Anyway, the main members of the Hidden Mountain Monastery are swordsmen. They don't care about alchemy at all. The weapons they need have nothing to do with the alchemist. They are forged by blacksmiths. They do not need to be enchanted. They The undead vindictiveness naturally conflicts with the power of the elements, and pure weapons are better.

Laibo led the way in front of it, and turned it back in accordance with the incoming route. As long as the alchemy encounters along the way took the lead, it would be immediately dismantled by Laibo into scrap iron. Lin Yun's mouth looked straight, but he said nothing, anyway This time we have enough material.

The magic reactor and combat system that I got before are enough. These things are enough to study the secrets contained in it. It is not difficult to re-manufacture after cracking it. There is no need to spend time collecting it.

After discovering that there seems to be a little connection with the alchemy cricket base on the angry flame plane, Lin Yun has a little disregard for these ordinary alchemy crickets. There must be some secrets hidden here. Alchemy cricket technology may be secondary of.

When laibo violently reopened an alchemy block, he finally encountered a bunch of alchemy blocks.

The building in front of it appears to be an area where the final alchemy puppet was assembled. Before that, Lin Yun guessed that there might be alchemy puppets that could still be active. After all, in the area where the power system and combat system were located, there was almost no How many alchemy tinctures can be active.

Each area is a separate part, and in the area where the alchemy 傀儡 is finally assembled, all the parts needed to assemble an alchemy 傀儡 may be found. After so many years have passed, who knows whether the alchemy 傀儡 will do it by itself Create more alchemy puppets.

的 The moment he tore off the alchemy protection, Lin Yun knew the answer ...

At least hundreds of various alchemy urns, as if dead, stood straight in front of the building in front, and even at the door of that building, there were two huge alchemy urns over 4 meters high.

At the moment when the protection of the alchemy circle was torn apart, two alchemy urns standing in front of the huge building door. The scarlet crystal eyes lighted up instantly, and the unique atmosphere belonging to the heavenly alchemy maggot emerged, and the twinkling crystal eyes would even turn. The carriers of light in the light are the obvious wisdom rays, both of which are awakened by wisdom.

When Xie Laibo saw so many alchemists, he was suddenly shocked. Then he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be an alchemist next to him. Why do you want to crack so violently, but I have fought with these alchemists before, and knowing that these alchemists are so powerful, there are suddenly hundreds of them, and there are two heaven-level alchemists.

"Lord Mafa, be careful, these alchemy urns are very weird. The more they are, the more powerful they will be. The terrible tacit understanding ..."

Before Laibo's words were finished, Lin Yun had taken the lead in rushing out. When he was thirty or forty meters apart, Lin Yun spit out a bunch of ruled runes continuously, exuding the magical hand with a strong magic wave. Unlike a low-level spell that can only be used as a supplement, the magic wave emitted is more like an eight-level spell ...

The 39th-level alchemy 傀儡 was not as fast as the two sky-level alchemy 傀儡 woke up. After the two sky-level alchemy 傀儡 wakened, they started to wake up the 39th-level alchemy 傀儡.

How could Lin Yun let go of such a good opportunity. Within at least three seconds, those thirty-ninth-level alchemists were waiting to be removed without defense.

Dozens of mages wrapped in huge magical power rushed out, and quickly touched some of the more special energy nodes on these alchemy magpies. The huge magical powers of the mages' hands wrapped in these moments instantly. Then dozens of spell hands turned into afterimages, and quickly circled the surface of these alchemy urns.

Suddenly, at least forty-nine-level-39 alchemy urns suddenly burst together, as if their bodies were turned into a pile of parts in an instant, and each part was intact. Some parts seemed to have rust on them, and between each small part, it seemed as if all magnets of the same nature were suddenly put together, all repelled ...

The quiet explosion of Jing Jingyi seemed to be full of shocking effects. The pile of parts fell to the ground and made a jingling sound.

