End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 60 Living In The Valley Of Myriad Tribulations!

the other side.

Fang Han performed "Lingbo Weibu", walking in the forest like floating in the sky.

Although his expression was indifferent and calm, if Miss Cheng was here, she would definitely be able to see that he was in a good mood.

Really feel good too.

With this "Yiyang Zhi" secret book, I finally have a high-ming martial arts that I can specialize in!

It is no longer necessary to hold the "Taizu Changquan" and "-Following the Wind Swordsmanship" as before.

It's not that the latter two can't do it, with Fang Han's deep internal strength now, not to mention Taizu Changquan and Suifeng swordsmanship, even a casual strike is unparalleled.

Fang Han's throwing of stones before made even Duan Yanqing startled, the force is so strong, that's why.

But it's all just brute force.

You can't use the true power of the extremely strong "Northern Dark Qi" in your body at all!

Now that he has this "Yiyang Finger" secret book, he has obtained a pretty good key. If he can study the subtleties carefully, even if his internal strength is no longer advanced, his overall strength can continue to rise!

And stop......

He himself is quite fond of this martial art.

Although "Yiyang Zhi" is not as powerful as "Six Meridians Sword", it is unstoppably sharp!

But it is better than a comprehensive one!

This fingering technique is not only able to defeat the enemy and be used in combat, but it is also a very brilliant point acupuncture martial art, and it also has the ability to heal wounds.

A unique technique that integrates defeating the enemy, acupressure, and healing!

Even if it is not as good as the "Six Meridians Excalibur", it is absolutely not to be underestimated.

Fang Han learned it, not only in the realm of martial arts, there is a comprehensive practice and improvement, but also in the way of medicine, it is very helpful.

Although compared to Miss Cheng, Fang Han's own medical ability is weaker and far from being comparable, but if he can practice this one-yang-finger technique, he may not be able to catch up a little bit.

Moreover, "Yiyang Zhi" is also the pre-foundation for learning "Six Meridians Excalibur".

Fang Han also had some thoughts about the "Six Meridians Excalibur", so if he could learn this "Yang Zhi" first, he would be able to kill several birds with one stone!

This trip to the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, I didn't come here for this matter, but now it's a surprise to meet him now.

Joy in my heart, I have a sense of joy, his inner strength is thick, it is difficult to display one or two of them, but at this moment, the mind is open, and the inner strength in the body suddenly feels a little boiling!

"Lingbo Weibu" seems to be performed more freely, and the speed has been increased by a few minutes without knowing it, and it is getting faster and faster!

Fang Han didn't realize it, he walked like riding the wind, gracefully like a dragon swimming, and graceful like a frightened bird!

There is a saying that internal strength is the foundation of martial arts, his internal strength is so deep, but in fact no matter what martial arts he learns, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

At this time, once he understood it in his heart, he subconsciously performed it at will, but it fit the magic of martial arts.

The realm of "Lingboweibu" has already improved a bit.

Valley of Myriad Tribulations.

In the flower hall.

A servant girl came in hurriedly, and happily said to the beautiful woman sitting on the head: "Ma'am, Miss is back!~"

The beautiful woman was frowning and contemplating, seemingly worried.

But when he heard this, he immediately expressed joy: "This girl is willing to come back after all, so I worry about it!"

After all, he didn't care about anything else, got up and went out, walked a few steps, and saw a little girl running back bouncing, who else could it be if it wasn't her daughter!


Zhong Ling giggled when she heard her mother's call, and jumped into Baby Gan's arms with a cheer.

Arched coquettishly, feeling very comfortable.

"Mom, I brought a good friend back~"

It doesn't need to be said by Zhong Ling, Baby Gan has already discovered the two girls who came with Zhong Ling.

If you want to blame your daughter for not returning for many days, you can only swallow it temporarily.

Look intently.

I saw the two girls standing gracefully, one was dignified and elegant, and the other was quiet and beautiful!

Can't help secretly cheering and admiring:

"The two friends that Ling'er met have such good looks, they are really stunning!"

Gan Baobao liked it, and said: "The little girl is naughty, she must have caused a lot of trouble for the two girls when she was away from home."

Cheng Lingsu saw that Mrs. Zhong's appearance was six to seven points similar to Zhong Ling's, and she was also a delicate and charming appearance. She was about thirty years old, and she had a bit of gentle charm.

When she laughed, she had dimples just like Zhong Ling's cute little girl.

It seemed very friendly.

Cheng Lingsu replied, "Sister Zhong is innocent and innocent, and I like it very much."

On the other side, Mu Wanqing glanced at Baby Gan in surprise, and thought to herself, why does Master Gan seem to not know her?

With a turn of the mind, he became enlightened again.

Before, he had been wearing a veil to show others, so Uncle Gan had never seen her face.

It's normal to come out.

He also opened his mouth to salute and said, "Uncle Gan is well."

Baby Gan was stunned when he heard the words.

Why did she call herself Uncle Gan?

The voice was somewhat familiar.

He couldn't help staring at Mu Wanqing with frowned eyebrows, observed carefully, and immediately gasped and said, "You, are you Wanqing?"

