End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 62 The Realm Of "Second Grade"!

At noon, Cheng Lingsu returned to the other courtyard.

Fang Han is still practicing "One Yang Finger Power"!

In one morning, he has practiced "Yiyang Finger" to the level of "Second Grade" again!

Exerting "One Yang Finger Power", that is extremely powerful!

Within six feet, it is unstoppable!

Unexpectedly, it seems to have the power of the invisible sword energy of "Six Meridians Excalibur" faintly!

This is actually normal.

Because "Six Meridians Excalibur" was transformed from the foundation of "Yi Yang Zhi".

If ordinary people can practice to the "First Grade" state, I am afraid that they can be compared with the "Six Meridians Excalibur".

Although Fang Han has not cultivated to the "First Grade" state yet, who made his internal energy terrifying, and when he uses it, it will naturally increase in power!

Pointing at it from a distance, it was the bluestone cracking.

Even Duan Yanqing can't compare to this terrifying finger force.

This also confirmed the previous judgment of Fang Han.

He has everything, but he lacks a profound external martial arts for fighting and defeating the enemy!

Now once you get it, the output will explode instantly!

Now, if he were to meet Yun Zhonghe and others, he wouldn't need to be as troublesome as before, with just one finger, it would be hard to resist the convenience.

Reasonably speaking, the attack range of this "one yang finger" is wider than the attack range when he holds the sword.


After all, "Following the Wind Swordsmanship" does not involve the operation of internal force, and is more inclined to "Swordsmanship" than "Swordsmanship".

Pure external practice of swordsmanship.

Even if his internal energy is strong, when he swings the sword, there is a faint greenish green on the tip of the sword, as if there is a little sword light floating.

But that was really caused by too much internal force.

But it has nothing to do with this "Following the Wind Sword Art".

Even if he doesn't use this sword technique, he can have this effect by swinging it casually.

All in all, the current Fang Han can be regarded as the basic template of martial arts, the three-piece set of Yin Gong, External Gong, and Light Gong has been fully accumulated!

Although the output configuration is not as good as the "Six Meridians Sword" of the "Duan Yu" template.

But definitely not to be ignored!

Very happy!

Seeing Cheng Lingsu's return, Fang Han slowly retracted the "Yiyang Finger Power" in his hand.

He greeted him with a smile. twenty four

Miss Cheng was so jealous last night that she refused to talk to him.

But after all, I couldn't help Fang Han's intimacy.

It's all right again.

Seeing Fang Han approaching, Cheng Lingsu was about to speak.

But when he saw many broken bluestones scattered around in the other courtyard, he couldn't help being slightly stunned.

After thinking about it, he guessed: "Brother Fang, have you practiced that "Yiyang Finger"?"

Fang Han said with a smile: "Lingsu is so smart, I can't hide anything from you, haha~"

When Cheng Lingsu heard this, his eyes curved and he smiled.

Immediately looking at the gravel on the ground, he exclaimed in words: "Is this one-yang-finger kung fu so amazing?"

She took a quick look at it last night, but because of someone, she couldn't take a closer look, but she didn't know the reason for it.

After seeing the scene here, it is inevitable to be amazed.

Fang Han said with a smile: "Duan's unique knowledge, naturally has his subtleties, but in the final analysis, it is because I possess the "North Ming Divine Art".

Lingsu, you also know the dominance of this magical skill. These days I have absorbed the internal energy of many people, refined it to return to the original, and the "Northern True Qi" in my body is already extremely strong, not to mention the "Yiyang Finger" , even a casual blow can have tremendous power!"

Cheng Lingsu heard it brilliantly, and thought about the mystery of the "Beiming Divine Art" that he had observed before, and it was true, so he could not help nodding his head slightly: "Inner strength is the foundation of martial arts. Brother Fang has cultivated this magical art and obtained such a strong internal force. It is indeed appropriate to be able to do so.”

As he spoke, he looked at Fang Han with joy.

If it happened to her, she might not feel anything, but when it happened to Fang Han, she felt happy.

