Chapter 1216

After bringing all seven people to a core node position in succession, Lin Yun broke into the center of the alchemy circle, and the regular symbol culture was continuously integrated into the air for the torrent.

A faint wave began to spread. Behind Lin Yun, a huge round of roulette ghosts appeared. Infinite rule runes were like blasted bee swarms. Each rule rune followed a special The trajectory spreads around.

When the 扩散 spreads outward, the number of regular runes will become less and less, and the disappearing regular runes are all integrated into this alchemy circle.

This is the real crack, forcibly depriving the alchemy of control, and then from the position of the seven core nodes, let the seven core stages be cracked at the same time.

There are high requirements for the quantity and quality of regular runes, and Lin Yun's regular runes and the regular runes of the alchemy matrix are constructed from a mold, and most of them are omitted immediately. Strength.

With the continuous runes of ruled runes in the roulette behind the shadow of Lin Yun, the alchemy circle began to change. With Lin Yun as the center, the control of some places was forcibly taken away by Lin Yun, like a plague. Diffusion and occupation.

At the same time, the metal plates in the hands of the seven of Leibo also began to slowly glow with Lin Yun's cracking. From the center of the metal plates, those dim runes and lines began to be connected one after another. One lighted up, the light slowly spread towards the outside of the metal plate.

Even the regular runes around the core nodes begin to slowly merge into the core nodes following the actions of Lin Yun, slowly weaken the role of the core nodes, and then slowly weaken the energy transmission near the core nodes.

Any alchemy requires energy to keep it running. Losing the energy supply is the most fundamental way to crack it.

Twenty-five hours later, the calm interior of the Alchemy Circle slowly set off an energy storm. The violent and violent energy raged inside the Alchemy Circle, and where Lin Yun had no control, it was full of violent destruction.

Within ten meters of the seven core nodes, the waves are calm and the air seems to be unable to flow, but beyond ten meters, it is raging violent energy. A large amount of energy is infused, but the runes at the core nodes are weakened, and a large amount of energy is only released to the This destructive power is formed within the alchemy circle.

Lin Yun, standing in the center of the alchemy circle, the data torrent reflected in his pupils has become indistinguishable. It looks like his eyes are shining. The magic energy array is running to the extreme. It ’s spinning, the magic cost is greater than the cost in combat.

Twenty-five hours later, the energy storm accumulated inside the alchemy array has completely reached the edge of the explosion.

Feeling the violent power outside the core node, Leibo began to see cold sweat on his forehead. If he hadn't seen Lin Yun's terrible accomplishments in alchemy before, I am afraid I can't keep calm now.

On the other side, 冇 Mariana was also a bit scared and kept cheering herself up.

"It's okay, these things can't hurt the powerful Marianna at all, don't worry at all, don't worry, I can crack this alchemy ..."

Constantine was a little frightened, pale, and his hands were shaking, staring at the metal plate in his hand, for fear that the light on the metal plate would be completely ignored.

Auntie, that **** guy, Mafam Merlin, is this very simple, is it just cracking an alchemy circle?

The violent powers around me are really the same as the Elemental Storm. As long as there is a mistake, I will be dead. Damn, will this be another conspiracy of Malfammelin?

Wrong, if he wants to kill me, why save us before? I must not fail, I will die if I fail ...

Constantine was sweating coldly, and his legs were a little weak, but he held the metal plate with his hands, for fear that the metal plate would fall down with a shaking hand.

When everyone in the Hidden Mountain Monastery was worried that this alchemy circle would completely erupt, all the ruled runes in front of them were finally integrated into the core node, and the position of the core node, countless runes, all of a sudden, A combined groove appeared.

The size of the groove is exactly the size of the metal plate. You only need to look at it to know how to put the metal plate in.

At the same time, the last bit of runes and lines on the seven metal plates were all lit up.

Suddenly, seven people did not dare to carelessly, and immediately inserted the metal plate in their hands into the groove of the core node.

