End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1067: prey

Diras was blushing and his lips were constantly sulking. The robes on his body were wet and dry, dry and wet, and he continued for several times a night. Undetected detection spells detected ...

After much difficulty in waiting during the day, Lin Yun walked out of the tent with a book. Dilas took the opportunity to dive into the tent after Lin Yun left, but he saw some ordinary materials and simple alchemy equipment inside. .

怎么 These things are not enough to develop a powerful alchemy potion. Most of the semi-finished products in the alchemy equipment are low-grade materials that do not know their usefulness ...

Seeing this scene, Dirac was a little dumbfounded ...

Auntie, what the **** is this guy Malfoy Merlin doing!

What a joke? Is it possible to make the powerhouse of the Ninth-ranked Magus Peak the final step of the transcendent transformation potion? Is it these low-level materials?

Damn, Mafam Merlin must have guessed that I would come to peep, so it was specially made to tease me. No wonder the most solidified in those tents are the warning detection spells ...

He controlled the Shadow Demon and quietly dived out of the temporary camp. Suddenly, Dirac's face changed, and the connection between the Shadow Demon and him disappeared instantly ...

Even through the power of the contract, the shadow devil can no longer be sensed, the shadow devil is killed ...

Temporary camp.

Xiuban carried the slaughter and looked at the shadow on the ground with a doubt.

"I just saw that the shadow here seems to be moving. Did I read it wrong? Yes, it must be I just woke up. I read it wrong ..."

Off class raised his feet and stomped his feet again on the ground, seeing that there was nothing abnormal on the ground. Then he muttered in doubt.

"Damn, the great off-duty man must not have woken up. I'm going to sleep for a while, but I have all hallucinations ..."

Off class stepped on the thirty-one level shadow demon and shook his head back to the tent, and continued to sleep ...

Outside of the temporary camp, Dirac gritted his teeth, his face paled with a hint of blue, like a zombie just transformed, his heart was bleeding ...

My shadow devil, shit. Malfay Merlin, this **** must have found the Shadow Devil long ago, this guy pretended not to find it, and then let me shower outside for a whole night ...

I took out a pile of garbage and semi-finished potions, tempted me to hook, and when my shadow demon was about to leave, I immediately killed my shadow demon ...

But the Shadow Devil I cultivated after more than ten years, it's so gone ...

Maffamelin. You wait for me ...

Chantillas red-eyed, glanced fiercely into the makeshift camp, and then quietly retreated ...

On the other side, Lin Yun made a round in the makeshift camp. Continue to return to that tent and look at the rude alchemy equipment that Dirac thought, and those low-level alchemy materials. Frowning ...

"It still does n’t work, the new extraction method. It is really not that easy, according to the normal extraction method. The essence of the extracted material is too simple, many of them are mixed together, and become impurities ...

If every ingredient in every material can be extracted separately, my research can continue ... "

Zhe Linyun is working on a new extraction method. This method appeared all the time after Northrend opened in the end of the world.

At that time, the world ’s magic power was declining, and various magic plants and magic materials became less and less. Starting from high-level magic materials, they continued to be extinct. At the end, no one would bend over to throw a piece on the ground. The ordinary magic iron that rises, at that time, may trigger a battle between the two powerful ...

The use of materials also reached its limit at that time.

One of the complete theories without practice is to decompose and extract every material, and every substance is extracted.

The impurities that were originally unused may be able to extract another useful material ...

According to this view, the utilization rate of each magic material will reach the extreme, and even many things that are not found in this era are discovered ...

If you want to study the secret of the blood of the beast **** or even the pseudo-level magic crystal, the current method is a bit inadequate. There must be some special new materials and new methods ...

Now Lin Yun is experimenting with low-level materials. This kind of experiment is purely burning money. Experimenting with low-level materials piled up like hills is naturally the best way ...

What a pity, Dirac is a guy who knows a little about alchemy and can't see it at all ...

Lin Yun didn't care about Dirac, nor did he care about whether Dirac used it to spy on it, or whether he would even engage in a conspiracy. Lin Yun had no time to think ...

Research has entered a bottleneck, and entry is very slow ...

On the other side, Dirac gritted his teeth and wondered how to dig out the secret, while thinking about what to do after he mastered the secret, and how to revenge fiercely after becoming Tianjie ...

After thinking about it for two days, I moved to the vicinity of Lin Yun's temporary camp again. No matter how I think about it, I couldn't find a way to sneak in but not be found.

Asshole, this secret must only be known to Mafia Merlin. The one who really knows the secret is Mafia Merlin. His strength is too strong. If he wants to dive in, he must find a correct target. In this way, he will definitely be found if he enters a large-scale search. of……

He tried several times and lost the Shadow Demon. Every time he approached the temporary camp, he was almost found ...

Finally, Dilath gritted his teeth, and decided to go head-to-head to talk again.

Less than half an hour, Dila walked out of the makeshift camp with an angry look, glanced back at the smiling Morgan in the distance, his chest was constantly undulating, and his body was shaking ...

Chantillas shook his fist, his staff crunched, as if in pain ...

Aunt, Morgan. This traitor, a scum among mages ...

He is a mage of the Kingdom of Odin. It turned out that like an unscrupulous earth dog, Malfay Merlin threw out a bone. He hurried to catch ...

With three hundred magical crystals of pseudo-sky-level Warcraft, four hundred pieces of pseudo-sky-level Warcraft's materials and all the hard work, this guy can open up!

Isn't there a **** of Malmellin, did Morgan dare to ask me such a price?

Well, this is what you forced me to do. If you don't want to help me, you want to blackmail me like a fool, then don't blame me.

Since I can't get it, then. I'll let everyone know that you have this secret, and everyone will come to you for trouble ...

