End of the Magic Era

Chapter 996: Creator

Watching the dense army of undead, Didala opened his mouth with a weird roar, and for a moment, the slowly swirling flame swirling behind him violently fluctuated.

A tens of meters of orange flame spewed out, just like a volcanic eruption. The endless flames rushed to the ground, just as the flood erupted, spreading rapidly in all directions.

Among the flames, there were also flame elemental creatures blasting out along with the flame. Within a short time, the range of thousands of kilometers turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the sea of ​​fire was rapidly expanding the range, those undead who fell into the sea of ​​fire. , One after another was burned to ashes.

The rampant and powerful undead was surrounded by those flame elemental creatures.

There are more and more flame elemental creatures appearing, and the level is getting higher and higher. In ten seconds, there are more than 30 level of flame elemental creatures.

Didala held his staff and chanted aloud, another 13-second mantra chanted, and a large cloud of fire appeared in the sky, one by one, falling like a shooting star toward the ground.

The spell covers a full range of two or three kilometers. This is the eighth-level spell in the fire spell, the fire and meteor. The coverage of the spell is the largest among the spells below the nineth level, but the power is the smallest. Yes, the lethality is not even as good as some seventh-level spells.

The power of each fire meteor is only the power of level 3 or 4 spells, and this spell can only be used when dealing with such overwhelming undead.

However, it takes the same magic to release other spells, but it can cause greater lethality, so when encountering large-scale battles, few people will release this spell.

In this case, if you want to block the pursuit of the undead and delay time, this spell is suitable for use with the sea of ​​fire.

Didala glanced at the flame vortex. The flame vortex, which was already bursting, has now begun to fluctuate, and a little flame lord more than thirty meters high squeezed out of it.

The little flame lord appeared, and Didala immediately began to take out the magic beacon to find a direction to retreat.

This vortex of fire is not a technique for releasing spells, but directly connects a plane of flame elements. The position of the plane is a river of flame elements. All flowing in the river are pure fires of elements, and even some solidification. The liquid flame is the most terrible existence.

不少 There are many flame elemental creatures living in the river of flames. They rush out through this temporary plane gate and immediately start fighting against surrounding undead creatures.

Elemental creatures of the Nine Light Department have the deepest hatred for undead creatures. The next is the flame elemental creatures. They hate the cold breath of undead creatures. In this case, they will definitely go to war.

Didala watched the large group of undead in the back have been blocked by the rushing flame elemental creatures, and immediately began to retreat.

This spell that opens the way to the temporary plane is a trap in itself, spread by a flame lord on the flame elemental plane. As long as someone opens the temporary plane path, there will be a large group of flame elemental creatures to kill Come out, wait until the road of the plane is continuously expanded, the Lord of Flames will come to this plane.

Attacking other planes is something that all powerful creatures expect.

Although these fire elemental creatures can't destroy these undead, they can also block it for at least half an hour. There are the two heavenly death shamans and ghosts. The road of this temporary plane is destroyed sooner or later. thing……

After confirming that there was no problem, Didala quietly escaped, disguised as a flame elemental creature.

On the other side, the crowd ran all the way, and sure enough, soon no trace of the undead could be seen. The flat grassland also began to show ups and downs.

Each mountain is like a sudden appearance. There is no flat grassland in front. There is only a large range of mountains that cannot be seen on the edge.

After rushing into the mountains, it didn't take long for them to find a suitable shelter.

This is a huge valley. Both sides of the valley are submerged peaks. Only the entrance of the valley is linked with the gullies of the earth. The valley extends to the depths of the mountains. As long as you keep the valley mouth, you will not be afraid of being killed Appeared from elsewhere.

I entered the valley and felt the wind direction, the surprise of Raphael in the city of the sky.

"Great, here is the headwind, the wind is blowing into the valley, our breath will only appear deep in the valley, not outside, and the difficulty of setting up alchemy arrays will be greatly reduced."

If you stay here, you must temporarily cover the breath of the people and the magic wave. Otherwise, before the alchemy circle is completed, the magic wave will be like a lighthouse, separated by more than a dozen miles, and those tireless undead will be sensed.

Chantillas did not dare to play any tricks at this time. As long as there was a leak, no one would think about it.

With a look of unhappiness, Chantillas walked to the valley mouth, gave Lin Yun a severe glance, and then released the cloak of shadow of the Tower of Shadows. A shadow spread like a mist and quickly covered the valley mouth.

Covered up the induction, plus the headwinds here, unless they are very close, no one wants to find them easily.

The man with the Tower of Shadows of Gadilas replaced the input magic to maintain the effect of the cloak of shadows.

