Dao Baifeng, in order to avenge Duan Zhengchun's flirtatious and promiscuous love affairs, under shame, anger and resentment, met Duan Yanqing who was seriously injured at that time and fled back, hiding outside Tianlong Temple, and saw him covered in blood and wounds , shaped like a beggar, suddenly planned from his heart, had a good time with him, and cheated on the most humble person, in order to avenge the resentment in his heart.

Not only did he bring Zhennan Wang Duan Zhengchun a bright green jade crown, but he also gave birth to a cheap son, Duan Yu.

can only say.....…

So scary!

In fact, Fang Han doesn't quite understand this kind of behavior of humiliating oneself in order to retaliate against others.

But thinking of the ancient background, it was such a position that men were superior to women and women were inferior. I guess this was the most paranoid and extreme way she could think of.

Fang Han shook his head secretly, calmed down some distracting thoughts, and slightly cupped his hands.

But he didn't know that women are quite sensitive to staring eyes. If Dao Baifeng sensed it, he glanced at Fang Han suspiciously, wondering why his eyes were a little weird just now.

He lowered his head slightly, his face suddenly changed slightly, and a wave of embarrassment emerged in his heart.

What is this person looking at!?

It's just that at this time, everyone is watching, and that person is Yu'er's savior. She insists on her identity, and she dare not reveal the slightest bit.

Shi Shiran saluted, and retreated behind Duan Zhengchun.

It's not obvious on the face, but it's hard to avoid being uneasy in my heart.

Fang Han felt a little puzzled, just getting closer, he saw Dao Baifeng's expression was different, but he really didn't know what this Zhennan princess was thinking.

The others didn't even notice anything.

Everyone sipped tea and chatted, Duan Zhengchun learned that Fang Han and the others were looking for a place to stay, and immediately invited them to live in the palace temporarily.

Fang Han already had a plan in mind, so naturally he didn't refuse.

This time, Fang Han was invited to the Zhennan Palace, which even alarmed Emperor Baoding of Dali.

In spite of his busy schedule, he actually took time out and took the initiative to come to Zhennan Palace to meet him, and thank Fang Han for saving Duan Yu.

This actually shows a very clear tendency.

Although Duan Yu is the eldest son of Zhennan Prince of Dali, he is actually the heir appointed by the upper and lower officials.

Because Emperor Baoding did not have a Viscount, he always discussed with the court that King Ding Zhennan was the emperor's younger brother and the successor.

Although there is no real canonization, there is a consensus among the ruling and opposition people.

And if Duan Zhengchun continues to be the king of Dali, then Duan Yu will not only be the son of Zhennan Prince, but also the future king of Dali.

Fang Han saved his life, if you really want to study it carefully, it can even be said that he has contributed to the stability of Dali's society!

All the people in Dali, even the Emperor Baoding came to see him in person, that's why.

And Fang Han actually had some expectations for this.

Before they rescued each other, they actually began to plan faintly.

It may not be a specific plan, but if you do it smoothly, you can win the favor of Dali, and there is no reason not to do it.

It was a day, in a courtyard of Zhennan Prince's Mansion.

Because they both identified the two girls as Fang Han's confidante, they directly arranged them together.

This is cheaper than Fang Han.

Mu Wanqing naturally didn't mind about this, but was rather ashamed and happy.

I just remembered something, and my expression was a little depressed.

Fang Han embraced the beautiful woman, sniffing the refreshing fragrance, and seeing her expression changed, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked: "Wanqing, what's the matter? You've been feeling a little bit out of your mind lately."

what's the matter?"

Mu Wanqing's eyes were slightly red, tears filled her eyes and she said, "Fang Lang, I have to leave, I can't stay by your side..."

Fang Han was slightly surprised, vaguely guessed, and asked with frowned: "Why?"

Mu Wanqing said: "I came back from Suzhou earlier, and I made an appointment with Master to meet up, now..."

Any later, the agreed day and time will have passed.

Fang Han heard this, some did not expect this.

