End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 67 The Power Of "Invisible Sword Qi"! Absorb!

If two people were to fight close to each other, Jiumozhi's martial arts, his many years of experience in fighting and fighting, would definitely be stronger than Fang Han's.

But at this time, Fang Han used the "Six Meridians Excalibur" to activate the "Invisible Sword Qi", and within a few meters, the sword Qi was criss-crossing!

If he was touched even slightly, he would be in danger of injury and death. How dare Jiumozhi approach him?

It can be said that he was shocked: "This person is so young, but he has practiced the "Six Meridians Excalibur"!?"

It's not because of the few people who only cultivate one of the channels, but the six channels!

Jiumozhi's heart was shocked and he couldn't believe it, but because of the abbot and several eminent monks of Tianlong Temple, they were also shocked!

This benefactor Fang, how could he know the supreme technique "Six Meridians Excalibur" of this temple!?


All six meridians are repaired!?

Only those who have truly practiced the "Six Meridians Excalibur" will know how difficult it is!

Only cultivating one of the meridians requires an extremely high level of internal force as a foundation, and cultivating all six meridians together requires a foundation of internal force


Master Kurong knew the surprise in their hearts, but he didn't explain, and said lightly: "Because, go and put away the "Six Meridians Divine Sword Sutra". "

Hearing this, Benyin looked at the scrolls of the "Six Meridians Divine Sword Sutra" scattered all over the place, and quickly said yes.

He vaguely realized that it must be the tacit consent of Elder Ku Rong, he is the highest seniority person in Tianlong Temple, the decision he made, he and others can only abide by it.

After putting away the scroll of the sword scriptures, I heard Master Kurong say again:

"Let's observe the power of the six-meridian sword, and observe and realize yourself! Self-examination and self-examination!"

When everyone heard the words, they were all ashamed.

In Tianlong Temple in Dali, there is no one who has completely cultivated the "Six Meridians Excalibur", but others have practiced it.

Comparing the two, the shame in my heart is so strong!

All of them stared intently at the field.

Najiumozhi gradually regained his composure after being frightened at the beginning.

After all, he is strong in martial arts, and he keenly discovered that although the young man's martial arts were unbelievably strong, the "invisible sword energy" was also cultivated by him to be incomparably sharp!

But his martial arts experience is a little insufficient, and there are many flaws.

If he can fight in close quarters, he may not be unable to take on this person.

But because of the power of "invisible sword energy", even the opponent's body is not necessarily close. twenty four

Those, of course, are out of the question.


Jiumozhi suddenly discovered that the opponent's "invisible sword energy" seemed to become more and more proficient as he used it.

Executed before, there is still an interval between condensed air.

It was also this short moment of opportunity that allowed Jiumozhi to take a breath and gradually deal with it.

But as time went by, the opponent urged the "invisible sword energy", gradually proficient, the interval gradually decreased, and the rotation was smooth.

For a moment, Jiumozhi's pressure increased greatly!

He secretly groaned in his heart: "If this kind of "invisible sword energy" is to be used, it will really consume a lot of internal energy, but why does he..."

After dozens of bursts of "Invisible Sword Qi", his face didn't turn red and he couldn't breathe. Could it be that his inner strength is boundless!?

But at this time the pressure suddenly increased, Jiumozhi didn't dare to think too much, and was distracted, so he could only concentrate on using "Flame Knife" to deal with it.

Sword energy, strength converge, vertical and horizontal!

In a short time, they fought more than 20 times in the air.

Jiumozhi and Benyin had been fighting each other for about two hours, and their internal energy wasted a lot, and now they have to constantly activate the "Flame Saber Force" to resist the opponent's "Invisible Sword Qi", which is even more exhausting It became more and more serious, and the forehead was slightly sweating.

Already overwhelmed and tired of coping.

If he continues like this, he can only die.

Suddenly, that "invisible sword energy" suddenly changed.

From light and flexible, to thick and simple.

