End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 28 Thirty-Six Meridian Maps!


Fang Han continued to unfold the silk scroll. Behind it was a series of handwriting. Halfway through the scroll, a human body image suddenly appeared.

It is a woman.

The appearance is very similar to the jade statue just now, almost like the same person.

The person who drew it is obviously a master of Danqing. Under the strokes, with a few strokes, the outline of the human body image is not only full of form and meaning, but also full of charm and fragrance.

Fang Han ignored them.


He hadn't seen anything in his previous life. Although this thing was a fine product, it wasn't worth his attention at the moment. Instead, he focused more on the meridian line diagram on the human body image.

This is the meridian movement diagram of Beiming Divine Art!

Twelve serious! (Six meridians of the hand, six meridians of the foot)

Extraordinary eight meridians! (Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yinwei, Yangwei, Yinqiao, Yangqiao)

Twelve orthodox meridians plus eight odd meridians, a total of 20 major meridians, and except for the Rendu two meridians, each of the other eighteen meridians has a corresponding energy absorption diagram and energy storage diagram.

A total of thirty-six pictures!

The energy-absorbing map is the route of the meridians when absorbing internal energy from others; the energy-storing map is the route of the meridians to store internal energy.

Regardless of whether it is absorbing energy or accumulating energy, without exception, one of the two channels of Rendu and Du is required as the fundamental bridge of the exercise route.

That is to say, the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians of the whole body will become the running route of the "North Ming Divine Art".

In this way, if the thirty-six meridian diagrams are thoroughly practiced, the Beiming Divine Art will be integrated, and the hands, feet, torso, and whole body can absorb the internal energy of others!

In the original book, because Duan Yu didn't like martial arts, he felt that it was an evil martial art that absorbed other people's internal strength, and he didn't dare to desecrate the "immortal sister" in the portrait, so he only practiced the "Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian—" Renmai" has two corresponding meridian diagrams, one is the diagram of energy absorption, and the other is the diagram of energy storage.

The rest are all ignorant.

So his "North Ming Divine Art" can only be cultivated by one-eighteenth of it.

One is not complete, and the other is that you can only absorb other people's internal energy by touching it with your hands. If it is the legs, torso, or even the arms, you cannot use it.

Fang Han does not comment on this behavior, and how others behave is none of his business, but when it is his turn, it is natural to be perfect.

He has to learn all thirty-six pictures!

After skimming through it hastily, Fang Han didn't read it carefully for the time being, but continued to turn the scroll to the back.

There is a small blank space in the middle, followed by various footprints.

Densely packed, tens of thousands, with various annotations beside it, such as 'Guimei', 'Wuwang' and so on.

Outlined with a green line to clarify the order of directions.

"Lingbo Weibu"

The Xiaoyao School's light kung fu and physical skills are unique!

It is an extremely high-level martial art. Ordinary people need to rely on internal energy to perform light kung fu, but this "Lingbo Weibu" not only does not consume one's own internal energy, but can also accumulate internal energy. It is really brilliant.

Fang Han exhaled slowly, his eyes burning.

"Beiming Divine Art", "Lingbo Weibu"......

These two unique secrets can be regarded as at hand!

The first round of decades of life, half a lifetime of regrets and obsessions, Fang Han's current mood can be described as exciting and complicated.

It's hard to put into words the taste.

He made the silk scroll again and put it in his arms.

I found a stone gate in the room, and when I got inside, I saw many bookshelves lined up, each with the name of each sect written on it.

There is a well-known decent family.

For example, "Shaolin School", "Wudang School", "Emei School", "Huashan School"...

There are also aristocratic martial arts families gathered in one place.

For example, "Duanshi of Dali", "Murong of Gusu"...

Basically, the martial arts forces in the Great Song Kingdom are marked here, and there are many scattered martial arts forces outside the country, but they are not comprehensive.

This is Langhuan's blessed land!

Back then, Wu Yazi and Liu Qiushui lived in seclusion here, collecting all kinds of martial arts here.

It is conceivable that there were so many martial arts secrets here at that time.

If he can count them all, it will be really fat.


Fang Han sighed regretfully: "The martial arts secrets here have long been emptied by that Mrs. Wang."

This must have been many years ago.

So even if he came here three or four years earlier than the first round of life simulation, he still could only look at the empty bookshelf with emotion.

However, Fang Han had expected this, so he was not very disappointed.

Turn around and back out of the cave, all the way back to the top.

Cheng Lingsu has been standing by the entrance of the cave, and when he saw Fang Han coming back, his face was slightly happy, and his worries were all gone. He stepped forward to gently sweep away the dust and some spider silk for Fang Han, and asked in a clear voice: "Brother Fang, how are you?" ? Have you found what you want?"

Fang Han smiled and said, "I found it! It went well!"

Seeing that Fang Han was smiling, Cheng Lingsu couldn't help being happy for him.

"Then let's..."

Fang Han took Cheng Lingsu's hand and said, "Don't hurry, I plan to live here for a while."

I have obtained the secret book of magic skills, but I haven't learned it yet, so why are you wandering around?

Cheng Lingsu was a little surprised when he heard this, but didn't say much.

In the past month, she has traveled far and wide and slept a lot, but she doesn't think so. Anyway, it's great to be able to follow her brother Fang.


Taking a look at the surrounding environment, Cheng Lingsu felt somewhat happy. The scenery here is beautiful, with water sources, flowers, plants and fruit trees, so it is a good place.

At least it's much better than eating and sleeping in the open while on the road.

If you live in seclusion here with Big Brother Fang...

Cheng Lingsu's face flushed slightly as he thought about it.

Seeing her pink face, Fang Han couldn't help kissing her, and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's clean the place first~"

Although Cheng Lingsu was a little shy, she was also used to her husband's intimate behavior from time to time, and besides, there was no one around, so it didn't matter.

After listening to what Fang Han said, he was a little surprised and glanced at the hole.

"Brother Fang is talking about this?"

"Yeah, let's go, you follow behind."

Fang Han smiled, and pulled Cheng Lingsu into the cave.

In fact, this place is quite easy to walk around, except for the outermost hole that requires bending over to enter.

In addition, Fang Han has already explored a circuit just now, so naturally there is nothing to hinder.

The two soon entered the cave and stone room below.

(ps: The new book sets sail! I hope you will support me a lot, flowers, evaluations, monthly tickets, comments~)


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