The key is that Mu Wanqing didn't mention it at all before.

But after thinking about it, I understood why she didn't mention it.

Probably because he didn't want to miss his business, but also wanted to stay by his side longer.

Can't help but sigh.

This girl...

Fang Han pondered: "What day is it?"

Mu Wanqing pursed her lips and said: "Seven days later, it will be the valley where I lived and grew up, and it will take five days to rush here.

Fang Han was speechless, stretched out his hand to pinch Mu Wanqing's delicate and soft cheek and said: "You should have told me earlier.

Mu Wanqing's eyes were slightly red, and she buried herself in his arms: "Fang Lang, after I went to meet up with Master, I explained the matter to her, and then I came back to look for you immediately, you... don't go too far, okay? Not to you..."

This girl grew up, listening to her master Qin Hongmian constantly instilling words like "Most men in the world are ruthless and ungrateful!"

Over time, it is inevitable that it will be affected.

I was afraid that once I left, I would never find Fang Han again.

In fact, this is also the reason why she has not left for a long time.

He waited until the last moment and had to leave.

Fang Han put his arms around Mu Wanqing's slender waist that seemed to be grasped tightly, rubbed it slightly, and said with a smile: "Why do you go too far, if you don't come back, I will go to find you.

After thinking about it, he said, "Let's go together."

Three days later, Jiumozhi, the Tubo national teacher, visited Tianlong Temple.

Although the time is tight, try it out, if you can get it, if you can't, then follow Mu Wanqing to find her master...or her biological mother.

After all, Fang Han also wanted someone else's daughter.

I can't see my mother-in-law.

Mu Wanqing snuggled into Fang Han's arms, feeling quite moved.

If they are together, then there is no need to separate.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "No, if the time comes, Master and her elders don't see me, I'm afraid they will think that I'm in danger, and then she will go back to Suzhou to look for me, that's not good gone."

That bad woman surnamed Wang is very difficult to deal with.

If the master is there, there will inevitably be danger.

After pondering for a while, Fang Han nodded lightly and said, "Okay, when the time comes..."

Mu Wanqing didn't wait for Fang Han to finish, and said, "I'll look for you and Sister Cheng when the time comes."

I don't know if it was because of this incident, but Mu Wanqing was very reluctant to give up, and was extremely emotional. At night, she even wanted to give her body and mind to Fang Han.

Fang Han can only lament the deep love and righteousness of the beauty, but he restrained himself.

After all, Mu Wanqing was on her way home on this trip, so it's better not to torment her indiscriminately "to make people suffer.

The next day, I asked Zhennan Wangfu for a good horse.

Mu Wanqing stared deeply at Fang Han, got on the horse, and galloped away.

Fang Han wasn't too worried about her safety. First of all, this girl had seen and heard a lot when she was away from home. She was always chasing and killing others, but last time it was very rare.

What's more, she now has two more lean points than before.

One is light work and body method.

For such a lovely girl who offered to marry him for nothing, Fang Han naturally had no reason to treat her badly, and taught her "Lingbo Weibu", which she basically learned during the half month in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations up.

Lightness kung fu and body skills are only stronger than before, not weaker!

As for the other one, it comes from Miss Cheng's comprehensive upgrade of her "equipment props".

Ms. Cheng's bottles and jars, poisons, healing medicines, sore medicines, etc., have all been picked out for Mu Wanqing.

What's in there, come Sanada...

Well, the picture is too beautiful to imagine.

To be reasonable, Mu Wanqing's current level of danger is terrifying.

Based on this, Fang Han is still very assured of her safety.

At night, Dali Palace.

Duan Zhengming frowned on his square and solemn face, and sighed for a long time: "That Tubo national teacher Jiumozhi, it is said that he has profound Buddhist teachings and also has exquisite martial arts, he is a supreme master!

If you want to come to my Tianlong Temple in Dali, I am afraid that it is not as simple as talking about Buddhism and chanting scriptures. The picture...is not small!"

