End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1062: 1 Careless

Thinking of this, Dirac smiled.

"Yes, just go and ask for Marfalmeline, as long as I can break through to the heavens and complete the last extraordinary transformation, everything is worth ..."

After I decided, Dirac gritted his teeth and chased after the direction Morgan had just flew away.

Twenty days later, Dirac traced the tracks of the Henry family using the spell of the Shadow Tower and comparing the frequency of the pseudo-tiered Warcraft encountered along the way.

And just right, Morgan was wondering if he could discuss with Lin Yun, and once he had enough one hundred magic crystals, could he not pay two-fifths first, owe them first, and then use one hundred magic crystals to redeem it? A drop of blood from the beast god.

At this moment, Morgan was saying something good about Lin Yun's big mischief, and when he wanted to let Lin Yunsong mouth out, Dirac came ...

When Dilath came, Lin Yun was holding the Book of Mantras to check the spells, hoping to find some special spells from them, especially those that use the power of space. The power of space in the pseudo-level magic crystals is Not weak, as long as you can use it, maybe you can do a lot of things.

Chantillas came with people, and as soon as he was near Lin Yun's team, a cloud of fire suddenly rose around him, and a ray of golden flame stopped him.

Fifty Legion Mages, surrounded by golden flames, looked coldly at Dirac, with expressionless expressions. As long as Dirac had any action, they would shoot mercilessly.

Behind the flames, the off-duty class slaughtered Tu, and his teeth grinned out, staring at Diras with a grimace, his fists crackling.

"It's this bastard, don't you know that when we entered the temple before, this guy dared to disrespect Lord Merlin, and said a lot of bad things about Lord Merlin. If there were no great off-duty adults, maybe this stupid Dare to sneak up on Master Merlin.

I came here now, definitely following us, wanting to sneak in on us, if there is any conspiracy, we will kill him first and then determine what conspiracy he has. "

He Xiuban carried slaughter and slaughtered, and kept firing against the fierce winds of the fifty Legion Masters, and he called Dirac a big enemy of Lin Yun.

Kurumu's face was cold, and the faces of the fifty Legion Masters were equally ugly.

群 This group of former Meilin family abandoned sons can have today's achievements, which is entirely caused by Lin Yun's own hands. It can be said that Lin Yun is completely loyal, and it is not good to say Lin Yun's bad words.

Listening to the suspension of the class lest things are not much encouragement, fifty legion mages are about to start.

"Kill him, everyone, let's go together, this guy has several real magic weapons, as cunning as the fish that loves to drill in the mud."

He took a break from class, sneer, and a faint glow of blood appeared on his body, and he was about to start.

Chandila's face was a little green, remembering that this time, after all, he came to ask for help. He pressed down the anger and squeezed a smile.

"Tell me about His Excellency Merlin. Dirac is looking for him."

Auntie, those under Merlin, especially this nasty weird orc, would be so annoying that I would kill him sooner or later after I broke through the heavens ...

魔 The magic wave was soaring to the sky, and Lin Yun naturally felt it. Anderfa floated to Lin Yun's side, all three faces with disdain.

梅 "Merlin, the little white face of the Shadow Tower came to you and said something was wrong."

Lin Linyun was impatient, and Morgan was embarrassed with his face, which was annoying in itself. Recent research fell into a bottleneck. Finally, a new method was found, that is, searching for spells through the book of mantras.

But there are too many mantras in the book of Mantra. To find the right mantra, the part that can be used is almost the same as a needle in a haystack, which takes the most time.

And also to extract useful parts from those spells, this process takes the most time, how can I waste time with these people ...

让 "Let him get away, I'm very busy."

Lin Linyun cursed impatiently, and then looked at Morgan, who was dead on his face, and added another sentence.

"Lord Morgan, get out of here too quickly, I'm very busy."

Morgan had a smirk on his face and didn't mind at all. For so long, he had mastered the essence of dead skin.

"It's okay, Your Excellency Merlin, you are busy with you, I'll just wait here, don't care about me, ignore me ..."

Zhe Linyun rolled her eyes and continued to read the book of Wan Mang ...

An Defa's three faces looked at Morgan with a contemptuous look. Morgan was so proud that he was not ashamed but proud.

This made Adelaide somewhat admire ...

Shameless to this point, it is really a skill ...

An Defa floated to the place where the mage army was located, and he threw off a sentence.

"Merlin's original words were: let him go, I'm very busy."

Chantillas's face went dark.

He off-duty proudly waved the slaughter and slaughtered, raised his head, and stared at Dirac fiercely.

"Hey, you heard it, I'll tell you, Master Merlin has been very busy lately, how can you see something messy when you have time, get out of your way, you will disappear immediately.