Seeing Mu Wanqing nod her head, Gan Baobao was even more confused: "Why aren't you wearing a veil? Could it be that someone has already taken it off?"

She and Qin Hongmian are teachers and sisters, and they occasionally exchange letters on weekdays, so they naturally know about Mu Wanqing's poisonous oath.

Seeing that Mu Wanqing is no longer wearing a veil, how can she not be surprised?

Doesn't this mean that all the words have been broken!?

Who is that oath breaker?

When Mu Wanqing heard the words, her heart trembled slightly, and she subconsciously looked towards Cheng Lingsu, but she happened to meet those clear and bright eyes like stars.

There was a guilty conscience in my heart for no reason, and my eyes dodged away.

How clever Cheng Lingsu was, he had been suspicious before, but now he heard Baobao Gan's words, and he suddenly realized it.

Looking at the change in Mu Wanqing's expression, she became more and more certain.

Zhong Ling was a little dazed, thinking that if he didn't wear the veil, he wouldn't wear it, why should he be surprised?

Sister Mingmingmu is so beautiful, she always wears a veil to cover her face, what a pity.

Just at this time, the maid outside ran back to report: "Ma'am, there is a son outside who says he is a friend of Miss..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Ling ran out joyfully.

"Oh, it must be the big brother who is hungry"

Cheng Lingsu also showed a soft smile like a stamen, and followed her step by step.

After this incident, I won't show what happened just now, but Mu Wanqing bowed her head and seemed to be complicated; although Gan Baobao wanted to ask carefully, seeing Mu Wanqing's expression of not wanting to say more, she just couldn't help it. Can press without asking.

In addition, Zhong Ling's cheers just now made her quite concerned.

big brother?

Which big brother?

Ling'er, she, go out for a trip, maybe she still...

After a while, I saw Zhong Ling giggling and happily following Cheng Lingsu and a handsome man with a good demeanor.

Those beautiful eyes were curved like crescent moons, and they were all placed on the man.

Seeing this, Baby Gan's expression changed indistinctly.

It can be clearly seen that the dignified and elegant girl and the man's demeanor and behavior are in harmony, just like a doctor...


Gan Baobao looked at Cheng Lingsu's rolled up hairpin, and suddenly became enlightened.


Between them, I'm afraid they are husband and wife!

After thinking about this point, Gan Baobao was in a daze, unable to tell what it was like.

Vaguely, I recalled the past when I was young.

Ling'er, could it be that she is the same as she was back then......

When Fang Han walked inside, he saw a beautiful woman who was somewhat similar to Zhong Ling, looking at them in a daze, with a faint blush on her face.

I was a little puzzled, but I still bowed my hands and said: "Fang Han, this is Mrs. Zhong, please forgive me for making a hasty visit."

Zhong Ling smiled and said: "Mother, this is the big brother and my good friend. Let me tell you, he is my lifesaver!"

Gan Baobao woke up like a dream, feeling a little embarrassed, but hearing what Zhong Ling said, he couldn't help but frowned and cared, thinking to himself what happened to the savior, did Linger encounter some danger outside?

But at this time, there is no reason for the guests to stand outside, so they can only press the button and return a salute, then welcome everyone into the flower hall and serve tea.

The effort of a cup of tea is already a little familiar.

Gan Baobao served tea and sipped a drink, staring at the man named Fang Han carefully, both looking at him and thinking about it.

Seeing his upright face and handsome eyebrows, he couldn't help but praise him secretly. His appearance is second to none, but his calm and steady demeanor made people unable to help but marvel in his heart.

Let's see that he is only in his twenties and thirties, so it should be the time when he is full of vigor and sharpness,

But when talking with him, sometimes people ignore his age.

Ling'er was at the beginning of her love affair, but she met such a person and was rescued by him, so it was inevitable that she would fall in love.

If the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, it is also suitable.

It's a pity that the other party is already married and has a wife, so what should I do?

And that Wanqing......

Gan Baobao paid special attention just now, and clearly saw that although her eyes seemed unintentional, she looked at Fang Han from time to time, and contacted her now that she was no longer covered with veils.


Gan Baobao secretly sighed worryingly, could it be that the daughters and apprentices of their teachers and sisters will also repeat the same mistakes and walk their old ways again?

In love with a married man...

How can there be any good results!?

Gan Baobao thought so in his heart, but couldn't help but think about all the tenderness and sweetness in the past, and a little blush rose on his face involuntarily.

Fang Han served the tea carefully, with a calm expression.

There is something weird in my heart.

He glanced at Gan Baobao, who was wandering in the eyes.

I thought to myself why Mrs. Zhong is staring at me...

Silently and Cheng Lingsu looked at each other, and they both saw something strange in each other's eyes.

Zhong Ling didn't notice this, and chirped: "Oh, why are there so many people in the valley just now? It's so lively~ I haven't seen it before! Is there something interesting?"

After talking for a long time, I didn't see my mother responding to me, so I couldn't help shouting softly: "Mother~ why don't you talk to me?"