Although it is also powerful and even more brilliant, it seems that because this sword energy is not very familiar, the gap between the flow of sword energy reappeared.

Jiumozhi was very strange in his heart, thinking to himself that this person was going to win, why did he change to another line of sword energy?

But soon, he discovered why.

Jiumozhi's face was very ugly.

The opponent is actually using him as a stepping stone to sharpen the refinement of his own sword energy!?

Fang Han is indeed using Jiumozhi as a sharpening stone.

Such a master is rare!

It would be a pity if the opportunity was not seized.

He obtained this "invisible sword energy", and there will be even fewer people who can really fight against him in the future.

There are really not many opponents who can face this kind of opponent within a few feet, with sword qi, and still have the strength to fight back.

Fang Han used each of the six "invisible sword qi" in the "Six Meridians Excalibur" to get familiar with each other and gradually become more harmonious!

He secretly realized the beauty, but Bian Jiumozhi was very aggrieved.

An inch square has an attack range of six feet!

However, my own Flame Saber Strength is only within two feet, and when the opponent activates [Invisible Sword Qi], I have to deal with it with concentration, never daring to be negligent, but my "Flame Saber Strength" cannot touch the opponent at all. .

Even if he touched it, the "Flame Saber Power" would have collapsed to the extreme, like a breeze.

Not only that, but the opponent's internal strength is unmatched, and it is almost impossible to see the end. If it goes on like this, it will definitely be exhausted to death by it!

Thinking of this, Jiumozhi felt a little fear in his heart, and suddenly retreated in a gap!

Even the three Shaolin Temple Secret Books placed in the treasure chest were ignored.

Flashing out of the range covered by the "invisible sword energy", he quickly raised his energy and flew across, flying away.

Fang Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and Ling Bo casted it with small steps, and followed him in a fluttering manner.

The lightness kung fu of both of them is very strong.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the sight of everyone in Tianlong Temple.

The reason and the truth, several people looked at each other in amazement.

Goodbye to the main hall, there are many densely packed scratches on the floor tiles, all of which are caused by the "invisible sword energy", so he couldn't help but inhale in horror.

"Elder Ku Rong, now this..."

Master Kurong opened his eyes, finally turned around and looked out of the main hall, pondered for a moment, and said: "Wait here for the result, the reason, you go and explain the situation to Zhengming first.

As he said that, he looked at the master copy of the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin that King Dalunming wanted to exchange with him.

"The three of you make a copy of this secret book, and then hand it over to the benefactor Fang."

The danger of Tianlong Temple has been resolved so far.

Simply make love to the end, Master Kurong even handed over the "Six Meridians Divine Sword Sutra" to Fang Han to study, so naturally he didn't care about these three Shaolin special skills.

People are old enough to know how to do things.


The figure flew by, Jiumozhi held the "Flame Saber Strength" in his palm, and slashed straight back!

Fang Han dodged lightly, using his hand as a sword, Shao Chong's sword qi whizzed towards him.

Jiumozhi was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, fighting while walking.

Walking to a place with gurgling water, he suddenly stopped, calmed down and slowly restrained his somewhat groggy expression, looked at Fang Han intently, bowed to the Buddha and said, "Amitabha! The Duan family in Dali has unexpectedly appeared like a benefactor. Young monks admire you for being talented! Admire them!"

Fang Han chuckled and said: "The Great Wheel Ming Wang has misunderstood, I am not a member of the Duan family."

Jiumozhi was full of words, and immediately held back his mouth, stunned for a while: "The benefactor is not a member of the Duan family, how could he know the supreme technique of Tianlong Temple "Six Meridians Excalibur"!?"

Fang Han said with a half-smile: "This is thanks to the help of King Dalun Ming. If you hadn't forced Tianlong Temple, how could I have the opportunity to practice the "Six Meridians Excalibur"?"

This is true, when Fang Han was practicing the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" before, he also vaguely understood what Master Kurong was thinking.

But thinking about it, if there is no such thing as Jiumozhi, it is naturally impossible to hand over the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" to him for observation.