At the same time, the seven metal plates resonate with each other, and the slight time difference between the seven people inserting them can be ignored by the resonance.

The light on the seven metal plates spread at the same time, in conjunction with the regular runes arranged by Lin Yun, and the cracking of Lin Yun's core in the alchemy circle, it instantly cut off the energy transmission of the seven core nodes.

I lost the energy transmission of the seven core nodes, and the huge energy accumulated in the alchemy array immediately became the energy that the alchemy array needed to maintain the operation rate.

The chaotic and violent energy storm slowly weakened. Within ten minutes, all the surrounding energy storms had dissipated, and even some of the energy that already existed inside the alchemy array was consumed.

After all the energy was dissipated, the flood of regular runes released by Lin Yun quickly occupied the entire alchemy circle with an unstoppable attitude.

After occupying all the key areas of the alchemy circle, Lin Yun once again spit out a few runes of rules. In a short time, the entire alchemy circle was completely paralyzed, known as an empty shell alchemy circle, losing all threat .

But in an instant, a huge and incomparable force erupted below the alchemy circle. Seven of them from Leibo were immediately popped out of the seven core nodes of the alchemy circle, and Lin Yun, who was at the core of the alchemy circle. But was left behind.

The mist inside the alchemy array dissipated, and all the paralyzed parts inside it did lose their effect, but the remaining empty shell formed a scarlet mask under the terrible power that broke out underground. Covering a range of more than ten kilometers.

的 In the center of the ten-kilometer range, there is only a ten-story mage tower. On the top of the mage tower, there is a complex rune of incomparable rules. A little force is to pull the entire mask through this rule rune.

Then, outside of the mage's tower, the sleeping alchemy puppets, the scarlet crystal eyes, suddenly glowed.

There are hundreds of thirty-nine level alchemy urns, seventy melee alchemy urns, thirty cast alchemy urns, and eight heaven-level alchemy urns.

Three huge alchemy 傀儡 more than five meters high, three four-arm alchemy 只有 only two meters high, and two cast alchemy 傀儡!

When he saw these alchemy urns, the six ancestors of the concealed mountain monastery passed down, and his face became pale.

Laibo's face was also a little green, and his voice was shaking a little ...

"Her Mafia, what the **** is going on ..."

Zhe Linyun frowned and looked at the Master's Tower, and looked at the alchemy urns and the huge scarlet mask above her head, and finally understood what was a little weird just now.

"This is a test. What I need may be in the mage tower. This alchemy circle is the test left by the former owner of this ruin.

The alchemy method just tested the intruder's ability in alchemy. It was just an alchemy method, but it contained a lot of techniques about alchemy.

If you break that alchemy array, you will encounter the next test of strength.

光 The energy supply of this mask is powered by the entire ruins. With our strength, it is impossible to tear it forcibly. The only way is to enter the mage tower and cut off the energy supply there. "

Zhe Linyun slowly took out the Dragon Staff and the Book of Death. This is a conspiracy, more and more like a pure and cruel test.

First, the alchemy array itself is weird, and then after cracking, an isolation shield will appear immediately. This isolation shield is completely the least technical thing. Whether it is powerful or not, it has nothing to do with the energy supply.

But there is too little technical content, but there is no room for cracking. Either forcibly tear off the isolation shield and escape from here, or kill the alchemy urns in front of them, enter the mage tower, and turn off the energy supply.

Now, Lin Yun feels more and more that the plate of Red Push is really in this mage tower. Only this thing will make Bill treat it so solemnly. Maybe Bill gets Red Disk. When I was not willing to take it apart, I felt that this kind of thing was too precious and it was not good to destroy it.

I lay out so many things, and then let the later people go through a lot of tests to get it. The final result of Bill, no one knows, but it is said that he disappeared, it may be lost in the depths of the stars and never come back.

And the stationery obtained by the Merlin family may be the real owner, Bill. When he was lost in the depths of the starry sky, he passed the clue here, hoping that someone who was qualified to get the plate of Redpush. Can find here, and then after a lot of trial and error, get the red plate.

