End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1040: Severed Blade

Lin Yun performed the acceleration technique and kept rushing forward. The densely packed "Lin Yun" in front of the densely packed mahjong road exploded and turned into a spell, and then the spell was collapsed again. A rune that drifts unconsciously in the air ...

Within a few minutes, Lin Yun rushed through the area of ​​the first-level spell, and raised his foot into the area of ​​the second-level spell.

A layer of fog appeared behind, and the human figures transformed into first-level spell spells have all disappeared behind them, entering the area of ​​second-level spells. Sure enough, a large number of second-level spell spells fell again in the mist, and those spells also turned into adult forms in turn. , All in instant spells.

Lin Yun slammed and killed the past all the way, and the spells in the secondary spell area were transformed into a lot of runes floating in the air again.

An hour later, Lin Yun killed the area of ​​the eighth-level spell spell. Here, the human figures turned into spells can pose some threats to Lin Yun.

The eight-level spells here have significantly fewer spells than before, the spells are transformed into fewer human figures, and the speed at which the spells transform into adult figures is much slower.

On the road ahead, there are dozens of "eight-level" magical "Lin Yun" standing scattered.

Before these Lin Yun began to attack, Lin Yun decisively exerted his full strength. Twelve flame vortexes were lined up overhead, and an endless stream of spells was ejected from these flame vortexes.

Those "Lin Yun" who were expressionless and stiff like Alchemy crickets were instantly killed by more than thirty ...

And this time. The remaining "Lin Yun" each began to release eighth-level spells ...

Meteor Fire and Rain, Glacier Storm, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Gaia Debris, Judgment of Light, Dark Hand ...

Blockbusters of eighth-level spells converge, flames, frost, thunder, hurricanes ...

Various spells have appeared, but the power of these spells is large and small. Fire spells known as the Meteor Fire Rain are considered to be the most cost-effective, and can only be used in large battles.

With each falling fireball, the power is only three or four. Against the title wizard, it is almost like tickling ...

Similarly, there are powerful single-level eighth spells, light trials and dark hands ...

Judgment of light is like a ten-meter-long beam of great sword. Falling from the sky, he fell down towards Lin Yun's body fiercely. The speed of falling is terrible. In a blink of an eye, it has already fallen above Lin Yun's head ...

The Great Sword of Light collided with Lin Yun's shield, and lightnings spawned from where they collided. The horrible magical collisions turned into ripples visible to the naked eye and spread to the surroundings.

The hand of darkness is a hand of darkness that is seven or eight meters in length. It is silent and has no huge momentum, but after colliding with Lin Yun's flame shield, it quickly corrodes the flame shield and flame shield. The burning flame on the shield extinguished quickly.

After the flame shield was extinguished, the dark hand continued to touch it again silently. Collided violently with Lin Yun's elemental shield, the magic and the power of darkness continued to annihilate each other, and finally the dark hand disappeared. Lin Yun's Elemental Shield also faded.

After resisting a wave of spells, before waiting for these spells to turn into "Lin Yun" to continue casting, Lin Yun condensed a fourth-series explosive bomb, which dragged a white gas wave into the crowd. A mushroom cloud rose into the air, and the horrific explosion turned into a shock wave that shattered everything. Severely tore all those dummies into pieces.

For a while, only a few undefined runes remained in the space. All spells were forcibly defeated, and no more spells could be formed.

Lin Yun's face was dull. Although these dummy were composed of spells, each dummy was a spell. When casting the spell represented by this spell, all of them were instantaneous, even the eighth-level spells were instantaneous. of.

But after all, it ’s just a spell. It ’s just like an undead creature. It only releases a spell mechanically. Except for this spell, there is no defense at all. Except for some dummies composed of defensive spells, those who use strong * spell The dummy is nothing but a child holding a sharp weapon.

Coming all the way, from the first-level spell to the eighth-level spell area, all the dummy turned into a prototype spell, and then the spell was defeated, there can be no threat here.

Lin Yun walked to the strength of the eighth-level spell spell area, and raised his foot into the mist.

After walking in the fog for less than three seconds, a space appeared again in front of me. In the empty void, there was only a huge open space in front of me. It seemed that the fog was dragging under my feet, but there was no difference between stepping on it and stepping on the ground. .

The spells in the open space are all fog, and in the center of the open space, a huge gray python disc lies.

It seemed that Lin Yun appeared, Doroman slowly lifted his head out of the snake array, and his cold pupil stared at Lin Yun with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"I did not expect that a small title wizard could break into here. The great Lord Romance changed his mind. I can give you another chance. Now I offer your loyalty. The Great Lord Romance does not care about your past. fault.

This is your last chance. If you are still stubborn, don't blame the great Lord Romance. "

Doroman slowly raised his head, his huge head looked down at Lin Yun, as if a shrine was looking down at an ant.

