End of ten days

Chapter 461 Relay of the Strong

While everyone was hesitating, they heard chaotic footsteps at the door of the basketball court, as if someone was coming.

They turned around and saw that Saturday, Wang Ba, Luo Shiyi, and Qiu Shiliu had arrived at the door. Standing beside them was an expressionless man. It was Qi Xia who was valued by Qian Wufen this time.

"Tsk, what did I think..." Saturday looked at the members of the "Cats" team who were lying on the ground, and slowly raised his eyebrows, "Are you playing ball?"

"Playing ball...?" Bai Jiu smiled bitterly after hearing this, "Sixth sister, have you ever hit a ball with a speed of 80 kilometers per hour?"

"Tsk, you're kidding." Saturday sneered, "The speed of a baseball can reach 120 kilometers per hour. There is only one reason for your injuries."

Qiao Jiajin looked at them: "What's the reason?"

Saturday suddenly waved his hand and threw the metal baseball bat high towards Qiao Jiajin.

"You didn't get the bat."

Qiao Jiajin reached out to take the bat, and then looked at Qi Xia.

Qi Xia seemed to have nothing to say. After nodding slightly, he turned around and quickly looked at the various appliances in the room.

Now there are two kinds of balls scattered on the huge ice surface, not only iron balls but also stone balls, and there are also many black and white fragments.

"So that's it..." Qi Xia touched his chin and reconstructed the situation in his mind. Although no one mentioned the rules of the game to him, he could probably guess pretty well.

Qiao Jiajin quickly touched his chin after seeing Qi Xia's appearance.

The chin is indeed a very magical thing. Qiao Jiajin decided that if nothing happens in the future, he should touch it as little as possible.

When Di Ma, who was sitting at the starting point, saw so many people strutting into his venue, a hint of anger flashed across his face: "Hey...who let you in?"

"Tsk, what's wrong?" Saturday said without showing any signs of weakness, "You open the door and do business by yourself.


No one is allowed in yet? "

"You..." Dima felt that these people came with bad intentions, so he was naturally angry. "Why do you interfere with the progress of the game?"

Hearing this on Saturday was even more angry than Di Ma: "Tsk, what's wrong?! Did we interfere? Did your "rules" ever mention that no one is allowed to provide "bats"?"

Di Ma felt that the person in front of him was making trouble unreasonably, but he did not explicitly prohibit this rule, so he could only grit his teeth and whispered: ""Batch", I will not pursue it... But if you dare to enter the game area, , I will never show mercy, I believe Suzaku can understand..."

Qiao Jiajin waved the baseball bat in his hand and felt that it was very handy, so he nodded and said, "Okay, you don't need to take action."

Ning Shiba and others slowly looked at Qiao Jiajin: "Brother Qiao...can it really be done?"

"I'm more sure than before." Qiao Jiajin turned the bat in his hand a little. "I used to have to come up with countermeasures for every ball, which was really troublesome, but now I just need to hit it directly with the bat. It’s easy to blast them.”

Qi Xia moved to one side step by step, looking at the "mechanisms" that were about to move along the way, and felt a little bit confused.

Can the wooden mechanism keep aiming at the cart in the center of the field?

It's hard to believe there's infrared tracking installed on these things... So what's the point of "tracking"?

Qi Xia quickly sorted out his thoughts and found a "way of survival" that seemed very elusive. They just needed to verify this way of survival and suffered another attack.

After Qiao Jiajin became familiar with the attack range of the bat, he raised his head and said to everyone: "Kids, hold on a little longer. Now

With our teammates watching our performance, it would be embarrassing to lose this time. "

After hearing this, Ning Shiba also wanted to struggle to get up from the ground, but the stinging sensation from his ribs was very strong.

"Astrology girl, you don't have to." Qiao Jiajin said, "You stay away from here and take a rest. You won't be hit by flying balls. The others will move forward with me."

"Okay...Brother Qiao...I'll..."

"No need." Qi Xia said, "The injured person just lies where he is and doesn't move. Fist, you continue to push the cart."

"Ha..." Qiao Jiajin smiled after hearing this, "Liar, this familiar feeling is back again. It's more reassuring to have you around."

Qiao Jiajin almost unconditionally believed in other decisions and winked at the others, who then pushed the car a few steps forward with difficulty.

Qi Xia also took the opportunity to look at the words on each mechanism.

Three on the left and four on the right, combined with various words, are clearly the "Big Dipper", but the zodiac signs may use blinders to conceal their true intentions.

The car kept moving forward, and all the mechanisms were turning at angles as if they sensed something, making slight noises as if they were getting ready to go.

"Oh...?" Qi Xia frowned and looked at the car in the center of the field, feeling that the way out he found was most likely right.

A few steps later, all the mechanisms shot out stone balls again.

But unlike Qi Xia's imagination, these stone balls did not attack at the same time, but had an obvious sequence.

Qiao Jiajin waved the bat in his hand and ran forward, seeing numerous stone balls flying around in a hurry.

After having the iron rod, it was indeed easier to deal with these stone balls. Qiao Jiajin seemed to have used countless tricks to hit the three stone balls in front of him to the ground in a few flashes.


The remaining people seemed to be more experienced. They also followed Qiao Jiajin's previous approach to greet the stone balls from the side. After saying that the speed of baseball was 120 kilometers per hour on Saturday, everyone felt that these stone balls It's not that scary.

But how many ordinary people dare to catch a flying baseball with their bare hands?

"Everyone try your best to catch the ball!!" Ning Shiba, who was lying on the ground, shouted, "There are rewards on these balls!!"

"Reward...?" Qi Xia paused slightly after hearing this, and asked Ning Shiba, who was not far away, "What reward?"

Ning Shiba looked back at Qi Xia with difficulty: "It is said to be a reward that can help us walk on the ice better... As long as we catch those "balls"..."

"It's not necessary." Qi Xia said.

"Huh?" Bai Jiu in the distance and Ning Shiba in front of him both wondered at the same time.

"Just push the cart." Qi Xia said, "The so-called reward for "catching the ball" is just a trick. The condition for your victory shouldn't be "catching the ball," right?"

After hearing this, Ning Shiba thought for a moment and nodded with difficulty: "The condition for our victory is that all members pass through one round trip."

"Then don't do unnecessary things." Qi Xia said, "If you know the way to victory, you must not take chances."

"So that's what it is...?"

Qiao Jiajin, who was in the distance, also heard Qi Xia's words and felt that what Qi Xia said made perfect sense.

If everyone tries their best to catch the ball in this round, they will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. How will they spend the next round?

"I'm still holding back my strength..." Qiao Jiajin frowned and said, "In that case, just listen to the liar and blow up all these things!"

"There is no need to fight anymore." Qi Xia said again, "Everyone should follow my command."

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