End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 55 "Northern True Qi" Skyrockets!

I saw a delicate girl in a light blue dress walking in, with a wooden hairpin pinned to her back, her hair curled up, simple but elegant and indifferent.

Facing those clear and bright eyes, Mu Wanqing was in a daze, and Zhong Ling beside her waved her little hand and said happily: "Sister Cheng, Sister Mu is awake~"

That Miss Cheng didn't seem surprised by this, she just nodded lightly, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, and smiled gently at Mu Wanqing: "How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

The voice was clear and gentle.

It makes people unconsciously relax and get closer.

Zhong Ling seemed to see Mu Wanqing's doubts, and introduced: "She is the sister Cheng I just mentioned, and she treated your injury, so amazing~"

Hearing the words, Mu Wanqing was slightly taken aback, looked at Cheng Lingsu and said in a daze, "You, you are fine."

If it is someone else who knows the grace of saving life, no matter what they think in their hearts, they should be grateful.

But this Mu Wanqing has never had much contact with people, and seeing each other is a matter of life and death, so naturally she has no sophistication.

He only knew that the other party was a good person who helped him heal his injuries, so he blurted out the phrase, "You are very good."

It is also a sincere statement, but to outsiders, it is unavoidable to be a little dull.

Zhong Lingsu knew that she had this temperament, but she didn't think so.

Cheng Lingsu was tolerant and magnanimous. Hearing this, he didn't care too much. He just smiled lightly, thinking that this girl has a weird temperament.

He looked Mu Wanqing up and down, although it was not the first time he had met him, but he still felt from the bottom of his heart that this Mu girl's appearance was truly stunning.

At that time, for the sake of healing, I took off her veil, and when I saw her face for the first time, I was always amazed!

Thinking in his heart, but without revealing his face, he said in a clear voice: "Miss Mu, just stretch out your hand, and I will feel your pulse again.

Mu Wanqing hesitated for a moment, glanced at Zhong Ling, and then stretched out her palm, which was slender and tender, with veins faintly visible on the snow-white wrist.

Cheng Lingsu put his hand on it, it was delicate and soft, and as soon as he touched it, he felt the girl's body tense up for a moment.

He glanced at Mu Wanqing thoughtfully, and thought to himself: "This Mu girl is very vigilant, she looks like she doesn't deal with people very much. "

Thoughts flashed by, but he didn't say anything.

Quietly felt the pulse, pondered for a while, then smiled slightly, and said warmly: "Well, there is no problem, just cultivate for a while, and then take some medicine, and you will be fine.

"Really, that's really good~" Zhong Ling took the lead and laughed happily.

Cheng Lingsu said again: "It just needs to be cleaned and changed, Miss Mu, you can take off your clothes first."

Mu Wanqing's expression became unnatural in an instant, a blush appeared on her face, and she said in a trembling voice: "No, there's no need, I'll do it myself!"

Zhong Ling watched with joy in her heart: 'Sister Mu is still shy, I have seen you all these two days~

But she only dared to say it in her heart, and if she said it like this, she was afraid that "life and death are unpredictable"...

After half an hour.

After carefully cleaning the wound and changing the medicine, Cheng Lingsu lowered his head and bandaged it carefully and gently.

Mu Wanqing was a little shy, but gradually it became okay.

They are all girls' homes, and there are not many taboos.

Furthermore, if he said that he had been in a coma for two days, that would have been two times.

Mu Wanqing is not a hypocritical character, she just doesn't adapt to a certain extent.

She had never been so close to anyone else.

Ever since she was fourteen years old, she started to wear a veil, went out of the deep valley, and ran around for her master's life. She has always been hurt and licked her wounds alone. Master and her old man would prepare her medicines such as golden sore medicine, but they would not do it for her. Heal wounds as meticulously as possible.

Looking at Cheng Lingsu with drooping head, strands of hair hanging slightly around her ears, and clear and soft eyes, careful and gentle Cheng Lingsu, Mu Wanqing's heart was slightly warmed, and she was fascinated by it.