Lin Yun glanced at Doroman and shook his head gently.

"Doroman, if it weren't for me, you might not have been awakened by the day when the Book of Mantras was destroyed. I didn't expect you to be so stupid ..."

Talking, Lin Yun floated up. Behind him, a huge and deep roulette ghost appeared in an instant, and the rune circles that circled together turned around each other, and there were countless masters every second Were combined.

A purple brilliance lit up on the dragon's staff, and the purple dragon incarnation appeared immediately behind Lin Yun, a majestic purple dragon with a height of more than one hundred meters. Holding the roulette phantom, silently looking down at Doroman.

In an instant, Lin Yun's breath swelled as if it had exploded. The magic in the body emerged like a tide, and then quickly combined with the rune rushing from the shadow of the wheel behind him.

Suddenly, a large piece of the fire spell turned into a torrent, as if forming a raging flame of fire, and slammed it towards Doroman's head.

Doroman raised his snake's head and opened his mouth with a large ray of light spells, which instantly condensed into a spell in mid-air. Also formed some violent spell torrents against the upper forest cloud flame spell torrents.

The two torrents of spells met together, and a shock wave began to spread towards the surroundings. The fire spell and the elemental spells of the various elements met together, and large pieces of spell fragments blasted around, and the surrounding fog layer was greatly affected by the attack of the spell.

"Stupid human. You have once again failed the good intentions of the great Lord Romain, you are dead, and I will swallow you directly.

Damn bastard, after swallowing you, I will become stronger, and I will be able to break away from the state of the magic weapon incarnation and become a real being.

I have the Book of Mantras with all the spells in the world, and one day I will be the master of this world. No one can stop me, stupid human beings, destined to be treated only as the lowest and lowest class slaves.

Die. Stupid guy! "

Doroman screamed in anger, opened his mouth constantly to cast spells, and large blocks of spells emerged. Each time, hundreds of spells were coagulated. None of the spells had a level below five!

Lin Yun sneered. The wind blew from the body instantly, burning with flames. The flame and the wind combined together to form a fiery swaying blazing flame, and the body instantly changed into a seven or eight meters high fire and fire element incarnation.

At the same time, a book bound by a chain also appeared on the left hand. Those chains were slammed and broken, the book slowly opened, and the light of the chapter of the elements bloomed, and the fire and fire spell released by Lin Yun. Power has increased again.

Behind Lin Yun, twelve vortexes of wind and fire elements emerged, and the twelve spell torrents spouted together like twelve huge flame tornadoes with a thickness of ten meters.

The twelve flame tornadoes turned like a twine and twisted into a single strand, turning into a huge flame torch of fifty to sixty meters in thickness.

The flame tornado was rushing and scouring, carrying all the momentum, and the torrent of spells released by Doroman was forcibly distorted by the fiercely rotating flame tornado, which in turn formed a more violent force to suppress Doroman.

There was a shock in Doroman's eyes, and his mouth continued to spray spells. From fifth-level to seventh-level spells, all defensive spells were sprayed out by Doroman.

All of a sudden, the Frost Gate, the Earth's shelter, the Flame Wings, the Light Guard ...

A large number of defensive spells are combined into a dense defense wall. Instantly, hundreds of defensive spells are condensed out.

No one can release so many defensive spells except for the Heavenly Tier. No, even the Heavenly Tier, it is impossible to release all the defensive spells in one breath!

With so many defensive spells, coupled with the resonance and traction between each spell, even if it is an extraordinary spell, this pair of defensive shields can be resisted, but Doroman is still cautiously and continuously releasing defensive spells.

After casting a bunch of spells, Doroman sprayed the rune again, giving Lin Yun no chance to break his defense.

Suddenly, just as the raging flame tornado was about to hit a large number of defensive spells, a little bit of darkness as deep as the sky suddenly appeared in front of the flame tornado.

A 78-meter-long pitch-black wind blade ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ drilled out from the center of the flame tornado and ran into the large number of shield defense spell pairs at a faster speed.

When the dark wind blade has not come into contact with those shields, the dark light is the same as tearing a piece of paper, taking the lead to tear open dozens of shields!

Only then did Doroman scream in shock and terror.

"Breaking Blade! Extreme Spell! This is impossible!"

As soon as he screamed, Doroman spewed a torrent of spells like crazy again, constantly replenishing various defense spells.

However, the dark color of the cracked blade is not this color itself, but the cracked blade tears the space apart, completely wrapped in a space crack, and everything in front will be torn by the space crack.

The powerful tearing power of the split blade can keep its surroundings constantly torn, how can those shield spells resist.

Without even touching the body of the Rifted Blade at all, it has been torn by those torn space cracks. (To be continued)

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