End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1069: the study

After that, this guy must have hated me now. The last time he didn't die, and he broke through to the heavens ...

No, we must cooperate with Didala, and let them quickly study the method of using the blood of the beast god. If it does not break through to the heavens, if it is encountered by His Excellency Raphael, it will definitely avenge me ...

"Lord Dedara, I have told you everything I know. I only hope that after you develop a method of using the blood of the beast god, you can help me to break through to the heavens. Of course, the blood of the beast **** I use is me Make it yourself. "

DeLas was anxious ...

Morgan broke through to the heavens, and from the point of pitting me fiercely, I can see that my impression is not so good. Morgan is now so close to Muffalin Merlin, holding Muffalin's thigh fiercely, get If you're not good, you will bother me ...

And the last time he offended Raphael, he almost had to fall, and now he broke through to the sky ...

Coupled with that Mamma Merlin that exploded like a tier-level combat power ...

My God, the three heavens, if they bother me, I will be dead ...

DeLas was a little anxious, but Didala was not very anxious, and her words were perfunctory.

"Dear Sir, please rest assured, since you told me this secret, then after we have studied out the method of using the blood of the beast god, we will certainly not forget you, and will certainly help you to break through to the heavens."

As soon as DeLas's heart was let go, Didala spoke with embarrassment ...

"His Excellency Dirac, however, even if we know the role of the blood of the beast god, it is useless. The pseudo-level Warcraft magic crystals we hunted are all used to exchange things.

Now there are only three or four magic crystals in his hand. There is no magic crystal to exchange for the blood of the beast **** ...

If you want to study, at least you must have a drop of blood of beast **** as the material. There is no material. We have no way to study it. The news you said is a bit late. If only you could say a few days earlier, the magic crystal we recorded at that time was barely enough to exchange a drop of blood of the beast **** ...

Now, we can only continue to accumulate magic crystals slowly. I hope we can accumulate enough one hundred magic crystals early to exchange a drop of blood of the beast **** and start researching ...

Didala looked helpless, and didn't seem to care much about the news. Anyway, he already knew the news. Anxiety is useless ...

But Dirac listened to Didala's words, his heart was cold ...

Damn, there are only three or four magic crystals left? Are you kidding me?

Wait until you have accumulated a hundred magic crystals, then go to the temple to exchange a drop of blood of the beast god?

That's a hundred!

Those Pseudo-Sky Warcrafts are not ordinary Warcrafts. Only here can there be so many weird Pseudo-Sky Warcrafts.

Even if an area of ​​Pseudo-Sky Warcraft is killed, after a period of time, new Pseudo-Sky Warcraft will appear strangely ...

But if you want to accumulate a hundred enough, hunt without rest for a month or two, with good luck. It may be barely enough.

After two months, who knows how many of the orcs have broken through to heaven?

Don't worry about Mafam Merlin anymore, everyone died together in the battlefield of Fury ...

Dila thought a lot. It just happened that I didn't think of it. Looking at Didala's appearance, Dirac did not know whether it was true or not, but now, he can't wait for him ...

"Dearness, you know, I want to start researching earlier, but there is no blood of beast god. There is no way to start ...

Now that you know the secret, there must be a drop of blood from the beast **** there. Otherwise, you should study it first ... "

Didala regretted the final conclusion. De La Si was a little dumbfounded. After thinking a little, De La Si understood what De Dala wanted to do ...

Damn, Didara, he wants to blackmail me!

That's a drop of blood from the beast god. Does this guy want me to take out a drop to experiment? This is not a low-level material, but a hundred beast-like magical crystals of Warcraft can be exchanged for a drop of blood of the beast god!

I only have one drop in total, this greedy vampire, knowing this secret, I still want me to take out a drop of blood of the beast **** for experimental research ...

Di La Si sighed in his chest, trying to vent, but was afraid to vent ...

After waiting for two or three minutes, DeLas didn't say a word. Didala glanced at DiLas in amazement and started to see off the guests ...

"Have you anything else, Mr. DeLas? I have a lot of things to do here, I'm afraid I don't have much time to accompany you ..."

Didala's face was calm, he didn't seem to want Dirac to take out the blood of the beast god, it didn't look like he wanted to dig Dirac ...

Dirac's heart was burning with anger, but now, he was suddenly calm, and there was a chill in his heart ...

Asshole, I finally understand. This guy Didala didn't want to cooperate with me at all. It doesn't matter if I take out the blood of the beast **** ...

