End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1052: Melanitis

After half a minute of continuous trials, Raphael and they had fled, but Lin Yun still did not find a suitable opportunity to attack the body of the Heaven-ranked Bloodbone Orc.

Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly, controlling the torrent of spells into a huge circle, enclosing the body of the Heavenly Order Bloodbone Orc, limiting his range of motion.

Within a few seconds, the blood-bone orc sneered in disdain.

"Stupid guy, do you want to trap me? You certainly don't know, there is such a sentence in the slang of the angry flame plane, never try to trap a blood-bone orc ..."

With that said, the Bloodbone Orc flashed back and forth in Lin Yun's spell torrent encirclement three or four times with his flexible body. For Lin Yun's spell torrent encirclement, this fast and terrible guy is exactly useless.

Lin Yun sneered, completely disregarding the provocation of the Bloodbone Orcs, and when the Bloodborg Orcs rushed out of the encirclement of the spell flood for the third time, the infinite stream of flame spells suddenly exploded together and turned into a cover. A sea of ​​flames with a range of hundreds of meters.

Bloodbone Orc still sneered with disdain.

"Stupid human ..."

Talking, the bloodbone orc burst into fighting, and the sword in his hand continued to wave seven or eight times, one after another slender fighting was blown out, piercing the sea of ​​fire and sea, and the followers of the bloodbone orc were fighting. , Rushed towards the ocean of flames.

With a sneer, Lin Yun didn't stop this guy at all.

Suddenly, when this Heaven-ranked Bloodbone Orc hits half of the sea of ​​fire, it suddenly screams.

The dazzling fighting spirit burst out, and the extraordinary power burst out. In a blink of an eye, the opponent rushed out of the sea of ​​fire. Black and gray flames burned on him.

A layer of bone-cutting armor covered on the body's surface, just like it has experienced tens of thousands of years of decay in an instant, and quickly fell into large pieces of bone debris ...

Originally only his back burned melanitis. But in less than a second, the bone erosion melanitis began to diffuse rapidly along the bone-cutting armor of his body.

Erosion melanitis that specializes in burning bones. For other races, even if it is contaminated, it can be easily removed. After all, if the bones are not burned, the erosion and growth of osteomyelitis is very slow. When contaminated on the skin, it may even be only You need a burst of magic or vigor to get rid of it.

But the blood-bone orc is dying. The talent is to control the bones, extend the bones out of the body, and then form a bloodbone warframe in vitro. The stronger the bloodbone orc, the larger the scope of the bloodbone warframe.

As long as the bone erosion melanitis is contaminated on the bones, especially such powerful bones, it is like terrible that the firepower refuels, spreads and grows fast.

Lin Yun's torrent of spells surrounded the full force, and it seemed all were raging flames, but the flames of these spells. It is just to hide the bone erosion melanitis inside. The bone erosion melanitis erupts, as long as it is contaminated. Will suffice.

The Tianjie Bloodbone Orc screamed and flew a few hundred meters away. Seeing the vengeance, these bone erosion melanitis could not be removed. The black and gray flames seemed to be rooted on his bones, and even scattered the blood The armor cannot be done.

Suddenly, the Tianjie Bloodbone Orc roared, and a layer of Bloodbone Warframe covering the body's surface suddenly shattered, and large pieces of bone fragments flew around.

As long as the bones infected by Erosion Melanitis were all broken into pieces and left his body, instantly. The surface of his body became bloody.

Those bones were all his own bones extending out of the body, and now it was like breaking almost half of his bones at the same time. The severe pain made the blood-bone orc's face pale.

Those bones contaminated with bone erosion melanitis broke apart and flew out. Losing the resistance of the fighting spirit, the bone fragments were completely covered by the eroded melanitis in an instant, and all these bone fragments were burned to nothingness within three or four seconds.

After completing this step, the Tianjie Bloodbone Orc gave Lin Yun a severe glance, then turned into five unreal shadows and flew away in different directions.

Within three seconds, all five unreal shadows disappeared thousands of miles away ...

Lin Yun frowned, hesitated a little, and the Tianjie Bloodbone Orc had fled.

