End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1064: luck

"Dirath, I don't know where you heard it from and who told you. I've never heard of it anyway."

He didn't come up in a breath, almost strangled ...

Aunty, it's not you that stupid idiot told me, who else?

This will even deny it. If there is no such thing, what are you talking about now?

Damn bastard, aren't they thinking about how to benefit, and benefit?

"Mr. Morgan, we are our closest friends. Do you have the patience to watch your closest friends fall in such a dirty place as the Battlefield of Fury?

Enhanced power, we can fight side by side again, and then go together to face those stupid orcs with muscles in their heads ...

Of course, you can say that you have any requirements and what you need. It will definitely meet the requirements of His Excellency Merlin.

Alas, I remember, I remember I got a Dark Magic Essence before, but unfortunately I did n’t take it with me now, and I will give it to you when I see Lord Morgan next time.

It is also a waste to put this kind of thing into my body. His Excellency Morgan has broken through to the heavens and is the person who can best exert the effects of the magic of darkness. It can also enhance the strength of us all. More strength ... "

When Morgan heard the dark magic essence, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

The essence of dark magic, this thing can only be regarded as a cherished material for other mages, but for the dark mage, especially the dark mage who has laid the foundation of the rules based on the dark rules, is the most precious thing.

And some dark wizards who want to rely on the dark monsters nurtured in the half plane, this dark magic essence is the best nourishment.

Morgan's route to break through the sky is different from the ordinary dark mage ...

A general dark mage, if you want to break through to the order of heaven, you must first continuously purify the magic of darkness, and purify the magic to the purest state, so that you have the foundation to complete the extraordinary transformation ...

After breaking through to the Heavenly Order, the side effects of dark magic power will disappear, and those negative emotions and negative side effects of magic power will become the nourishment of the dark monsters in the half plane.

But before the advanced level, these negative things have been purified, and the growth and incubation of the dark monsters will be almost the same as those of ordinary mages ...

For Morgan, the dark magic has not been purified at all, and it directly broke through the sky. All the negative emotions and negative effects of the dark magic are forcibly stripped by the rule runes, and then put into the half plane.

This also destined that the dark monsters of Morgan would breed very quickly. When they were born, they would be stronger than the dark monsters of other dark mages.

The Dark Magic Essence is used in the half plane, which can speed up the breeding speed of the Dark Monster and increase the potential of the Dark Monster.

This is definitely the most important thing for a dark mage.

Potential is more precious than strength ...

With a smile on Morgan's face, this bribe was considered a little sincerity, and with the help of Dirac, Morgan understood that Dirac had bowed his head, presumably meaning that you were asking the price, and I would definitely not bargain ... ...

Looking at Diras, who was proud like a dragon a few days ago, now he lowered his head in front of himself, and Morgan felt comfortable for a while ...

Auntie, it's so cool, this guy, Dirac, also said what a close friend to fight with me, hey, what a fool I am.

When I was in Northrend before, it was just because of the Henry family's business that I had contacted a few times. This time, this guy was not proud and insane.

If not his uncle, he can get so many resources to break through to the level nine title wizard?

Don't be kidding, if it weren't for his uncle who has a good status in the Tower of Shadows, he would have been overcast to death by those shadow mages of the Tower of Shadows ...

Either he was killed outside ...

Stupid guy, have you forgotten what it was like before? I haven't forgotten ...

It was even said that this **** guy had to pull me together when he was targeting Lord Merlin. Damn, that's framing me. I also want to pull me to death. Fortunately, I have great wisdom and have not been fooled ... ...

Huh, since you reach out to let me slaughter, so letting a big sheep go, I won't let you bleed well, so I'm sorry for the family motto of our Henry family.

If you are doing business, you must let the other party know the value of things and the difficulty of getting things, so that you can sell high prices ...

I squinted to see Dirac lowering his head, and Morgan felt comfortable, so he hesitated a little, and let go.

"My Excellency, it ’s not that I do n’t tell you, but Myrin really has no way to guarantee it. After all, apart from destiny, who can guarantee that a ninth-level title wizard can complete the final transcendent transformation and then break through To the heavens? Do you mean? "

When Morgan let go, Dirac nodded without hesitation.

"Mr. Morgan, you are saying that this is indeed the case and no one can guarantee it, except that you should understand that all we can do is to do everything that can be prepared and increase the chance of success slightly. a little bit……

In the end, can we all succeed? Isn't it all up to fate ...