Hearing the words, Jiumozhi's expression froze, and a burst of anger rose in his heart for no reason.


I donated the three Shaolin unique skills, but I still can't get the sword scriptures. I can't violate the ancestral precepts, and I can't pass it on to others, but I passed it on to people who are not Duan from Dali.

What's the point of this!?

Annoyed in his heart, but not showing on his face, he smiled slightly and said:

"So that's the case. In this way, the little monk is quite helpful to the benefactor."

Fang Han smiled, but did not answer.

Jiumozhi continued: "The benefactor's martial arts are very strong, the young monk admires him, the victory and defeat have been decided, I wonder if the benefactor may allow the young monk to leave?"

He discovered just now that it is basically impossible to get rid of the opponent by relying on lightness kung fu.

If the opponent's martial arts experience is still poor, then the lightness kung fu and body skills are extremely superior.

But his internal energy is so deep that he can't use it up, and he can't walk anymore.

Face the enemy head-on, but it is also difficult to face its "invisible sword energy".

Can't walk, can't spend.

At this time, Jiumozhi was in a dilemma.

Fang Han's expression was calm, but he sighed slightly: "I'm so happy to see a master like the Great Minglun King, how can I give up?"

Jiumozhi's expression remained unchanged, and he performed the Buddhist ritual: "So that's how it is, this little monk knows..."

Before the words were finished, the man had already jumped up, dodging in front of Fang Han, the "Flame Blade Strength" in his hand was surging!

The reason why he was so embarrassed in the face of Fang Han was because of the power of the six-meridian sword energy.

In the original trajectory, facing the "Six Meridians Sword" subconsciously used by Duan Yu, he was terrified and did not dare to approach it. It was because he realized that Duan Yu did not understand the subtleties of martial arts, sometimes it worked, and sometimes he didn't. Go and catch it.

And Fang Han's martial arts are many times stronger than Duan Yu's half-understood, so how could it be possible for him to be easily captured like Duan Yu.

Faced with the constant urging of "Invisible Sword Qi", Jiumozhi couldn't even get close to it, he could only avoid its sharp edge, and fled directly.

But seeing that Fang Han didn't seem to want to give up at this time, Jiumozhi suddenly wanted to make a sudden attack to reverse the situation.


Sword Qi roars!

Jiumozhi was startled, but he also knew that if he didn't succeed this time, he would be slowly worn down to his defeat in the future.

His eyes were fixed, but he didn't care about the "invisible sword energy".

The figure did not retreat but advanced, only the figure swayed slightly, narrowly avoiding the door of life.

Sword Qi pierced through his left shoulder, Jiumozhi let out a muffled snort, but his figure was already within half a foot of Fang Han's body, and the blade force struck down!


Fang Han's eyes flickered slightly, and naturally he would not compete head-on with him, Ling Bo stepped lightly, and his figure cleverly avoided it.

A few bursts of sword energy were used, leaving a deep blood hole in Jiumozhi's body in an instant.

In such a situation, ordinary people should also fall to the ground.

Who would have thought that Jiumozhi, who was so injured, suddenly turned around and attacked from a very strange angle.

"Flame Saber Strength" is actually a few points more fierce than before!

Fang Han's heart tightened slightly, the two of them were very close at this moment, if they continued to use the "Six Meridians Excalibur", they would not be invincible, but their "Flame Saber Strength" would also have to strike head-on.

Between electric sparks and stones, Fang Han changed his sword fingers into fists to meet him, and used "Taizu Changquan".

Although this boxing technique is rough and superficial, it has been practiced to the point of perfection after all, and its strength is fierce!

In Fang Han "Bei Ming"

With the blessing of True Qi, it is also extraordinary!

Jiumozhi saw the joy in his eyes, he was afraid that if the opponent used the "Six Meridians Divine Sword", even if he succeeded, he would be seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, the opponent gave up on it and used boxing instead. From the looks of it, it was just the "Taizu Changquan" from Song Dynasty.

