End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 285: The Blueprint For Spreading Martial Arts To The World!

[Wudang Seven Heroes] The [Zhenwu Seven-section Array] formed by seven people is famous and powerful enough to deal with the siege of sixty-four masters in the world!

But at this time, Zhang Sanfeng, the ancestor of Wudang who created this skill, is the main formation, and the [Zhenwu Seven-section Formation] formed by him cannot be generalized!

The majestic momentum of Guishan Mountain and Snake Mountain has faintly evolved!

The sword energy floats like a soft cloud!

But with unparalleled power!

Sometimes it is thick and heavy, sometimes it is light and subtle, and it can be reversed freely, infinitely!

Zhang Sanfeng obtained the magic of this formation, it seems that he added the power to the other six people, the power is much more powerful than when he fought against Fang Han at the beginning!

Fang Han is very sure, facing such power and influence, if he had just returned, it would be very difficult to break through!

But facing it at this time, it is natural.

Instead, he was able to do his job with ease, silently observing the beauty of the [Zhenwu Seven-section Formation].

It took two hours for this battle to end.

Zhang Sanfeng and Song Yuanqiao had suffered a lot, and their faces were slightly pale.

Normally speaking, seven people form a formation, and their internal strength complements each other. Let alone two hours, even a few days and nights, they will definitely not be exhausted.

Just Zhang Sanfeng, with his martial arts and realm, his internal energy can be said to be endless, seemingly endless, fighting for days is really nothing.

This is also a common feature of many people with profound skills, and they have strong battery life, especially because of Taoist internal skills.

And Zhang Sanfeng, a ceiling-level character, is naturally even more extraordinary!


That is according to the normal situation,

Is it normal to compete with Fang Han?

Even if they form an formation to attack, they have to store a huge amount of internal energy in each blow, and go all out to be able to swim and fight with them reluctantly.

In less than two hours, the internal force in each body is almost exhausted.

If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng, a great master of martial arts, who raised the average, he probably wouldn't be able to stand it for half an hour.


Zhang Sanfeng smiled wryly to himself, even with the [Zhenwu Seven-section Formation] fighting each other, it would be difficult for the devil to force Fang to exert all his strength.

And don't talk about using all your strength, I have never seen him display that clear, faint, faint and obscure "dense energy" that day...

It can be seen that the gap seems to be far greater than he imagined!

If Fang Han knew what Zhang Sanfeng was thinking, he would definitely tell him that the big gap is natural.

In the second round of simulation, he visited Zhang Sanfeng and fought against him in martial arts, and he could not lose the wind.

What's more, at this time, under the spirit of the Eight Paths, the [Bei Ming Han Hai Jing] created and created, as well as the blessings of [Wu Zong] and [Longevity] two legendary talents, Fang Han is not only far superior in skill at this time, but also When it comes to martial arts realm, knowledge, and opinions, Zhang Sanfeng is by no means incomparable.

Zhang Sanfeng is worthy of being a peerless genius, a grand master who opened up a line of martial arts, no matter who in the world can receive a palm from him, he can be regarded as a top master.

But what he met at this time was Fang Han, a big cheater, an old monster whose mental age was more than twice as old as his century-old old man, how could it be possible to compare?

To be able to achieve this level is extremely extraordinary, and he is the rarest of the rare!

Moreover, Fang Han saw his vaguely comprehensible expression, and he also knew that this real Zhang probably saw a wider world under the influence of his discussion of martial arts, and his future achievements may be even slower than the original track. be high!


This is exactly what Fang Han wanted.

Not only that, Jiang Han is also preparing to teach the essence of martial arts!

With the gifted comprehension of this real Wudang Zhang, with a clear way forward, it may not be impossible to quickly understand, and even bring forth the new.

Not only him...

Fang Han wants to embark on a path of immortality and immortality. It is impossible to cultivate on his own, even if he has a [Life Simulator] and can have tens of thousands of years.

This kind of self-contained and closed-door thinking is also stupid.

How can one person support the path of immortality and immortality!?

But if the wisdom of the world is gathered, it may not be impossible to achieve.

At this moment, in the martial arts world, when it comes to the realm of martial arts, there is no doubt that Fang Han is the only one, the ceiling of the ceiling!

And it is the kind that breaks away from the cage of the current martial arts system, breaks the rules, and is a supermodel.

What he has to do now is to spread martial arts to the world!

Lead and promote the development of martial arts in the world!

Visiting various factions, in addition to gaining fame and gaining a guaranteed "talent", is actually to pave the way for this matter.

……ask for flowers……


A person who has no reputation or prestige, if he wants to spread his martial arts to the world, he knows it without thinking about it, and it will not cause any waves at all.

Who knows it? Who will believe it?

Or, as time goes by, it will gradually cause the world to shake.

But that would be too slow and a waste of time.

On the contrary, wouldn't it be better to spend some time in the early stage to visit the famous sects from all over the world to build up their reputation first?

When his prestige resounds throughout the martial arts world, and this matter spreads again, the effect will naturally be quite different!

It is not difficult to instantly cause the martial arts to vibrate.

At this time, his reputation and prestige, along with his visits to Shaolin and Wudang, will lead to a full-scale explosion.

Especially after he defeated Wudang Zhang Zhenren, who was said to be invincible all over the world, because of the myth of Wulin.


Just look at the current attitude of the Wudang faction, and you will know a thing or two.

If the deeds of these days spread out, it must be the time when the reputation is at its peak!


Fang Han is not in a hurry.

Although I have thought about spreading martial arts to the world and promoting the development of martial arts, there is no need to be too eager.

One is that his martial arts at this time are still in the stage of continuous improvement; the other is that it takes time for the reputation to spread, don't look at Fang Han's reputation is now resounding in the martial arts, but other

It is only in the martial arts arena that his reputation is extremely high.

Other areas are relatively low.

If Fang Han wants to spread martial arts to the world, the first target is naturally these famous martial arts schools, because they are the group who have the deepest research on the way of martial arts, and they can be called the mainstay.

But the rivers and lakes, after all, are limited to the rivers and lakes, even if all the famous sects are added together, there are only a few people?

Even if it is higher, it is a minority.

A larger group, that is the source of great power and wisdom!

And to realize the blueprint in Fang Han's heart, these prestige...

Fang Han's eyes were slightly dark: "It's not enough."


Let the prestige fly for a while.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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