On the other side, under the guidance of the Master of the City of Sky, the Master of the Quicksand Tower continuously releases spells to change the local terrain here.

的 The terrain here is not suitable for the layout of large alchemy arrays. There are many places that need to be modified. This kind of thing is most convenient for the Master of the Quicksand Tower, and does not even need to consume any magic.

A stream of sand is flowing on the ground. The place where the quicksand flows is as if the ground has been smoothed. The range of a few hundred meters from the valley mouth takes less than two minutes to become a flat surface. All the extra edges and corners of the rocks were smoothed.

This kind of place is most suitable for large alchemy, and the effect of the law will not be compromised.

The wealthy Odin royal family and the Henry family contributed a lot of materials. If not enough materials, they replaced the magic weapon directly.

Then the people of the Kingdom of Andalusia use magic to process materials. This is the most magical thing. In addition, writing alchemical runes and textures is the most troublesome thing. A little error in a piece of material requires remelting. Materials, even some rare materials, the wrong material is wasted.

The mages of the city of the sky, all with a crystal pen, quickly wrote alchemy formulas, alchemy runes, and alchemy patterns.

But Raphael is all hands-on, but the speed is far from enough. I want to set up an alchemy circle that can hide the breath fluctuations, life fluctuations, and magic fluctuations of all people. Everything that may be found by the undead is hidden at least. This is possible with a true magic level.

Those **** undead noses are hundreds of times more powerful than the hounds, especially when large groups of undead come together, they can sense the existence of a living person, more than a dozen miles apart, let alone the vitality of the master far exceeds ordinary people. Floating in the sky, twenty or thirty miles apart, there is no difference between the two heavenly dead souls and the scorching sun at noon.

Everyone started to get busy, Lin Yun frowned.

There are only four people in the city of the sky. Raphael's level seems to be only a relatively strong giant. The remaining three are all large alchemists. According to the speed of their writing, this large alchemy circle must be arranged. At least two Hours of time ...

For two hours, the undead can also climb over ...

Zhe Linyun walked to the four mages in the city of the sky and turned out four crystal pens.

"Lord Raphael, write about the alchemy, let me do it, and you will arrange this alchemy."

As soon as Lin Linyun's voice fell, Raphael, who was immersed in writing, suddenly raised his head, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Only Raphael was the most clear at the scene. According to the speed at which they wrote alchemy 冇 formulas, arranging this large true spirit array was two hours, and one person could speed up half an hour.

In half an hour, I can save my life!

Raphael hadn't spoken yet, and just next stepped back to restore his magic power, and his tired complexion was a little white, and Dirac thought loudly and immediately scolded him.

"Mafmelin, you **** bastard, I haven't seen what time it is now, you are still lazy here, don't bother His Excellency Raphael, every second is very precious now, you want to kill Everyone?

I'm not happy to deal with those **** magic materials, write alchemy circle, use four crystal pens?

If you want to be lazy, you can also find some decent excuses to understand the most basic common sense. Do n’t you know that when an alchemist writes an alchemy formula, accuracy is the first requirement. All alchemists use a crystal pen.

Do you think you are the Creator? Damn guy, use four crystal pens to immediately deal with magical materials, and then be lazy, I will kill you first without the return of Lord Didara! "

Chantillas continuously input magic power into the cloak of shadows. This real magic weapon consumes mana but it is very scary, not to mention covering a few hundred meters of the whole valley mouth, it consumes more magic power.

Finally managed to take a rest, and immediately saw Lin Yun holding four crystal pens ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and it exploded on the spot.

With a look of rebuke, Dadiras suddenly looked up, and all those who were busy with things looked up to Lin Yun.

The people of the Kingdom of Odin frowned, and with a displeased expression, Raphael frowned.

The people in Andalusia looked at Dirac the same way they saw the stupidest idiot in history.

Hugh off class looked at Dirac with a gleeful face and muttered.

"Master Meilin was originally a creator, has it been promoted again? Damn, now I finally found a real idiot, Lord Andrea, you are not allowed to scold me for being a fool, this guy is a idiot."

Tong Anfa smiled with three faces, and nodded his head to agree with the off-class words.

"Hahaha, you are right. Off time, I will not call you stupid anymore. This guy in front of you has already lowered the definition of stupidity. In contrast, you are at least normal IQ."

All the people in the Kingdom of Odin were in a daze, and looked at Lin Yun with surprise.

As soon as Raphael reached his mouth, he froze back, looking at Lin Yun with his eyes widened.

"Her Mafia Merlin, are you ... really a creator?"

Oh my god, such a young creator? Are your aunts teasing me?

(To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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