"Ah... well, that's your father's disturbance, don't worry about him." Gan Baobao returned to God.

This Valley of Myriad Tribulations was originally a deep valley, and the terrain was quite open.

Although Zhong Wanchou wanted to deal with Duan Zhengchun, he never dared to ask Duan Zhengchun to meet Gan Baobao.

……ask for flowers…

Naturally, the place where people from the rivers and lakes of Dali gathered before was the other corner of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations.

As for the place where Gan Baobao lives, it is far away and remote, if there is no one to guide the way, it will be difficult to find this place.

Earlier when Zhong Ling led the crowd into the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, he happened to see the chaos there, so he asked this question.

Zhong Ling let out an oh, and asked curiously

Said: "Where is the father now?"

"He, there is something..."

Gan Baobao obviously didn't want to mention those, and quickly skipped the topic.

Afterwards, the conversation was quite harmonious, and after lunch, they called someone to clean up a separate courtyard for Fang Han and his wife to live in.

As for Mu Wanqing, she has a lot of connections with Gan Baobao, so there is no need to talk about it.

At night, in the theater room.

Fang Han sat upright on the bed, flipping through the "Yiyang Finger" secret book in his hand.

Since learning martial arts, he always read the secret manual carefully first.

After I have a foundation in my heart, I will reorganize my understanding.

"Beiming Shengong" and "Lingbo Weibu" are the same, and this "Yiyang Finger" is no exception.

After reading the last page, I carefully talked about this fingering and martial arts.


The door opened, and Cheng Lingsu walked in with lotus steps.

She had already changed into a long beige dress, and her hair was a little wet, sticking to her white and jade-like cheeks, giving her a different style.

Just after bathing and cleaning, there is a faint fragrance.

Walking up to Fang Han and sitting next to him, leaning on him lightly, the fragrance became more and more serene.

Curiously glanced at the secret book in Fang Han's hand, Cheng Lingsu said: "Brother Fang, did you leave earlier to find this secret book of martial arts?"

Fang Han embraced Miss Cheng's slender waist familiarly, hummed, handed her the secret book and said, "Duan's unique technique "Yiyang Finger".

Cheng Lingsu had taken the secret book and was about to take a look, when he heard this, he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Yaowangzhuang can also be regarded as a power in the rivers and lakes.

I have heard of some relatively well-known forces and unique martial arts.

This "one yang finger" is said to be the secret of the Duan family in Dali. How can the big brother Fangfang have such ability to obtain this secret book?


Just like the Blessed Land of Langhuan in Wuliang Mountain before, this secret book was also obtained from somewhere?

Brother Fang always has a way.

Shaking his head lightly, he didn't go into those things carefully, but opened the "Yi Yang Zhi" secret book and read it intently.

Fang Han stretched out his hand, hugged Miss Cheng in his arms, leaned his chin slightly on her thin shoulder, smelled the fragrance, and saw Cheng Lingsu's eyes drooping, looking at the secret book seriously, then

The long eyelashes fluttered from time to time, and the light from the candlelight shone on her face, revealing a healthy rosy glow.

watch, watch.

Gradually, some heat rose.

Cheng Lingsu suddenly felt something strange, and couldn't help but blush.

Putting the recipe aside.....

An hour and a half later.

Fang Han looked a little solemn, thinking about the meaning of life.

Where to go and where to come from.

Miss Cheng doesn't like him.

After several years of couples, who doesn't know who?

He rolled his eyes lightly, and tidied up carefully.

After pondering for a while, Cheng Lingsu thought about what happened to Mu Wanqing today, and couldn't help but ask, "Brother Fang, what do you think of Miss Mu?"

In fact, in the past few days, she has already observed something.

Just no words.

But today, from Gan Baobao's expression and words, he can still see something unusual.


Fang Han didn't react a little.

Well done, how do you mention Mu Wanqing?

Can't help but look at Cheng Lingsu in doubt: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Lingsu sighed quietly: "Miss Mu, she seems to be interested in you."

Fang Han:

Miss Cheng, this is......


Fang Han blinked his eyes. It is rare to see Miss Cheng like this. While secretly feeling cute, she is also a little strange: "Why do you say that? Miss Mu these days, it's really

Rarely speaks to me, uh..."

As he spoke, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart.

A look of hesitation appeared on his face: "Could it be something about the veil?"

On the day when Yun Zhonghe and Ye Erniang attacked, he secretly wondered why Mu Wanqing didn't wear a veil, could it be that things were different from the original track?

But this kind of thing involves other people's privacy after all, so it's not easy for him to ask about the girl's family.

And Mu Wanqing didn't seem to show any enthusiasm for him, just said a few words, nothing else.

Fang Han concentrated on refining his internal strength, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

A few days later, each of them didn't see each other very much.

Gradually, he didn't take it seriously, and now he heard Cheng Lingsu mention Mu Wanqing suddenly, and still speak like this...

It should be noted that with Miss Cheng's disposition, she will definitely not talk about this kind of things if she is not sure.

To be able to say it, it must be so with determination.

Doesn't that mean that Mu Wan is pure...

Interested in him?

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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