Behind Lin Yun, Laibo holding the black sword was completely dumbfounded, opened his mouth, and stared blankly at the more than forty alchemists who were instantly disassembled into parts, feeling that the worldview had been subverted ...

Oh my god, devil, what did I see? A bunch of mage's hands instantly dismantled those powerful alchemy puppets into parts. What the **** is going on, why do these alchemy puppets suddenly burst into a bunch of parts? ?

Damn, the Lord Lord is right. Even if we are hidden, we must come out and see the outside world from time to time, or sooner or later be abandoned by the times. In order to guarantee the heritage of the monastery, sufficient strength is the best guarantee. .

Is the alchemist outside already so powerful that it ’s so terrible, forty such weird alchemy puppets, I need to explode a lot of power to solve it, but this Malfay Merlin, and Andalusia The kind of alchemist in a very remote place can tear down more than forty in an instant!

I was so scary. How much did he know about these alchemists? I seemed to have joked that the alchemist of the monastery said that this seems to be a very scary skill. This guy must be a very powerful alchemist!

If he can make thousands of these alchemy 傀儡 ...

Thought of this, Leibo couldn't help shivering, all of his mind was the image of this alchemy rushing up, thousands of handles cutting him into pieces.

一 As soon as the screen turns, it becomes countless dazzling rays, which completely evaporates him within a few seconds, and finally falls to the ground with the sword of life sacrifice ...

The masters outside are really getting more and more terrible. No, after returning this time, you must report to the master, those masters who are going to conquer other planes. The pace of progress has left us behind. We If no change is made, it may be abandoned by the era in a few hundred years ...

The courtyard master said that the beginning of a new era will begin in the near future. We must start to contact the outside, and sure enough, there is nothing wrong, no, the fact is faster than the owner estimates ...

I believe in the Lord Lord. I wo n’t believe in a ninth-level title wizard, but I have the power to kill me. This world is so crazy ...

Gai Laibo's eyes were dull, his complex face looked at Lin Yun's back, his brain was completely chaotic ...

Suddenly, Lin Yun removed more than forty in one go. It is already the ultimate that can be achieved at the moment. The instant dismantling of the alchemist's alchemy requires more than technology and a detailed understanding of the alchemist's every rivet. It also requires huge magic power. The more powerful the alchemist, The more magic you need.

It took a whole body of magic in one breath, but it was only able to remove more than forty ...

Within a second, Lin Yun's whole body recovered. Unfortunately, at this time, there was no chance. The remaining more than forty alchemists were awake, and two heaven-level alchemists also shot.

One of the alchemists was similar to the blade, but the blade was not directly inlaid on the arm, but was held by the alchemist. This meant that the alchemist's attack could be more varied, and the blade was solidified on the blade. A lot of blessing spells, sharp sharpening, haste, magic breaking, solidifying ...

The scarlet crystal eyes of Alchemy 眼 flickered a few times, and the body instantly disappeared in place. In a blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Lin Yun. Two blades with a length of more than two meters staggered to chop Lin Biaoyun's body. Even at the moment of cutting, Lin Yun saw that a large number of spells blessed on the sword body were all activated, even the broken magic. Activated instantly.

炼 Alchemy's blessing on the surface of the body, acceleration, solid shell, breaking resistance. All have been activated, and there is even a rule rune lit on the forehead of this alchemist.

That is the special ability obtained by this alchemy 傀儡 after advancing to the heavens. Each alchemy , has different abilities. It is difficult to judge before the other party shows it.

Zhe Linyun supported the shields of the ruled runes and shields of the four elements, and the magic around him was a little surging. The body seemed to be pushed by magic, blinking twice to the left and right, and the body appeared more than ten meters away.

But in a flash, the rune on that alchemy 傀儡 forehead lighted up, Lin Yun instantly lost his sense of that alchemy 傀儡, a sense of crisis came to mind as if exploding.