Otherwise, the slaughter of the off-duty adults has not been stained with blood for a long time, be careful I will break your head. "

I got Lin Yun's order, and the mage army was a little bit eager to move. As long as Dilath dared to make some bad moves and dare not leave, they would immediately start.

Chantillas was black, his body trembling.

Aunty, **** Malfay Merlin, dare you let me go?

I came to see him personally, and I have given him enough face. How dare he never see me? I really thought that the existence of Morgan's heavenly order would dare to put our shadow tower away.

Hey bastard, this guy, isn't this about me at all, isn't it about the tower of shadows at all?

Stupid guy, I must make you pay the price, don't let me find the opportunity, otherwise it will definitely make you pay a heavy price!

Chandela trembled in anger, and finally, if she was black-faced, gritted her teeth, gave the off-duty glance fiercely, and then turned to leave.

Off class smiled smugly, boasting to the mage legion next to him.

"Seeing it, the great off-duty adult, as long as he showed a little breath, frightened this little white face away. Unfortunately, the off-duty adult wanted to break his head, this guy is too abominable."

Chantillas was dark-faced and left with gritted teeth.

When I was halfway there, Qi went down a bit, and I glanced back, thinking of Morgan's breath, standing in mid-air, and the Qi was gone again.

I **** it, no, I can't just leave.

The bastard, Mafammelin, now holds the secret that can make people transcend extraordinary transformation, maybe everyone else already knows it.

By then, in case everyone else came to Mafammelin, everyone else broke through to the Heavenly Order, leaving us the Tower of Shadows without the Heavenly Order strongman. In the battlefield of angry flames, we completely lost our right to speak.

When we go to war with those orcs, we may be like cannon fodder ...

I heard that the orcs also seemed to get the blessings of the beast gods. Someone broke through to the heavenly order. In case of encountering the orc's heavenly order, it would be completely over. The abominable group of dirty and dirty orcs could be in the battlefield of angry flames. Using extraordinary powers ...

Chantillas was getting more and more angry, but it was completely wrong.

Now I can only continue to ask, but I have lost my face once, and there is nothing more to come a few more times, and I am even ready for major bleeding.

Chantillas turned again and rushed to where Lin Yun was temporarily stationed.

面对 Facing the off-duty and the mage army again, Diras squinted a smile on his face.

麻烦 "Tell me about your troubles, Mr. Merlin. I want to talk to him about cooperation. There are serious things to talk about, but I'm not asking for trouble."

Xi's off-duty face was impatient. Tu-Xu's killing had been covered with a turquoise halo, and the surrounding air became heavy.

"Stupid, have you broken your head, hasn't Master Merlin already said that, very busy, let you get out of it."

Why are you still here, and if you reappear, do n’t blame the great off-duty smashing bones in your whole body. I only saw you in the face of Lord Merlin, so I left you intact. Adult patience. "

Dila Si completely put down his face, facing the ridicule of off-duty chatter, his face was a little black, but he didn't say a word, just stood there waiting quietly, and did not use magic, just standing there .

Scolding for a while, I felt that it was boring to take a break from work. At such a close distance, smashing a fragile mage without any protection was not much different from smashing a chick.

For a humanoid monster that is off duty, except for the protective true spirit magic weapon, any instant spell cannot withstand the power of slaughter and kill at such a close distance.

Twenty minutes later, the rest of the class walked into the makeshift camp with a sullen expression, and reported to Lin Yun what happened to Dirac again.

Zhe Linyun frowned.

"Let that guy get out of here, I'm so busy, how can I have time to deal with him."

Suddenly ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Lin Yun glanced at Morgan next to him, Morgan's face was a little weird.

Immediately, Lin Yun understood that Morgan had just arrived, and Dirac followed him. It must be the idiot of Morgan, who had just broken through the heavens. When he saw Dirac, he began to show off. Tell me why he broke through the sky ...

Seeing Lin Yun's face, Morgan explained quickly.

"My Excellency, I didn't say anything about the blood of the beast god. I was just careless. I was really careless. It was because of your help that I broke through the heavens ...

This is a big truth, I really feel so sorry for you. When I speak, I ca n’t help but brag about you. It must be the **** guy of Dirac, what he has noticed, I promise, he has nothing knew……"

Zhe Linyun shook her head.

"As a Heaven-ranked Powerhouse, I wasn't even aware of being followed by someone who was not Heaven-ranked. It's ...

Forget it, I'm very busy now, there are too many things to study, but I don't have time to talk to the guy Dirath. Since he came here as embarrassed as you.

And because of your reasons, then you can get it done.

What to do, you can do it yourself, don't bother me. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.) [This text by Kaihang Update Group @ Iceberg berg123]


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