Bloodbone orcs have the ability in the talented wrinkles. Only a few bloodbone orcs can obtain this ability. Each of the illusion shadows scattered is exactly the same, and the fluctuations of strength are exactly the same.

Coupled with the inherent speed of the Bloodbone Orc, the opponent can completely escape with a little hesitation.

Lin Yun sighed unfortunately, but unfortunately did not kill this guy.

This bloodbone orc has good strength, but he is also very vigilant, and very determined to persevere.

Those battered melanitis were secretly let out by Theodos to restrain the bloodbone orcs.

It's a pity to let the other party run away ...

According to legend, when the blood-bone orc's shadow-sharing technique was the strongest, nine unreal shadows could be separated at a time, and each one was false, and it could be said that each one was true.

As long as it is attacked, it is fake. The escaped illusory phantom will condense into an entity. Unless all the illusory shadows can be killed in one breath, the other party will definitely escape.

The blood of this guy in front of him is very high, and he has been able to differentiate into five illusory phantoms. He must be able to change freely in two of them.

The other party escaped the encirclement and expelled the black bone erosion by self-injury. Lin Yun could not keep up with the opponent's speed at the same time. He could not suppress five illusion shadows at the same time. It was useless to block them ...

Folding the magic weapon, Lin Yun turned to catch up with Raphael and Morgan. Morgan had a painful face, a pain in his face, and glanced at Raphael, who was pale not far away.

Damn, forget it, isn't it just a few of the magical crystals of Pseudo-Sky Warcraft, can't let Raphael take it out, and if I speak, he will definitely take it all out.

But if I told Raphael, wouldn't there be nothing for me? The only person who finally got Raphael's favor would be His Excellency Merlin.

Compared to the friendship in the city of the sky, there are only a few magical crystals of pseudo-tiered Warcraft ...

It is impossible to let His Excellency Raphael know that he can pretend to be a blunder in the future.

Hehe. By that time His Excellency Raphael knew that I would pay for my own money in order to save him. He took out all the magic crystals of the pseudo-tiered Warcraft as rewards, and he would definitely be moved to cry ...

As long as Raphael is alive and out of the flames of battle. I will definitely reciprocate. As long as a small part of the sky city's procurement plan is set aside for me, I will get greater benefits than now.

Yes, just a few magical crystals of the pseudo-level Warcraft ...

Morgan took out a space ring like cutting meat, and then pulled a Henry family mage from his side, lowering his voice.

"Go, give this ring quietly to His Excellency Merlin. No, give it to His Excellency, do you see it? The faceless Legion Master, just give it to him."

Morgan had a sore face, not to mention that Raphael knew it now, and quietly let his subordinates hand over the magic crystal to Kurum.

Seeing that it was safe, Raphael took the potion of life, and the injury was only slightly better.

A little strength was restored, and Raphael thanked Morgan immediately with gratitude.

"Lord Morgan, fortunate to have met you this time. Otherwise, I must have been killed by that stupid undead orc ..."

Raphael sighed as he looked at Morgan, who looked a little disgusted.

In the past, I always felt that the interests of the Henry family were too heavy. It is a businessman completely. I did not expect that Morgan could take the initiative to help me in the face of Heavenly Order. It seems that I have made a mistake with Lord Morgan. Looking at His appearance, he is not injured. I am afraid that the consumption of magic power is very serious ...

"Mr. Morgan, this is the magical floating dragon potion in our city of the sky. It is not bad to restore the mana consumption. You can restore the mana first and take a good rest ..."

Morgan put away the potion with a happy expression. Keep shaking his head.

"It's okay, it's okay. I have nothing at all ..."

Sure enough, His Excellency Raphael still remembers me well. Fortunately, I did not tell him about the magic crystal. I am so wise. His Excellency Raphael began to thank me now. Cheng Shi hid it and never sold it, but now he gave me a bottle ...

Raphael sighed, and was more certain.

I really misunderstood His Excellency Morgan. What a wonderful person, a bottle of medicament, was so happy. There are too few good people like this to help others, especially in the Henry family. It's just as rare as a feather of a fire phoenix ...