The four-line element shield flickered frequently. The four-line light collapsed and was torn apart instantly, and the regular rune shield changed shape like a bubble pierced by something.

A sharp blade stabbed at the ruled rune shield, and the six or seven thousand ruled runes swarmed to a point the size of a fist, resisting the sharp impact force.

And there are thousands of rule runes beating around, and the number of rule runes protection at one point is almost to the extreme, that is, if the opponent's power is stronger, there may be another rule. Before the runes reacted, they pierced the shield!

Three consecutive magic explosions and three elemental explosions blasted towards the surroundings, and the body of the blade alchemist 傀儡 disappeared instantly.

Two hands holding the sword also changed shape. One sword was holding, and one sword was holding ...

Zhe Linyun's eyes flashed a horror. I did not expect that the ability obtained by this alchemist was actually the ability to rank in the top ten in the melee alchemist.


Melee tier alchemy 傀儡 has a lot of speed-up capabilities, but this ability is also divided into many types, some speed up part of the movement speed, some speed up part of the speed or frequency of shots, and some increase the speed of dodge.

But this type of ability is the strongest. It is pure speed blessing and all-round blessing. The difference is just how much blessing is obtained.

The alchemy cricket in front of it is terribly fast. After being blessed by speed, the speed is already so fast that Lin Yun's magic can not be sensed. At the moment of induction, the opponent may be hundreds of meters away. .

If the irregular rune shield is strong, it may be spiked in an instant, and if it does not respond, it will be penetrated by the blade ...

This is one of the most important reasons that Lin Yun did not go to the plane before. As long as you encounter one of these alchemy crickets in the plane, the level does not need to be too high, you only need the second level of the order, and you may be instantly killed.

If you are unlucky and encounter some assassin-type melee alchemy 傀儡, in the case of no extraordinary strength, sneak into the side and hit a spike, this probability is not too high ...

Super high explosive power, fast and terrible shot speed, that kind of power will exceed the reaction mechanism of the regular rune shield. Instantly tear apart the shield.

Lin Linyun was attacked, and the stupid Leibo finally reacted, holding the black sword against the melee double-sword alchemy with rapid ability.

Leibo joins, another cast alchemy 阶. He also raised his arms. In the large muzzle of his right arm, the dazzling blazing white light gathered and aimed at Leibo who was fighting fiercely with the two swords alchemy.

Another arm with a smaller eight muzzle was aimed at Lin Yun. A stream of crimson flames continued to erupt.

Lin Yun kept dodging, avoiding the hot and violent flame rays, while thinking about how to dismantle this heavenly alchemy urn, thinking for a moment, gave up the idea, the heavenly alchemy urn has awakened wisdom, even inside the body The power has changed, not only may it get special abilities, it also penetrates magical powers, but it is too much resistant.

I want to dismantle it with my bare hands. It's almost impossible, unless it's possible after breaking through the sky order ...

The remaining more than forty-ninety-nine-level alchemy 傀儡 s also joined the battlefield at this time. Melees and casters were divided into half to deal with Lin Yun and Leibo respectively. Melee suppression and cast attacks.

For a moment, the two became passive, especially when there were two Heaven-level Alchemists, and there was no way to use a strong method to kill those 39-level Alchemists.

Both and 傀儡 have encountered the light rays of the cast alchemy 傀儡 before. The powerful ones have exceeded their level, and it is absolutely uncomfortable to take a shot.

Zhe Linyun held the book of death in his left hand and held the dragon staff in his right hand. Behind a huge roulette phantom slowly turning, Anderfa controlled the Wheel of Wanfa, releasing Elemental Storm strangling those 39th-level Alchemist, and Theodorus also controlled the release of the Book of Mantra A torrent of flames.

In addition to the constant dodging, Zhe Linyun's attention was all on that heavenly order's casting alchemy, and the light in that guy's right arm was already full. May be released at any time.