After a while, I suddenly recalled Zhong Ling's words just now, my heart moved, and I couldn't help asking: "The one with you... I don't know what his name is? What is your relationship with him?"

The little girl Zhong Ling didn't speak thoroughly, she only said that Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu were big brothers and sister Cheng, but she didn't explain clearly,

Therefore, Mu Wanqing is not very clear about the names and relationship between the two.

When he wanted to inquire in detail, Cheng Lingsu's arrival interrupted the process again.

But it's not that Mu Wanqing doesn't understand everything, this combination of a man and a woman made her secretly rumored to some extent.

Is it brother and sister? Senior brother and sister? Or...

She has always been straightforward and won't ask questions round the bush.

The export is what is in the heart.

Cheng Lingsu frowned slightly, and glanced at Mu Wanqing thoughtfully.

This girl asked about Big Brother Fang for no reason, and also asked about the relationship between Big Brother Fang and herself, but why?

Seeing Mu Wanqing's nervous and apprehensive expression, I became more and more suspicious.

While thinking about it, Zhong Ling giggled and said sweetly: "Big Brother and Sister Cheng are naturally a husband and wife relationship! Sister Mu is really nice... um, hee hee~"

I wanted to say 'so stupid', but Sister Sijimu has always been a ruthless person, if she gets angry, it would be very bad, so I quickly stopped the words from my heart, smiled sweetly, and tried to be cute pass.

She was thinking like this, but she didn't know that Mu Wanqing was not in the mood to pay attention to what she said at the moment.

Hearing the word "husband and wife", his expression froze and turned slightly pale.

There is a fog in my heart.

at a loss.

The master made her swear a poisonous oath that in this life, she will not let a man see her face. If he sees her, he will either kill him or marry him.

Originally, it was fine.

She, she just married him...

But when he heard Zhong Ling's words at this moment, he suddenly realized that that person and the Cheng girl in front of him were husband and wife!

How can this be good!?

If it were in the past, with Mu Wanqing's extremely simple outlook on life and his style of doing things when things happen, he would naturally not need to think too much about it.

Or kill the man who looked at her appearance, the dog man has a wife and dares to provoke this girl!?

Either kill his wife, and without a wife, he can marry her naturally!

But at this moment, that man is her savior, and Miss Cheng is also her savior.

How can I kill?

It was still the case, but she was a deadbeat, Mu Wanqing's mind froze for an instant, and she fell into a deep bug, and her logic became chaotic.

what to do?

Seeing the change in Mu Wanqing's face, Cheng Lingsu knew something was wrong, but no matter how clever she was, she would never guess the poisonous oath Mu Wanqing made.

Miss Cheng looked indifferent, and said calmly: "His surname is Fang, and his name is a Korean character. He and I are indeed husband and wife. Miss Mu, what's the matter?"

While talking, the hands didn't stop, and they were tied carefully.

Mu Wanqing glanced at her blankly, muttering the word "Fang Han" in her heart, and remained silent.

Zhong Ling smiled over there, feeling something was wrong, and blinked secretly.

this is...……

What's wrong?

Cheng Lingsu waited quietly for a while, but did not get a response. She looked carefully at Mu Wanqing, who seemed to be in a daze, thoughtful, and vaguely guessed something, but she was not sure.

He didn't seem to care, told the time to take the medicine, then took his things and went out.

For the rest of Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling was the most confused at this time. He didn't understand what was going on at all and couldn't figure it out.


Sitting upright in the room, Fang Han closed his eyes and focused his attention, his complexion was rosy, and there was a faint cloud of white air rising all over his body!

The surrounding airflow seemed to become a little stagnant.

If people in the martial arts world see this scene, they will be shocked by the depth of their inner strength!

Regulate the interest rate and return to the original, restraining everything.

It is steaming hot and warm all over the body.

