End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 264: Passing On Skills! All Veins Are Connected!

Ding Chunqiu felt the deepest, because that aura was locked on him, he felt that his breathing was a little stagnant, as if waking up from a dream, his face changed drastically, he knelt down in panic, stretched out his hands as if throwing himself on the ground, and shouted: "Master! Master! Disciple knows it's wrong! Disciple knows it's wrong! Please spare your life! Please spare your life!"

At this moment, Ding Chunqiu didn't have that high-spirited state, only embarrassed and fearful.

Wu Yazi remained unmoved at all, his gaze became colder, and with a light wave of his hand, the colorless and odorless fine poisonous powder that Ding Chunqiu swayed instantly when he knelt down swept across!

Like a violent storm, all of them are shot back!


Ding Chunqiu couldn't dodge in time, his eyes, mouth and nose were hit instantly, severe pain burned from his eyes, tears flowed down his face.

Wu Yazi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him at this time, took a gourd from his waist, smashed it directly, the wine inside exploded, [Northern True Qi] yin and yang reversed, forming countless [Life and Death Talismans] as thin as cicada's wings , the internal force was shaken and shot out.

It enveloped Ding Chunqiu and his disciples of the Xingxiu School.

When Ding Chunqiu was in a state of confusion, he suddenly felt a chill in several acupoints all over his body, his body froze, he had already realized something, his face with closed eyes was filled with boundless fear: "Life, life and death 13 囧!? ..."

As soon as the words fell, I felt extremely itchy all over my body!

In addition, the skin touched by the powder just now is painful and itchy! It's like torture!

He couldn't help scratching everywhere, and then the disciples' shouts sounded in his ears.

The [Life and Death Talisman] shot out just now, and they were all hit. The itching broke out instantly, scratching their whole bodies, and their faces were red.

Wu Yazi stepped forward and broke Ding ChunQiu's limbs, and then pressed his spine, with a surge of force, he was completely immobilized.

A surge of internal energy temporarily suppressed the toxins on his body, Wu Yazi said coldly: "Don't worry, Master Yin won't let you die so easily.

Thinking that his body has been paralyzed for decades, if he directly killed Ding Chunqiu, wouldn't it be too cheap for him!?

Simply tit for tat, blood for blood, let him also experience the pain of being paralyzed and unable to move!

Moreover, the horror of the 【Life and Death Talisman】has to be experienced by him!

After capturing Ding Chunqiu, Wu Yazi said to Su Xinghe: "Xinghe, let you deal with these people."

After all, Yunqi Qinggong left in a hurry.

In ten days, after experiencing the pain of the [Life and Death Talisman], as well as the backlash of [Hua Gong Dafa] and the corrosion of [Poison] in his body, Ding Chunqiu gradually died in boundless pain.

Described as miserable, it can be regarded as a death (cebc).

Wu Yazi's revenge was avenged, he felt relieved, his mental state became better and better, after a few days, he called Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan.

"I originally planned to pass on my skills of more than seventy years to you, but now it seems that it is not appropriate. It is better to use my strong skills to open up the meridians in your body, which can be regarded as helping you in disguise. up!"

Seeing the two people who were silent, Wu Yazi smiled and said: "Don't think too much, I am more satisfied now than ever before, not only enjoying the family happiness, but also finally getting revenge, there is nothing I can't let go of , why not go with the wind?"

Li Qingluo couldn't take it anymore, got up and left: "Yuyan's talent is much better than mine, you just need to help her."

Seeing this, Wu Yazi secretly sighed, but didn't say much.

He just looked at Wang Yuyan and said kindly, "Good boy, your mother is annoyed at me, I can't help her, what about you? What do you think? Are you willing to accept it?"

Seeing Wang Yuyan silent for a moment, she nodded slowly, Wu Yazi was overjoyed: "Good! Good! Good!"

