End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1018: adhere to

At this moment, a red gust of wind whizzed past, and a huge tornado forcibly rolled those black and orange flames together.

Didala opened his mouth and spit out blood, and the taste of magic backwash was not so good.

Although he was injured, Didala glanced at Lin Yun with a sense of jealousy.

"Thank you."

If it weren't for Lin Yun's shot, he would definitely be infected by those black flames. He and the Burning Soul Soul Robe and Metal Staff are all integrated into one. The Burning Soul Soul Robe and Metal Staff can The first one is eroded. Although the two true spirits may not be destroyed, the original orange elemental flame will be forcibly replaced with the evil bone demon inflammation.

迪 Didala itself, however, can absolutely not withstand the power of bone erosion melanitis. In ten seconds, all the bones will be burned to ashes, and the soul may not escape.

Lin Yun summoned Theodus solemnly, trying to make Theodus consume some orange and black flames, confirming that Theodus could devour, and released Theodus. .

Let Theodorus gobble up the flame in the tornado in the sky, the flame like a tornado of flames, not only contains the violent wind and fire formed by Lin Yun's just combining the power of the wind, but also Di Dara's orange flames, and then a very aggressive bone erosion melanitis.

The power of those rotten melanitis is far less than the flame on the evil bone demon, but it just gives Theodos the chance to devour.

If it is pure bone erosion melanitis, you can even burn Theodos to death, but slowly it is not the same. Theodorus can even slowly merge the power of bone erosion melanitis, and advance rapidly. It won't be long before they can devour pure melanitis.

On the other side, the big shaman and the chief warrior have almost encountered the same thing. The evil bone demon has a terrible power. He can shoot the chief warrior with a slap, and the thunderbolt of the big shaman can't handle it. This evil bone demon caused too much damage.

It goes without saying that other people, those who are unable to exert the power of the Heavenly Order, the spells they cast do not have much effect on this evil bone demon, and the melees are even unable to approach them. Good defense.

Suddenly, only Dedala, Chief, Shaman, and Lin Yun could fight on the battlefield, and the Great Prophet could only stand behind to play some auxiliary functions.

Twenty-four people floated in the air, showing a half-enveloping stance to surround the evil bone demon in Zhongyangyang, each of them looked dignified.

The evil bone demon's defense itself is very strong. His skin and bones have the strongest defense, but they are not without weaknesses, but now the other party has released bone erosion melanitis. For these, they can only play a first-order level of strength. For everyone, this evil bone demon has no weakness at all.

In the face of a big step, one step is more than a hundred meters of evil bone demon. Lin Yun spit out three notes quickly, a four- or five-meter-long four-series explosive bomb quickly condensed out, and then a sound explosion cloud burst. Instantly rushed to the front of the evil bone demon.

The power of the fourth series of detonation bombs that increased again was almost the limit of the eighth-level spell. The most powerful explosion power in the center was completely beyond the eighth-level spell.

Boom ...

A mass of chaotic energy turned into a ball and exploded. The evil bone demon blocked his arms with his arms in front of him and resisted the exploded mushroom cloud. The body only took three steps backwards, and the bone erosion melanitis on the arm was blown up. Driven a little bit, the skin was exploded a little over three meters.

But it just exploded the skin. This injury is not an injury to the evil bone demon.

The evil evil demon roared, and the burning flame in his eyes turned into blood, and the violent and evil breath spread, and the huge body of 200 meters high arched slightly.

The next moment, the ground exploded, and the ground was like a hòu solid carpet rolled up by people. The huge body of the evil bone and demon struck a distance of two or three hundred meters almost instantly. The huge body exploded stiffly.

The thick, sharp claws covered a range of tens of meters and grasped Lin Lin fiercely.

Lin Yun's complexion changed slightly, and the violent wind and fire around her body suddenly rolled around. Suddenly, the violent wind rose suddenly. It seemed that the force of the wind forcibly tore Lin Yun's body, pulling Lin Yun's body backward For hundreds of distances, the speed is faster than the flame flashing.

The thick claws were almost grasped against Lin Yun's body, and were not attacked by the claws, but the strong wind wrapped by the claws, like the giant palm, slammed on Lin Yun fiercely. On the shield.

Instantly, the nine fire and fire shields outside Lin Yun's body burst open at the same time. The magic shield and the three-element shield burst together. The last rune shields began to flash frequently with the light of the runes. Countless runes flashed wildly on the rune shields, as if they were about to burst.

Zhe Linyun's complexion was slightly white, and her magical powers were a little disordered.

The rune shield was almost torn by the remaining strength of the giant claw. You must know that since the advanced to the eighth level magic wizard, the rules of wind have been incorporated, and the number of runes has skyrocketed. Now there are already More than 700,000.