I do n’t believe it. If someone else knew about it, would anyone be unwilling?

I don't believe it, can you Mafammelin fight against everyone?

Chantillas left with a sneer ...

Within a few days, a lot of ordinary paper notes appeared on the battlefield of Raging Flames, and they walked in various places, and wrote down things that Lin Yun mastered can help the nine-level title wizard to complete the extraordinary transformation method And even gave examples. A idiot like Morgan is now a Sky-Strength ...

Unfortunately, after a few days, there was no movement in the angry flame battlefield, and almost all the mage forces saw the scattered notes.

信 Believe it or not, everyone seems to have no idea at all. No one went to Lin Yun to inquire, just the mages of the Henry family unknowingly. Suddenly it became popular.

The mage, whether an elder or a deacon, who entered the battlefield of Fury. Or the ordinary mage with the lowest status, when hunting Pseudo-Sky Warcraft outside. There will always be people from other forces ...

Everyone was cautious without asking about any transmutation potion, at most it was to ask whether the Morgan Henry of the Henry family really broke through to the sky ...

Lin Yun's temporary camp has always been a weird state of calm, but outside, the wizards of the Henry family have become more and more popular. Later, even other forces will help when they are in danger, but afterwards Not at all good ...

In a scorched black valley, an elder of the Henry family was fleeing wildly. In the rear, two thunderbirds were chasing after each other, and a dazzling thunder kept falling towards the elder ...

This is why this gorge has become black. From time to time, there will be a thunder light on the ground. This is because it has always been the domain of thunderbirds.

The news that the elders had originally received was that there was only one thunderbird here, but he did not expect that at the halfway point of the battle, another one suddenly emerged. Three nine-level title wizards were forced to flee separately ...

But these two Thunderbirds are just like crazy, regardless of the other two, all came after him ...

Past experience is now the source of the crisis.

Draenei's eyes were desperate, the robe had been broken, the magic weapon of protection had been broken, and the magic power was almost consumed. Seeing two ten meters long thunder split his final shield, Draenei I closed my eyes in despair ...

Suddenly, a strong wave of magic appeared beside him, and the cold and cold power enveloped him to protect him.

Draenei opened his eyes, and a black-gray cloak floated in front of him. There was a faint halo on the cloak to envelop him. Those thunders were stubbornly resisting the halo ...

Delaney looked at the front in a daze, Dirac rushed out from the side with the mage of the Shadow Tower, as if he had encountered a mad attack like killing his father and his enemies.

The shadows flew down the ground, turning into a giant hand, tearing two huge Thunderwing birds to the ground, and then a group of shadow mages continued to attack ...

Chantillas growled with a cold face.

"Take me off these two beasts and dare to offend our closest friends. As a member of the Kingdom of Odin, His Excellency Delaney is our best friend ..."

Dirac shouted loudly, but did not bother to deal with Draenei. Even his shadow cape had been protecting Draenei. Within two hours, the necks of the two Thunderwings were covered by them. The shadow forcibly broke ...

At this time, Dirac flew over, recalling the cloak of shadows, and waited for some draped Draenei to speak, Dirac held his hand slyly.

"Sorry, Draenei, I'm so sorry, I almost lost my closest friend ..."

莱 Draenei was a little embarrassed, but was just rescued at a critical moment, and Draenei could only express his thanks with a bitter smile.

"Thank you, Lord Diras, if it weren't for you, I would have fallen here today, maybe my body would never be buried in Northrend, and my soul would never return to my hometown ..."

DeLaix handed the magic crystals of the two Thunderwings to Draenei, and before Draenei refused, he began to sigh.

"Lord Delaney, this is your prey, the magic crystal should be yours, please do not refuse, if you refuse, you look down on my closest friend.

Maybe you have forgotten that you once saved my life, no, not just me, but also the lives of many Shadow Tower Masters.

At that time, we were going to explore a relic, but unfortunately encountered an unprecedented setback. At the most critical moment, our supply was seriously insufficient.

However, I was a little impatient to excavate the ruins, and forcibly took our people to supply something and then continued excavating.

At that time, the place where I went to purchase supplies was the Henry family, and the person who handled it was His Excellency Draenei, because His Majesty Draenei was the only person willing to credit gold coins.

You only received a small part, even a deposit that was not enough, and gave us a large part of the supply. I know that you were taking a lot of risk at that time. According to the rules of the Henry family, it was Can't do this ...

It is these supplies that have allowed us to reluctantly complete the exploration of the ruins. The mages who did not let the Shadow Tower, because of my negligence, all fell into that ruin ...

Perhaps you have forgotten His Excellency Delaney, but I remember very well that from that day ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ you have been my closest friend.

怎么 How can I see my closest friend in danger ... "

Draenei was shocked, and his eyes were sore ...

"Her Dilas, to be honest, I really forgot. I did not expect you to remember that you are really a great person. This time I really want to thank you. This magic crystal, I ca n’t take it. This is your harvest. ... "

Gandhilas waved his hand and shoved the magic crystal into Delaney's hand solemnly.

"Lord Delaney, this is your prey. I'm just helping you a little bit. If you insist, the materials other than the magic crystal are mine."

莱 Draenei opened his mouth, his face moved, but he couldn't say anything.

Everyone knows that only the magic crystals are the most valuable of these pseudo-sky-level warcrafts in the angry flame battlefield. These pseudo-sky-level warcrafts have huge bodies, and can reasonably collect a lot of precious materials.

But a whole Warcraft corpse is far less valuable than this magic crystal ...

Chantillas patted Delaney on the shoulder and sighed with sigh.

"Sir Draenei, there is a sentence, I don't know if I should say it, but you are my closest friend, even if you are not happy, I will say it."



[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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