End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 80 The Small Formless Skills Are Sorted Out!

Fang Han restrained his thoughts and looked at Mrs. Wang, who was getting more and more emotionally fluctuating and getting more and more wrong.

Feeling helpless, he said softly, "I didn't mean that..."

"If you dare to start chaos and end up giving up, I~ will kill you!"

Mrs. Wang ignored it, and stared at the "dog man" in front of her with teary eyes, and said viciously.

Well, in fact, I can't see clearly, the sun is hazy.

And I can't be cruel.

He looked like crying and crying.

Where can it be fierce?

Fang Han:

Sighing helplessly, he explained slowly.

The so-called faster practice method refers to the method of crossing Qi.

Moreover, he didn't mean what she thought.

When you listen to someone speak, can you understand the meaning first?

E: "..."

Mrs. Wang, who realized that she had misunderstood her, stared at her beautiful eyes with tears in her eyes, a little dazed.

Ah this......


Is this the case?

Logically speaking, it would be good if the misunderstanding was resolved.

But she has cried to such an extent, isn't it a bit inappropriate to restrain herself?

Am I shameless?

Mrs. Wang thought about this, her embarrassment disappeared in a flash, and she refused to admit defeat: "You are still ruthless after all! Until now, you still call me Madam long, and Madam short, and you clearly don't have me in your heart!"

It's quite a kind of quarrel, halfway through the quarrel, only to realize later that you made a mistake, and you are so embarrassed that you rush to make up for it.

But in fact, it's not all unreasonable trouble.

She realized that she was so close to him, yet he still talked about Madam and kept silent about Madam, he was really very Chinese.

is this interesting

Fang Han was silent, but thought about it carefully.

It's true, it's all this kind of relationship, and she keeps calling her Mrs., she probably feels uneasy in her heart, so she said in a clear voice:

"Then what do you call you? Well, how about Qingluo?"

Mrs. Wang was overjoyed at first when she heard the words, then she was puzzled and asked, "Hey, how do you know I'm famous?"

She wanted to explain it to him in detail, but she didn't know that he didn't need to explain it himself, but he knew it again.

Fang Han said of course!

Not only do I know, I know a lot!

Just as she was about to open her mouth, she saw Mrs. Wang bewildered, she nodded seriously and said, "I see, you really have supernatural powers! You can know a lot of things, right?"

Mrs. Wang has had this feeling for a long time.

All kinds of things before, first the secret of Langhuan Jade Cave, then "Little Wuxiang Gong", and some old things about her.

These secret things that should be known to very few people, even no one other than her, but he knows them all well and can speak clearly.

how did he know

Could it be that this person has supernatural powers!?

At that time, Mrs. Wang had this idea.

From skepticism to half-belief, now I am basically certain!

This must be the power of ghosts and gods!

No wonder he can always know many secrets inexplicably. From this point of view, knowing my boudoir name doesn't seem to be a big deal.


She swears on that side, but Fang Han is a little dazed when he hears it, and his mind is full of question marks.

Ah this......

What the hell?

The power of ghosts and gods?

do i have

Fang Han looked weird, but he was careful.

It seems that there really is.

After all, there is such a fairy as [Life Simulator].

Like endless reincarnation!

It's not obvious now, but the later it gets, the more terrifying he will be!

Rounding off, that's it.

Even in the future, if you continue to simulate opening and closing, you may not be able to

True supernatural powers!

And use the thinking of the ancient background at this time to understand.

If the gods are clear, isn't it the ability of ghosts and gods?

However, why does Mrs. Wang have such an idea?

How did she use some logic to conclude that he has the so-called supernatural powers?

And judging by her expression and attitude, she is really not joking, she really thinks so from the bottom of her heart...

Fang Han thought about it for a while, and then he roughly understood.

In a different place, if a person gets along with you, the other person seems to know all your secrets, this strange phenomenon that is out of the normal situation.

It's no wonder why Mrs. Wang came up with such a weird idea.

Fang Han thought about this, looking at Mrs. Wang who was crying just now, and who was still taking a breath from time to time, he secretly felt a subtlety in his heart.

This Mrs. Wang has always been considered dignified and shrewd.

But once you get close, your IQ plummets......

It's cute too.

He coaxed her and said, "Okay, don't cry anymore..."

Mrs. Wang seemed very dissatisfied: "It's like coaxing a child, what do you think of me?"

second day

In the attic room.

Mrs. Wang woke up leisurely, and saw Fang Hanzheng sitting in front of the desk, writing something seriously, she couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "What are you writing?"

""Small Wuxiang Gong", don't you know it?"

……ask for flowers…

Fang Han didn't look up, he took the booklet to show her after he finished writing the last word, and said, "The secret book of "Little Wuxiang Gong" has been sorted out after nearly half a month, just look at it. "

Previously, the method of crossing the breath was used as the circle of breathing Yena.

Soon, he assisted Mrs. Wang to practice the last formula.

Xiaoyao School's "Little Wuxiang Gong" has come to this point, and I have thoroughly understood the whole chapter!

Fang Han also made everything clear and re-written.

This "Small Wuxiang Gong" secret book is no longer so obscure and difficult to understand, and it is easier to read and comprehend.

Mrs. Wang took it subconsciously, her expression a little speechless: "What's so interesting about this......

Where did she want to see this.

Some absent-mindedly glanced at it for a few moments, then put the secret book of "Little Formless Kung Fu" aside, looked at Fang Han with a fixed expression, and said, "I have followed the agreement on the cultivation method of "Little Formless Kung Fu". I have taught you everything..."

There are two obstacles in the "Small Wuxiang Gong" secret book.

The first is to understand the meanings of the records in it, such as pig heart, pig liver, pig lung, pig kidney, pig spleen, as well as the hours and money numbers.

Here are the five viscera, six internal organs, meridians and acupoints, practice time and times involved in the "Small Wuxiang Gong"!

The second point is the way of interpretation of the method of breathing.

In the booklets A, B, C, and D, the clumsy formulas recorded on them need to be read through with their respective dialects and eloquence, in order to gradually understand the method of breathing.

At that time, Fang Han asked for a coach, and he had an agreement that as long as he taught the practice, he would leave Manduo Villa within ten months!

Originally, Mrs. Wang had been eagerly looking forward to quickly fulfilling the agreement at the beginning, so that Fang Han could fulfill his promise and leave Mantuo Villa!

The result is now……………

She is in a complicated mood.

Thinking about it, looking at the "Small Wuxiang Gong" secret book, I wondered if I taught it slower at that time, would it be better?

It's just that now that the teaching is over, it's too late to say anything.

We can only see what he thinks.

Fang Han was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood.

After pondering for a while, he said calmly and cautiously: "Ma'am, I understand what you mean. After all, this "Small Wuxiang Gong" is an extremely exquisite and profound magic skill.

Definitely need a good proofreading!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang immediately smiled.

Immediately, his expression became cold again, with evil eyes.

dog man!

Have you had enough of your madam's shouting?

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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