End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 42 Do You See How Much I Look Like Before?


It's fine if you don't have that ability. After all, the Wuliang Sword Sect has hundreds of disciples in the Dongzong alone.

How can one fight against it?

At that time, he still didn't know martial arts.

Unless he is willing to risk his life to hibernate, always ready for the opportunity to retaliate, maybe there is still a chance.

But in the first round of life simulation, he really lived as a new life completely. Faced with this powerless situation, he didn't want to spend it in vain, and he could only temporarily swallow this bad breath.

Prepare to get other opportunities in the future, and "repay" after you have completed your magical skills.

As a result...

Running around, nothing can be achieved.

This kind of old thing can only be regarded as not happening.

Otherwise, what else can I do, rushing to the Wuliang Sword Sect to take revenge?

Or had he joined the Wuliang Sword Sect of the Tianshan Vulture Palace at that time...

Very helpless.

But now that he has just completed his magic skills, he has that ability,

If you don't "reciprocate and repay", Fang Han feels that his ideas are not clear.

Seeing Fang Han's murderous look on Fang Han's face, Cheng Lingsu was slightly taken aback.

In her heart, Fang Han has always been the kind of person who is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, and keeps the pot to help the world. How could she expect him to have such a side.

Immediately, his face sank slightly, and he frowned and looked down at the disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

He thought to himself: "Brother Fang is like this, so it is conceivable that there must be a lot of grievances here." '

Cheng Lingsu is a kind and generous girl, but at the same time, she is now Fang Han's first wife, and the husband and wife are one, so it is inevitable that she loves the house and hates the Wuliang Sword School.


There was a slight sound, very slight, but both Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu turned their heads to look across the wooden beam.

I saw a little girl in a green skirt walking up quickly, with a round face, pure and lovely, and a smile like a flower.

The skill is also quite good, and this step on the beam shows a good lightness kung fu.

Seeing Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu head on, the little girl was taken aback and exclaimed, obviously not expecting that there were other people on the wooden beam.

In addition to being frightened, he inevitably lost his sense of proportion, slipped his foot, and was about to fall backward.

This place is a foot or two high from the ground, if you don't react, you will definitely fall painfully, if your head touches the ground, even if you faint or fall to your death, it is not a rare thing.

If you are a master of martial arts, you need to know that you need to protect your neck and head, but the little girl is obviously inexperienced, she was a little dazed, and she didn't respond in a daze.

Falling with her head up like this, the little girl is afraid that she will suffer a serious crime.


Seeing that it was in danger, Fang Han stretched out his hand to grab the little girl's catkin, and felt delicate and smooth in his hand, and he couldn't feel it. With a light pull, he pulled the little girl closer, and the fragrance swayed slightly.

With a wave of his palm and arm, he sent him to sit on a wooden beam beside him.

The little girl was clearly in shock, she stared blankly at Fang Han and said nothing.

Fang Han was not in the mood to pay attention to her for the time being, because the girl's scream just now had startled the others below.

Seeing a man and two women sitting on the girder, there was an uproar.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Duan Yu finally got rid of Gong Guangjie's teasing, and stepped back a few steps while covering his cheek.

If you are clever, you should take advantage of this opportunity and run away quickly.

But he didn't care about his own situation, and followed the others to look up, wanting to see the woman who just "rescued" him.

He was also surprised to see how many people were sitting on the high wooden beam.

Taking a closer look, the man was handsome, well-mannered, with a calm expression and a calm demeanor.

There were two girls sitting next to the man, one could only see a side face, but could vaguely see her pure and lovely face, dressed in emerald green clothes, she was staring blankly at the man beside her.

The other girl was born delicately, her eyes were as clear as stars, and she forgot to see the world. She was wearing an indigo blue dress and her hair was tied up, revealing a kind of elegance and dignity in her simplicity.

Duan Yu was shocked again when he saw it, because he looked at the pretty girl's sideburns, she seemed to be married.

I thought to myself: "Has such a good girl married at such a young age?" Presumably her husband is the one beside her. '

Looking at the little girl in the emerald green dress again, she couldn't help but get more complicated: 'This girl is naturally good, but she keeps looking at that man, does she have something to do with her? '

"That man is so lucky, look at his demeanor, he is also extraordinary..."

Here Duan Yu is full of wild thoughts, while Zuo Zimu's expression is getting more and more embarrassing.

He couldn't help but stood up, and asked, "I don't know how many of you are, and who are you? What's the purpose of coming to my Jianhu Palace?

But I don't know why I didn't enter the seat, but acted like a gentleman on the beam. "

What he said was very yin and yang, but in fact he was very angry.

At the beginning, it was just a fool making trouble, but now three people of unknown origin appeared, and they ran to the wooden beams of their own houses to watch jokes.

If it wasn't for the fact that these people could sneak up on the wooden beams under their noses without knowing it, if it wasn't for one of the girls screaming out, I'm afraid that I and others would not have noticed it at all. , This kind of light work, how extraordinary!

Sui Xin was afraid, otherwise, he would draw his sword and rise up.

Fang Han turned his head away and whispered something to Cheng Lingsu, then jumped to the lower court.

Everyone present looked at it, and they were all shocked.

It was because Fang Han's figure seemed to be floating on the ground like nothing.

This display of lightness kung fu is really extraordinary.

Except for Duan Yu, all the people present are from martial arts, if you compare yourself there, you will never be able to be like this man.

The corners of Zuo Zimu's eyes twitched slightly, and his heart became more and more fearful.

"Your Excellency is so easy!"

Taking a deep breath, he clasped his hands and asked, "I don't know who you are? Why did you come to my Infinite Sword?"

The tone subconsciously restrained a lot.

Fang Han looked at Zuo Zimu's cautious expression, and suddenly sighed.

This is the change brought about by strength.

During the first round of life simulation, this man said lightly: "If you are a Shennong gang spy, then you will kill me."

It made Fang Han at that time terrified, how critical it was.

If it wasn't for his quick wit and words, he would have avoided the fate of being killed directly, and the simulation would have ended on the spot.

But because of this person, he was imprisoned to work in the Wuliang Sword Sect, and it took a full year and a half before he had the opportunity to leave.

This is helplessness without strength.

Everything is difficult.

But at this moment, facing the head of the Dongzong of the Wuliang Sword Sect again, it is no longer what it used to be...

Fang Han inexplicably thought of a sentence:

I'm standing right in front of you, you see how much I miss the past?

Although the words are not appropriate, they are quite a bit of Fang Han's state of mind at this time.

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments~)


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