Duan Zhengchun said: "Even if an evil guest comes to the door, there are all eminent monks from Tianlong Temple sitting in the town, you may not be afraid of him!"

Duan Zhengming sighed: "I hope so."

The two were silent for a moment, then Duan Zhengming turned to ask: "How is Yu'er doing recently? Is it better?"

Duan Zhengchun nodded his head: "Brother Huang lost his energy to heal his injuries earlier, after many days of recuperation, he is getting better, so you don't have to worry about it.

"That's good. Yu'er is the future heir of our Dali Kingdom. He is related to the stability of our Dali Kingdom. There must be no accidents. After this incident, you need to take good care of him, so that nothing like this happens again.

Duan Zhengchun nodded and said, "I can save it!"

When Duan Zhengming talked about Duan Yu, he couldn't help thinking of the person he had encountered, he frowned and said hesitantly: "It's just that Prince Yanqing is planning something now.

This Prince Yanqing, everyone in Dali thought that he was dead, but he suddenly appeared after many years.

And as soon as he appeared, he rushed directly to make him abdicate, which really made Duan Zhengming feel uneasy.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the appearance of Mr. Fang, who stopped Prince Yanqing and saved Yu'er from his hands, it would have really made him a success.

Even with Prince Yanqing's dignity, the Duan family of Dali would never push him to the top again, but he and Zhengchun's descendants are also broken.

Thinking about it, Duan Zhengming made a sudden movement, stood up and paced for a while, then turned around and asked, "Is Mr. Fang's martial arts really as powerful as you said?"

Duan Zhengchun was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and immediately pondered: "Sir's martial arts are naturally far superior to mine, and Duan Yanqing is probably on the same level as that."

This is his rough judgment.

Duan Zhengming also nodded lightly: "When I went to see him today, I actually saw some clues. This person's eyes are focused, his breathing is long, and he clearly has extremely strong internal strength!

This Mr. Fang is really a strange person!"

As the lord of a country, and also the number one among the lay disciples of the Duan family in Dali, he has good eyesight.

Duan Zhengchun heard some clues: "Brother Huang intends to..."

Duan Zhengming sighed: "Tianlong Temple is the foundation of my Duan family in Dali, and there is absolutely no room for loss. If there is a little more help, that would be great."

The reason why the Duan family in Dali can stand for many years is really thanks to the great achievements of Tianlong Temple.

Whenever the court situation is in turmoil, it is his actions to stabilize the country's foundation.

Just like what happened to Prince Yanqing.

...asking for flowers......

At that time, there were treacherous ministers plotting rebellion, and there was chaos from top to bottom, and it was Tianlong Temple who took action, which allowed their lineage to inherit the great order.

No matter what kind of considerations Duan Zhengming had, he undoubtedly didn't want to see anything happen to Tianlong Temple.

Duan Zhengchun pondered and said: "This matter is not trivial, you need to ask Mr. about it."

Duan Zhengming thought it over and said: "Just say what you want, no matter whether you are willing or not, you must not be rude.

"Brother Huang, you don't need to say too much, Zhengchun will save it!"

Duan Zhengchun returned to the palace from the palace.

After thinking about it for a long time, I gradually started to have some words to say.

See the sky is very dark

I just came to Dao Baifeng's residence again.

I couldn't help but move in my heart: "Fenghuang'er has been unwilling to come back for many years. This time Yu'er was hurt, which made her change her mind and reluctantly go back to the house. I need to seize the opportunity to coax her well, otherwise after the incident, she Could it be that she went back to her Taoist temple?

Thinking of this, Duan Zhengchun turned around and went inside.


Dao Baifeng glanced at him coldly, seeing that it was Duan Zhengchun, he didn't bother to talk to him, and immediately sent him out of the hospital.

Duan Zhengchun stood at the door with a blank expression on his face, and sighed for a while.

He remembered that a few days ago, Fenghuang'er's attitude seemed to gradually loosen, and for some reason, he was so angry today.

Did something bad happen to you?

