End of the Magic Era

Chapter 991: tide

And it was a pity that the undead killed, the soul fire gave up, there is no time to collect, but Balton and La Gulin do not need to collect, instinctively swallowed, those soul fires will be forcibly absorbed and devoured.

Lin Yun held the book of death and turned to the page of the chapter of the sage, urging the power of the chapter of the sage to continuously devour the essence of the undead that fell around.

The chapter of the sage has been useless for a long time, because it is no longer used. The limit spells that can be printed on the chapter of the sage are only the fourth level. The fourth level of limit spells are just the power of the sixth level spells. Even if the ultimate spell is slightly stronger, it won't do much.

And the chapter of the sage has devoured too much of the essence of the undead. If you want to increase the level of the ultimate spell that the chapter of the sage can imprint, you will only have to go to the famous undead plane in the future. Only there will be enough Undead come to hunt.

Now there are too many undead here. It is definitely comparable to some remote areas of the undead plane. The indestructible undead is enough to upgrade the sage chapter.

The people of the Kingdom of Andalusia all gathered around Lin Yun, even if it was the most violent off-duty in the fight, now they are honestly staying within 30 meters of Lin Yun's body.

At present, the undead are relatively weak. Only by the impact of the body, these undead can be disassembled into bone fragments, but his power is limited. As long as he stops for a moment, he will be drowned by the endless undead. These undead lined up for him to kill, and he could be exhausted ...

Suddenly, the earth trembled slightly, just like the prelude to a volcanic eruption. A dozen meters thick black smoke was ejected from the ground, and the evil and dark breath permeated. Giant tall giant spirit body.

The spirit body is black and gray, and the body is surrounded by black and gray smoke. The whole looks like an ordinary orc shape, but the thick arm hangs under the knee, and the four fangs with the lips turned out are more than ten meters long. The joints were covered with horrible barbs.

Those seemingly transparent barbs hung a lot of undead bodies. This was the undead who was crowded together on the ground when they rushed out of the ground.

Dozens of undead were hung on those thick barbs. It is reasonable to say that this kind of injury is completely negligible for orc skeletons with only bones, but in less than two seconds, the soul fire of those orc skeletons was destroyed. This huge dark ancestor devoured, and the bones fell into a pile of debris and fell down.

但 Not only was the soul fire swallowed, but even the essence of the undead body was swallowed clean. After swallowing those undead essence, the barbs of the dark ancestors became more severe.

The dark ancestral spirit was stunned, and his eyes were filled with mad killing desire, and the giant palm of the giant slaped it against the off-duty.

The horrible force blasted the air bluntly. Before the air was squeezed first, the hands of the dark ancestors had arrived.

The off-duty waved slaughtering and slaughtering collided with the giant hand of the dark ancestors. Between the moments, the black and white staggered air flow spread like a blade, and only a half-meter-wide air wave burst out hundreds of meters away along the way. The orc skeletons who were hit were all blown to pieces ...

With a roar of off-duty, the whole body became blood red, and the ground underneath exploded, and the surrounding land more than 20 meters away collapsed as if it had suffered an invisible blow.

And the giant dark ancestral spirit, the body also shakes a bit, the thick arms seem to be forced to open.

The eyes of the off-duty eyes are red, and the heat of the vaporized white smoke rises to the sky. The blue air current floats on the surface of the slaughter. There is a yellow iris ring rotating on the surface of the slaughter. There is also a glow of blood. Ban's body suddenly swelled a full circle, nearly three meters in height, the blue tendons on his arms were exposed, and only his small arms became thicker than Lin Yun's waist.

The hurricane made his body more flexible, the power of the earth made the slaughter heavier, and bloodthirsty speeded up his speed by at least 30% to 40%, and this was not finished. With the roar of off-duty, he The body's moire lit up again, and a green flame suddenly appeared, wrapping up the slaughter.

The off-duty stepped up and jumped up, hitting the dark ancestor's calf fiercely, the horrible power exploded, and the flame power of the enchanting, that was the power from the three-headed golden dragon and the ancient poisonous dragon .

The tadpole is just that the ancient poisonous dragon is obviously more powerful. The flames are all faint green, but just a little golden.

An ordinary flame blessing, but because of the changes in the blood of the off-duty, a special mutation occurred. The horrible power of the off-duty only caused the dark ancestor to shake the body slightly, but the attached flame contained a strange flaming flame. Burning power and toxin, the dark ancestor's calf collapsed two or three meters, and a part of the green flame was still attached to that part, burning continuously.

Suddenly received a severe blow, the madness in the dark ancestor's eyes became even more fiery, as if a swaying flame was burning.

