"I don't know what it will encounter, it's not necessarily, everyone's things are not the same, I can't tell you specifically, how far will it go, it's not necessarily, someone once walked three times The sky didn't break through, and the highest record, Master Thornton Merlin, successfully entered the ancestral land in only five hours.

I can only break through by myself, no one can help, this is the rule of the ancestors ... "

Heli hesitated, and continued to add a sentence.

"Moreover, it is said that no one can help even the intruders at the beginning of the break-in. If outsiders help, they will even encounter greater danger.

Of course, the strength of His Excellency Mafam should be able to break through. The difference is only time. The shorter the break in time, the higher the corresponding treatment and status. It is said that Lord Thornton Merlin once received The guidance of one of the oldest ancestors. "

Gao Linyun nodded, took out a special magic metal from the abyss, and gave it to Rico.

"Her Excellency, thank you for your guidance. This thing is my meeting gift."

Lin Yu looked at the piece of metal covered with strange patterns in Lin Yun's hands, her eyes were almost glaring.

"This ... this, this is too precious, Your Majesty ..."

Lin Linyun smiled, shoved the metal into Li Ke's arms, and strode into the mist and disappeared.

Ke Li opened his mouth, but he still refused, looking at the metal in his hand, with an unbelievable joy on his face.

Abyss blood copper, I have been searching for eighty years, and I have never heard of any auction of this kind of thing anywhere. I did not expect that His Majesty gave me a piece directly.

The last time I heard that someone got a piece of abyss blood copper, it seems that it cost the price of three low-level true spirits, and there is still a Heaven-level strongman in it who successfully exchanged it ...

With such a large piece of blood copper in the abyss, I can raise my true spirit magic weapon to a level, and I can even use the power of the magic weapon to perceive the rules. Within 20 years, I have hope to penetrate the depths of the ancestral land. Is blocked, it is even possible to advance to heaven ...

Lili drove up the foggy layer with ecstasy, and hurriedly prepared to go back to deal with this abyss blood copper. He didn't know that the refined abyss blood copper in Lin Yun's half plane had already accumulated into a hill.

Zhe Linyun entered the layer of fog. At the deepest part of the fog, there were several strong men who apparently exudes extraordinary power fluctuations gathered together.

A crystal ball the size of a human head was placed in front of them. The crystal ball showed Lin Yun's figure, and the picture displayed had no fog at all.

A fiery red robe with red hair, looks like a forty-year-old strong man in his forties looking at the crystal ball, a smile on his mouth.

"This foggy spatial fault may be dangerous for the powerhouses under the other tiers, but for Malfam Merlin, it should not be too dangerous. Be careful, it will eventually pass over. "

Next to him, another black and red mage's robe, which is not as strong as a mage at all, is more like a male mage like an orc sword sage. He also shows a smile.

"Yes, we can't tell the outsiders too much information, but those little guys guarding the gate of Zudi, we have all told them that this mist contains spatial faults, and even we may not be able to They were saved when they were in danger.

More importantly, the rules there are changed according to the strength of the people who enter. We join in, and the dangers encountered may make any little guy under the heavens fall instantly ...

玛 This Mafam Merlin has the same strength as the Heavenly Order Power, except that he does not have extraordinary power, so he should not be in danger of life if he crosses this misty fault, that is, how much time can be passed. "

The mage with red hair and red robe extended a finger.

一天 "One day, I think he can almost come by in a day."

The sturdy mage-like mage shook his head.

"I do n’t think it is possible. Although the rules in the Mist Fault are largely calculated according to levels, his level is only the ninth-ranked magic wizard, but his strength is far better than the ninth-ranked magic wizard, but he wants It would take at least two days and forty-eight hours to break through like this. "

Around the crystal ball, there are four or five sky-level mages whose breath is obviously weaker than these two people, and everyone starts to express their own opinions.

"I think forty-five hours."

"It should be almost forty hours. After all, it is said that his fighting ability is very strong."

"I have estimated it for fifty hours. You know, in the Mist Fault, you can't come quickly without a strong combat force."

"Yes, it was a shame that the little fellow of the nine-level titled Magister had fallen into it. His strength is comparable to that of the strongman who has just broken through to the heavens. Unfortunately, he is still trapped inside. We want to Rescue is too late ... "

The mage with red hair and red robe waved his hand.

"Well, don't make any noise. Marfa is about to meet his test. I don't know what his test is. If he encounters the mirror element, with his fighting power, it is really possible to run in a day's time. Come here, but if you encounter rune changes, you may be in trouble.