Duan Zhengchun couldn't figure it out.

But he has something to do tomorrow, so he can't waste his time all the time, so he has to leave.

In the room, Dao Baifeng sat quietly, frowning and thinking.

As seen yesterday, one of the girls, surnamed Mu, seemed to be somewhat similar in appearance to that [Asura Saber] Qin Hongmian.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she would have made up her mind to ask.

It's just because that person is Yu'er's savior.

Dao Baifeng thought about this, and suddenly thought of the subtlety of his eyes earlier, subconsciously covered his eyes, frowned and remained silent.

the next day.

Fang Han silently listened to Duan Zhengchun's request for an explanation, with a calm expression on his face.

This matter unexpectedly went smoothly. He originally thought of using some means, but he didn't know that the other party came to ask for it.

Seeing Fang Han's silence, Duan Zhengchun secretly felt a little ashamed. He thought that people gave him Duan Zhengchun face and came to his house as a guest, but they didn't ask him to ask for things. Just as he was about to speak, Fang Han said: "Tianlong I have always heard the name of the temple, and it is my honor to visit your temple.

Duan Zhengchun was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Thank you sir for your help! I am very grateful!"

Fang Han smiled, and said in his heart that he should not be grateful either.

I'm coveting the "Six Meridians Divine Sword Sutra" of your Tianlong Temple. I don't know if I will really help or secretly help.

Two days passed by in a hurry.

Fang Han breathed out his strength and slowly restrained himself.

He said to Miss Cheng: "Today, if you go to the Tianlong Temple with King Zhennan, there may be some twists and turns, so you don't have to worry about it.

Miss Cheng stepped forward, arranged his clothes carefully, and said softly, "Be careful in everything."

Fang Han held those slender hands, smooth and tender: "I know."

The two were intimate for a while, Fang Han pushed the door and left.

After half a day.

Outside Dali City, in Tianlong Temple.

In the midst of awe, everyone from top to bottom glared.

The green smoke was rising, and a Tubo monk who was in charge of Yan Baoxiang stood upright in the hall.

It is Jiumozhi, the Tubo national teacher!

As if turning a blind eye to other people's eyes, Jiumozhi clasped his hands together and sighed: "The little monk came here "with no malice, why did the monastery refuse to take over the ruined building of the little monk's best friend Murong?"

As he said that, he was also a little annoyed at the ignorance of Tianlong Temple's ups and downs.

He exchanged Shaolin's seventy-two unique skills of "Pinch Flower Finger", "Duoluoye Finger" and "Wuxiang Jiezhi" in exchange for the three superior fingering methods. He wanted to obtain the "Six Meridian Sword Sutra", but he was repeatedly defeated. To reject!

Whether expressing, or hinting, or intimidating, or intimidating, all the monks in Tianlong Temple could not be made to submit, after three times, Jiumozhi couldn't hold back.

If you don't eat the soft ones, then grab them directly!

Jiumozhi smiled slightly: "I've heard for a long time that Tianlong Temple is famous [[[The six-meridian sword is so sharp that the world can't stop it! I just don't know how much it can do: the little monk is now taught by the envoy.

After saying that, the inner force surged, and the slowly rising blue smoke was caused to tremble slightly, and he stretched out his hand to chop it!

"Flame Knife"!

The knife is menacing, as if it is burning hot!

Such a state of inner strength is already extremely deep!

The five monks headed by them all changed their colors, each made a sword with their hands, and showed their points forward!


The air seemed to be swaying slightly, and the invisible sword energy was released from the five monks!

Sword Qi and Dao Jin entangled and eliminated each other, making a scorching sound.

The person fighting at this time, not to mention Jiumozhi, the five monks are all eminent monks of Tianlong Temple of this generation, with deep internal strength, and they hold the "fourth grade" one yang finger, and the "six veins god" One of the pulses of Sword Qi!

I just don't know if it's because things are different from the original track.

That Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming didn't cut his hair to become a monk to practice the last branch of sword energy.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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