End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1043: Bronze Orc

At this time, the benefits of watching the Book of Mantras appeared almost as long as I had free time.

I have seen countless mantras, especially those of first-level spells. I saw most of them, and at the end, when I opened the Book of Mantras, all the mantras that I saw were almost all the mantras I had seen.

Not only have these spells been kept in mind, but even the structure of the spells, what kind of spells each rune will appear in, Lin Yun now knows everything.

Now seeing this endless rune, you can combine these runes into a spell almost without thinking.

The roulette phantom devoured this endless rune, and when it spewed out again, it was a spell like a light chain.

One side of the roulette ghost is constantly devoured, and the other side is constantly ejecting the combined spells.

After three hours, all the runes in the void disappeared, and instead, a series of spells like a light chain floated in the void.

At this time, great changes also followed, and a mass of flames began to appear in the void. Flames of various colors seemed to appear out of thin air.

After these flames appeared, they were immersed in spells like a chain of light. Soon, no trace of spells could be found in the void anymore. There was only a pure flame-only world.

Lin Yun stepped on a sea of ​​fire, and a steady force at his feet supported him, not much different from stepping on the ground.

The former endless mist has now become an endless flame, but the essence is still the power of the Book of Mantras, but the expression is different.

After fixing the spell area of ​​the Book of Thousand Mantras. Lin Yun went up one by one again, slowly repairing all the second-level spell areas to eighth-level spell areas.

Those spells that shattered into runes. They are all regrouped.

After all the repairs are completed, the whole world in the Book of Mantras. It became a pure world of flames, filled with endless flames.

At this time, Theodorus also completely merged with the Book of Mantra, completely becoming the magic incarnation of the Book of Mantra, and it is in a state that allows Theodous to exert its maximum power!

A cloud of gray flames wrapped Lin Yun's body. Instantly, Lin Yun left the world in the Book of Mantras.

When the flames dissipated, they appeared in their original place, and a book burning with gray flames floated in front of them. The book is nearly half a meter in size, and its pages are like the ancient metal that has witnessed countless years, revealing the vicissitudes of copper yellow.

There are two changing runes on it. After glancing at them, Lin Yun's heart involuntarily gave birth to the meaning of these two runes: Book of Mantras!

Theodos was also adapted to the power of the Book of Mantras in the Book of Mantras, and Lin Yun did not let him out.

Put away the book of Wan Mang, Lin Yun's face could not help but reveal a smile and a trace of luck.

The Book of Mantras has become an extraordinary magic weapon. This is something that came to Northrend to destroy and no one did under the last days. Now he has completed it.

And now there is a magic weapon incarnation that can be completely controlled by him. Can perfectly control the book of Mantra, starting today, the book of Mantra is his strongest magic weapon, stronger than the book of death!

The Book of Death, although born, is an extraordinary magic weapon. But the magic incarnation has not seen the shadow yet, and it is impossible to exert the power of this extraordinary magic weapon.

The Book of Mantras is different, controlled by Theodos. The power of the Book of Mantras can really come out a part, only this part. It instantly became his strongest magic weapon so far.

Fortunately, he now has only the eighth-level magic wizard, when viewing the book of Mantra. At most, you can only see the spells of the eighth-level spells. Correspondingly, the space of the spells that appears in the Book of Mantras is the highest, which is the space of the eighth-level spells.

If the spell of the ninth-level spell appears, it will be less than ten seconds when it encounters the dummy turned into a spell, and it will be torn by a pile of extraordinary spells.

Seeing Lin Yun appear, the talents of off-duty, Lena, Anderfa, and the Master Legion swarmed up, and a group of people were worried.

"Master Meilin, what happened to that big snake just now? I thought you were eaten by that big snake. I want to kill it. Who knows that it has disappeared ..."

The off-duty carried the slaughter and shouted murderously.

An Defa glanced at Lin Yun, and then looked at the Book of Mantras that had changed, and asked a little uncertainly.

"Merlin, wouldn't you kill that idiot incarnation?"

Lin Yun nodded slightly.

"If you want to go back, then I will kill him, and change to a magic weapon incarnation, it is not a big deal."

All three faces of Anderfa were horrified expressions. Looking at Lin Yun in horror, his words became stuttered.

"Really killed ... Damn, you destroyed a magical incarnation of an extraordinary magical weapon?"

Anderfa's three faces were horrifying, while others knew too much what this meant, and he cursed fiercely after leaving class.

"It's the best to kill it, dare to swallow up Master Merlin, you must kill it!"