In addition, she knew that Fang Han liked martial arts, and now that his martial arts had reached such a level, Miss Cheng couldn't help but feel happy for him.

Fang Han stretched out his hand to hug Cheng Lingsu's thin shoulders, and said with a smile, "It's also thanks to Lingsu, if it wasn't for your help, how could I have achieved this skill?"

Thinking about it carefully, if Cheng Lingsu didn't help him wholeheartedly, calming his inner breath all the time and avoiding the danger of conflicts, even if he got the secret book of magic skills, he would have to spend more time to study and ponder.

Even if it is difficult to cultivate in ten or twenty years, it is normal.

How is it possible that in just half a year, he successfully practiced the exercise routes of the thirty-six meridian diagrams of the "Northern Darkness Divine Art" and the "Northern Darkness True Qi Method"?

It was half a year, no matter how many times he made mistakes, Miss Cheng was able to guide his Qi back to his origin and balance his inner breath, so that he had the opportunity to slowly correct his mistakes, gradually become familiar with him, and finally succeed!

If it were someone else, how could there be such a situation?

Even if one obtains the Secret Book of Magical Skills, one would feel overwhelmed and sigh, and there is nothing he can do about it!

People who don't know martial arts at all must be needed, and the regiment can save this (forget about it) a big hurdle!

Of course, don't think that if you don't understand martial arts at all, you can do it in a short time by practicing "North Ming Divine Art", that is wishful thinking!

"Beiming Divine Art" is the unique magical art of Xiaoyao Sect!

The knowledge of martial arts, meridian system, and Taoist subtleties involved in it, if a person who has no understanding of the principles here sees it, how can he understand the meaning and then practice successfully?

Fang Han thought to himself, without the first round of life simulations, even with the help of Cheng Lingsu, the 50 years of life experience, experience, and knowledge system formed would not be able to be completed in half a year!

As for Duan Yu's situation...

People say that he doesn't understand martial arts, but he was born in the Zhennan Prince's Mansion in Dali, and he was the appointed successor of Dali. Under his influence, he has a foundation in martial arts.

He just doesn't practice.

Otherwise, if he doesn't even understand the acupoints and meridians, how can he practice the "Beiming Divine Art"?

Only a person like him who knows the basics based on understanding and not knowing, but has no foundation in internal skills, can master one of the pair of energy-absorbing diagrams and energy-storing diagrams comprehensibly.

Otherwise, as long as he has some internal strength, even if it is extremely superficial, it is impossible for him to be in such a situation.

Fang Han was able to marry Cheng Lingsu as his wife, that was indeed marrying a very good wife.

Cheng Lingsu was surrounded by Fang Han, so she snuggled up to him.

Fang Han rubbed his hands and sighed: "It's a pity that my medical skills are not as good as yours, and it's hard to be like you. Otherwise, you can also learn this skill.

Cheng Lingsu smiled slightly: "If you can learn it, you can learn it. If you can't learn it, it's okay. I don't care about those."

Fang Han met those clear eyes full of affection, how could he not know what she was thinking.

Touched in my heart, I couldn't help but hold the jade face and bowed down gently.

It's been a long time......

Cheng Lingsu gently pushed him away, breathed out the scent, and said coquettishly: "Your internal strength is getting deeper and deeper now, but it always hurts me, hum~"

Fang Han looked at the coquettish expression with shyness and anger, and said that Miss Cheng really didn't understand how touching she was at this moment.


With a slight thought, a solemn expression on his face, he said solemnly: "Lingsu, I have recently figured out a way to pass Qi, which has some wonderful advantages, and I think it is necessary to try it with you."

Miss Cheng gave him a blank look, and said to her heart that Big Brother Fang is really...

Thinking about it, I just want to say something weird.

With that in mind, he gently closed his eyes.

Slightly raising the head of the scorpion, it looks like you can pick it up.

It's a long time again.....

Miss Cheng blushed, as if she was holding back, and said in embarrassment: "Brother Fang is lying~"

Fang Han shook his head slightly, and sighed: "I'm still not familiar with it, I need to practice more in the future."

