End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 257: The Little Apprentice Of The Medical Center! Poison Buster!

Fu Minyi naturally knew that the Lan Fenghuang in front of her was the Miao Jiang woman she saw when she entered the city a few days ago.

It's true that the girl's clothes are too conspicuous.

Especially the gorgeous silver ornaments on her head, with lines like patterns and dragons, which made her already pretty face even more eye-catching.

Obviously the skin is not that white color, but it looks extremely bright.

Fu Minyi was naturally quite impressed with it.

Seeing Fu Minyi sizing him up, Lan Fenghuang didn't show any emotion, and smiled generously: "My good sister, we met at the city gate a while ago, what's your name? Ah~ my name is Lan , called Blue Phoenix!"

She smiled and looked charming.

Especially the voice, it is Jiao Didi's delicate and mellow, which makes people's mind slightly swayed.

Seeing this, Fu Minyi's expression eased slightly, and she inevitably felt a little fond in her heart.

The most important thing is that this Lan Fenghuang, these days is still a rule.

He nodded lightly and said, "My surname is Fu, Fu Minyi."

The name of a woman from the Central Plains should not have been disclosed to outsiders, but the other party is also a woman, and she took the initiative to tell her name24, so she would not mention it if she concealed it. It seems petty.

Furthermore, they are all people from the Jianghu, and they don't pay much attention to those vulgar etiquette.

Fu Minyi asked: "Miss Lan is from Miaojiang? What's the matter with coming to Shuicheng?"

Lan Fenghuang smiled and said: "I heard that Feifei's grandfather was poisoned and injured, I was entrusted to come and have a look, but he detoxified and left early..."

Fu Minyi looked at Qu Feiyan, and seeing the little girl hastily nodded for confirmation, she hummed lightly.

Although she guessed that Lan Fenghuang might not have told the whole story, she didn't ask the question to the end. She just took a deep look at Lan Fenghuang and said: "Linshui City is a clean place. Please bear with me when Miss Lan is here. ……”

Arching her hands, Minyi left calmly.

Lan Fenghuang smiled, but his eyes were unavoidably cautious.

What I said just now was a warning in disguise.

Qu Feiyan blinked her eyes, and said softly: "Sister Lan, you live here, so don't make trouble casually.

Judging from her knowledge, there are many people with high martial arts skills in the Nine Heavens and Nine Departments of Vulture Palace.

It can be seen from the Zhutian Department and Yangtian Department that she has been in contact with.

Sister Lan is alone in Linshui, she is safe and sound, if she has other ideas...

That would be a pain in the ass!

Lan Fenghuang came back to his senses, pinched Qu Feiyan's little face, giggled and said, "Don't worry, your sister Lan wouldn't dare to do that~"

Only these days, she has already seen many people watching her, how dare she do anything.

What's more, she didn't think about it, she just planned to stay here for a while, observe and observe the situation, so that she could report to the holy lady, which was considered to have completed part of the task.

"By the way, Feifei, didn't you say you have something to do?"

Qu Feiyan suddenly came to his senses when he heard the words, he let out an ouch, and hurriedly said: "Sister Lan, then I won't tell you anymore, I have to leave first~"

After that, he ran away in a hurry.

In fact, Lan Fenghuang was also curious about what Qu Feiyan was doing by helping out, so he followed closely behind, and followed slowly.

Seeing Qu Feiyan walk in

Seeing this scene in the distance, Fu Minyi frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything. If it was before, she might step forward to stop her, but recently the Lord mentioned it, so that they don't have to be so desperate, and they can only lead Order to act.

But even so, Fu Minyi still watched silently, not daring to relax.

Fang's Medical Center.

Qu Feiyan was running out of breath. Fang Han sat in the back with a calm expression. He raised his head and glanced at Qu Feiyan. Seeing her blushing face, he couldn't help saying softly, "Feifei, why are you in such a hurry?"

Qu Feiyan was very embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, big brother, I'm late!"

Actually it was not too late, it was just that she was very embarrassed to see Fang Han arrived earlier than her.

This little girl is currently an apprentice in the medical center, helping with odd jobs, but there is nothing particularly difficult to do, she just helps grab medicine, dry it, and helps Fang Han deliver some things from time to time.

And the time is not long, one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.

It won't hurt her either.

Fang Han shook his head slightly, letting the little girl rest for a while, but Qu Feiyan was very motivated, tidying up, seeing her looking like she was going to have a big fight, Fang Han smiled and didn't say much .

He lowered his head to hold the pen and continued to write.

At this time, it has been more than nine months since Fang Han came back to reality. His medical skills at the [Grandmaster] level, and his extraordinary [Martial Arts] realm, for the common people who come here to see a doctor, no matter how intractable or even serious. The illnesses and pains are all easy to diagnose, the medicine can cure the disease, and the efficiency of seeing a doctor is so fast [it’s unbelievable!

It was seen that Mr. Zhen, the old doctor, came back with a look of interest, and then walked away with a look of shock and bewilderment.

However, it is impossible for the people around to get sick every day. In addition, Fang Han spreads a little knowledge about self-prevention, warming up and curing diseases from time to time, so apart from the relatively high number in the past few months, it has gradually faded now. .

During Fang Han's two hours a day, many of them were even extremely idle.

He was thinking about whether to reduce the duration, but in the end he gave up.

My heart said that it was only the last two months or so, and there was no need to change it.

At that time, the next round of simulation will start, and the leisure routine of the doctors in this medical center will definitely have to stop for a while.


Light footsteps sounded.

Fang Han gently put down the pen and paper, looked up, and saw a pretty girl in Miao Jiang costume walking in with bare feet, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

It has to be said that the girl's attire in front of her is extremely bold in the ancient background, especially if she shows her feet, it is absolutely impossible to appear among the Central Plains women.

Fang Han smiled and said softly, "Miss is a doctor?"

The eyes are a little subtle.

Good guy!

A bunch of poisonous insects and poisons!

This is even more reckless than Zhong Ling who picked out the poisonous snake casually!

My heart said that if it was in the past, when he just returned, it is estimated that the poisonous insects on the girl would have rioted and fled if she was hundreds of meters away.

Right now, the [Northern Darkness Hanhai Jing] created by him has been merged to form the characteristics of [All Poisons from the Heart].

As long as he thinks about it, he won't use the mysterious aura that gods make thunderbolts and poisons fall into a state of terror!

Otherwise, it is estimated that all the poisonous insect creatures on the girl in front of him will die suddenly.

Fang Han can be called the nemesis of all poisons in the world at this time!

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