It is unwise to leave it in the hands of others!?

Qu Yang couldn't understand Dongfang Bubai's intentions, but he also knew that such a situation was a rare case. If his little granddaughter Feifeiru joined the Sun Moon God Sect, it was foreseeable that she would have to take [three] Corpse Brain Pill].

He is not willing to let his only blood relative to endure this kind of extremely vicious elixir. It is very uncomfortable to feel that life and death are in the hands of others.

Right now, here is a good place to go.

In another darkroom of the third courtyard.

There was a creaking sound of the door opening, accompanied by a dazzling light.

Shi Wan'an's face was pale, weak and lifeless.

He hadn't seen the sun for a day or two, so it was hard to avoid the glare at this time, and he couldn't open his eyes, but at this moment, he had no time to care about those, he knew that he only wanted to know why these people in front of him captured him!?

I wanted to ask something, but I couldn't open my mouth, my jaw was dislocated, and I couldn't move, and my limbs were broken.

Such a situation where eyes cannot see, mouth cannot speak, and body cannot move, made this [Poison Hand God Owl], who has been doing evil for many years, unable to bear the extreme fear in his heart. The eyes struggled to see something. 887 finally...

He could see a little bit, it seemed to be a gleaming white horse?

In the next moment, I felt a chill in my throat.

Shi Wan'an fell to the ground with a plop, and gradually became silent.

A generation of poison masters died just like that.

Mrs. Shi looked at it coldly, shook the blood on the sword, and motioned to the left and right to clean up the place.

Immediately turned around and left, the matter that the lord told me has been completed!

The rest is the trivial matter of gathering the forces of Yaowangzhuang.

In the next period of time, she will be very busy.

It is necessary to call in the manpower from Vulture Palace in Tianshan Mountain to help.

Luoyang Green Bamboo Lane.

Ren Yingying frowned and looked at the two letters in her hand.

One was a message from the spies in her hands, and the other was a letter written by Qu Yang himself.

Ren Yingying looked at it for a long time before gently putting it down.

With a slightly condensed expression, he muttered to himself: "Water"

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