End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1057: Official clothing

But the vision that suddenly appeared and disappeared just now has attracted the attention of many mages in the battlefield of angry flames.

That particular vision, no mage did not understand what it meant.

Didala suddenly raised her head and glanced into the distance with a hint of wonder in her eyes.

"Someone broke through to the Heavenly Order? Who is it? Very strong. Just breaking through the Heavenly Order has opened up a half plane! How is this possible ..."

He is not only Didala, but other mages have also felt the unusual wave.

The leaders of several forces have all witnessed others breaking through the ranks with their own eyes, and they are very familiar with the fluctuations and visions of the mage breaking through the ranks.

波动 Which fluctuations just flashed away, but still felt by several people, a group of people marveled.

Those who can break through the Heavenly Order on the plane of angry flames do have it, but it is very, very rare. There is only one example in these years. In the place of suppressing the strength of Heavenly Order and the extraordinary power of the mage, the breakthrough of the Heavenly Order is done in the battlefield of Angry Flames It's much harder in Northrend or the Raging Flames ...

"Can you break through to the heavens here, who is this, Didala? Damn, is this guy's talent so strong? Can he break through the heavens in such a place that suppresses superpowers and mages ...

After leaving here, how strong will his strength be? I am afraid that the general level 1 mage will not be his opponent ...

I ’m really lucky to go, shit, goddess of fate, why ca n’t you take care of me once, why am I not so lucky ... ”

With a look of envy and jealousy, Cadillac's eyes were almost jealous ...

And the other side. Joey and Heron came together to hunt those pseudo-Sky Warcraft.

The strength of the Cloud Tower and Black Tower entering the Fury Battlefield is greatly damaged. Not only did the mage fall a lot, the true spirits of the inheritance were destroyed here. Hunting alone is extremely inefficient and dangerous.

Now suddenly I feel the surge of a mage breaking into the sky, and both of them have a complicated face.

"Tianjie, there are people who can make breakthroughs in the battlefield of Raging Flames. Unfortunately, for the mage here, the suppression is too severe. The extraordinary power of the mage cannot be used here, and we can't sense who broke through ... ... "

Helen sighed. He has stepped into the heavens with one foot for a while, and accumulation and sedimentation are enough, which is the last metamorphosis. Unfortunately, this last step has taken him several years and there are still no signs of crossing the past. .

And Joey has been in this position for at least twenty years. Previously, Joey focused on other things and did not try to break through because of Lin Yun's reason. The research has been completed, and in recent years I have also started to focus on magic, but I have not completed the last step of transformation ...

I now feel the flashing wave, and I don't envy it is false ...

For them, one foot stepped into the sky. As far as the last step of the transformation can become a strong order of heaven, the completion of the last step of transformation, the improvement of the strength is not really exaggerated. At most, it is two or three times the strength gap.

What's more important is to shed the body of a mortal, and to become a creature that transcends the mortal. The nature of life changes, and it can live at least ten times longer. Can appreciate more things, have more time to fulfill the unfinished wish, pursue the truth of magic ...

These things, for a real mage, the meaning is far more than the improvement of combat effectiveness.

The strong men who stepped into the sky with one foot in the angry flame battlefield are all in a complicated mood at this moment, and can only envy the good luck of others.

After all, no one can guarantee when they can break through such a thing as breaking through the order of heaven, especially the completion of the last step, and the component of luck occupies most of it.

In Northrend World, before the age of thirty, he became a ninth-level magic wizard, but after that, he did not complete the final step of transcendental transformation until he died. There are many examples.

There are also some old titled wizards. At the last moment of life, they have suddenly completed extraordinary transformation and become a heavenly powerhouse. Life has returned to a young age, and this kind of thing has not happened.

I have done everything, when will I finally be able to break through the Heavenly Order?

So now, after everyone has sensed it, they are just envious of envy and hate. No one thought that this breakthrough order was accomplished with the help of external forces ...

Near the Temple of God, Raphael floated to the ground with his eyes closed, and the surrounding wind elements actively supported his body. There was no need to cast spells, and he didn't have to worry about falling down.

The waves of his extraordinary strength disappeared, but the breath of the whole person has changed dramatically. The skin is more like a layer of light, and the magic waves become vast and obscure, giving people a sense of his becoming Very tall feeling, it seems that everything around him is helping him ...

Rhenium is accompanied by regular suppression ...