Can win!


Dull resounding!

The two exchanged blows, Ju Shi's body swayed.

Fang Han only felt that the opponent's "Flame Blade Strength" was very hot and thick!

A scorching force came directly from it, and the whole arm was numb for a while, and the palm of the hand could hardly be felt.

I couldn't help but marvel in my heart: "This kind of strength, if I don't have a strong internal force of "Northern Darkness True Qi", I'm afraid I will be taken off an arm by it in an instant!"

He was amazed on one side, but Jiumozhi was even more horrified on the other side.

At the moment of the attack, first of all, it is the force of counter-shock.

100% of the "Flame Blade Strength" was instantly counter-shocked by 60% to 70%!

With the fierce strength of that fist, it is so amazing!

Although it is not comparable to the "Flame Saber Strength" he has practiced for many years, it is extremely difficult to practice "Taizu Changquan" to this level.

However, it can't be compared with his "Flame Knife". At the moment of the confrontation, he was the one who won!

But before 370 could wait for him to be happy, suddenly a violent suction surged, and the internal energy in his whole body instantly rioted, flowing from the dantian to the palm, and then leaking out from the palm.

Continuously merged into the opponent's punching.

Jiumozhi was so startled that his scalp went numb, he was terrified: "Great Transformation Technique!?"

The evil martial arts in the world that can dissolve other people's internal energy is probably the "Great Transformation Technique" of Old Man Ding who belongs to Xingxiu Sea!

Subconsciously use the vibration force to block the opponent's transformation.

If he was in his prime, with his incomparably deep inner strength, if he really wanted to do it with all his strength, even Fang Han would not be able to absorb his inner strength so easily.

Beiming Shengong is not invincible. If you meet someone with extremely deep internal energy, pure internal energy, and rock-solid practice, it is relatively difficult to absorb his internal energy.

Because as long as the opponent's internal strength is strong, they can shake away the touched place.

Jiumozhi can be called a top expert, he could do it originally.

But at this time, after going through nearly two hours of fighting in the front, and urging the "Flame Knife" again and again in the back, he consumed a lot of internal energy, and at this time he was seriously injured, even if he subconsciously moved

Exhibiting shock force, it is very difficult to get rid of this suction.

The most important thing is, how strong Fang Han's internal strength is at this time!

Even Jiumozhi is far from being able to compare.

"Beiming Shengong" means that the higher the skill is, the more terrifying its ability to absorb internal energy will be!

The pure internal energy in Jiumozhi's body was continuously absorbed by Fang Han.

After a few breaths, Jiumozhi was horrified to find that he had already lost half of his strong internal energy!

His scalp was numb with fright, and he wanted to break free, but Fang Han turned his fists into palms and strangled the meridians and acupoints in his hand.

He has cultivated the entire chapter of "Beiming Divine Art", and he can absorb internal energy all over his body, but if it is said how to absorb it the fastest, it is naturally the acupoints and veins that channel the opponent's internal energy.

Live, as opposed to, absorb the fastest!

Soon, Jiumozhi felt that his body was empty, and he had no internal energy at all.

Fang Han let go of his hand.

In an instant, he fell powerlessly to the ground.

Fang Han slightly operated the "North Ming Divine Art" to absorb Jiumozhi's internal energy into Tanzhong acupoint.

"It's a pity. If it was the heyday of Jiumozhi, the internal energy absorbed would at least be doubled!"

But then again, if Jiumozhi was in his prime, it would not be so easy for him to absorb his internal energy.

At least it takes some effort.

Seeing Jiumozhi's distraught appearance, Fang Han shook his head slightly, not feeling pitiful at all.

It's not that he has any opinion on Jiumozhi.

It was purely just now that in the main hall of Tianlong Temple, the other party attacked him first with the "Flame Blade Strength", which was directly rushing to injure him.

They all shot at themselves, how could Fang Han let it go.

While thinking about it, a long howl came from afar!

"Mr. Fang! Please be merciful!"

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