
And even if he managed to eat the "Manggu Vermilion Clam", it might not be as invulnerable to all poisons as Duan Yu.

Look at what Duan Yu was like at that time.

First he was fed heartbroken grass, then he was bitten by a lightning marten, then he was bitten by a big black and red centipede, and then he was a manggu vermilion clam.

Although the first three are not as good as the latter "Manggu Zhu clam", they are not simple poisons in the final analysis.

Heartbreaker Grass is the most poisonous thing developed by the Shennong Gang in the Wuliang area, and it can be called a strange poison. The lightning mink only feeds on poisonous snakes, and it can easily bite and poison the Wuliangpai and the Shennong Gang. , As for the big black and red centipede, the poison that can be chased and bitten by "Manggu Vermilion Clam" also proves its extraordinary.

The combination of the toxins of these three poisons, together with Zhu Ha's ultimate poison, may be the key to the achievement of Duan Yu's "Hundred Poisons Are Invulnerable".

Of course, Fang Han is actually not very sure, but this kind of thing is not a good bet. If Cheng Lingsu is there, he may not die, but he will definitely suffer, and there is a high probability of sudden death. The simulation is over.

It is really not worthwhile to end the second round of life simulation early for the sake of a "one hundred poisons invulnerable".

Because even if you get this thing, it's just a smoother life in Sims, but once you return to reality, you can't bring back this physical characteristic.

Furthermore, swallowing toads was disgusting after all, and he had no choice but to do so. Fang Han felt that he couldn't do this kind of thing.

The purpose of coming here is actually to catch this "Manggu Zhu clam" for medical research.

After all, such a miraculous Zhu clam is an extraordinary creature, with a faint fantasy color, belonging to the ranks of heaven, material and earth treasures.

In his own words, he can only say whether his "proficient" level of medical ability can handle this "Mang Gu Zhu Clam" well.

But there is Cheng Lingsu, but it may not be impossible to develop good things with it.

But now that I have witnessed the withering traces where the "Manggu Vermilion Clam" has gone, I am more or less shocked by the horror of its poison, so I gradually dispelled the idea of ​​coveting it.

Risk does not match reward.

Still don't take this risk.

He whispered to Cheng Lingsu: "Forget it, sister, it's better not to provoke this "King of All Poisons", so as not to suffer from it. "

Cheng Lingsu saw Fang Han's serious face, pondered for a while, then nodded slightly, and the two of them retreated slowly.

After tens of meters away, Cheng Lingsu suddenly said: "Brother Fang, don't go far."

Fang Han wondered: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Lingsu raised his head slightly, indicating where the "Manggu Zhu clam" was.

Fang Han looked over, only to see that "Manggu Vermilion Clam" leaped up, and flew into the air like a blood arrow, spraying out a stream of red mist, covering a poisonous snake hidden in the vines.

The poisonous snake was three meters long, dark in color, with faint yellow and white ring marks on its body, surrounded by the red mist, it froze there without any movement.

The surrounding flowers and plants also withered quickly, as if changing color.

Fang Han felt a little apprehensive, that Zhu clam was so fast, and that red mist...

I'm afraid it won't kill you if you touch it!

Lightly standing in front of Cheng Lingsu, he said in a low voice: "Then Zhu Ha is so fast, if there is something wrong, we will leave immediately."

Cheng Lingsu felt warm when he saw it, and nodded slightly.

Over there, after the "Manggu Zhu clam" poisoned the poisonous snake to death, it jumped on the poisonous snake again, and bit it with one bite, as if it was sucking something.

Cheng Lingsu took a few glances and said, "It's sucking the poison of the snake."

In just a few breaths, "Manggu Vermilion Clam" jumped off the poisonous snake again and headed in one direction.

Seeing this, Fang Han and the two secretly thought that it was true.

It was the direction of the medicine garden that Cheng Lingsu was waiting for.

The two looked at each other and followed step by step.

Because both of them practice "Lingbo Weibu", their footsteps are very light, and there is not much noise.

Soon Zhu Ha came to a small medicine garden surrounded by wooden fences, it was not very big, about half an acre, and many exotic flowers and herbs were planted.

The plant in the middle is a small and beautiful crabapple flower, with seven small yellow dots on the petals.

The roots, branches and flowers of the whole plant are only the size of two palms.

It is the "Seven Heart Begonia"!

As soon as the "Manggu Vermilion Clam" arrived, it seemed to be aiming at the "Seven-Hearted Begonia", Jiang Ang Jiang Ang's cry became more and more piercing, and after a few beatings, he ran to the little flower.

Slowly crawling around the "Seven Heart Begonia".

But he didn't come forward immediately.

Seeing it from a distance, Cheng Lingsu smiled and said to Fang Han: "It seems that my "Seven Heart Begonia" is not bad. "

Fang Han was also a little surprised.

The performance of "Manggu Zhuhu" in the original work is very eye-catching.

In front of the Lightning Sable, just spray a red mist and it will kill you.

That lightning mink feeds on poisonous snakes all over the world. Under Zhong Ling's continuous feeding, it gathered the poison of an unknown number of poisonous snakes. When it encountered this "Manggu Vermilion Clam", it was already afraid before going forward, and it couldn't escape even if it wanted to. Hong Wu died instantly in just a split second.

One can imagine the horror of this toxicity!

But now facing the "Seven Heart Begonia", she seems to hesitate.

It can be seen from this that the toxicity of this "Seven Heart Begonia" is also extremely extraordinary.

Just as he was thinking about it, the "Manggu Vermilion Clam" over there finally made a move, Jiang Ang let out a shriek, and jumped in front of the "Seven-Hearted Begonia" like a blood arrow and bit it.

Eat one of the florets together with the leaves.

In less than half a sound, the Jiang Ang Jiang Ang sound of "Mang Gu Zhu Clam" gradually weakened, and the movement also tended to be stiff, motionless, as if dead?

Fang Han and the two looked at each other without making a sound, staring closely at the situation over there.

After a quarter of an hour, there was still no movement from the "Mang Gu Zhu Clam".

Cheng Lingsu was thoughtful, took a small stone from the ground, hit it lightly, and only heard a slap, it fell a little in front of the "Manggu Zhu clam", but there was no reaction.

So he asked in a low voice: "Brother Fang, should we go over and have a look?"

Fang Han hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Using the "Lingbo Weibu" method of lightness, he came to the front lightly and observed carefully.

It was said that it was close, but in fact it was still a distance of Zhang Xu, and Fang Han suddenly felt a little dizzy. Fortunately, the internal force in his body circulated slightly, and the bitter taste of the detoxification pill in his mouth relieved him a lot. But it was also a shock in my heart.

Only by experiencing it firsthand can I know how toxic it is.

It takes only one breath, and there is such a situation. If it is not for the detoxification pill prepared by Cheng Lingsu with a little internal force, I am afraid that after a few more breaths, I will faint to death, or even be poisoned to death directly! ?

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments~)


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