End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1001: Bonfire dinner

If they appear on the angry flame plane, they can definitely compete with the golden orcs for dominance, and it is easy to shake the golden orcs' dominance.

I just came along all the way. Lin Yun has almost calculated that the number of people in this tribe may only add up to more than 20,000.

This number is too small. The eight orcs on the angry flame plane, the weakest one has more than 100,000.

The high-level strength of the puppet can be comparable to that of the golden orcs, but the number is too small. If it is on the angry flame plane, it is at most to shake the dominance of the golden orcs, but in the end it is impossible to win the dominant position.

However, even if this tribe only has more than 20,000 people, the twenty-nine humans sweeping here plus an alchemy urn will be easy.

Everyone was invited to the fairground, and the scent of roasted meat drifted away. The tall chief warned to take a big step, and before he got there, he laughed.

"This is the hero who saved the heroic fighters of our tribe? Your bravery has won the friendship of our tribe, we have hosted a bonfire dinner for you, welcome you!"

The chief chief's voice was like thunder, with a terrible voice, and the giant grand voice's voice could travel far without magic spread.

With the words of the chief warrior, the orcs on the Guangye market raised their hands and cheered, and a group of strong orc women moved the half-height wine jars to and fro on the Guangye market.

Everyone is a mage. Looking at the wine jars that are almost ready for them to take a bath, their faces are a little green, but now there is no way to refuse.

The bonfire dinner is an orc tradition. It will only be held when welcoming guests or any major celebration. The three major tribes of the tribe appear together. This is the highest-level welcome ceremony. If you refuse, you are equivalent to hitting these. The face of the orc, if not good, has the potential to become an enemy directly.

A group of people were pulled around to sit around the bonfire, and Didala was dragged beside the chief warrior, watching the roast in his arms that was thicker than his waist, and even seeing bloodshot blood on the roast. Still dripping from the crack of the barbecue, Didala's face was a little green.

With a snoring sound, a giant wine giant with a minimum height of one meter and five meters was placed in front of Didala. The chief she laughed, holding at least thirty or forty kilograms of roasted meat in one hand, biting a big mouth, **** Following the dripping of the barbecue, the chief warrior took just a few seconds to eat most of the barbecue, then picked up the giant jar of wine in front of him, and swallowed half of the jar of wine in one breath.

"Our friends, don't be polite. As friends of our tribe, we should share wine and barbecue."

A group of mage's faces turned green, and a one-meter-high wine jar was placed in front of each person. There were less than a few tens of pounds of wine in it, and there was blood-stained barbecued meat. Even alchemists are regarded as noble guests, and there are a bunch of barbecue and wine jars in front of them.

Lin Yun sat next to Didala, the cold sweat on his forehead slowly dripped, and he took a quiet look at the wine jar at least one meter and five meters high in front of Didala, and the one weighing at least thirty pounds. There was a hint of congratulations in the eyes of the raw barbecue.

Fortunately, these days, Didala rushed ahead ...

Qi Linyun calmly cut off a piece of barbecue with a knife, then shoved the rest into the hands of the off-duty, and stared at the off-work fiercely.

Off class smiled, his body was covered with blood and oil, and dozens of pounds of wine in both jars were all stuffed into his stomach.

Didala, who was aside, ate a little bit of barbecued meat, drank a bit of spicy drink, and then quickly shifted the subject.

"Lord Chief, you have lived here for so long, do you know what happened to the undead on the grassland outside?"

Didala began to ask about the Undead Army. A group of people raised their ears and listened. The main reason they came to this tribe was to ask about the Undead Army. A group of people were almost surrounded. figure out.

These orcs seem to have lived here for a long time, and they must know a lot about the undead, and may even know a lot of hard work.

But when the chief warrior heard Didala's question, his face was slightly hesitant, and he seemed a little dazed.

"Undead? What undead? Have you encountered the undead? Damn, has an undead mage appeared?"

Di Dala frowned, and felt that the chieftain was too perfunctory.

"Not the undead mage, but a large group of undead. Like the tide, the number is very large, and we were chased by that undead army into that canyon."

The chief warrior shook his head with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Undead Army? Impossible, we have lived here for many years and have never heard of the existence of an Undead, let alone an Undead Army ..."

Didala did not understand why the chief warrior lied, and it was such an easy-to-break lie. They have lived here for countless years. How could they have never seen those undead and never encountered those undead?

"There is indeed an army of undead, there may be hundreds of thousands in total, and all are orc undead. Not only are there orc skeletons, but also undead wolf cavalry, orthopedic beasts, skeletal biped dragons ..."

