End of ten days

Chapter 427 Yellow Door

"At the other end is the Cat Room," said the Gopher, "which is my room."

"You have a room too?"

"Yes." Gopher nodded, "Don't worry, everyone, I won't lie in the rules. Our rooms are at both ends of the hall, with excellent sound insulation. I can't hear your discussions at all, and I won't enter your room." s room."

Qi Xia looked at the "Cat House" on the far right. That room had a white door and was five rooms away from the "Mouse House". Even if the sound insulation effect was not good, it would be difficult to hear the sounds in the other room.

"The five rooms in the middle plus this hall are our game venues." Gopher introduced, "Our main links will be conducted in this area."

The gopher said as he walked to a yellow door and reached out to push it open.

The room was very empty. There was a burgundy sacrificial table on the innermost side, with a white porcelain plate placed on it. There were several fruits stacked on the plate like tributes. If you looked closely, they looked like dragon fruit.

This is definitely a rarity in "The End".

"Tsk, it's really unlucky. It's like worshiping the dead..." Saturday said, "Who taught you to put three fruits on the bottom and one on top?"

"Auspicious...?" Gopher Skin grinned with a smile, "Now that we are in a place like this, who cares whether it is auspicious or not?"

He walked forward, pointed to the dragon fruit on the table and said, "These fruits can fill your stomach... but only in a 'literal' sense."


"Leaders, you need to put on the collar before you can continue explaining the next part." The gopher waved his hand and signaled to everyone.

Qi Xia and the others looked at each other, knowing that they had come to participate in the game and that they would not be able to escape this moment sooner or later, so they put the collar around their necks without saying a word.

After all the collars were connected, the lights on the left and right sides of each person's collar lit up, a total of two lights.

"Everyone...the light around your neck is your "fullness value."" The gopher felt that he did not explain clearly enough, and added, "Now there are two bars, which means you are "full."

"Then when will we reduce the "fullness value"?" Qi Xia asked.

"It will be automatically reduced by one point each round." The gopher said, "Leader, let me reiterate to you that each round is divided into two stages: "night" and "day". After these two stages are passed, everyone will be full. The value will collectively decrease a bit.”

Seeing everyone nodding, the gopher added: "Every time you "steal" food, you can increase the satiety value by a little. Each fruit can increase the "satisfaction value" of a "rat" by a little, and the maximum is Two o'clock."

Qi Xia secretly calculated in his mind. Everyone has two innate "satisfaction points", a total of ten points, and one point will be deducted from each person in each round. A total of six rounds, which requires thirty "satisfaction points". belly value".

In addition to the first ten points, they theoretically need to find twenty more pieces of food.

There are four in the room in front of me, and there may be four in the remaining rooms. There are twenty in total across the five rooms, which is just the right amount.

After hearing this, Luo Shiyi murmured to himself: "Does that mean we really have to pretend to be mice to steal food?"

"That's what it means, leader, the "fullness value" can


to drop to 0, but if the satiety value drops below 0, your collars will explode. "The Gopher glanced at him and continued, "Every night, the 'Rat' camp can have the following three choices: search, transport, and rescue. Each person can only choose one. Next, I will explain these three options in detail for you. "

He came to the wall and found a switch-like thing there, and said to everyone: "There is a button here. When you enter the room and press the button, the door will be locked. At the same time, it is also regarded as the "rat" deciding to stay in the room. Search this room and you can take away the fruits in the house the next day, but please note that each "rat" can only carry three fruits under any circumstances."

"Then how can we "move"?" Qi Xia asked.

"To trigger "Carry", the premise is that "Rat" must stay in the room for a full round, and then he can "Carry" in the next round. By the way, as long as someone triggers "Carry", they can carry items for their companions. , but the upper limit is still three.”

"It's a little complicated..." Luo Shiyi scratched his head, "Now that we've talked about searching and moving, what else is there?"

"There is also 'rescue'." Gopher said, "If you want to trigger 'rescue', you have to talk about the action of 'cat'."

He paused and said to the people in front of him: "For 'cat', there are also three actions, one is 'search', the second is 'set up a card', and the third is 'patrol'."

"You also have a "search"?" Qi Xia asked.

"Yes, but my search is not for fruit, but for "rats."" The gopher explained, "After each of you selects "search," the door will be locked, and during the day I will randomly select A house starts to be "searched". Once there is a "rat" in the house I enter, then he will be caught by me. "

"What will happen if I catch it?" Qi Xia's most concerned question finally appeared, "Will it be eliminated directly?"

"It's not so unreasonable." The gopher said, "The so-called "cat" will torture the prey slowly and will not eat it immediately, so I will take this person to the "cat house" and go to the next door. Eliminate him at the beginning of a round, and you can choose to enter the "Cat House" for rescue at night. Although I am in the house, I will not interfere with all the "rats" who survive and are not in the "Cat House" after six rounds. Consider it a victory.”

"We can save people? Then how can you win?" Luo Shiyi asked, "Don't you understand what kind of team we are?"

"Ha, it doesn't matter. Leaders, just help." Diyang laughed dryly, "I hope you can help each other from the bottom of my heart."

Qi Xia's expression slowly darkened, feeling that there was something a little better about this game.

If the "rat" is caught and others choose to "rescue" it...is it really a good idea?

That is to say, one of the "rats" has to give up an opportunity to "search" and spend a little "fullness value" to save others. This round, other teammates need to bring back at least one more fruit to make up for the loss.

But the situation is not that simple. The rescued people have been hungry for at least a day, and they also need to replenish "fruit" immediately. If they rescue people when there is not enough "fruit", it will only aggravate the overall death of the team.

This gopher game is obviously very different from the gopher game... It does not require too close cooperation. It focuses on "hiding" and "searching". Five mice can even work independently, and only one of them will survive in the end. Do victory.

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