This **** guy, there must be a lot of pseudo-level Warcraft magic crystals in hand, so many strong towers of the burning tower, coupled with Di Dara, a strong who can show the strength of the sky, in the beginning At times, hunting is the fastest ...

Now there are not as many pseudo-tier-level Warcrafts in the angry flame battlefield. They must have accumulated a lot of magic crystals, and now they know this secret, even if many of the previous magic crystals have been exchanged for the true spirit magic weapon, now If I go hunting again, it won't take long for me to accumulate 100 magic crystals again ...

At that time, he began to study the blood of the beast god. No matter what the research came out, it had nothing to do with me. At that time, Dirac could continue to use this result to create the heavenly power ...

Even the researched results can continue to grow the burning tower after leaving the flames of battle ...

Damn, this greedy vampire didn't even want to cooperate with me ...

Now I can only take out this drop of blood from my beast **** for research. No matter what the research results are, it must be my share ...

Suddenly thinking about this problem in his heart, Dirac was a little helpless, but this was a conspiracy, and a big pit in front was waiting for him to jump. But he couldn't help jumping, because the interest in the pit was really amazing ...

Didala stood up and walked outside, and DeLas could no longer hesitate. Opening mouth to stop Didala.

"Lord Dedara, we can no longer delay in cooperating on the research of the blood of the beast god. In this way, whether it is those angry flame orcs or Maffah Merlin's side, the strength may far exceed us.

Now Morgan Henry ’s traitor in the Kingdom of Odin has come very close to Maffah Merlin. If there is a sky order on their side, we will not have much voice in the battlefield of Raging Flames, even against the Raging Flames Orcs, His position will not be guaranteed ...

Who knew if those **** would frame us behind. Besides, I don't want to let the Andalusian rural people overtake us.

Now that Malfam Merlin can work it out, we must also work it out, and it can't be slower. If it's slower, we will lose the entire face of the Kingdom of Odin.

I happen to have a drop of blood from the beast **** here. This drop of blood from the beast **** will be handed to His Excellency Dedara. Please, His Excellency Ddara must let your people study the results as soon as possible.

As part of the Kingdom of Odin, how can I make the Andalusian soil ravage us! "

The righteous words Dilath said were strict. It looks like I have contributed to the Kingdom of Odin and to all of us.

Didala laughed twice and patted DeLath on the shoulder.

"Lord Diras. Since you are willing to take out the blood of the beast god, then rest assured. Although our tower of burning is not specialized in gold potion, but the blood of gods and demons, our tower of burning has very Deep research.

It won't be long before we can definitely research it out. At that time, the research results of this drop of blood of the beast **** will be given to His Excellency Dirac. The person who first broke through to the heavens and completed the extraordinary transformation must be you! "

DeLas laughed twice. The blood of the beast **** was handed over to Didala with some pain, and it is not good to take it out now. If you want to enjoy the results, you must first bring out the materials ...

Anyway, after the research results come out, the first one to enjoy is definitely me. This is enough. How can this drop of blood of the beast **** be used on us ...

Dirac comforted himself a few words and took root in the camp of the Burning Tower. Only those mages of the Tower of Shadows went out to find the false heaven-level Warcraft hunt ...

The Burning Tower began to organize people to study the blood of the beast god. On the other side, Lin Yun was also continuously studying the blood of the beast god.

Before he could use the blood of the beast **** to make a golden temptation potion, but he did not research it, but in the barren library in the last days, there are ready-made complete methods, and it is just for the blood of the beast god.

In the age of gods and demons, everyone is different in the direction they are good at, and the source of strength is different. Blood can be used as a material to make medicine to help people complete extraordinary transformation. There are just a few of them. One.

Because their power comes from bloodline ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ blood contains huge energy and regular power.

The blood of the beast **** is the best part of this kind of material. Once it can be said that the source of the power of the gods and monsters, naturally cannot be made into a gold temptation potion to help the wizard complete the extraordinary transformation ...

There are many ways to use this thing, but the most famous one is to use it as the raw material of the gold temptation potion.

But in addition to this, there are other uses. These uses have not been recorded at all, or they are mentioned a little. When the Northrend world reached its peak, the role of the blood of the beast **** was also produced. The gold temptation potion is a bit useful, the others can be ignored ...

In addition, the blood of the beast **** in this special world will become more effective. Those orcs can directly fuse the blood of the beast **** and complete the extraordinary transformation. A drop of blood from the beast **** can completely break through to the heavens, without any negative side effects, only the benefits ...

If this continues, there will be more and more heaven-level strongmen over the orcs, and the human coalition will be over. (To be continued)

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