Morgan was caught in the vision of a bright future, silly and non-stop ...

Raphael sighed.

"Lord Morgan is a really good man. By contrast, Lord Dirac in the Tower of Shadows is really disappointing ..."

Lin Yun's expression moved.

"Lord Raphael, tell me what you have encountered. After all, it is very abnormal to encounter a real Heaven-Order Orc Powerhouse.

I've met a Bronze Orc's Heavenly Rank Strong before, and I'm also a strong who can use extraordinary powers.

I think there must be something special on the orcs' side, otherwise two sky-order powerhouses wouldn't suddenly appear at the same time, and neither of them seems to have just broken through the sky-order. "

Raphael gritted his teeth and raised the matter, his eyes were a bit red.

"The **** orcs, the blood-bone orcs like the undead, on the angry flame plane, the territory controlled by our city in the sky borders the blood-border orc's territory, and we often have conflicts.

But with the power of the floating fortress and the alchemy, these stupid bloodbone orcs have always been suppressed by us, and the territories are constantly occupied by our sky city.

Their advantages are completely ineffective for our city of the sky. Even after entering the battlefield of angry flames, these **** guys met us and were also suppressed.

Facing the floating fortress and alchemy of our city in the sky, they can only escape.

But I did n’t expect that it did n’t take long. After we came out of that broken world, we encountered the bloodbone orc again. The stupid who has never been my opponent has broken through to the heavens and can still be here The battlefield uses extraordinary strength.

This **** guy, as a celestial powerhouse, even attacked us, destroying two of our floating fortresses in an instant, and a mage who arranged the core of the alchemy array also died under his attack.

Then a large group of Bloodbone Orcs appeared. Under the suppression of the Heavenly Order Bloodbone Orcs, except for the floating fortress, we could not borrow the power of the Alchemy Array at all and could only escape.

Then in the process of escape, we met the strong of the Tower of Shadows.

Originally I thought that the people who united the Tower of Shadows would be able to resist a little bit, even if they could not be hostile to this Heaven-ranked Bloodbone Orc.

But I didn't expect that we had made a counterattack. Dirac's cowardly guy saw a real heavenly order and immediately fled ...

This **** guy, who betrayed the glory of mankind and the glory of the kingdom of Odin, was simply a shame among the mages.

The human on the angry flame plane has never been a person who fled before the battle started, this stupid bastard, when I leave here, I must make him pay the price!

Because the people of the Shadow Tower escaped, we lost a lot of people. Six of the floating fortresses were lost. In the end, only the last one was left.

Had it not been for Mr. Morgan and Mr. Arnold of the Henry family, I would have fallen here.

We in the Sky City have suffered heavy losses, and the magic has been exhausted. In addition, the man brought by Lord Morgan is not an opponent of that wicked orc.

Fortunately, Lord Merlin, you have appeared. If it had not been for your help, the abominable blood bone orc must have used his speed to kill us all little by little ...

Lord Merlin, I really don't know how to thank you ... "

Raphael said that ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ was a little choked, as the leader of the city under the sky order, the status is not lower than the ordinary sky order, a force, only the most focused on training strong , And the most powerful strong person, will not serve as the leader of the outside world before breaking through the ranks.

In the Rage Flame Plane, the city of the sky led by Raphael can be said to be smooth sailing. The other forces of the Kingdom of Odin are also very polite to the city of the sky, even if the Tower of Burning is stronger than the city of the sky. Forces, respect the city of the sky.

It has always been the idea that this time almost killed everyone, and even thought that the Tower of Shadows would help without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, as the Shadow Tower of the Kingdom of Odin was run away by his alliance, he almost killed him. On the contrary, as an Andalusian who can be regarded as an opponent, he rescued him.

Raphael's mind was very complicated. This contrast made him a little unacceptable. It can be said that he was disappointed with the people of the Kingdom of Odin. If there was no Morgan this guy, now he will be disconnected directly from those in the Kingdom of Odin It's all possible.

Lin Yun listened to Raphael's words and nodded thoughtfully. (To be continued)

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