怎么 样 No one can predict the power of this ray of rays, and it is not known what the special ability of this alchemy maggot is. Lin Yun dare not take it lightly.

Cooperating with that two-sword alchemy 傀儡 with rapid ability, if you don't get it right, you may suffer a lot. Alchemy 傀儡, which broke through the sky order and did not break through the sky order, are two species.

One-by-three alchemy puppets are constantly being destroyed. The fire released by Theodos is terrible at high temperatures. The corrosive fire erodes the protection of these alchemy puppets. The fires of purgatory and erosive bones are extremely strong. Hei Yan, penetrated into the alchemy tincture, burning their internal parts.

Coupled with the strangulation of the Elemental Storm released by Anderfa, half a minute later, a melee alchemy ca n’t carry it. The internal parts were damaged too much and were torn to pieces by the Elemental Storm. Most of the parts were damaged. The burnt was deformed, and the most important combat system and power system were completely burned.

Before I just wanted a complete alchemy 傀儡, Lin Yun wanted to hone himself, so he would fight for a long time. Now, purely for the sake of destruction, there is not much difficulty in killing these guys.

In the other half, Laibo wielded the black sword. Although his speed was not as fast as that of the two-sword alchemy maggot with fast ability, but with his undead fighting spirit, he hadn't fallen below. Similarly, most of his energy was focused The cast alchemist who may release rays of light at any time.

The undead vindictiveness blooms. As long as you hit those 39th-level alchemists, you will instantly put some parts of the alchemist sacrifice into silence, as long as you are struck by two avengers, almost It will be completely dead, the magic of movement will stop, and the body will be torn to pieces.

Laibo used a black sword to block the blow of the double-sword alchemy 傀儡, but the body of the double-sword alchemy 转 suddenly turned, and the other hand held the arm of the long sword, and chopped his back towards Laibo.

Leibo's face remained unchanged, his wrist twitched slightly, and his undead vengeance broke out.

But the moment the two weapons collided, the other arm of the Double Sword Alchemy 傀儡 suddenly turned around, and the wrist turned even more, like the arm on the back, suddenly turned into a front!

The appearance of Laibo changed, and the immortal spirit broke out. On the arm of the left hand, the immortal spirit and the huge life force gathered together to form a pair of gray crystal gloves. Fighted a blow.

After fighting for a few minutes, I almost forgot. The guy with rich experience in combat is an alchemist, the structure of the body is completely different from that of the human. The alchemist can turn his head around, and the person must not be able to do this, and his back suddenly It turned out to be a positive thing ...

But now, it has become a fatal factor. When resisting this attack, the cast alchemist who has not released the rays of light, the light flashed in the scarlet crystal eyes, and in the right arm held, A full meter of glaring blazing white light burst out.

At the same time, a rune lit up on the right arm of the alchemy maggot ~ ~, and there seemed to be a dense stream of runes in the thick pillar of white light. These runes rushed to The surface of the rays of light instantly bound a one-meter-thick beam of light and doubled the thickness of the beam of light, but the glowing white light was even more dazzling.

At the moment when the beam of light burst out, a ruled rune bomb exploded silently in front of the cast alchemist, and then exploded.

The huge impact force made the caster alchemy's body back a distance of more than ten meters, and the raised arms were also deflected by the explosion.

The blazing white beam of light that stretched for hundreds of meters was swept across like a laser knife of hundreds of meters in length, and a dozen alchemy puppets swept across, and they could catch the flames of Theodorus for a while. The body, like cheese at this moment, was swept by the blazing white rays and was cut in half in an instant.

Even where it was hit by the light, all of it evaporated, and the part that did not evaporate was instantly melted into iron drops and fell to the ground.

防护 Alchemy protection hundreds of meters away is like a layer of twisted bubbles. The light flickers, and they are torn apart by the light rays one by one.

A building over 30 meters high, after being swept by the rays of light, it suddenly collapsed, as if chopped in half by a giant blade ...




[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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