Although I didn't fall asleep for two or three days, because of the thorough refinement of the stored internal energy, the "Northern Darkness True Qi" increased greatly!

I didn't feel tired at all, but I was full of energy and relaxed!

The internal energy in his body is more than five times thicker than when he just came out of the Blessed Land of Langhuan in Wuliang Mountain!

It should be known that Fang Han's internal strength when he first came out of the mountain was the result of his first practice of "Northern Darkness Art", spent three years to cultivate it, and finally took "Zhu Hailing Pill", which more than doubled his internal strength.

At that time, he thought to himself that his inner strength had achieved quite a lot.

Now only a few days after leaving the mountain, it has skyrocketed by more than five times!

And it was under the premise that after Fang Han took the "Zhu Hailing Pill", his internal strength doubled several times.

The growth rate of this internal force is simply terrifying!

Normally speaking, even if he spends seven or eighty years, he may not be able to practice freely to this extent.

The dominance of "North Ming Divine Art" can be seen!

The name of the gods is not in vain!

Fang Han couldn't help being amazed by it, and his emotions were complicated and difficult to understand.

It's a pity that in the first round of simulation, he ran around and looked around, but he couldn't get the inner strength subtle. The "health-preserving exercise" he spent most of his life pondering had only some effects of regulating breath and blood, and moving inner breath.

Practice day and night, before the end of life, it is only weak.

Now once the magical skills are accomplished, within two or three days, you will be able to lean into a strong internal force!

That is a situation that ordinary people will find it difficult to step into in their lifetime!

Comparing the two, Fang Han can't help sighing and sighing!

It is indeed correct to set the Blessed Land of Langhuan in Wuliang Mountain as the first goal, and use "Northern Darkness Divine Art" as the foundation!

If it was replaced by other supernatural skills, even if he had successfully obtained them, if he wanted to cultivate such strong skills, he could only practice slowly like a grind of water.

However, practicing the "North Ming Divine Art" can easily absorb the internal energy of others, saving countless time and energy.

Feeling the seemingly unceasing power in his body, Fang Han pushed his hand casually, and there was a tendency to break through the air.

The eyes are darkly colorful, and the heart is happy.


Fang Han looked down at his palm and pondered for a while.

Although there is no comparison to his current state of internal strength, it must be rare in the world.

But the internal strength is sufficient, but the external strength is lacking.

The so-called martial arts are either strong in internal strength or powerful!

Use a martial arts template to compare with the most similar characters.

At that time, Duan Yu absorbed the inner strength of a lot of characters, and the book said that the inner strength was so profound that it has "shocked the ancients and shone the modern medicine!

……ask for flowers…

But even with such an unimaginably strong internal force, he was basically deflated, and was easily restrained by other people whose internal force was far inferior to him.


For one thing, he doesn't like learning martial arts.

Even if one acquires supernatural skills and suddenly acquires unparalleled internal strength, he still can't draw!

It can be said that there is a treasure mountain in the sky, but it cannot be used!

Second, they are soft-tempered and don't like to fight.

When others make a move, the first thing in their minds is not to resist, but to escape, but they are timid before fighting, and they are the first to lose in terms of momentum, and they are defeated in the end.

With such a personality, he can only show some strength when he is forced to the point of being unable to bear it, or when he loses his temper in a fit of rage.

Three, the will is not firm.

People who have always learned martial arts practice Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer!

It is not only accumulated over a long period of time, exercising the body and mastering martial arts to obtain subtlety, but also has the effect of tempering the will.

Duan Yu was born in Dali Zhennan Prince's Mansion, well-clothed and well-fed, but he doesn't like to practice martial arts, where has he experienced such things.

No matter how high his internal strength is, if he really fights, he will be afraid of a little pain and injury, he will be timid, throw away his helmet and armor, and he will be defeated!

Finally, there are external kung fu martial arts, light kung fu and body skills.