Didala's words were not finished, the chief warrior suddenly interrupted Didala's words, and looked at Didala a little unfriendly.

"My friend, you rescued our tribe warriors and won the friendship of our tribe. We very much welcome your arrival and even entertain you with wine and barbecue, but how can you talk nonsense and blaspheme our orcs.

We orcs will not become the dirty things of the undead. Under the light of the great beast god, all dead orcs have only two souls. One is the ancestral spirit who guards the tribe, and the other is the return. The embrace of the earth can never become an undead, let alone an army of undead ... "

The chief warrior put down the barbecue in his hand, and it seemed that such a principled issue would not compromise at all.

Di Dala's face also became unsightly, insisting that he had encountered the orc army of undead.

"Her Excellency, why should we lie to you, this is not to desecrate your people, but ..."

As the leader of the Burning Burning Tower, Dudi Dala is now the leader of this team, where others are allowed to doubt him.

But Didala said, the chief's face sank.

Lin Yun frowned, and Dudala didn't understand what was going on at all. It wasn't uncomfortable to talk about the orcs' undead in front of the orcs, and this chieftain didn't seem to be like Is lying.

"Her chief, what kind of meat do you use for this yakiniku? There is also such a wine, which is extremely spicy. It must be very difficult when brewing?"

Su Linyun suddenly interrupted Didala's question, and quickly changed his direction, and then let Didala ask the question, it will definitely be unhappy.

Didala frowned and looked back at Lin Yun, but found that Lin Yun made a gesture. Didala glanced at the people around him, whether it was an orc or a human, the atmosphere was a little frozen, although he was unwilling, Dida La did not continue to entangle in the matter of the undead.

After listening to Lin Yun's question, the chief chief laughed proudly.

"This meat is our stocked triangular ox, it tastes good, it is good enough, it has a chewing head, and this wine, hey, I personally improved it, this is the wine that men drink, it is powerful ..."

The chief warrior boasted in a frown, and it seemed that brewing this spicy wine was more fulfilling than breaking through to the heavens or killing some powerful enemies.

In the blink of an eye, I forgot about the orc undead, and the atmosphere suddenly returned to its original appearance.

A bonfire dinner lasted three or four hours. The orcs were singing and dancing, and the atmosphere was very good. There were even some orcs holding totems and fighting in the field.

A group of people didn't get the answers they wanted, they were all absent-minded, and Lin Yun was confused.

Observing the buildings of this orc tribe, all of them show the passage of time. Many buildings have existed for at least a thousand years, especially the high fence at the outermost part of the tribe, which has existed for at least two or three thousand years.

The orcs didn't even know the plane of the plane and the concept of the plane, plus the piecemeal news on the way back, at least it can be confirmed that these orcs have lived here for thousands of times.

For a long time, how could they have never seen the orc army of undead, or even knew the existence of undead at all.

But after a long observation, Lin Yun couldn't see that the chief chief was lying. The blankness when he heard the undead and the unhappiness when he heard the orc undead had no flaws. It seemed that he really did not know the orc undead army. Things.

肯定 There must be something wrong with it ...

Gao Linyun was full of doubts, and Didala was even more confused, totally at a loss.

After the dinner, each returned to the room to rest. The crowds were noble guests of these orcs. Naturally, they were arranged to rest in the building that was 100 meters high. ~ Www.ltnovel.com ~ Ended the routine meditation, Lin Yungang He took out the Book of Mantras and prepared to continue studying the mantras in it, but a sudden ominous reaction came into his heart.

I quickly walked to the window and looked out. Immediately, a shocking picture appeared.

They live on the upper floor of the building, with less than 20 floors in total. They live on the 15th floor. At this height, they can directly see the scene outside the tribe.

The Qiang tribe is located on the edge of the mountain, close to the endless grassland outside the mountain, where you can clearly see everything on the grassland.

Lin Yun's pupils shrank suddenly under the light of the moonlight. On the grassland outside the tribe, the orc undead covered the earth like the tide, walking silently on the earth.

In the undead army that looked like an ant, there were also tall skeletons of Kodo beasts interspersed among them, and there were also a large group of skeleton bipedal dragons flying in the sky.

There are even many undead who entered the range of the mountain, walked unconsciously in the mountain, and then slowly approached the tribe.

A large group of undead walked around there, it looked like a large group of soldiers on patrol, tirelessly scouting every corner.

Seeing these undead troops appear, Lin Yun was shocked and wanted to wake up others, but looked up at the sides and saw that the windows next to them were open, and a group of people stood by the windows and looked outside. Army of Undead. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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