And the test here is full of blood, either pass or fall here, there will be no third result, which also shows that Bill certainly does not want people who are not qualified to leak the news here.

"Kill these alchemy 傀儡, we can leave!"

Raising the staff of the dragon, Lin Yun's eyes gave birth to a strong sense of warfare. Eight alchemists of the heavenly ranks, and each alchemist's body has a talented rune, which combined with the strength of the show can definitely Rybo was torn into pieces within five minutes.

Coupled with the hundreds of thirty-nine level alchemy crickets, Lin Yun himself felt that if he faced alone, there might be a great probability that he would fall completely.

The war was boiling, Lin Yun had felt that the door in the back of his head had burned and burned, and the crack of the door gradually increased, and a very terrible force had come from the other side of the door. It came out.

Laibo's face was a little green, but Lin Yun had already rushed out.

The four-colored brilliance bloomed on the book of death, and the purple dragon incarnation and the giant purple dragon flew from the dragon's staff. Holding the tens of meters of roulette phantom behind Lin Yun, the breath of horror blessed. Lin Yun.

On the side of Lin Yun, the Wheel of Mantra and Mantra of Mantra floated out, instantly transformed from a mortal into a horrible monster, the magic turned into a gushing fountain, and infinite magic poured out from Lin Yun's body. The wave of terror magic spread one after another.

Seeing Lin Yun's movements, Leibo swallowed completely when he got to his mouth, bit his teeth, looked at the alchemists, and shouted at Marianna.

"You are all by my side, don't place an order, this is the last level of your experience this time, as long as you go out, then your experience is complete, there is never a coward in Yinshan Monastery!"

(To be continued)

"You are all by my side, don't place an order, this is the last level of your experience this time, as long as you go out, then your experience is complete, there is never a coward in Yinshan Monastery!"

I watched Lin Yunyi rush to the alchemy uncle without a second thought, and Laibo's heart grew a little uneasy.

遇到 The encounter this time is not the same as the last one. The last encounter was just the four heavenly alchemy urns, and they did not appear at the same time.

The last-level Alchemy 出现, the talent runes on the surface, are not multiple high-level talent runes. Among them, the most threatening spell alchemy 傀儡, the talent runes are only lower-level elemental runes.

But this time, the eight heavenly alchemy urns, the talented runes on the surface, are obviously not low-level goods, especially the two cast alchemy urns, the brilliance of talented runes, has covered the whole body, this is the upper talent Rune sign.

There is no extraordinary power ~ ~ Even if it can break out of the Tier 2 combat power, it will not necessarily kill these alchemy 傀儡 ...

Gao Laibo gritted his teeth, and there was no retreat at this time. Only by killing the alchemy urns, he could leave alive.

On the surface of Laibo's body, the power of life erupted as if it had boiled, but at an instant, it fell back. With the decline of the power of life, the brilliance of the immortal spirit has shrouded to the range of hundreds of meters, and the power of death has filled this area. local.

The life sacrifice song changed from pure black to pure white in an instant, and the powerful power continued to spread, and the deadly breath of immortality became stronger.

Of the six melee alchemy crickets, four were immediately assigned to attack Leib.

The huge alchemy urn, which is four or five meters high, holds two huge swords like stone pillars in his hand, and the brightness of a talented rune on his chest lights up. Instantly, the breath emanating from the huge alchemy urn becomes thick. hòu a little.

If you step out, the ground will tremble fiercely, and the solid ground like the barriers of the world, a crack like a branch of tree spread rapidly.

One of the alchemists 傀儡 waved a great sword and cut to Leibeau. Leibeau dodged once. The second sword must be blocked by the Greatsword.

The white shining sword of life sacrifice, which radiated death, collided with the giant sword that was one meter wide by the giant alchemist, and a transparent shock wave spread out from the collision place.

(To be continued) [].

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