数量 This number of runes is enough to make all the titled wizards desperate. Almost most of the titled wizards may not have so many runes in their lifetime.

Such a large number of runes brings terrifying defensive power to the rune shield. It may not break if it resists a 9th-level extraordinary spell.

But now it is slightly affected by the claws of the evil bone demon, and it almost exploded. This power is already so desperate.

After the evil bone demon grabbed Lin Yun's claw, before he could make up for it, Didala has already released a powerful spell.

Low-level spells are almost useless to the evil bone demon. Only high-level spells, at least seven-level spells, can cause damage to this evil bone demon.

Didala gathered up the sea of ​​fire, gathered all the power, and released a super explosive fire. A full 70-80 meter orange fireball fell from the sky and smashed into the head of the evil bone demon severely. The horrible explosive force exploded. A dazzling brilliance bloomed, and the explosive force was like a giant, slap it on the face of the evil bone demon fiercely, stopping the momentum of the evil bone demon.

The chief warrior held the tusks of the fangs, and severely cut out a blow of the fighting qi. The fighting qi that spewed out quickly condensed and instantly turned into a **** fang with a length of tens of meters.

The fangs were seized on the neck of the evil bone demon, and the skin and bone erosion were cut off, the skin was cut off, and the **** fangs were cut on the spine of the evil bone demon, but a dull giant ring.

There was a loud noise, and the giant blade condensed with anger was broken ...

Under the skin of the evil bone and demon, the dark and thick bones are covered with dense and dense moire patterns. The chief warrior gave a full blow, leaving only a shallow trace on the bone, and this trace was slowly moving. To recover ...

After a flash of afterimage, a dark shadow appeared on the side of the stunned chieftain, and flew the chieftain upside down in an instant.

Everyone didn't see how the Chief Chief disappeared, just a blink of an eye, a loud noise came from a mountain thousands of kilometers away, and the first half of the mountain fell down tumblingly. The chief flew out again, but most of his armor was broken, and his face was abnormally pale ...

This is the black iron lord of silver blood. It is incredibly powerful, four orders of heaven, and under the blessing of the Great Prophet's Warsong, it is not an opponent of such evil bone demons.

Zhe Linyun floated in the air with a calm face, watching the evil belly demon's big belly.

不要 "Don't come hard, we will trap him first and delay time."

Didala glanced at Lin Yun, without asking why, he released a **** of flames directly. Four orange dragons of flames rose from the ground and entangled in the legs of 冇 evil bone demon.

The evil-bone demon struggled for a moment, and a fire dragon was suddenly broken by the great force, and Didala continued to release more flame bonds.

The chief warrior flew into the air, constantly chopping out his vigor, suppressing the evil bone demon, and preventing the evil bone demon from continuing to launch that horrible attack.

The big shaman floated in mid-air, and there were more and more dark clouds in the sky. In an instant, the endless thunder fell from the sky and fell into the body of the big shaman. The big shaman's body exploded. Wounds like a tree branch, blood splattered, but followed by a dense thunder that turned into a cage to enclose the evil bone demons inside.

Zhe Linyun looked at the struggling evil bone demon and explained quickly.

不要 "Don't care about him, let him struggle, the harder the struggle, the better, be sure to hold on!"

Lin Yun also fell to the ground, transformed into a lava avatar, turned the earth under the evil bone demon into a lava pool, and constantly used the lava pool to constrain the action of the evil bone demon ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Everyone has spelled everything The magic, their cast, only need the evil bone demons to raise their arms and legs, they may be freed.

They can only continue to cast, maintaining the scene and continuing to delay.

With the passage of time, after ten minutes, except for Lin Yun, everyone's face was very pale, and the magic fluctuations were a little disordered. This is why the consumption of magic is too intense.

Only Lin Yun has a natural half-plane as the backing, so there is no need to worry about the consumption of magic power.

"Hold on for a while, he will start to decline!"

Lin Yun gritted his teeth and cast spells madly. Others, I can only believe in Lin Yun. Lin Yun stopped everyone and let the evil bone demon release his food. Sure enough, the evil bone demon's strength was reduced a bit. .

After another few minutes, everyone really found that the speed of the evil bone demon's crazy attack began to slow down rapidly, and the strength was also decreasing. There were some creepy changes on the standing belly. At first glance, it was like The fetal movement of pregnant women is the same.

I saw this scene, Lin Yun's eyes suddenly lighted.

"Go all out and suppress!"

As soon as the words fell, Didala held his staff and sang a spell quickly. A flame-long dragon with a length of more than one hundred meters flew out, like a giant python, wrapped around the legs of the evil demon. on. (To be continued)

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