End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 38 "Zhu Clam Panacea"


Fang Han felt relieved, and only then did he think about asking other questions.

"The ones you collected just now are the poisonous substance of "Manggu Vermilion Clam"? "

Cheng Lingsu nodded: "Well, although Master did not find any trace of this poison back then, he also collected many related rumors and rumors, and made a lot of guesses and judgments, which are quite correct.

The method of collecting its poison is actually quite simple. "

Fang Han thought to himself that this is easy for you, but difficult for others, even for him.

Glancing at the "Manggu Zhu clam" locked in a small cage, he asked uncertainly, "Can that thing hold it?"

Cheng Lingsu shook his head slightly: "Probably not possible, only temporarily."

"The "Manggu Vermilion Clam" is too poisonous. The rattan I used to weave the cage has just harvested, and it has already withered and turned yellow. I am afraid that it will be all brittle after a long time. "

"If you want to lock it up, you have to use other things to make it. In a hurry, there is no other way, and it can only be done temporarily. But Brother Fang, don't worry, I have my own plans."

Hearing this, Fang Han nodded lightly: "It's good that you know what's in your heart."

I am also quite happy in my heart. With this "Manggu Zhu clam", with Cheng Lingsu's ability, let alone the poisonous erysipelas developed by this, it is the "Hundred poisons do not invade" that he is looking forward to, and it is not unreasonable. possible.

After the "Manggu Zhu clam" incident, Fang Han's idea of ​​going out of the mountain can only be temporarily suppressed.

The two stayed in the cave in the deep valley for another half a year.

In the past six months, apart from the daily essential martial arts practice, Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu spent the rest of the time studying the poisonous properties of the "Manggu Zhu clam".

Well, Fang Han is just playing as an assistant, learning by the way.

Cheng Lingsu has a lot more time than Fang Han, because since Fang Han is proficient in the "North Ming Divine Art" meridian movement diagram, and has independently cultivated the Beiming internal force, Cheng Lingsu basically does not need to watch over him all the time.

It is worth mentioning that Cheng Lingsu did not practice the "Beiming Divine Art", not because he was unwilling to practice, but simply because he did not have the conditions to practice.

Like Fang Han, she both possessed internal strength, and she also violated the taboo of practicing "North Ming Divine Art".

Fang Han was able to succeed because of Cheng Lingsu's amazing medical skills, even if he lost his way for a while, he could be cured easily and come back.

But conversely, there is no such condition.

First of all, Fang Han's medical skills are not up to standard, far from Cheng Lingsu's level of medical skills that can calm internal conflicts, meridian disorders, and even meridian failure.

Naturally, it is impossible to take care of Cheng Lingsu.

And if Cheng Lingsu practiced on his own, he would inevitably fall into an extremely dangerous situation where the running route was contrary.

The so-called doctor does not heal himself. With Cheng Lingsu's ability, he can naturally heal himself, but in the face of such an instant and extremely dangerous situation, he is helpless and difficult to do.

Therefore, after several considerations, I had no choice but to not practice the "North Ming Divine Art".

Cheng Lingsu doesn't care much about this, she really has no interest in supernatural skills.

It doesn't matter if you can practice or not.

If it wasn't for Fang Han's great interest in martial arts, which made her a little jealous, she might have given up on the matter directly after reading the secret manual for a while, knowing the taboos and difficulties in it, instead of thinking about how to practice.

But the "Lingbo Weibu" she likes very much.

Even if she is only a beginner with the extremely brilliant lightness kung fu and agility, she has made a very good improvement in this way.

This is very beneficial for her to go to the mountains to collect herbs, and it is also beneficial for her to go out.

All in all, compared with Fang Han's "Beiming Shengong" and "Lingbo Weibu", Cheng Lingsu only practiced "Lingbo Weibu", so he has a lot more time.

She is also very interested in the manggu Zhu clam, and Fang Han also has high hopes for it, firstly because of her own interest, secondly because of her husband's expectation, so naturally she is very concerned.

Except for some necessary things, almost all of them are researching the Manggu vermilion clam and the scarlet venom obtained from it.

After half a year, this ice-snow-smart girl with a gifted understanding of medicine was finally able to develop a Qi Dan!

"Zhu clam panacea"!

Using the red venom of Manggu Clam as the core medicine, blending the poisonous properties of seven or eight kinds of strange poisons in Wuliang Mountain, and using Qixin Begonia as the medicine, it is jointly refined into Qidan!

It is said to be Qidan because almost all the refining materials contain highly poisonous substances, among which the scarlet venom and the flowers and leaves of the seven-heart crabapple are the most poisonous among the highly poisonous, the most poisonous things in the world!

However, through the ingenious combination and refinement of the spirit elements, the poison was neutralized, or in other words, the toxicity was suppressed.

"Brother Fang, you told me before that if you regenerate the heartbroken grass, the poison of the lightning mink, and the poison of the red centipede, you will be able to obtain a body that is invulnerable to all poisons. I have been thinking about it for the past few months." Come on, although this matter is strange, it is not impossible."

"It's just the sequence, the time interval between taking the poison, and the state of the body. If something goes wrong, it is very likely to cause completely different consequences. The situation you mentioned is extremely rare! It's almost impossible!"

"However, according to this line of thinking, there is indeed a possibility of success."

Fang Han looked at the black and red elixir, and felt somewhat unbelievable: "Lingsu, did you succeed?"

Cheng Lingsu pursed his lips and smiled, rolled his eyes at Fang Han lightly and said, "It's just a preliminary success, and you also know this way, why don't you know the truth of making pills and medicines. How dare you say success without verification? Further experiments are needed. The longest is half a year, and the shortest is two to three months."

Fang Han sighed for a long time: "In front of you, I really dare not say that I know the way of Qi and Huang. Our Lingsu is really powerful~"

Cheng Lingsu smiled, and there was a hint of pink in his jade face:

"Brother Fang, just wait a little longer, I will develop this elixir quickly."

Fang Han nodded happily: "Wait! Of course we have to wait!"

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments~)


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