This is the power of Heaven-ranked Power, like the instinct, the same magic, the same magic, released in the hands of Heaven-ranked Power, released by a ninth-ranked magic wizard, the power will be at least several times stronger.

This is not a change in the nature of the spell, just like the ultimate spell, but a change of quantity and quality. Spells of the same level are even more powerful in the hands of the heavenly strong, even if there is no extraordinary power.

More importantly, because of the perception of the rules, after the transformation is completed, the same spells, the speed of the heavenly ranks are released faster than the titled magic wizard, some mastered seventh-level and eighth-level spells, the release time can even be compressed in Within a second or two.

Even more powerful ones, because of the rules, you can even instantly send out one or two eighth-level spells! The power will not be greatly weakened.

This kind of strength is far superior to the titled wizard in every respect.

The magic power of Raphael has not increased much compared with the previous one, but the strength he has exerted is now at least several times stronger than the previous one.

Morgan walked over with envy, congratulating Raphael.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency Raphael, you have become a true heavenly powerhouse. I did not expect that His gift and accumulation were so strong that even half-planes were developed together ..."

Raphael opened his eyes, with an unbelievable joy on his face, breaking through the heavens. This can be said to be the dream of all mages. Now it is suddenly completed, and even the half planes have been opened up. First level, no longer need to worry about falling into the sky because of unexpected reasons, this is an unimaginable surprise ...

"Mr. Morgan is really too complimented. This is not my own reason, but it is the medicine made by the blood of the beast **** by Mr. Merlin. The effect is so good. It contains pure rule fragments. There is no need to worry. Whatever, just need to merge into the magic rune, you can successfully complete the transformation, and the half plane is easily developed ... "

He said, Raphael looked at Merlin gratefully, and bowed directly to Lin Yun.

"My Excellency, I don't know what to say to thank you anymore. I can only say that from now on, as long as Your Excellency does not come to destroy our city in the sky, I will stand with you at any time and everything.

Whenever you need help, just send me a magic beacon and I will do my best to help you. You are a truly respectable mage.

I have been trapped at the top of the titled Magister for twenty years. One foot has reached the sky level, but there is still no sign of completing the last step of transformation. I thought that in my life, I could only pray for the care of destiny. I did n’t expect to get your help from His Excellency Merlin


Raphael said, his eyes were a bit red. These are things that outsiders do n’t know. Others have only seen that Raphael is now the leader of the city of the sky, or a powerful alchemist. The accomplishments on the Array are very powerful.

But I do n’t know. According to the tradition of the city of the sky, truly talented alchemists can impact the creator, and even the alchemist who hopes to be sanctified will never appear in such a dangerous place as the battlefield of angry flames. of.

I have great hopes to break through the heavenly powers, and they will not let them come here at the risk of falling ...

The city of the sky is hidden in the endless fog. Few people have been to the city of the sky. Many things are unknown to outsiders.

The spokespersons appearing outside on the bright side are actually not very high in the main city of the sky city, but as a reward for the management of the power, they will get a lot of support and help. These are also the breakthrough levels Hope that the people who are not big can increase the chance of breakthrough a little ...

Lin Yun waved his hand ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Raphael, at this time, you do n’t need to be polite anymore. The danger we are facing now must be united, and we cannot protect ourselves without gathering enough strength. done……"

Qi Linyun didn't like the blood of the beast **** at all, because he would definitely not use it. This thing would only be made into a golden potion of seduction, and then handed it over to the person who had made good with himself.

Lin Yun calculated, Raphael in the city of the sky can now be said to be very good, at least now if the people of the Kingdom of Odin want to deal with Lin Yun, Raphael is the first to stand up and stop If it fights, Raphael will definitely help Lin Yun ...

Morgan is almost completely shameless now, and the guy who has a fight with the off-duty, don't have to think about it, as long as he has enough magic crystal, Lin Yun will help him to refine the gold temptation potion.

Anuo, a master who is purely specializing in water-based spells, will not be so weak after breaking through the ranks of the sky. Not only will he be proficient in some healing spells, but also some gain spells, and the combat power will really burst out.

Then found Joey in the cloud tower and Heron in the black tower, gathered to four or five heavens, plus Lin Yun himself, facing the angry flame orcs alone, there is definitely a fight.

The angry flame orcs are not an iron plate. Each orc race, different tribes of the same race, is not particularly good.



[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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