La Bourdo, you are best at space spells. Based on the rules of space, you are ready. If he encounters an irresistible danger, save him.

It's not uncommon for a very talented little guy to appear in the Clan family. "

The man next to him looked like he was only in his thirties, and in a silver robe, the magi without a dignity shrugged.

"Okay, I've located the approximate position, but with my strength, when he encounters an irresistible danger, it will take ten minutes as soon as he can pass it. If he cannot resist for ten minutes, No one can help ... "

The mage with red hair and red robe nodded, and the mage with black robe stared aside.

"No one can predict the danger in the Fog Fault, but it is impossible to encounter a spike. If it cannot be resisted for ten minutes, it is just insufficient strength. To this extent, it will fall down sooner or later. Now it falls here, maybe It's still luck. "

I heard the words of Master Black Robe, no one in a group spoke, all staring at the crystal ball to observe Lin Yun.

Entered into the mist layer, Lin Yun's brow frowned slightly. When I was outside, I felt that the mist was like a heavy mountain range, which was completely unshakable.

After entering here, I finally understood why the space here is not the same as the outside world. The space here is very heavy and the stability is terrible.

If the space outside is like an earthen wall, then the space here is made of stainless steel, and its stability is horrible. Even if it is a sky-level strongman, there is absolutely no way to tear the space cracks during battle. Not to mention breaking up space ...

And after entering, the space immediately captured here is not the same as what you see, it is like a natural maze, and it is a maze that changes with the space.

After walking for ten minutes, Lin Yun used the magic energy array to fully push the performance here.

Here is like a piece of solidified space, these spaces are like small squares, the small squares are constantly moving, and the people staying here will continue to run with the small squares, but The direction of departure is fixed.

Zhe Linyun frowned, using the magic energy array to continue the deduction. After a while, she was slightly relieved.

At the beginning, I thought that there was only one fixed space with a portal to leave here, but now I find it worrying, as long as I can walk to the end of this continuously running maze, I can leave here just by taking a step.

Now I just need to figure out the fastest route through the past. After all, any piece of space in which I move is constantly moving, perceptually moving forward, but in fact, it may be constantly retreating.

Zhe Linyun stood still with her eyes closed for fifteen minutes, and the group of people standing in front of the crystal ball was a bit confused.

"What is he doing? He's been there for fifteen minutes, isn't he going to move forward?"

天 A heaven-ranked mage was puzzled, but it was the first time she had seen someone like this.

The mage in the black robe grinned and grinned.

"It's okay, don't worry about him, the little guy is probably trying to figure it out, but don't think that staying there will be fine, hehe ..."

"Isn't he afraid? Isn't he going to leave in fifteen minutes, do you want to go back?"

"He can't go back anymore. The space there is very disordered and totally inconceivable. Now he stepped back and couldn't go back to the way he was ..."

Suddenly, the mage in the black robe laughed strangely.

"Hey, look, there are more than a dozen mirror elements in front of him, oh, a dozen white mirror elements, he is in trouble ..."

The mage with red hair and red robe had a hint of surprise on his face.

"A dozen white mirror elements can be equivalent to a dozen ninth-level title wizards. Marfa is indeed in trouble, but according to Marfa's strength, there should be no major problems, within an hour. It should be able to kill those guys ... "

"Hey, Labrador, when you first ran into the Misty Fault, didn't you encounter ten white mirror elements, but you've suffered enough and almost got killed by those guys ..."

Labrador, in a silver robe, seemed to be brought up with very bad memories, and his face was a bit awkward.

这个 "This, you should know, I just broke through the sky at that time, and I was not familiar with the space mage's fighting methods, so at that time, it was an accident, just an accident ..."

Just as a group of mages kept guessing, Lin Yun suddenly opened his eyes, the magic wave suddenly appeared, the ruled rune shield was supported, and the dragon staff was also taken out.

After a second, the space in front of it suddenly fluctuated a little. In a moment, the space in front of it seemed to be replaced, and a dozen statues like crystals appeared in front of Lin Yun.

When Lin Yun saw the crystals of these crystal statues, the dragon's staff was illuminated with dazzling lights, and the blue explosions dragged the blue tail and fell down crazy.

The moment the transparent crystal statues sensed Lin Yun, the colored crystals began to appear on the transparent crystal, and the surface changed rapidly, and it seemed to be waking up.

In less than a second, there were several transparent crystal statues that looked exactly like Lin Yun, except that the body seemed to be a bit illusive and transparent ...

But in less than a second, as if calculated, each crystal statue is taken care of by six enhanced versions of explosive inflammation ...