As if afraid of Wang Yuyan's repentance, Wu Yazi said three good words in succession, then he jumped behind Wang Yuyan, sat cross-legged, pushed out his palms, touching Wang Yuyan's back.

The internal strength goes against the road, and the surging and strong [Northern Dark Qi] instantly pours into it like a flood that opens the gate!

Compared with the normal method of empowerment, the inner force does not pour into his dantian, but opens up the meridians for him!

As the white mist rose, Wang Yuyan could feel the warmth all over her body, as if she was immersed in warm soup.

Her expression was slightly concentrated, and she was not immersed in it. Instead, she started to use her internal strength, and cooperated with the continuous [Northern Darkness True Qi] from outside to continuously refine and penetrate the meridians, acupoints, and entrances!

Wu Yazi looked amazed, this little granddaughter's ability is beyond his imagination, this level of control is no worse than him, on the contrary, she still wins.

As time went by, the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians in Wang Yuyan's body, together with the gates of various houses and the Xuanguangdu - penetrated!

Thoroughly become the body of [Hundred Meridians]!

In her previous life, she only gradually reached this level after she had achieved great power in the later stage, but now it is indeed much earlier.

Even though this is not an empowerment, but after 【Baimai Tongtong】, her skill still passively skyrocketed! Saved years of work!

Wu Yazi slowly restrained his internal energy, feeling the only three successes remaining in his body, he sighed slightly.

Then he looked at his little granddaughter with a smile, and his eyes were full of love: "Yuyan, you have all the meridians in your body now, and you can practice in the future, and you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort! Although you are young, you are already more than 90% of the martial arts in the world. Everyone is going to be great!"

Originally, he just wanted to help Yuyan get through the core of the Twelve Orthodox Meridians and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, but he didn't know that Yuyan's martial arts realm is extremely high. Concealed orifices and difficult entrances have all been refined and cleared up one by one.

Normally speaking, even with 100% of his internal strength, he might not be able to complete it.

But at this time, not only was it completed, but there were still three successes remaining.

Wu Yazi couldn't help being amazed.

My little granddaughter is really extraordinary!

It cannot be normalized.

Wang Yuyan didn't have much joy, but looked sadly at the childless.

In her previous life, she had never met Wu Yazi, but only knew a thing or two from her mother.

From what I've seen in this life, although the time we spend together is short, Wu Yazi treats her very well.

At this time, it is inevitable that the mood will be a little low.

Wu Yazi smiled and told her not to be sad, then called Su Xinghe in.

"Xinghe, you are my great disciple. All these years, thanks to your presence, I, a half-dead person, can survive until now."

Su Xinghe panicked and didn't dare: "This is what a disciple should do!"

Wu Yazi nodded slightly: "Come here and sit down, I still have 30% of the power in my body, I will pass it on to you!"

The daughter didn't want to, so after much deliberation, he could only pass on the remaining three successes to this great apprentice.

Su Xinghe looked shocked: "Master!?"

Pass on Gong!?

Why did the master teach the exercises so well!?

And there are only three successes left... 012401224 Feilu 100492120]

Su Xinghe looked at Wang Yuyan sitting beside him, as if he had realized something.

Instantly knelt down on the ground and cried, "Master, is he going to leave his disciples!?"

Wu Yazi sighed: "Idiot, idiot, don't you understand?"

As he said, he didn't refuse him.

Standing up and jumping, the body is upside down, the top of the head touches the top of Su Xinghe's head, the [Northern Darkness True Qi] circulates in the body, while dispelling Su Xinghe's kung fu, he empowers it in!

Su Xinghe is also in his 60s and 70s. If he first transforms the kung fu and then gives the empowerment, he is afraid that his body will not be able to bear it, so he chooses the more difficult side transformation and side transmission!

Fortunately, he has practiced and polished [Northern Darkness True Qi] for many years to be extremely pure, and his transformation and transmission of energy went smoothly.

It didn't stop until only some internal force was left.

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