The mages of the mage army are also murderous, clamoring for the best to kill them. These **** have long been used to following Lin Yun, and have seen Lin Yun create real magic artifacts, cultivate magic incarnations, and even Ender. Dharma is not a magic weapon incarnate from the Wheel of Thousands.

Now that the magic incarnation of an extraordinary magic weapon has been killed, isn't it a big deal ...

Looking at a group of people looking aggressive, Anderfa shut his mouth wisely. Seeing this group of people was just like looking at a group of idiots, but looking at Lin Yun's eyes, he saw the ghosts in all three faces. same.

A group of idiots, that is the magic incarnation of an extraordinary magic weapon, not a real **** magic weapon, the two are completely incomparable.

Every magic weapon incarnation of a unique magic weapon is unique. The guy Merlin could even replace it with something else. It's a **** of a fuck. This **** is so unscientific ...

And looking at the book of Wan Mang, it seems that the strength that can be exerted is even stronger, and it has not been weakened at all. Damn, how exactly did this guy Merlin do, and what else was he afraid to do? Or it can't be done ...

The book of Wan Mang's advanced super magic weapon soon passed, and a group of people began their hunting career. There are a lot of pseudo-tiered World of Warcraft in the angry flame battlefield, moving in any direction, within a day Will definitely encounter a pseudo-order of World of Warcraft.

Since everyone came out of the temple, there are more pseudo-tiered-order Warcrafts here, almost every dozens of kilometers there will be a pseudo-tiered-order Warcraft, and sometimes even a few groups of pseudo-tiered-order Warcraft ...

The mage army is constantly fighting outside, and now it has accumulated experience in fighting with these pseudo-tier-level Warcraft, and the off-duty, Lena, and even the alchemist have also obtained great benefits in the temple, the strength is better than before Stronger.

After the off-duty integration of a drop of blood from the abyss blood dragon, he has risen to the level of the nine-level swordsman, Lena is about to break through to the peak of the thirty-ninth level, plus the Frost Spirit is used as a staff, the power of casting Raised 30% out of thin air.

The strength of a group of people, plus the weaknesses of these pseudo-tiered World of Warcraft has been found, it is very easy to hunt. Every time when encountering the pseudo-tiered World of Warcraft, one head, the maximum is three minutes to solve the battle, and three or four heads are encountered. In ten minutes, the battle can be solved.

Three days later, a group of people encountered three lava dragon lizards. When the three lava dragon lizards were killed, a group of yellow-brown orcs suddenly rushed out from the side.

This group of orcs seemed to have been ambush here long ago, waiting for the crowd to kill the lava dragon lizard before jumping out to snatch.

At the forefront were more than thirty tall orcs holding mace sticks. Their skin was covered with a box-shaped magic pattern, and the breath was calm. It seemed that there was no orc's violent breath at all.

When a group of orcs rushed over, the earth shuddered slightly, as if a hill had fallen towards this side.

Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly, and there was a hint of accident in his eyes. The orcs were ambush so close, he didn't even notice it.

Even if they are a group of bronze orcs who are best at using the power of the earth, they can use the power of the earth to fuse their breath with the earth.

But a group of sword masters and earth warlocks ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ can escape the perception of magic energy formation, this is too abnormal ...

Lin Yun was a little puzzled. The magic energy formation began to run to the extreme, constantly capturing the surrounding atmosphere, and analyzing the reasons why these bronze orcs could escape his perception.

It's terrible to say this kind of thing, think about it, a group of powerful opponents are hiding next to you, but you can't feel it at all.

If it is a sneak attack, it is better to say that as long as there is strength, the sneak attack will not be busy.

But I'm afraid that when there is a big war, just after the battle is over, and when the magic power is severely consumed, a group of enemies in the heyday suddenly jumps out, and that is a disaster ...

Lin Yun stood there and thought, but the men under him had already rushed out.

These bronze orcs thought that their magic was exhausted, but did not know that the three lava dragon lizards are now at best a warm-up battle ...

The bronze orcs screamed the battle slogans. When they were approaching, more than thirty sword masters burst into tan and vengeance.

For a while, the magic patterns on all of the sword masters lighted up together, and then the magic patterns combined with the fighting spirits instantly combined into a bronze battle armor. The armor was covered with earth magic patterns, letting their breath follow the The earth is linked together.

In an instant, every bronze orc seemed to suddenly become ten times heavier. Everyone was experiencing heavy pressure like a mountain. Every step they took, a deep and visible footprint was left on the ground.

Facing this group of bronze orc swordmasters, Houban roared, the first one rushed out, and a khaki light covered the massacre instantly, making the massacre like a piece of yellow metal. (To be continued ...) I1292

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