Now, I just want to increase my chances a little bit, so that my chances of fate visiting me can be a little bigger ... "

Chantillas himself is convinced that Morgan's breakthrough in the sky is also the reason for luck. After all, it is 100% guaranteed that a ninth-ranked magic wizard can break through to the heavens. This kind of thing is too amazing and simply impossible ...

Unfortunately Lin Yun is not here. If Lin Yun knew Dirac's thoughts, he would disdain ...

When the Northrend world reaches its peak, all people are geniuses due to the emergence of baptismal potions. The street-wide titled Magister walks in the main city of each country and throws a brick. Smashed into a Heavenly Rank Strong ...

The era of the Great Colony of the Northrend world, the era of crazy development, the abyss and **** have been invaded by many crazy mages ...

Except for the demon, the steps of Northrend's crazy mages cannot be stopped.

In the most pinnacle era, as long as you have money, give up potential, and it is not difficult to break through to the sky ...

Di Lasi kept his head down, lowered his posture, and Morgan's eyes became more and more proud of hòu, the corners of his mouth could not help but keep rising.

"Dirath, I only told you about it because we had fought side by side. Don't tell others casually ...

Mr. Mei Meilin, there is indeed a way to increase the chance for a strong person with the title of Ninth-level Magister to complete the extraordinary transformation, but this method is very difficult.

Every time, it takes a lot of energy from His Excellency. During this time, His Excellency can no longer continue to fight. After helping me last time, my energy was too much. Now I can do nothing except research ... ...

Hey, think about it, I feel sorry for His Excellency Merlin. When he came out just now, His Excellency was so tired that he asked me to receive you ... "

Morgan held back his pride, and looked at Dirac with an open heart, and sighed in his heart.

I'm not lying to you. His Excellency Merlin really can't guarantee it. After all, no one can guarantee the success of such things as refining pharmaceutical agents. It is true that there is only a chance ...

It's up to you how you bid now, stupid guy ...

Chantillas understood that it was waiting for him to start bidding ...

He pondered for a moment, and Dilath gritted his teeth and stretched out a finger.

"Mr. Morgan, I can come up with a hundred magical crystals of pseudo-tiered Warcraft, you know, the most valuable thing here is the magical crystals of pseudo-tiered Warcraft.

As long as you have these pseudo-level Warcraft magic crystals, you can exchange anything you want at the temple, in addition to all kinds of cherished materials not found in the Northrend world, as well as various real spirit magic tools.

I have seen it before. One hundred pseudo-level Warcraft magic crystals are enough to exchange for a top-level true magic weapon ... "

Dirac is right, a hundred false Heaven-level Warcraft magic crystals can indeed be exchanged for a good true magic weapon at the temple, but only a hundred fake Heaven-level Warcraft magic crystals, exchanged The true spirit magic weapon can only exert its power if it is a mage that is very suitable for use ...

For a long time, Dirac has just over 110 fake crystals of the pseudo-level Warcraft, and taking out one hundred at a time can be considered as a blood loss ...

But when he heard Dirac's words, Morgan jumped out of the chair just like he took a bite from a viper.

He pointed at Dirac in an angry and shocked expression.

"My Excellency, I want to help you ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But are you kidding me? You are insulting me!

One hundred magic crystals, did you send the tramp?

Damn, I shouldn't have come to see you. One hundred magic crystals are not even enough to exchange the needed materials in the temple. How can you ask me to plead with Lord Merlin?

You don't know how hard this is. His Excellency, however, will consume too much energy and even affect his strength.

Let's go, I'll treat you as if you haven't been here, huh! "

Aunt, did this **** guy know the secret of the blood of the beast god? One hundred magical crystals of Pseudo-Sky Warcraft are just enough to exchange one drop of blood of the beast god.

Does he want His Excellency Merlin to come up with a pile of materials in vain, and then spend his free energy to help him make a bottle of gold potion?

I was so stupid as to be naive ...

After Meng's angry accusations, Morgan turned and was about to leave. DeLas was suddenly shocked, and quickly got up and held Morgan to say something good.

"Mr. Morgan, don't be anxious, don't be angry. I really don't know the value. I only have a hundred magic crystals for Heaven-level Warcraft, but I'm not stingy.

What the **** is going on, how many things do you need, what do you need, you say, I do n’t know ...

Never be angry ... "

(To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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