The giant slap covers a range of more than ten meters, and slaps it on the off-class severely. The off-class shot was taken upside down, and the ground exploded into a large pit after landing.

Zhe Linyun was expressionless. For off-duty, this kind of power hurts at most, and there will be no injuries.

"Kill this dark ancestor first!"

If this dark ancestor does not die, they will be dragged to death here. When the undead in the rear catch up, they will only be able to continue fighting, unless all the undead here are killed, otherwise don't try to end.

The dead here are so dense that they ca n’t be seen at all. It ’s like laying a layer of the earth. Do n’t think about killing them all. Lin Yun probably made an estimate and can see it now. Undead ...

Even if you are a strong person in the heavenly order, dare to be trapped, and still show you ...

Others also understand this truth, and all turned their attack direction and began to deal with the dark ancestor of the 39th peak. This guy was blackened, possessed the power of darkness and undead, and became stronger and better. The strength has exceeded 39 levels.

Paula Gulin and Balton stood up to the surrounding army of undead. The remaining nine people, including the patched alchemy puppet, all began to violently erupt, trying to kill the dark ancestor blocking the road in the shortest time.

Lin Yun incarnates the flame element incarnation. Eight flame vortexes appear beside his head. The endless flame spells turn into eight torrents of flame spells, then spins and twists into a tens of meters of flame storm, suppressing from the front to this darkness. Ancestral spirits.

An Defa, patched alchemy 傀儡, released the fire spell storm together, two arms of the patchy alchemy 冇 's big leg were also divided, and the dazzling red gold light penetrated the body of the dark ancestor.

Pu Lena's frost spell has a discount on the effect of these undead, but just sprays a group of zero dragon breath, freezes the dark ancestor's legs in place, and continuously releases the frost weakening spell, weakening the speed of the dark ancestor.

Joy, Heron, and the Heavenly Swordmaster, all cast their own means, and the galaxy storm, dark corrosion, and the sword of the sky burst out.

Like a galaxy composed of stars, washed away, shattered all the barbs of the dark ancestors, and shrouded the dense darkness, there seemed to be devil screaming in the darkness, constantly eroding the dark ancestors The body of the spirit, and the devastating lightsaber with righteousness, the greatest suppression of the dark ancestors, hot knife cut butter, directly cut off the dark ancestors' straight arms ...

Everyone broke out, so that the dark ancestor did not have time to cast, and was instantly knocked down. The huge torrent of spells was crushed down. It seemed that the dark ancestor should be crushed to death and let the dark ancestors struggle. , Can not escape from the suppression of these spells.

Xiu class red eyes, rushed to the head of the dark ancestors, slaughtered and knocked down one after another, every time the horrifying force would make the surrounding earth tremble.

Coupled with that weird flame attached, it has the effect of purifying inflammation in the three golden dragons and the poisonous effect of the ancient poisonous dragon, and soon wraps the head of the dark ancestor, and the flame continuously burns the darkness The ancestor's head, burning with its power, kept burning.

However, this dark ancestor is not a real creature, but a spirit body. All his strength comes from the offering. The combat power may not have the order of heaven, but the vitality is comparable to the legendary heaven-level mage who controls the rules of life. Monster.

Three minutes later, the dark ancestor's body became broken and distorted, and half of his head was broken by off-work ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The remaining half of his head was also completely lit by that weird golden-green flame , But even so, the dark ancestors are not dead ...

Squinting to see that the dark ancestor's breath was getting weaker, and when it was about to be torn to pieces, the remnant of the dark ancestor glowed with a mad and hateful light. With a roar, the body suddenly exploded.

The fumes of black smoke spewed out. The black smoke did not rise into the sky, but spread directly, covering a range of thousands of kilometers around.

The next moment, a horrible change appeared. The darkness submerged into the ground, and the ground began to tremble madly. The orc undead came out of the ground one by one, and all the orc undead appeared above level 20.

In addition to the orc skeletons with giant bone hammers, those orc skeletons also have bone shields. In addition to the orc skeletons' elite, there are undead wolf cavalry, skeletal multi-beasts, and death warlocks ...

The dense and undead appeared, and in addition to the existing orc undead, the number of undead within the range of more than a thousand meters was almost tens of thousands. Most importantly, Lin Yun was completely surrounded by these orc undead army ...

数千 There are thousands of skeletal biped dragons hovering in the sky, ready to dive down and attack at any time. All the routes are blocked, and there is only the road of death battle ...

Looking at the undead that was constantly pounding like a tide, everyone was desperate. (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.) 〔Provided】

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