End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 277 Fang Han: Not Very Smart......

Zhongnan Mountain Road.

Fang Han walked in front, and a graceful figure followed behind.

Li Mochou looked at the figure in front of her, and finally couldn't bear the strangeness in her heart, she pursed her lips and asked, "You...why did you help me before?"

Just now in Quanzhen Sect, if Fang Han had to help her, it would be difficult for her to go out.

When sneaking in, the patrolling force dropped drastically, and when she found the [Quanzhen Fa] she wanted, she found that there were more Quanzhen Taoist priests patrolling around, and gradually increased.

Those Quanzhen Taoist priests are actually not a threat to her, but if they are accidentally discovered, they will inevitably alarm [Quanzhen Seven Sons.

At that time, if he was delayed for one or two more times, and the other party had a large number of people, even if he had Tongtian's ability, he would definitely be in danger.

And even if they successfully escaped, their identity would be exposed, which is no small matter.

Thinking of this, waves appeared in Ji Mochou's eyes.


Why should he help himself?

It stands to reason that the relationship between Junior Sister and him is not very good, he is the husband of Junior Sister, so he should not have a good impression of her.

What is his coveted place

Fang Han glanced at her and said calmly:

"You are Long'er's senior sister, so it's nothing to do with a little effort. But..."

"You have broken the oath by leaving the ancient tomb rashly?"

Li Mochou heard this, her pretty face froze, she was speechless.

Indeed, after the little junior sister left with the person in front of her, she basically ignored the family rules and vows, and she didn't even bother to abide by them.

If it hadn't been for the [Jade Heart Sutra] not being practiced, she would have left the tomb and descended the mountain long ago, and she would not be willing to stay in the tomb of the living dead that never sees the light of day.

Li Mochou was silent for a while, then bit her lips slightly and said: "So what, you, what are you going to do? Could it be that you want to help the little junior sister clean up the house?......"

While speaking, his figure stopped, and he clenched the floating dust in his hand.

He said in his heart that his martial arts skills are extremely high, and he is hard to beat.

But it is absolutely impossible to let her be caught without a fight.

Fang Han looked at her stubborn and unwilling expression, smiled and said: "I will tell Long Er about your matter, how to deal with it depends on her mind.

Li Mochou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if the person in front of her made a move, then she would have no possibility of escaping at all, and if the junior sister came, she would still have a chance to play around a bit.

What's more, now that I have obtained the [Quanzhen Fa], I will be able to narrow the gap by practicing the [Jade Heart Sutra] after comprehension, right?

Taking a step back, even if things fail, it is not impossible for her to take Ling Bo to escape first and hide.

The world is so big, even if my junior sister wanted to find her, it would be difficult.

The exchange between the two ends here.

Soon we arrived at the tomb.

Hong Lingbo was squatting and playing on the grass in front of the cave with great interest, looking at the path from time to time.

Originally, she wanted to go with Li Mochou, but Li Mochou despised her as an oil bottle and refused to let her go at all, so she waited at the entrance of the ancient tomb, first to show her loyalty, and second, to be a treat for the ancient tomb. After a long time, she didn't want to be there all the time, so she took the opportunity to come out to enjoy the wind and sun.

Seeing someone approaching from far away, he thought it was Li Mochou who had come back, immediately threw down the branches and leaves, and cheered hastily: "Master! You are back, uh..."

Hong Lingbo stared round his eyes, stumbled and couldn't speak: "Master Uncle's..."

My heart said, why did Master Uncle's husband come to the ancient tomb?

Is the uncle coming back too?

Sweeping his eyes to the back, he really saw a shadowy figure following her steps, Hong Lingbo's heart was suddenly tense, and his face was flustered.

It's over!

She and her master sneaked out of the ancient tomb, and she was caught for not keeping the oath according to the gate rules...  

How to do it?

Hong Lingbo took a few steps on his hind legs, turned around and wanted to run away, but suddenly heard a scolding voice: "Lingbo! What are you running for!?"

Hearing this, Hong Lingbo was so frightened that he could hear the voice of his master, and secretly cried out incessantly.

I said to myself, Master, your eyes should be brighter, haven't you seen the uncle and the others come back?

It's fine if you don't run quickly, why are you ramming back?

Aren't you afraid that my uncle will teach you a lesson?

Then you'll be sulking again.

From a distance, Li Mochou saw the little girl Hong Lingbo standing there hesitantly, she couldn't help frowning, thinking what's wrong with this silly girl?

While he was in doubt, Hong Lingbo suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Master! You run away! Uncle Shi and the others are back!"

Li Mochou heard the words, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Seeing Fang Han's half-smile eyes, he was suddenly embarrassed and ashamed.

This silly apprentice......

What a shame!

Stepping lightly, she couldn't help using her lightness kung fu, she came to Hong Lingbo, knocked her small head with her plain hand, after all, for her loyalty, Li Mochou didn't use much force, she just said angrily:

"What are you yelling for!?"

"Ah? Master, it's the uncle and the others..."

Hong Lingbo's eyes froze, and he looked at it blankly.

I thought that the master is here, but what about the uncle?

Why is it missing?

But seeing Fang Han walking slowly, Hong Lingbo panicked and panicked. A flash of inspiration came from his heart, and he blurted out: "Master, I'll take your quilt to wash. The weather is so nice today, so I don't want to take it out to dry." It's a pity... Oops!..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hit again.

Hong Lingbo squatted down, clutching his little head, tears streaming down his face.

"It hurts, Master..."

"Forget it if it hurts to death!"

Say anything!

Li Mochou said in embarrassment.

The charming and charming face was red like blood, and his heart was pounding. When he saw Fang Han approaching, he seemed to be frightened, and hurriedly dodged into the ancient tomb. "Soon he disappeared.

Fang Han looked at it with a strange expression, and then lowered his head to look at the little girl who was tearing up.

Seeing his attention, Hong Lingbo forced a flattering smile.

Fang Han:

This little girl doesn't look very smart.

Stretch out your hand and caress slightly, the real air circulates.

Hong Lingbo blinked his eyes, only to feel warm, and suddenly the pain disappeared.

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