End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter Thirty-One Fang Han: My Wife Ling Su Has The Qualifications Of The King Of Medicine!


In the afternoon, the two went outside to study together the martial arts on the silk scroll.

Fang Han had already seen the previous "Beiming Shengong", so he started from the latter "Lingbo Weibu". Cheng Lingsu naturally started from the beginning.

As a body technique, "Lingbo Weibu" has both lightness skills and footwork.

Based on the eight, eight and sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, each step is the direction of the hexagram image, which is incomparably exquisite, and has a unique method of inner breath operation. Every step, the inner breath will be adjusted by one point. After walking, it will be a week, and the inner breath will also run for a week.

Not only will the internal strength be lost, but it will be leaner!

This alone is better than many countless movements in the world.

Fang Han read it carefully and was amazed.

Xin said that if he hadn't studied the I Ching and gossip before, and had this knowledge, he would have become blind again.

The martial arts of the Xiaoyao faction really involves too much.

Without culture, you really can't practice anything.


Except for hacking and account hacking.

Over there, Cheng Lingsu also finished reading the "Beiming Shengong" inner strength method and the previous dozen or so meridian diagrams, and noticed that Fang Han put down the silk scroll, and put it down gently, and sighed to him: "Brother Fang, this Xiaoyao School's "Northern" "Ming Shen Gong" is really mysterious and infinite, I didn't know that there is such a magical skill in the world! "

Cheng Lingsu also has internal strength, but compared to the "Beiming Divine Art" in front of him, it is really incomparable.

"Poisonous Hand Medicine King" is strong in the way of medicine and poison, and although it can't be said to be bad in martial arts, it is not much better.

Therefore, Cheng Lingsu, as a direct apprentice, naturally does not have any superb martial arts practice.

But she still has eyesight, and she can see that this martial art is so mysterious and profound, it is really unheard of, to the point of astonishing the world.

Surprised and sighed, but also moved.

I thought to myself that if it was any person in the world, it would be impossible to pass on these magical secrets, even to the closest people, but my husband showed it to her without thinking about it. The trust and intimacy contained in it, how can it not make her heart moved and sweet.

Fang Han nodded slightly, then thought of the obstacle again, frowned and said: "Just want to practice this "North Ming Divine Art", you need to dissipate the energy and forget your own learning, you and I both have internal strength cultivation , I'm afraid...it's not very easy to practice. "

To be precise, it is very difficult to practice.

Because of an inadvertent, ranging from going mad, to dying suddenly.

Cheng Lingsu frowned when she heard this.

This practice is taboo, she just saw it.

It is indeed a big obstacle.

Seeing Fang Han's distressed expression, he frowned and remained silent.

Can't help but feel distressed for it.

After getting along for so long, I also know that my husband is paranoid about martial arts.

Although she also has some martial arts and taught them all to her husband, but none of them are very powerful.

Now I have finally obtained a very high-level supernatural skill, but it is difficult to practice it.

I'm afraid he feels very uncomfortable.

Need to figure out a way...

After pondering for a while, Cheng Lingsu's eyes brightened slightly, and he had a confidence in his heart, and then smiled and said: "Brother Fang, you don't have to worry, I have a solution!"

Seeing Fang Han's astonishment, Cheng Lingsu's eyes were clear, and he said brightly: "The reason why you need to forget your own learning in this "Beiming Divine Art" is because the practice route is contrary to ordinary martial arts. A little negligence will cause internal conflicts. There is a danger of disordering the meridians, and because the exercise involves the meridians of the whole body, one's life will be endangered if one is not careful. If ordinary people want to practice this exercise, they must be cautious!

Either it is practiced by someone who is completely ignorant of inner strength and mentality, or it needs to be learned by forgetting oneself.

However, if there is a second person to take care of you all the time during the practice, even if something goes wrong for a while, resulting in a conflict of internal breath and disorder of the meridians, he can immediately rescue him, so as not to go crazy. "

As he spoke, he opened his clear and bright eyes, looked at Fang Han and said, "Brother Fang, Lingsu can do this!"

In fact, the safest way is naturally not to practice this martial art, and everything will be fine naturally.

But she knew her husband in love, and she would definitely not give up just like that.

Instead of letting him take care of his own practice and face such dangers, it is better to help him with all his strength.

After Fang Han heard this, he was a little surprised, and his eyes brightened immediately.

"Hahaha, good girl, come take a sip~"

Cheng Lingsu blushed and was kissed by Fang Han a few times. Seeing that he was happy, she couldn't help but smile with crooked eyes.

Fang Han sighed in his heart, what kind of fairy treasure girl is this?

It's so sweet to marry home!

Although Cheng Lingsu said it lightly, but this kind of thing can't be solved without extremely high medical skills.

Only Cheng Lingsu, who has at least a "grandmaster" level of medical ability, can say that with confidence.

Like Fang Han himself, he doesn't have such great ability.

Firstly, he rarely comes into contact with this kind of situation involving internal strength, and has no experience in this area; secondly, it involves the meridians of the whole body after all, the twelve regular meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, which are extremely complicated.

The "proficient" level of medical ability like Fang Han is not enough.

Even if he gradually made up for his own medical theory system, and even read "The King of Medicine", which is the inheritance of the king of medicine, the improvement of his medical ability is not achieved overnight.

It's not that after reading the book, the ability level will be increased.

It also needs to be thoroughly understood and practiced in order to gradually improve the ability.

Naturally, there is no way to compare with Cheng Lingsu. This girl is born to be a peerless gem in medicine.

When we first met, her medical skills were estimated to be very high. The only thing Fang Han can compare to her is in terms of experience and practice.

But during the time they spent together in the hospital, the girl quickly made up for the lack in this area.


Fang Han is ashamed, far inferior!

I can't blame Mr. Zhen for always lamenting that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead.

He felt the same way about Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu.

Fang Han, on the other hand, knows his own business, not because of his natural talent. When facing his wife, he actually has a similar feeling:

My wife, Lingsu, has the qualifications of the king of medicine!

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments~)


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