In terms of external martial arts, on the surface, Duan Yu has acquired the supreme and unique martial arts "Six Meridians Sword" of Duan's Tianlong Temple, but from the beginning to the end, he only mastered it roughly.

Relying on the strength of his internal strength, he learned this skill easily, but he has never mastered it at all. As a result, this well-known and supreme skill, in his hands, can only be effective sometimes.

Martial arts battles are inherently dangerous, fighting with others with very unskilled martial arts is tantamount to putting yourself in danger!

If it wasn't for his terrifying internal strength, the "Six Meridians Excalibur" would come into effect from time to time, and it would be unstoppable, and he possessed such excellent dodging skills as "Lingbo Weibu".

Otherwise, I am afraid that I have died countless times.


As for "Lingbo Weibu", he is actually not good enough to call it proficient, but he has practiced a little more frequently than others.

Because I always run away, I am a little proficient.

To sum up, in terms of martial arts quality alone, he is the most hip-prone among the three dragons.

From this, it can also be seen that the strength of martial arts is not just based on internal strength!

That's just an important factor, but not the ultimate deciding factor.

Take him as a mirror and reflect on yourself.

It can also reflect its own strengths and weaknesses.

First of all, Fang Han's internal strength, purely in terms of the amount of internal strength, may not be as strong as Duan Yu's later period, but he has two victories!

One win is the entire chapter of "Beiming Shengong", learn all of them!

Compared with Duan Yu's Beiming Meridian Diagram, which only practiced one-eighteenth of it, it is far superior in the way of absorbing other people's internal energy!

It's all over the body, omnipotent and sucked from the inner calendar!

But Duan Yu only connected to one of them.

The most important thing is that he has not practiced the "Northern True Qi Method"!

The strong internal force absorbed by the whole body is only the essence of Duan's internal energy, which guides the Qi to return to the Yuan, and hides it in the internal organs; after that, the six channels are unified, and there is no such worry.

Although the danger of internal force conflict is solved, in fact, the problem of mottled and impure internal force has not been actually solved.

The internal force formed by confusion is only superior in "quantity", but far inferior to Han Lian's pure Bei Mingzhen in terms of "quality"!

The quality of internal force is far inferior, it is mottled and complicated, and it is difficult to control finely, and even do what one wants.

Duan Yu's Six Meridians Excalibur sometimes works, but sometimes it doesn't. Perhaps there is another reason for this.

This is Fang Han's second victory in the realm of internal strength! The victory in quality and control of internal strength!

After talking about internal strength, let's talk about others.

In terms of lightness kung fu, although both of them practice "Lingbo Weibu", but Duan Yu is just a character who only thought about practicing hard when something happened.

What about practicing?

Here, Fang Han asks himself to be better!

Only in terms of external kung fu and martial arts, he is most lacking!

What he has mastered is nothing but the most common martial arts in the Jianghu such as "Wind Sword Technique" and "Taizu Changquan".

Even though he has practiced "Following the Wind Swordsmanship" to "Great Accomplishment", "Taizu Changquan" is proficient at "Small Accomplishment", and he has developed a bit of subtlety, and the power of "Northern Darkness True Qi" is greatly increased!

But it still can't cover up the flaws of these two external martial arts.

It's too shallow.

In the end it was just the use of strength.

The meridians and internal forces involved are almost nonexistent.

It should be noted that the study of external kung fu is not a complete study of external training.

The truly exquisite superior external kung fu involves changes in strength, meridians and acupoints, and the operation of internal force, which is also extraordinary!

If it is said that internal strength is like a treasure, then external strength is the gateway.

If the external skills are too superficial, then the "portal" is like a small mouth, no matter how many "treasures" are stored in you, it is difficult to take out how much at one time.

It's hard to be thorough!

100% of the power, maybe even 10% or 20% of the power can't be used.

In short, Fang Han is now full of blue bars, and the output pin is seriously insufficient!

In this respect, he is not even as good as Duan Yu.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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