End of ten days

Chapter 499 The real way to survive

Earth Rabbit fell sideways and let the dark thing explode in the center of the room.

The current situation made him look very embarrassed. It seemed that he was being chased and beaten by a participant for the first time in a long time.

"Damn you! Chen Junnan!! Do you think I'm afraid of you?!" Ditu yelled, but when he came to his senses, he was startled again, "Wait a minute...it's not Chen Junnan...it's Song Qi?"

Song Qi also slowly frowned in the room. He clearly heard Ditu calling Chen Junnan's name several times... What is going on?

He was obviously trying his best to attack Di Tu, but Di Tu wanted to kill Chen Junnan?

This situation is really difficult for Song Qi to understand.

"Our team leader not only has unexpected thinking, but also has such unusual abilities?" Song Qi chuckled, took two steps forward and approached the door, "You once said that you could save my life at a critical moment, and now I believe it. …But how did you do it?”

At this time, Ditu blocked his body with the wall, turned slightly and stared at Song Qi from the door: "Hey, boy, what trick did you play on me?"

"I really don't know." Song Qi shook his head, "I just do my job well, everything else is not under my control."

"You..." Ditu also felt a little strange. He had always been in the same room with Song Qi in front of him. If the other party had any strategy, he should have heard it immediately, but why were they all silent now?

Thinking of this, he looked around the room he was in. This room still had four doors.

I was in room "6" just now, and the two adjacent rooms with four doors were room "ten" and room "seven".

Which of the two rooms are you in at this time?

Ditu thought about it in his mind. If he was in room "Ten" now... then the adjacent room to the south would be "Fourteen", which was very close to other participants. Instead of being entangled with Song Qi


, it is better to cut off other people's way early, otherwise the game will really be lost.

But this is also difficult to do. I can't lock the door now, and the room "Fourteen" I want to go to is facing Song Qi. This person has obtained the throwing object again for some reason. If he opens the door in front of him, he will very dangerous.

"Wait...thrown object...?"

Earth Rabbit narrowed his red eyes slightly, then turned sideways and looked out from the door, and he discovered the problem as expected.

"Di Tu..." Song Qi's lips began to turn white. He knew that Di Tu had understood his attack method, but he still forced a smile and said, "I only have five chances to attack, so don't be too afraid."

He raised his left hand that had been blasted to pieces, and the little finger and ring finger on it had been torn off.

"Are you crazy..."

Ditu always felt that no one participating in the game this time was afraid of death. This was simply the weirdest situation he had ever seen.

If all participants in the entire "Endgame" had this awareness, wouldn't "Zodiac" be extinct long ago?

"No... people like you are always in the minority..."

Most of the time, "Zodiac" doesn't have to take action. The "participants" themselves will get into chaos because of intrigues. They will harm each other and make a game that can be easily cleared extremely complicated. This is human nature.

"But what on earth have I done?" Earth Rabbit frowned and said to himself, "You fucking fools, don't you know that the way to clear this game is to "delay time"? As long as you don't use it all the time, Action point, wait until dark, I have to leave the magic weapon and leave the venue, then you survivors can directly

Get out of here...but you guys are desperately trying to grab the magic weapon? One or two of them seem to be preparing to die here...Am I a fake "prefecture level"? Aren't you afraid of me? ! "

The more Earth Rabbit spoke, the more excited he became, feeling that he had been greatly insulted.

"You have obviously understood that "the game has no time limit"... but you have been trying to kill me with all kinds of schemes... crazy people... six crazy people..."

Ditu leaned against the wall, trying to keep a distance from Song Qi, and then quickly thought about the current countermeasures.

At this time, he had no way to delay any longer, and the tactics he had formulated actually failed for him.

If you continue to delay, you will only fail.

At this moment, his ears moved slightly, and he actually heard whispers in the room not far away.

He and Song Qi were fighting fiercely in the same room just now, so naturally they were not aware of these slight sounds. Now his hearing seems to have recovered a little.

"The magic weapon should be...in the room on the "north" side of ours, right?" A voice asked, "No. 7?"

"Probably, that's where Song Qi's voice came from." Another person answered.

"Keep your voice down... The rabbit's hearing should be reduced now. Don't scare him. Try to find a way to go around and get the magic weapon."

"I'll go check out the situation first, and you can join them first."

Ditu closed his eyes and used his ears to continuously catch this very small sound. The two of them spoke in breathy voices almost the whole time, sounding extremely cautious.

Needless to say, he was in the same room as them. Even ordinary people in the same room would not be able to hear these whispers clearly.

"But it's a pity that I am "Rabbit"." Ditu closed his eyes and restored the current situation.


According to the other party, their "north" is room "seven", which means they are in room "eleven".

And I am a neighbor to them, so my room is "ten".

"As long as I have my hearing... I will never lose my way."

He showed a smile and looked in the direction where someone was speaking just now. Now that all his action points have been used up, the participant's turn will begin.

He only heard the sound of opening the door nearby, but his hearing had only recovered a small part and had not fully begun to recover. These sounds were not next door to him, and he could hardly hear their location.

"Hey...Song Qi, I don't think you need to torture yourself anymore." Ditu knew that the top priority now was to deal with the man in front of him, otherwise he would definitely block him from entering in the next round, "You can throw away all your fingers You won’t be able to kill me if you come here, it will only cause more pain to yourself.”

Song Qi was about to reply when he suddenly heard soft words coming from his ears, so he reached out his right hand and gently covered his ears.

"Yes, Sixth Sister." Song Qi nodded, "It's over...? So soon?"

Ditu turned sideways and looked at the man in the room, and found that he was standing there talking to himself, not knowing what was going on.

"Forget it for us." Song Qi said, "We are too far away. The battle here is extremely fierce. It won't take long to decide the winner. You won't be able to come here in time. Yes, I'm not sure who will win and who will lose. ”

"Our team leader?" Song Qi smiled bitterly again, "How should I put it... When you think he is unreliable, he makes people feel very reassured. When you want to rely on him, you will find that he is more trustworthy than anyone else. Reckless, he is really an unpredictable teammate.”

"Yes, you go and help Xiao Jiu. Remember to tell me the location of Brother Five. Xiao Jiang Shi is probably injured. We will all meet up after the game."

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