Miss Cheng spat at him, broke away from Fang Han's arms, and walked into the room calmly.

A clear and soft voice came from afar: "Brother Fang, come in quickly."

Fang Han was slightly taken aback.

My heart said yes, Miss Cheng, to be so proactive.

After several years of couples, Cheng Lingsu didn't always take the initiative, but she usually only did this at night, and Fang Han teased and half pushed and half agreed in broad daylight.

Fang Han thought of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, and he couldn't help showing Lingbo microsteps under his feet.

Entering the room, I saw Cheng Lingsu sitting on the edge of the tea table, pouring tea and water.

Fang Han stepped forward and hugged him into his arms.

Cheng Lingsu originally thought that this was just a simple intimacy, but he became more and more presumptuous, so he couldn't help but push Fang Han, and said angrily: "Brother Fang, I have something to tell you, if you want to, I can do it later... ..."

"Anyway, not now."

If it was in the blessed place of Langhuan in Wuliang Mountain, maybe Miss Cheng would have followed, well, she had always followed, but now she is living in another place, after all, it is someone else's place. "How can it be like this.

If Zhong Ling and the others accidentally bumped into her, she would be ashamed to death.

Hearing this, Fang Han realized that he had misunderstood and coughed a few times.

Cheng Lingsu is also smart, and when he changed his mind, he realized that he had misunderstood what he just said.

Couldn't help being a little amused, but her face was flushed with powder, and she poured the tea: "There is something I want to tell you."

Fang Han took the tea, took a sip, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Cheng Lingsu said quietly: "It's a happy event, can't you think of it?"

Before Fang Han could answer, she continued: "Miss Mu, I have already asked carefully, and it is true, you have guessed it all."

Explaining the matter in detail, Cheng Lingsu stared at Fang Han, and said: "She must be you, and you must not marry. Brother Fang, Miss Mu is so beautiful, and I like you and love you in my heart, and I want to marry you." .

Do you have a heartbeat in your heart?"

Fang Han twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling excited, I dare not say not at all.

After all, Mu Wanqing does have a beautiful appearance like a fish falling into a wild goose!

But after all, this is only out of appreciation for his looks.

How can it compare with Miss Cheng's strong and agreeable feelings.

Fang Han looked at Cheng Lingsu with warm eyes, and said softly: "Lingsu..."

Cheng Lingsu stretched out her soft hand to stop him from speaking.

The gnat's head is crescent, and the eyebrows are affectionate.

"Brother Fang, you don't need to say anything, I know it all. You care about me in your heart, and I am very happy in my heart..."

Just at this time.

"Sister Cheng~big brother~I'm here to play with you~"

A distant delicate voice came.

Zhong Lingjiao rushed to the other courtyard with a whimper, and was a little puzzled when she saw the bluestones scattered all over the ground outside.

Standing outside, he called out, "Big Brother, Sister Cheng, are you there?"

"Yes, come in."

Receiving a response, Zhong Ling's eyes were crescent-like, she pushed open the door with a smile, and walked in.

I saw Fang Han and Cheng Lingsu sitting upright, as if sipping tea.

Cheng Lingsu pulled the hair around her ears, but her ears were still a little red.

Zhong Ling leaned forward and followed, talking and talking.

Twittering, wanting to take the two of them to play around.

Fang Han said with a smile: "You

Go with Lingsu. "

He is still ready to practice "One Yang Finger".

The incident at Tianlong Temple in Dali City is not far away. If you really want to be involved in it, you need to be good at this "Yiyang Finger" martial arts to a certain level.

Don't look at that he has already practiced "Yiyang Zhili" to "Second Grade".

But the actual fingering and tricks have not been practiced well yet.

Although external training is a framework, it is not as important as internal training, but it cannot be ignored.

There are many advantages in martial arts such as "Suifeng Swordsmanship" practiced to a profound "Dacheng", not to mention "Yiyang Finger"?

Hearing this, Zhong Ling felt a little unhappy.