Six enhanced versions of Blast Inflammation use the strongest explosive flames, and the six Blast Inflammations are surrounded by circles, forming a circle from six directions, and are bombarded on the transparent crystal statue.

For a while, the explosion sounded like an instantaneous and simultaneous sound. The crystal fragments of the sky exploded, and then those crystal fragments became transparent again in midair and disappeared into nothingness ...

"Is the mirror element? It seems that here is where the two spaces overlap ..."

Zhe Linyun's footsteps kept on, and she continued to walk slowly, after walking for more than ten meters, she suddenly stopped again.

Behind him, the flames have not dissipated yet ...

And the group of heavens watching next to the crystal ball, the discussion came to an abrupt end, and a group of people were dumbfounded ...

"Blackman, what did I just see? One second, one second to end the battle, my God ..."

The mage with red hair and red robes was surprised.

Master Heirobe also said that Lin Yun was going to be in trouble with his grandma. Before he said this, Lin Yun had already ended the battle and could only smile awkwardly ...

"Reidman, Marfa's response speed should be fast. You must know that those white mirror elements, when they can find the target that can be mirrored, also need one second to complete the change process ...

Anyone here can attack and kill those stupid people within one second after encountering the white mirror element ... "

Redman did not speak, and smiled undeniably. This is a group of real heavens, and the worst ones are all advanced to the heavens for a long time, and may be advanced to the heavens at any time. Secondary ...

A group of the highest strength is nothing but a white mirror element that can exert the strength of the nine-level title wizard. It is simply a group of weak chickens waiting to be slaughtered. It is completely incomparable ...

After a while, a group of people stopped talking and watched quietly.

Zhe Linyun stood still for three minutes, then took a step again. After stepping out, the blue flame still burning behind disappeared instantly.

This is the space where the two movements intersect. The space where the battle just took place has no idea where the movements go.

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. The surrounding area was full of fog, and it was only a range of about ten meters.

After entering this space, Lin Yun's footsteps never stopped, and he still maintained a steady speed forward. He walked forward more than fifty meters continuously, after crossing three hard-to-find moving spaces, Lin Yun suddenly turned around and moved to the left.

After 跨越 leaping out of a space again, Lin Yun waited for thirty-six seconds, then continued walking back for more than ten meters and entered another space.

The group of mages watching in front of the crystal ball stopped talking, watching Lin Yun's movement quietly, and after three minutes of quietness, Redman popped out a sentence.

听说 "I heard that Mafam Merlin is a creator, especially proficient in alchemy potions and alchemy circles. It seems that he is also very proficient in magic tools and alchemy puppets ..."

Blackman opened his eyes before he realized a look of sudden realization.

"Damn, you mean, this little guy has cracked the chaotic space maze of the fog fault? No, it's only twenty minutes. We paid a great price five hundred years ago to invite The creator who is good at the space maze also spent more than ten days to barely crack a passage, but he didn't say that, here is too chaotic, there are too many changes, endless, it is impossible to find a fix. Of the safe route ... "

But looking at the crystal ball, Lin Yun kept moving forward or backward, or even just moved forward, and then backed up after dozens of seconds ...

A group of mages all shut up and didn't speak. Although everyone here knows a little bit about alchemy, but to say that they are proficient, it only depends on a huge amount of time to accumulate a certain item to the level of a giant. No one is the creator. , Even for a certain item in alchemy, it is only good at a small part of it, such as the refining of a certain potion among alchemy potions ...

Everything in front of them is a bit scary to them ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But no one dares to conclude any more ...

"Labrador, get ready, damn, how can there be five black mirror elements!"

Suddenly Redman screamed, pointing at the crystal ball. The magic wave spread as if it had exploded, and the powerful atmosphere stirred the surrounding air as if it had burned.

Paula Bourdo watched the five black crystal statues suddenly appear in the crystal ball, and disappeared in an instant ...

Blackman frowned.

"Damn, five black mirror elements, how can there be five, five black mirror elements that can exert the power of the heavenly order, it's troublesome, I don't know if Marfa can support ten minutes ..."

"Who cleaned up the mirror elements in the fog fault before, **** it, how could there be five black mirror elements at the same time?"

"Well, don't make any noise, I hope His Excellency Labrador can get there as soon as possible. Hell, we only cleared the mirror elements of the fog fault one year ago. It is impossible to have five black mirrors at the same time. what happened?"

"Maffa is also unlucky. I remember when we first ran into the Mist Fault, the people with the worst luck only encountered two black mirror elements at the same time ..." (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome to () vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.) [This text provided by Qihang Update Group @ 冰山 berg123]

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