Although it's good to play with Sister Cheng, but if the big brother doesn't go, it won't be so enjoyable after all.

Why is he unwilling? Could it be that he doesn't like playing with Ling'er...

Cheng Lingsu took a look at Fang Han, and said with a light smile, "There's nothing wrong with you, it's rare to come to Sister Zhong's house as a guest, how can you have a good time at Twelve?"

Then he said, "Why don't you call Miss Shangmu?"

Zhong Ling's eyes brightened, and he nodded quickly: "Okay, okay~"

Immediately, he looked at Fang Han expectantly, hoping that he would agree.

Seeing that Cheng Lingsu had said so, Fang Han could do nothing, and nodded in agreement.

In the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, there are many quiet and elegant places.

There was chaos in the past few days, but it all ended and calm was restored.

Zhong Ling took Fang Han, Cheng Lingsu, and Mu Wanqing to play around for a while.

Walking to a mountain spring, Cheng Lingsu took the initiative to avoid Zhong Ling, leaving Fang Han and Mu Wanqing behind.

Turning his head away, looking at Mu Wanqing, who has been bowing his head and silently speaking 770, but has been following him closely, Fang Han feels delicate.

Looking at it, he suddenly found that Mu Wanqing's jade-like face was gradually stained with layers of blush.

Seeing this, how could Fang Han not know that this girl is indeed as Ling Su said...

Fang Han pondered for a while, and said, "Lingsu told me about your matter."

Mu Wanqing's delicate body trembled slightly, her heart was beating violently, and her whole body was hot and hot.

With a hum, he frowned and looked at Fang Han, wondering what would happen to him.

Although Sister Cheng passed the test, in the final analysis, the most important thing is not Fang Han.

He, how he sees himself,

Is it accepted, or...

Fang Han smiled, and stretched out his hand to take Mu Wanqing's soft hand.

"I will call you Wanqing from now on, okay?"

In fact, for this kind of thing, the direction comes naturally.

Like Cheng Lingsu, after getting along for a period of time and having a good impression of each other, he directly married and went home as his wife.

Now that Mu Wanqing is interested in him, although Lingsu is a little jealous, it is also a situation of voluntary acceptance. How can Fang Han get cheap and act obediently, pretending to have to do something?

What does it look like?

Confused about this and that?

of course not.

Since the beauty fell in love with him, he accepted it smoothly.

after all…………

Mu Wanqing is really beautiful.

The kind that is so beautiful.

During the past few days of getting along, although he focused on cultivation in his heart, every time he saw Mu Wanqing, he was secretly amazed and appreciative.

She is not the same as Miss Cheng, but she has her own unique beauty!

They gave it all for nothing, and Fang Han naturally didn't have the heaven-defying idea of ​​pushing people away.

Hearing what he said, Mu Wanqing was so happy that her heart was in a turmoil, she said good-bye.

Seeing Fang Han holding his palm, red clouds rose even more.

Fang Han saw Mu Wanqing staring at him blankly, which was quite inconsistent with her usual cold image, quite a contrast and cute, he couldn't help being amused in his heart, but also admired it secretly.

Mu Wanqing came back to her senses slightly, seeing Fang Han staring at her face, she felt ashamed and happy, but also surprised, thinking: "He is looking at me, does he want to kiss me? That's right.

, Now that I am his man, there is nothing I cannot surrender.

Thinking of this, he gently closed his eyes, his jade color became dizzy, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

Fang Han was surprised to see this.

Did she misunderstand...

But the girls are so obvious, if he doesn't take the initiative, it really can't be justified.

Get closer.

Soft and delicate.

There is also a faint fragrance like orchid and musk deer.

Compared with Miss Cheng, Mu Wanqing is obviously more fragrant.

Miss Cheng's has a faint fragrance, with a little medicinal fragrance, which is very unique and elegant, while Mu Wanqing's body has that sweet and greasy faint fragrance.

Fang had already felt it when Chu Chu saved her.

Now, savoring carefully, it is even more refreshing and immersing.

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